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Dell Precision M6700 Owners Thread

Discussion in 'Dell Latitude, Vostro, and Precision' started by Bokeh, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. RCB

    RCB Notebook Deity

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    Uh Oh, :confused:
  2. tijo

    tijo Sacred Blame

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    Oh, the SSDs will stay silent, but the laptop fans won't, no rattling noise from the drives though. :p
  3. Krane

    Krane Notebook Prophet

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    Considering cost difference, that should be the least expectation: LED are more expensive lights too but they're quieter, cooler, use less watts per output and last 10 Xs longer than the ordinary ones. SSDs still need to catch up.
    Programs? That would kinda defeat the purpose, don't you think? This is where all my programs lie, so I can quickly access them. Not much else would make any appreciable difference.

    Still, I have a whisper quiet HGST for storage. Its virtually empty. What do you suggest?
  4. RCB

    RCB Notebook Deity

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    Sure. Maybe this evening or tomorrow morning. I've got the other computer I'll get the back from. It's my significant others, which I won't mind depriving her of since she is making me do home improvements today - wall patch and painting which I hate, so it will be equal punishment. I always threaten to take her SSD and give her my spinner while she's at work, although she would actually notice.

    Which do you prefer: napoleon or inches? Also, is 4 and 5 (a and b) to the bevel or to the absolute edge? (I see 2 to the edge)


    That was intentional I know :) Whew - more sweat than running a marathon. :thumbsup:
    HDD - I can hear it, something like breathing like a warped record player and occasional clinking clanging. An uncommon aberration I'm sure.

    260GB worth of programs seems like a lot.
    I'm the wrong guy to be asking for configuration advice. Many others have much more hardware experience. I mostly just try to help out with software operation and driver behavior problems.
    Although around here I can't help but learn some valuable things.
  5. darkydark

    darkydark Notebook Evangelist

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    Napoleon would be awesome + bevel. But in the end both are fine. Just got myself nice black wooden panel, found old black usb cables that have no use and 4 fans. Hopefully next 20 days of waiting will feel shorter with some "mans" work.

    Only i do not know which fans to use as i have 4 leftover from my desktop rig. Any idea on what to use? Higher cfm + lower static pressure or higher static pressure + lower cfm. I was thinking higher static pressure fans as they will manage to "thrust" more air into notebook itself and all the "leftover" air will be sufficient to cool bottom panel of the notebook.
  6. Krane

    Krane Notebook Prophet

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    LOL, I've got Avid MC, Pro Tools, Adobe Master Suite, Autodesk Entertainment Suite, just to name a few. Its not that bad with just the programs, but all their ancillaries and plug-in that I didn't anticipate that add the bulk. They all fit for now, the problem is over provisioning space.

    To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how it works, but I'm reasonably sure its not enough. Especially since I have several more programs I still intend to add.
  7. zergslayer69

    zergslayer69 Liquid Hz

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    Sorry to pop into this thread out of nowhere. Just have a few hopefully quick questions before I drop some big money on a m6700.

    1. Is there an "ideal" IPS RGB panel that you want to get? For the m6600 I think the AUO was the best panel for the non IPS screens while the chimei (or whatever the company was) was the worst one to get. Does something similar apply to the m6700 IPS screens?

    2. Does optimus work with IPS? I think I read a while back it didn't work on the m6600 or some other laptop where if you got IPS then graphics switching is locked out.

    3. Speaking of optimus, is it possible to have your computer lock into integrated graphics only? On the alienware m18x there's a nifty feature where you reboot the system into integrated mode where it locks the system into the intel graphics so that you get maximum battery life without the hassle of the computer switching on you.

    4. And lastly, not really m6700 specific, but I'm thinking of picking up a dock along with this computer. Any particular one that's recommended? And most importantly, can I boot up the computer via dock without having to open the screen?
  8. RCB

    RCB Notebook Deity

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    Sorry couldn't read the ruler in metric as it was too worn and scratched but here are the measurements in standard:

    Go here for updated /corrected readings:

    I'm not an engineer. I would think you don't want to force in too much dust either. There's probably a balance - just have to find it.
  9. darkydark

    darkydark Notebook Evangelist

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    I'm used to opening and cleaning notebooks so dust is not an issue. I've been cleaning notebooks for 8 years now for as budget hole filler. One of reasons for goig with m6600 was easy access to the fans and radiators :) cool and clean laptop is a happy laptop. Now i onpy need a couple switches so i dont have to unplug usb out everytime i want em off.

    Thank you for your time and answer.
  10. RCB

    RCB Notebook Deity

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    Well that is a lot of software you have there. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you're gonna need an SSD piggy bank. At this rate plan/save for 2 X 512GB.

    Tijo posted some very good links awhile back. It takes some time and rereading to understand them. Part of what we discussed is TRIM; Which I carelessly lumped in as an optimizer. Optimizers reduce Windows own excessive writes, one example is it turns off defrag because it doesn't do anything beneficial for an SSD.
    Essentially you cannot just overwrite/modify data in the same pages on an SSD, the opposite of what is done within an HDD. Every modification/save to a file requires all the pages to be rewritten. An over wearing deterioration can occur if there's no free space and, also, delays because it gets backed up with processes (like clearing) that must occur first. Over-provisioning just fences this area off and the newer SSD's recognize it and use it for those processes, (it's just unpartitioned/unallocated space at the end of the drive.) It should have at least 7% and I don't think it would be a good idea to write heavy to it being as full as it is.

    They can take a beating with the right maintenance.

    Support and Q&A for Solid-State Drives - Engineering Windows 7 - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

    Here it is:

    and the link within: The SSD Anthology: Understanding SSDs and New Drives from OCZ

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