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Precision M4400 Mini-Review + Pictures/ Images, Thoughts! & Questions?

Discussion in 'Dell Latitude, Vostro, and Precision' started by I♥RAM, Sep 15, 2008.

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  1. I♥RAM

    I♥RAM Notebook Deity

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    I wish, but for the hardcore amount of work I do, I don't think a quadcore is going to maybe my life any better for the $770 premium. Look at my specs, I'm confident they're pretty decent enough to run the most monster of programs, especially with how anal I am in keeping my computer BS free and constantly polished (defragged, registry cleaned, manual file deletion, etc.).

    I didn't do much complicated, I just used vLite on my Vista CD to strip off 2 gigabytes of useless files for me (I took off 1GB of language files, removed windows media player, all the accessibility tools for the deaf, blind, etc., and remove every service I didn't need that causes startup time to slow down). Use les's tips and tweaks thread in the Windows OS/Software forum or search if you cant find it. That also helps a computer speed up around 10-30 seconds if done properly and constantly. Theres also tons of tweaks (around 15 total) I found off googling around to different websites. I also use Firefox 64-bit (called Minefield), really do notice the difference from the regular FF :D.

    The decrease in loading time for installing new features is an obvious and inevitable part of most computers. If you install big programs, your OS has more of the hard drive to check. For me personally, I've took a new oath: do not install programs if I'm not going to use them often. I realized in the past I would install so many programs so often because they were cool to have. You have to ask yourself if you're really such a busy guy to use CorelDraw, 3DSM and AutoCAD in this very month, and if you are great, then keep them. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the damage I was doing to my hard drive by making myself feel cooler that I had 100 programs installed :rolleyes: therefore, I have not notice even a 1 second difference in my loading time. The programs I have are: PSCS3, Word/Excel/Powerpoint 2007 (used customized install to remove all other garbage), Visual Studio C++ Express (much lighter than full version), VLC, CCleaner, Regtoy and ESET NOD32.

    Everytime I install one of these, I clean my registry using CCleaner since every install seems to leave registry errors according to CCleaner (always back up registry files into a folder though). My system boot up time is 25 seconds. When Im ready to use AutoCAD2009 for my engineering courses in a few months, I will install it with caution and customization (aka bulls--- stripping). Then I repeat the process of cleaning cleaning cleaning to make sure the install affects my computer times as little as possible.

    Are you overdoing it for the M4400? No! Not at all! I overdid it on a 512MB RAM, intel graphics, 1 core CPU desktop I had. This machine is MADE to handle that kind of work and a ton more. I always say abuse it if they claim its good and when my time comes, I will. And I'll still have a great bootup time and performance.

    As far as the OS goes, I'm not the master on that topic. I dont know if installing Vista will help you but I used to be an XP guy til I tried it and removed all the BS of Vista to make it act like XP (but left Vista's added security in tact). It's fast as hell to me, especially utilizing all 4GB of RAM because of the 64 bit DVD they sent me (and then vLiting it). So research around a lot, find what options you have and see whats good for you. I've reformatted 3 times now since I got it 3 weeks ago, and it's finally perfect :D
  2. beckk10

    beckk10 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Wow thanks RAM for that info..:) :) :)

    Just wondering did you opt for the XP downgrade version with both Vista Business & XP Pro CD given? I got that but couldn't find the serial code sticker for XP Pro though..I've not tried reinstalling using both CDs yet & dont know if you need a serial no for XP Pro CD to install...:confused:
  3. f4ding

    f4ding Laptop Owner

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    LOL. I was just teasing you RAM. Besides, you still can't put 16GB of RAM on it, unlike that new laptop that I heard will be release anytime soon :p :D :D

    I have one question on your vLite stripped Vista installation. What is the size of the installation? Can you get it to go lower than 5GB?
  4. I♥RAM

    I♥RAM Notebook Deity

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    Yeah I chose the option that gave both DVDs. I have a very weird case though, neither one asks for a serial =/

    However, your serial is underneath your battery, try that out. And dont worry about anything, if you bought the M4400 and the cd's are legal, then you're entitled to everything and anything from Dell that will help you install them. Don't sweat it too much.

    Yeah 16GB of RAM + Quad core, I'd be bragging like theres no tomorrow. My pockets won't be though. I only wish I could have quad core, but deep down I know I dont need it :( but if it was cheap I'd automatically snatch it :D

    The size of my vLited Vista Business 64 is 2.2GB
  5. f4ding

    f4ding Laptop Owner

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    2.2GB? That's it? Wow. My XP64 is 3.5GB. Wow.
  6. I♥RAM

    I♥RAM Notebook Deity

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    There's actually some funny problems that arise. My computer is missing a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot of files. Gigabytes worth. Sometimes, Vista gives funny error messages ending with "not found" and I laugh to myself and say "not found indeed". It doesn't know it's been vLited :D
  7. beckk10

    beckk10 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Maybe I'm a bit out of topic here but just wondering what is the best way to take care of your laptop battery.I'm talking about hardcore user who uses his/her laptop as desktop replacement so basically left the unit on for hours & hours. Is it better to:

    1. Set power settings to 'disable battery charging' in the Dell ControlPoint option so basically just run on A/C power without 'disturbing' your battery..

    2. Just left the A/C on & charge the battery endlessly..

    3. Use it with the battery power & only charging it when it becomes low..basically charge & discharge

    Or perhaps there's other tips that could prolong your battery life...any tips guys?? :confused: :) :)
  8. f4ding

    f4ding Laptop Owner

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    Are the errors fatal and crash your machine?
  9. Darth Bane

    Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith

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    How easy is it to replace the ram? The picture looks like the whole bottom is one single piece...
  10. SpeedyMods

    SpeedyMods Notebook Deity

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    The single panel on the bottom of the E-series is the best part. One panel and you have access to anything. :)

    In the E6400 both memory modules are on the underneath as well, so no removal of the keyboard necessary. The E6500 should be the same.

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