Read the NVidia support forums. I haven't tried it myself yet but the impression they give is that you *cannot* use current drivers on 8.1, and the new beta that works with 8.1 is buggy-to-unusable for the 760/765/770/780M series (the low-end 7XX are apparently fine).
Mine's finally arrived
I underclocked and such as discussed in this topic, temps are pretty good! -
Nice! My only solution in getting mid temps is to limit the fps to 60 using Nvidia Inspector.
Did anyone get their w230st with the 37 watt 4702mq?
What are the temps after 3dmark11 or several minutes of gaming? -
After severall minutes of gaming in BF3 temperatures reach 90C in CPU and 75GPU. Enable frame limit to 45FPS and undervolting CPU -70mV lower temp to about 70C -
I'm jumping ship and sending this back for a refund
I bought this laptop to replace my MSI GT60 which had some speaker static noise issue and missed keystrokes on the space bar which MSI is taking over 6 months and 6+ RMAs to fix, and is still in for RMA currently. In all this time they took, Haswell was released...
I don't play graphic intensive games as often as before so I was okay for the downgrade in hardware. (680m -> 765m)
The Good
Portable/Good size
Good power in small chassis and also small power brick
Decent price
Around the same price has the GE60/GE70.
Spacebar misses
Seems like chiclet keyboard are known for the issues with missed keystrokes around the corners. Also depends on the way you type. It's better than the GT60, but I still miss around 4-5 times a day.
Speaker issue
I'm experiencing static noise from speaker even with this laptop. Unable to find the cause. Doesn't seem software related. My cousin brought his MSI GE70 to my house but he doesn't seem to have any issues, and doesn't seem to be an issue with the oulet that I'm using.
See new video:
Sager 7330 Speaker Static 2 - YouTube
Sound quality
10x worse than GT60 speakers
High CPU temperatures
High CPU temps during gaming. During Idle, my CPU fan doesn't seem to kick in if dGPU is not used until CPU hits like 75C.
Fan profile
No words needed
Battery life
Battery life wasn't a concern for me, but I was hoping at least better than the GT60. It is like less than 3 hours when surfing the web.
Backlight bleed
See attached picture. I increased one picture's exposure with photoshop because the camera doesn't do a good job capturing it.
Fan grinding noise
I also started experiencing the grinding noise recently
Headphone whine
As someone else stated in this thread, when USB is plugged in on the left side, there seems to be some high pitch whining when using heapdhones in the audio jack. Not sure if this is the case for other laptops.
It seems like the W230ST has more quirks than my GT60, so before I make the same mistake as my GT60 of getting RMA (and missing full refund period) instead of refund/exchange, I'm going to refund it.
I hope this doesn't scare people too much. This is still a great laptop and these quirks don't affect gaming too much, but I've decided that this laptop isn't for me. -
Looks like you got a lemon for sure. Mine has one defect only - a little pinkie-sized "smudge" that you can see on very dark backgrounds. The rest works so well that I'm just going to keep it. I may inquire about getting another screen shipped out, but no way am I going to send it in just for that tiny problem.
BTW- a $13 laptop cooler works wonders for temps. Dropped all of mine by 10C - idle and load.
I hit 90C even after repasting and using this cooler. -
I wonder if a 4702mq with an ic diamond paste will get the cpu temps around the mid 80 celcius because my 4700mq is reaching 99c on 3dmark 11 and 2-3 minutes in Crysis and it races to 99c WTH.
While Amal's 4700mq with similar spec and conditions as mine, his cpu temps reaches max temps of 87c. That is not fair -
My HDD (7200rpm) just reached 52c today while i'm downloading big files. I'm not sure about the ambient temp though because I turned off the air conditioner in my room.
Is someone experiencing this too? -
Wow, that's high. I'm using a notebook cooler. Thanks for the info.
Ah! So I've noticed the whine that was mentioned above.
When I plug my cooler into that usb port, the headphones have an awfull whine. However, when I use my wireless mouse, it's fine. I can just use that port for the mouse, but why is it happening and why some devices? Is it the cord? -
I don't know why but lots of people are freaking out about temp.
In W23OST's case, of course you are going to reach near 100c. It's got 45w TDP quad-core cpu with 50 ~ 75w GPU cooled by a small single fan. It's going to get hot. But as long as that heat does not reach you via palmrest and the laptop functions normal, there is no issue. Trying to decrease the temp by few degrees won't change anything in the grand theme of things for the laptop. -
I added a 1TB 7mm WD hdd to my 8250-S and noticed that it was ALWAYS cooler than the stock 7200 Seagate by about 8-10C.
Secondly I was roundly informed in the 8250 owner's thread that Seagate drives normally ran warmer.
Third my 7330 shipped, again, with a seagate hdd. (Usually I try to avoid seagate in preference for WD.)
So, on my 7330, idle hdd is usually around 47C, and according to smart max temp was 57C so far in c. 75F ambient conditions on xslim nb cooler(fan not running).
Anyways didn't break anything requiring a fresh install yet.
Have startisback in right now, and kind of liking it enough that $2 for 2 licenses is an OK deal. On the pluses I like that it's leveraging actual M$ code as much as possible, and just have the general feeling that it'll more reliably cleanly install and uninstall than the second option that I had been considering: classic shell. I just ran into too many reports of classic shell not installing, half installing, no uninstalling cleanly, etc. that I've decided to give it a skip for now.
Reduced core and cache voltage by ~ -90mV each, and reduced 3/4 core multi to 34 for the time being. Running stress tests, rarely cracks 80C and not for very long, mostly stays 76-78C under load. This is via XTU and using the builtin stress test. I'll check idle temps later, as I wanted to see if -90mV was going to be reliable first. (This is on an xslim cooler, fan not on, c. 76F ambient.)
...and thats about I ended up doing with it this morning.
Did some poking at 7260 & drivers plus looking up some info, but decided against too much experimentation ATM as I prefer to have working networking for the time being.
I still loathe metro, and still STRONGLY maintain that Woz was completely stoned out of his gourd when he claim that it was "good", as it's the only way that I could understand him making such a silly staatement. -
Normal operating temperature for a notebook hard drive is below 60C. Low 50's is a little warm but nothing to be concerned with.
I've been using this new system for a couple of hours now, no time to try gaming yet but I've gotten most of my "usual" programs and things installed.
The only issue I've had is that several times I've gone to load a web page and gotten "no connection". I check my wifi icon and it has full bars, but shows "No Internet". If I switch to Airplane Mode and back, it clears right up, but I shouldn't have to do that.
Does anybody else have this? Is there anything I can do about it? -
Achusaysblessyou eecs geek ftw :D
Maybe I missed this but has anybody with the np7330 using a 4702 CPU posted their max temps under load. Maybe even try to undervolt the 4702 CPU and stress test it and post max temp under load for those of us on the fence.
Thanks in advance. -
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2 -
Just to share how it looks like playing games on a 1366x768 resolution on this little beast.
A comparison of Native resolution to 1366x768.
Quite a minor blurry, which shouldn't impact much on gaming experience.
Love the display.
Sample :
1920x1080 Resolution :
Original phone camera size image for the 1920x1080 :
1366x768 Resolution :
Original phone camera size image for the 1366x768 : -
I have been debating on ordering a 4702MQ to replace my 4800MQ, but I do like having the flexibility for faster CPU tasks, but in reality I have a desktop and a fast 15" notebook for that. So I may order the 4702MQ and let you all know.
I put some benchmark result with 4702mq there.
So my computer's coming tomorrow!
It'll be stock specs (i7-4700MQ, 8gb, 750gb) in addition to the AC 7260 wifi card. Are there any other tests left to perform, or anything we haven't seen yet? Please lemme know, and I'll be glad to give it a try, so long as it's not putting my computer through any kind of multi-hour long stress test or burning, haha.
FYI, I'll be running SC2:HOTS and League of Legends on it asap, so I'll probably post about that first, including some temps/fps/screenshots using my HTC One. I'll try it with and without the Cooler Master X-Slim cooler I got the other day, and will also do a repaste with IC Diamond 24 and show before and after temps with those game tests too.
P.S., I own both W7 Ultimate and W8 Ultimate (upgrade disc). Any suggestions on which I should install for a smooth installation? IIRC, someone said something along the lines of recommending against doing an upgrade to W8 cuz of instability or something? -
Is there a guide to using XTU to underclock the 4700? And how hard will it hit performance and what will it affect?
I'd like to know if you guys think I have a virus based on the following information:
I closed my laptop and left my room a few hours ago. I come back and the fan is blowing very loud (while the computer is still closed) and when I proceed to open the computer, the screen stays asleep and the fan continues to run.
I did a hard shut down by holding down the power button and when I chose "boot normally" instead of safe mode, I typed my password to log into windows and after a couple seconds I got a blue screen of death. Couldn't tell what the issue was though. -
Is anyone else's machine having the fan turn on every few seconds on battery? I don't mean the pulsing but a slight hum that seems to happen frequently
Have you got any other mods on your laptop - undervolting, overclocking, etc? Did this start happening recently? Had you installed any new software just before it started happening?
P. -
^ Turns out I just had an incompatible nVidia driver installed, but my GPU couldn't handle it.
Oy, I'm hoping to upgrade these GPU drivers soon. -
Based on past experience (talking to Wingnut here, for sure), how long before Clevo/Sager send out a 1st rev of the BIOS? As an experiment, I went back to using my trusty old Acer 4820TG and it was so much more pleasant from a fan standpoint (although the LCD was shockingly horrible in comparison).
Specifically, it ran the fan at a slow, steady rate which kept temps low and was inaudible. It didn't just sit there doing nothing, then freak out and go full blast every few minutes. This is really a minor quibble, but it needs to be fixed. This is the first "white box" laptop I've gotten and I have no idea what to expect in terms of BIOS revisions and the like.
Thanks in advance...:hi2: -
Do you know if there is a chance for extended battery ? like in dell business computers ? i dream about 6 hours battery life -
Smooth installation would be to just install drivers as provided from the website or on the DVD. Both should work fine. You should be ok doing an upgrade I don't see why you couldn't.
My w230st arrived yesterday at my home in NL from Hawkforce. Unfortunately I am in Belgium until next week...
However, can recommend Hawkforce so far. Pre sales has been good, about 10 normal days from ordering to receiving. Prices I found were better than UK sellers, and I didn't want to wait for schenker as I only had a small delivery window this summer. Hopefully the computer is in good condition and after sales support is also good.
He also mentioned he has lower res screens available if anyone is looking. -
duplicate post
It's minor because it's easily alleviated by the simple expedient of propping up the back with a book. I've been using it that way for the past 3 hours at work and the fan has yet to come on at all. CPU is 48c, GPU 42c on essentially passive cooling.
The problem is during even a moderate temporary load, the fan tends to freak out. Unless you're playing games in that boardroom, the laptop is completely silent. This is far from the loudest laptop I've had. It's thermals are actually quite good - especially considering the sort of firepower it's packing.
Minor quibble.
No idea how many pages I missed now, but was there anyone who could confirm XTU-Compability for 4702? The only thing I want to know before ordering
<snip, pick the wrong reply w/quote half the time here... anyways was about fan bursting posts...>
At least it's not like the P157SM(8250) where sometimes the fan will stay FULL blast after a gaming session even when GPU/CPU temps have dropped to where it would normally shut off....
No fan problems on mine that I've noticed. Although a few times when I forced nv GPU by some app the fan would briefly kick in at a high RPM.
Haven't tried any games yet, nor have I tweaked the GPU/vMEM settings... -
Has anyone experienced random dropping of network/internet connection? I'm using the 6235 wifi. Not sure if my router is on the blink or if its this wifi card/laptop. It's just temporary, but its annoying if your playing a persistent multiplayer game (eg Civ 5, MMOs etc).
Petrov. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
P. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
I just bought an Asus N550JV for 770 euros 4700HQ, backlit keyboard and slim power block. Sorry Clevo, i want battery life and silence. And over 1200 euros in France, no thanks. I will just regret not to be able to play with Prema bios mods
*** Official Clevo W230ST/Sager NP7330 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Apr 10, 2013.