Thanks for your reply, I hope it is just a matter of changing or re-pasting the thermal compound.. what I don't really want is a faulty heat pipe.
I can't re-paste at the moment as high-end thermal compounds are not available where I live currently so I must order from Amazon - well, unless i could reuse the existing paste on the gpu :*
so your laptop now is a mini-kitchen aswell...
Pretty handy when being on a camping trip...
But does nVidia cards in generel become a bit hotter than the highend cards from AMD? ..... charz there can be many variables to consider, the heat might transfer poorly from the card to the cooling solution! and therefore stays inside the system! -
Can't wait for testing with 3dmark vantage and see the results once I finish work.. looks like I'll have to check the paste work. -
i just ordered a tube -
Anthony@MALIBAL Company Representative
If it is, try a repaste or contact us directly as you bought it from us -
Hello everyone, i have noticed that there has been a lot of talk about heat on these machines the past month, and about thermal compounds, paste and stuff...
To try to sum it all up, does anyone know if anyone on the net has been trying to test all the "most well-known" thermal pastes out there? which ones provide the lowest temps!
Some say that IC7 is best, some say some of the other are best, but it is a fact there are many types of thermal paste out there!
Perhaps its time for a real test! - what thermal paste will give the lowest temps... -
J.P.@XoticPC Company Representative
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
ICD Thermal Compond has been a favorite here on the Sager-Clevo forums for a while now. Getting a tube for under $10.00, it is cost effective too.
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I have actually ran 3d mark vantage and my gpu temps reached a peak of 92c during the test. I then decided to do a re-paste and tested again. this time my gpu temps reached 86c which is one the high side I guess. Btw, my room temp is around 22c. the heat pipe seams to be ok but there is something about the fan; it runs quitely and only speeds up at around 70c and reach maximum speed when temp is higher than 85c! could this be related to the vbios? - mine is should there be udated version with better fan control? -
and i can understand that its fairly good, and has a good price
but i have never seen anyone putting it to the test against the other cheaper pastes! is it really that much better?
Perhaps all the pastes pretty much give the same tempsdifficult to say, but yes a quality product!
@ Delpan,check below links, quite informative..
80-way Thermal Interface Material Performance Test | Thermal Interface Material,Thermal Paste,Heatsink Compound,80-Way Thermal Interface Material Best Thermal Paste Heatsink Compound Cooling Performance Comparison Benchmark Tests
Thermal paste roundup (8-way) - - -
this is awesome! all the info i was looking for!
How nice, I got a cheap USB keyboard at the thrift store and now I can bang away without feeling like I am going to damage the laptop. Never have liked the chiclet keyboards. Now, to find that 46in LCD so I can hang that on the wall and really be set ...
K, what settings can I start putting lower in BF3, my poor ati 6970 is pulling 28fps outside (22fps in high action) and around 35fps inside all on settings below.
off motion blur and off antialiasing post. shadow make it medium. both terrain medium. anisotrophic filter either 4 or off.
Anthony@MALIBAL Company Representative
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
_ -
I just ordered my system yesterday. Needless to say I'm looking forward to running it through it's paces. I'd be happy to run any tests you guys want when it comes in. Until then, perhaps someone with a similar build can answer a question for me.
Can I get 3D to work with my configuration? AMD's site says the card will do 3D movies but not games yet. Any suggestions on doing this?
Also, I haven't been able to find any reviews of my display panel. Can anyone provide a link or if they have this panel, share your impressions?
Thanks! -
Ok i just installed the AUO B173HW01 V.4 LCD Display today.
I paid $200 for the LCD and $75 for the Dead Pixel Warranty. The display has no stuck or dead pixelsI bought it from Malibal. Great customer service by the way. And fast shipping.
It was a pretty easy install. The flat LCD connector is a little tricky but pretty basic. Right off the bat I noticed it was brighter and more colorful.
Honestly my Hannstar looked pretty damn amazing. I'm definitely happy with this new LCD but I dont no if it's worth the $$. Maybe after I calibrate it and use it more I will think otherwise. I used the Nvidia Control Panel and the Windows calibration tool under "Displays" to calibrate it.
Here are a few pics. You really cant tell a huge difference but I posted them anyways.
Stock Hannstar LCD
$275 sounds awful for a display..
I have a 15 incher, but I upgraded from the stock to 95% gamut for $90. (Yes, not initial, after 2 months or so)
That seems to be way too much.. -
honnestly my Hannstar looks almost as good as the AUO. The AUO is just brighter and has more color. I just had to have it. For the guys who have the old LG panels in their laptops it's a great upgrade.
Come to think of it, I guess the price difference is actually equal for me as well..
It may be that they just did the upgrade for me and took the original panel. -
actually if you think about it, if you upgrade the panel when the laptop is built they should box the original one up and send it to you.
Re the high temps people have been discussing about here...i would like to post my stats... I get 38-41 degrees idling, ~65 when playing SC2 on ultra with 1360x768 (max 24" monitor can do). Temps go up to max 71 when using a mild OC (830/1660/1285). This is without a cooler (its coming) but with IC diamond added at the factory...
I see if like this - If the stock screen for example costs $100, the hannistar $300 (example prices), they are keeping the stock screen and giving you $100 off the hannistar. They'll sell the stock screen somewhere else. Basically an upgrade is just that - you are paying more for something better and getting it installed as part of the build. You're not getting 2 for one. BUt if you told them you wanted the stock screen too, they'd bill you the whole price for adding a hannistar/better model screen and send it along in its own box. Make sense? -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
animatrix is right, its jut like upgrading any other part of the comptuer (HDD, RAM, CPU, etc) The original part is kept while there is a credit build in for it in the price of the upgrade.
In my case I bought a brand new Sager 8170 with a stock Hannstar LCD and after a few weeks ordered a AUO V.4 LCD for the same price as they sell it on their website. Now I have 2 LCD's. I can now sell the one I'm not using.
handsome rob, there are 2 version, the v4 and v5 lcd, any idea what is the difference between them?
yep read it in the another thread, thanks for the info
This evening, my GPU temps were surprisingly much better than I expected; Portal 2 in 3dvision and max settings did not exceed 69-70c while in vantage I got a maximum of 82c. Even Furmark did not score higher than 89c!
Maybe my last ICD7 re-paste has reached stable setting after few cycles of heat and cold, or did the ic sensors and fans work correctly now?
Anyway, I feel relieved at the moment, hope I could yield the same stability for every re-paste I do in the future.
BTW, the system and the 120hz 3d screen truly rock -
its also a very powerful machine you've got there.. a very nice machine..
I guess it sometimes take a couple of runs with the system, to get the paste give stable results! -
yea, I guess this IC diamond thing has a mood. -
Those of you with 485M's what drivers are you running?
Sager and I cant figure out why my GPU voltage sits at 1.0v while on my desktop. This is why my idle temps are so high. I believe its suppose to kick down my GPU voltage to 0.85v while in 2D mode.
Can someone check to see what bios they are running on your GPU so I can compare?
Thanks -
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
The latest posted drivers on Nvidia site have worked fine for the 485M.
- -
I talked to Allen through email. I fixed the problem.
I'm so excited lol. I was messing with the battery settings and the 3D settings in the control panel and it all of a sudden dropped my voltage to .85v
Thanks to everyone who helped. My Shin Etsu paste job puts my GPU idle at 36-40C. Not too shabby. I don't think ICD7 can beat that. Or can it? -
Here are my current temps at idle while browsing, ambient at 72 F( thermostat isn't in Celsius, sorry) The GPU can be often around 40, up to 46, but usually low.
Getawayfrommelucas Notebook Evangelist
question regarding the usb 3.o and the esata port, does it support if i have a hdd docking bay that has 4 hdd on it??
if not can it s/w or firmware upgrade it? -
Manage 3D Settings>Power Management Mode>And I set it to Adaptive instead of Prefer Maximum performance. After changing these settings the computer needs a reboot for changes to take effect.
Nvidia Control Panel was actually the first thing I checked when I originally noticed my high idle temps.(1.0v instead of 0.85v). I toggled between "Adaptive" and "Prefer Maximum Performance" but noticed no changes in voltage right away. So I immediately rulled that out as the problem. But what threw me off was, I never rebooted my computer for these changes to take effect.
Everything now runs great and I currently am sitting at 39C with 0.85v in my desktop.Thanks to everyone who helped me troubleshoot this.
I'm going to still do a repaste and try ICD7 instead of Shin Etsu X23.
Hopefully I can get the Idle and Load temps to drop 2-3C from where they are at now.
By the way this 485M card can easily be overclocked!! I'm very happy with the power of this GPU
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
_ -
My room is 24C. I idle at 39C. When I bring up Firefox I go to 46C. With Eon software's Vue 9, I am at 57C
Anthony@MALIBAL Company Representative
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
_ -
+Rep for a good joke to keep me awake! -
My room is usually at 26C to 30C and it feels really HOT I wonder how low will my computer idle
*** Official Sager NP8170/Clevo P170HM Owners Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Riddhy916, Jan 8, 2011.