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M6600 Owners Thread

Discussion in 'Dell Latitude, Vostro, and Precision' started by tomcom2k, May 23, 2011.

  1. baii

    baii Sone

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    680m have optimus, so if you use the normal 1080p, you will get much better battery life.

    I think the IPS upgrade is still doable (actually easier since people are selling the interpose now), but I wouldn't really recommend it due to the price and panel defects.

    M6600 has One type of CPU heatsink only iirc.

    Don't really need a cooler for this machine. :thumbsup:
  2. joshwaan2k

    joshwaan2k Notebook Guru

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    Thanks heaps for getting back to me really excited about owning a M6600 :)

    Wicked so the 680M or the 675M what ever cheaper I'll get :)
    Thanks for letting me know about the IPS what's the best screen I can get for it for colours and blacks that 1080P?
    What sort of battery life is it playing a game like borderlands 2 do I need the battery dock 97Wh is I plan on playing for say 2 or 3 hours?

    Oh and more upgrades I'll do put a SSD in it and 1.35V 8GB memory also :)


  3. HumanComputer

    HumanComputer Notebook Guru

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    Battery dock isn't compatible with M6600 sadly, only with M6700 and later.

    I'm not sure what battery life you'll get from playing a game like Borderlands 2 with nVidia graphics cards, my battery when it was new lasted around 40 minutes or something like that while playing Saints Row 3 with the M8900 graphics card (highest settings). When not gaming, I'd probably get around 1.5 hours of battery life.

    After more than a year of use, sometimes having drained the battery to 0% by accidentally unplugging the charger, my battery holds a charge for about 3 minutes or less, even while doing nothing, and then it goes down to 0% turning off. It goes from 100%, and then if you unplug it for even a few seconds, it goes down to like 70% or something, crazy. So that's why I ordered a new battery.

    If they are around the same price, maybe even a $100-$200 difference, get the 680m, it's no contest the 680m blows 675m out of the water. It's a really good graphics card even today, at one point it was the best mobile graphics card in the world and today it's still really good.

    How do you know what graphics cards can fit inside of the machine by the way? I might choose to upgrade mine in the future. And can you change from an AMD graphics card into an nvidia graphics card easily? Can you put in the latest 2014 laptop graphics cards into this 2011 flagship? I know the answers to these questions if it were a desktop computer but not for laptop.
  4. darkydark

    darkydark Notebook Evangelist

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    You dont know which gpu goes in. No one knew, but there were members of this forum who made leap of faith and did some testing. I believe I came across posts where people successfully installed 7970M, 675M, 680M, 670MX. Some1 was complaining about 780M not working, but dont remember how that story ended. If Dell didnt replace my M8900 with M6100 I would be thinking about 680M. But m6100 offers superb performance for 0$ investment :)
    WaNaWe900 likes this.
  5. HumanComputer

    HumanComputer Notebook Guru

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    Lucky, that's an m6800 graphics card inside of an m6600.

    So is it easy to replace a laptop graphics card? Can you replace an AMD graphics card with an nvidia graphics card easily? I'm just looking through graphics card parts online, it looks like plug and play pretty much.
  6. darkydark

    darkydark Notebook Evangelist

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    It is easy, there is service manual that can guide trough the entire proces.

    Only tricky part is getting thermalpads the right way and on all things that need cooling.
  7. daicharade1

    daicharade1 Notebook Consultant

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    Is it normal for the temperature sensors to report a high temperature when the GPU is on full load and then immediately drop down temps when it goes to idle mode? For instance the reported temperature is ~50-55Cs across all four cores at startup or a video etc. ( the shader though is always higher than others), but will drop down drastically (10-12Cs) in a second when the lower modes of the GPU are engaged.
  8. RobAGD

    RobAGD Notebook Enthusiast

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    Well a fun little update after year and 4 month I had my fist serious issue with the 6600.

    I have had a few small issue that have been dealt with Dell support and so far it has been a decent experience.

    This go around I had some weirdness when my screen blinked and the screen was moved over by 1/2 so the "edged" of the screen were in the middle. Everything worked just wasn't right. Rebooted the machine and all was good for a day.

    Then it blinked again and never recovered, and wouldn't post.

    Did the tech support dance of power up with D pressed to run a test on the LCD, It passed that and with an external monitor it would post.

    Then I had to tear it all down to the cable and "reseat" it, no dice.

    So the rep send out a tech with a new MB and a LCD cable/Back panel, I ask him to please send along a Vid card as I needed to get the laptop up asap.

    No dice, tech comes and installs the MB and Rear panel and guess what NO dice :) lol

    So next tech comes out with new Video card and Heat sink assembly.

    Well the problem starts when the tech asks if he can use my shop pc to look on youtube, I walk over and he didn't have all the screws out and he was yanking like hell on the palm rest. I flip it over pull out the HD's and remove the 2 screws he missed, then later help him remove the Video and processor sinks. Dude was killing me. He was going to install the new sink w/o the thermal pads that stuck to the inside of the bag :/ and his application of the thermal paste on the CPU was like watching a 3 year old kid finger paint.

    He got it assembled, and it posted and he went missing so fast that he didn't update the display settings, update the video drivers or check if anything else was wrong.

    So he is what was removed :


    This is what was installed :


    They are not the same by any means from the FirePro 8900 to I THINK an FirePro 61xx I should have looked more closely,

    So I am having some driver issues, Windows only see's it as a generic vga adapter. So working on that.

    Anyone here get a Card replacement like this one ?

  9. baii

    baii Sone

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    They do have red pcb m8900, but by the look of the dice(smaller), it should be m6100. You can just google the code on the die~
  10. daicharade1

    daicharade1 Notebook Consultant

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    I was playing Watchdogs with HWinfo running in the background. After the game I checked the temps I was getting and noticed something wierd. The highest CPU frequency reported was 4.1ghz which I thought was probably an error but then I saw the voltage and CPU package wattage and that got me concerned.


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