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M6600 Owners Thread

Discussion in 'Dell Latitude, Vostro, and Precision' started by tomcom2k, May 23, 2011.

  1. IT_Architect

    IT_Architect Notebook Guru

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    My problem is I want the touch screen, but Dell isn't supplying it on the M6600 nor the M6700. They can't tell me what they would replace mine with so I came here to see what other people received as a replacement.

    I've written languages and databases before there were good ones you could buy. I can tell you a lot more happens then you think. I'll start with the simplest type of flat file system.
    - The data file at a minimum contains a header with the data file version, the open, closed, and access status information, the record length, page size, the pointer to the first record of the in-use records, and the fourth contains the pointer to the first record in the free list. The next area describes the column names, types, and sizes for each element in the row. Optionally, the index information will also be included in the header which includes the name of the index, the type, unique or non-unique, the columns and sort orders that make up the index. (Actually there is no such thing as a non-unique index. When the data field combination for an index is not unique, the record number is appended, which makes it unique.) When you open the data file, the size of the header is calculated and may be padded out to the page size. The page size is usually tuned to be a multiple of the sector size. The size of the header becomes the header offset, so when you read record number 10, you add the header offset to the record size times the record number minus 1, and read the next record size of bytes into a structure. The header told you what is where in the row.
    - The row contains more than just the data. Usually the first byte contains the status byte for the row. This can be active, I used 0, or deleted, I used 255. There will also be a previous and next record pointer to record the row's position in the linked list of active or free records.
    Note: Actually, the File Allocation Table (FAT) used in operating system directories to track files doesn't work that different. If you've ever deleted a file, and tried to get it back, it wanted to know the first character of the file name. That's because it was overwritten with a 255.
    - You can see from this information that you can read, check the integrity off the file, and rebuild the indexes based on the information contained in the header.
    - You can also see that if you delete a row, the row doesn't actually disappear. The status byte is set to 255, the previous and next pointers in the other rows need to change their previous and next next pointers to remove it from the active list, a next pointer in the free list gets its record updated, and next free record in the free list in the header is updated to the newly deleted record. Next, the index records are deleted for the row.
    - If you change one field in a row, every index that field is a part of needs to be changed. Indexes are busier than data files because they are sorted in a particular order and hashed.
    - Database record boundaries are not disk sector boundaries, so it is possible that changing one field, even though it is not part of an index, will change more than one sector. Also, many flat file databases work at the row level only, so the entire row is written back to disk, even if only one field/column has changed.

    This explanation shows that even for a simple flat file database, while the entire file is not rewritten, more areas change than you might think during a simple update or delete. Variable length databases, such as Abscess, are constantly moving things around to create "air" in the file so that when you change the length of a filed in a row, the entire file does not have to be re-written. A lot more happens when you start talking about an RDBMS such as MSSQL, Oracle, etc. where queues need to be maintained for each connection.

    We use SLCs in our production servers, but the ones you get for your laptops will be MLCs. However, just because the life of the SSD MLC is somewhat predictable, it doesn't necessarily follow that the mechanical drive will last longer. Here is where the technology of the MLC drive makes a huge difference. Last I checked, the one to beat in the drive life area was the Micron/Intel MLCs.

    If the reason you are using an MLC is speed of a database, it might not bring nearly the real-world benefit you were hoping for. People will agree that most disk activity is read. However, most of the time, reads are from RAM. Anything written needs to make it to disk, and with a database, a lot more happens on a write than the data that was changed by the user. It's the disk writes where SSDs save the time. They also shine on initial boot ups and programs that swap in and out DLLs, but once programs are up and running, they contribute little. On one extremely busy server, I've actually swapped out their RAID-0 SLCs for a RAID-10 SATA for disk space reasons. There was no perceptible change in performance. There is a huge difference between real-world and bench marks. It's ALWAYS disk writes, not reads, that impact performance. More mileage comes from matching the indexes and memory to queries than anything else. When a database can't find an index it can use it does what is called a table scan. A table scan is more than a scan, it creates a temporary file and sorts it. If you're doing table scans all the time, then SSDs can help, but it won't even come close to a properly designed app and database running on even single mechanical drive.
  2. RCB

    RCB Notebook Deity

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    Which manufacturer currently, AUO? I think that is the one you'd want for touch display. If you can know for sure what is desired you can specify "No Substitutes", however, if they have none in stock it won't help much if you're down. It is really quite unfortunate that there is even an issue with these displays and some noisy keyboards - it's like they're given lower status than the rest of the box.

    Thanks for the detailed info on databases. I didn't buy the second SSD for the database - it became an afterthought quickly though. It's just an MS Access RDBMS file, not a dedicated SQL drive/partition. Also, it's been mentioned elsewhere that SSD's aren't that great for programming, i.e., building the front-end since form and code changes have to be saved to disk before they can be tested.
    I may make manual changes to a hundred records a day. Where it didn't hurt (except performance) to be a little sloppy using HDD, with the SSD I'll need to be more conscientious regarding indexes and relationships. I think I'll move the file to an external HDD for some design changes. As well I should probably move some tables back into separate files.

    Much appreciated. This is info that at my level of knowledge and need is difficult to gather together.

    EDIT: Also, I think I'm going to use the compact/repair operation sparingly.
  3. IT_Architect

    IT_Architect Notebook Guru

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    No clue. All I know is I like the screen and it works great. My problem with their offer is saying that I might not get a touch screen back, but they said, "Don't worry, we'll give you something that is the equivalent or better." I bought it to demonstrate demonstrate Windows 8. I bought with a touch screen, blue ray, fingerprint reader, and lighted keyboard as I often work in diminished lighting situations. I'm not willing to gamble on those who don't know my requirements, perhaps delivering a machine with a faster processor and missing half of what I need.
    I like that arrangement better as well. I use that on RDBMSs where possible as well. It's nice to get your space back when you delete a large table or when you need to make a temporary large table. The biggest advantage of all in one is fewer file handles, but operating systems these days can handle it fine. It also lets you move things to different spindles for performance.

    The reason I use SSD on my laptop is for development in that it lets me launch apps and tools fast. The three factors that affect life time are:
    - The drive quality itself
    - Usage volume
    - How full the drive is on average.
    Dell said that if it won't last for 5 years of normal use, they weren't interested. At that time they would only last 2 or 3 years. Then Micron/Intel showed up with an MLC that would work for 10 years of normal usage. Average for a mechanical is 7 years, and I doubt it is anywhere near that good in a laptop. I decided I'm not going to think if them as any different than any other hard drive I've ever had, and if it chokes, it chokes. I've had hard drives choke on me after a year and a half. So far, I haven't had any problems that a firmware update hasn't fixed, but the drive has only been in use approximately a year and three months.
  4. myx

    myx Notebook Deity

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    Is there any way to update bios without a working battery?
  5. RCB

    RCB Notebook Deity

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    I'm almost certain the Touch display is AUOptronics. If you can't get it replaced then I would push for their guaranty of equal or better replacement machine including everything you had originally. Dell is really good about honoring those commitments. If you get hassled just complain higher up the ladder. An LCD changeover has some complications: Lid thicknesses, cable requirements and video limitations depending on which LCD is chosen for replacement. You probably already know all this so I'm writing just to be supportive. Oh and BTW, I love my RGBLED especially after time working on the other one - WLED.

    There's a lot of opinion about best practices and optimization with OS/SSD and Data/HDD, Not much for SSD/SSD. Since SSD are fairly new, and have been improving, still isn't much info about consumer databases and best practices. I do lack formal training in database design and often resort to trial and error. In the end I'll just have to hope (have faith) that the MS Access database engine and Outlook engine isn't overly destructive with writes beyond what I may do with my own ignorance and negligence.

    Before I heard about over-provisioning it was my opinion that filling-up an SSD and providing only small space for new writes is probably the worst thing that can be done to it. Luckily I'm not a software/data hoarder so as soon as I found out that the SSD could use the OP, I immediately set out to calculate the best setup. I'm after speed and durability for writes and could afford 30% dedicated OP so that is what I have now on both. Archives are kept on an external HDD and backed up as well.


    There is just something wrong with this requirement.
    You don't have a functioning battery? What BIOS do you have now?
  6. myx

    myx Notebook Deity

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    As stated on one of my previous posts, last week while changing the mobo, the new mobo I got doesnt recognize the battery as installed (the dell diagnostics sees the battery but bios and windows dont detect it).

    While I'm waiting for a new mobo to show up (as they are out of stock atm) I was thinking to upgrade the bios from installed A12 to latest.
  7. RCB

    RCB Notebook Deity

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    Outa luck then. It wants the battery present and recognizable for whatever reason.

    I think the BIOS A13 is a great update. So is the new ControlVault firmware especially for DDPA and fingerprint reader.
  8. RCB

    RCB Notebook Deity

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    I got to thinking about the requirement for the battery be installed in order to update the BIOS.

    The only logical thing that crossed my mind was how easily the power plug can pull out from the back. Battery is probably required just in case that were to happen.
    Losing power would be an immediate irrecoverable error - a bricking.
  9. darkydark

    darkydark Notebook Evangelist

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    And yet another CMI arrived to Croatia - this time i declined replacement and demanded either LG or AUO because I'm so sick and tired of talking over the phone...
  10. IT_Architect

    IT_Architect Notebook Guru

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    This one is fixed now. They replaced video, motherboard, and processor. Hopefully that will be the end, but it has been repaired from crippling faults 6 times in 15 months, requiring 8 visits to repair because twice they sent the wrong video card, which couldn't be ascertained until it was installed. The screws have been in and out so many times, their going to have to start sending Heli-Coils. Concerning swaps and depot repair, the tech said they rebuild them and it comes from that pool. What is different is if you send yours in, you get yours back, but you will be without your laptop for typically one week. Either way, I would incur backup and restore penalties. The only way they could get my interest in a swap and go through all of that is if it were and M6600 or M6700 guaranteed to have at least the same features, and at least at the same level as I have now.

    This machine has left me living in fear and uncertainty. Over the weekend I had a server go down, but the tools were on my M6600, so I didn't get the warning, and afterward I had to install tools and research the IP addresses to put in the tools before I could work on the server and get it back running again. The time before last, it choked when there was a big meeting set up with the president and and staff off a large corporation (advertises a lot on TV), and I was the key player. Due to filters to contacting them directly, I couldn't even inform them of the problem before the meeting. When you waste their time, it is a major issue. They want to reschedule. Before I could respond, it went down again. I'm now completing the setup and replication so I can mount it on another computer for when this happens again. I've never had to do anything like this.

    Next time, I will take your advice and go higher up the chain. I'd even throw money at it to upgrade to the latest. This computer has cost me more than double due to lost time. It's better that I got one like this than a customer. For them, it would define Dell quality, and influence their future decisions, and others in their sphere of influence. For me, I've sold over 600 Dells, including Precisions, with very few issues. I must be pretty close to having Dell come in as many times for this machine as the other 600 combined.

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