Interested to see what Mythologic's custom fan profiles do for temps.
How come no one has posted benchmarks with the 4702 yet? Also really curious as to how it responds to undervolting...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta -
Do you know how much they will deduct from the 250gb HD? -
I set my playback default bit rate to studio quality, and by screwing around with it i found a noticable difference, at first i had a little static with my headphones. the speakers themselves are still not amazing of course, because the speakers themselves are not very good, but through my headphones it sound very crisp, i think it may have had more to do with my actual headphones, but i did get rid of the static. Listen to JayZ song- "holy grail" on youtube, because it has some very good production(very clear sound) and should not have any static. Also when you go to download the clevo drivers the us and europe links did not work for me so i choose asia link.
EDIT: i also change in via audio control pannel to 24 bit.
And HTWingnut i have the i7-4700
When i overclocked my gpu in msi afterburner i believe it was working along with the gpu boost 2.0, so i was more oftern reaching boosts in memory clock to 2000mhz and shader clock past 950.
i gained about 5 fps in bf3.
I saw in an early post you had increased the default Vram on your chip using some overclocking, how did you do this? and are the only consquences of this instability or could it do more harm if it were raised too muh too often? -
I thought it didn't support XTU, have you confirmed it works?
There was someone a few pages ago who said the 4702 didn't support XTU, but neither did he name any source nor own the laptop.
I'm still waiting for someone to report abot 4702 XTU compability before ordering. -
Today I turned on my laptop and noticed a large artifact in the top left corner. It's in a cross shape and about 1-2 in. large. White and noticeable on darker backgrounds. It's not there when the screen is turned off.
Do you guys suppose this is a hardware issue or is there some way to clear up this artifact?
Album -
Looks like screen bruising -
Something is weird about my W230ST. At 10% or 9% battery, my user defined brightness level just automatically goes all the way down to 0% without my permission. WTH is that?
Then another weird thing, I don't see a battery level time remaining estimate only the percentage.
I already uninstalled Clevo control center because it messes with my own user define settings and it is still happening with or without the clevo control center. So WTH is going on? -
Does anyone happened to have a calibrated display settings file / icm that I can use? I found one in Clevo W230ST / Sager NP7330 Review (GTX 765M): [almost] True ultrabportable gaming laptop - Gaming Laptops Junky but does anyone have a professionally calibrated one with chimei screen?
I haven't had too much time to play with it, but overall I'm pretty happy.
I had some issues getting into the bios. Took me about five restarts of mashing in F2 before I finally got in.
I also noticed I got some interference in my headphones when I used the left USB port.
My steam games all defaulted to the HD 4600, so I had to use the nvidia controller to force then to run on the 765m. -
Hey, newb question: What program does one use to calibrate if using that "icm" file? Do we have to pay for+download that Spyder3/Spyder4 software that's linked on Junky's website? Is there a free program? (I know there's free websites, but those are all manually configured, right?)
What is this Insyde airplane mode hid thingy? I was checking the add/remove programs and do we even need that?
Ok,I just got hold of my little fella here in the UK. Early signs are positive. The seller has done a very clean install, with none of the clevo custom software, so Ill put some of that on tonight.
One thing that reinforces what others have noticed - temps. I'm running a 4800 CPU, and running prime95 (and nothing else) for 5-10 minutes shows the peak CPU temp of 94C. It's on a hard table in an air conditioned office. I haven't tried undervolting yet. The temp generally hovered around the 91C mark, with occasional peaks around 93.
When I used my two trusty nespresso capsules to prop up the rear of the laptop, the CPU temps fell noticeably to around the 85C level while running prime95.
I've asked the reseller to confirm whether they had applied the specialist cpu/gpu paste before sending it to me. Also, is it ok for me to upload my Spyder colour calibration files (.icm), or are they copyright...?
Petrov, -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Let's get a bunch of calibrated files going! That would be awesome for everyone.
You can find Spyder 2 or Spyder 3 devices for cheap (or at least used to) on eBay or such sites. Latest is Spyder 4. I think I got my Spyder 3 Express for about $40 several years back.
Where would I find the panel part number? In device manager it's just a generic panel...
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
i was wondering which wifi antena is better inten n2230 single band or dual band 6235 ?
Mine is supposed to be here within 4 hours.... oh the anticipation.
Pics on the way! -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Man... Clevo pushed the delivery to Multicom back to August 15th. And even that is unconfirmed. When I ordered, the estimated date was July 25th. This is excruciating...
^Wow, I feel you bro.
I once had to wait a month for my laptop to get to me and that was no fun... but when I got the machine it was beyond flawless.
Sometimes it's worth the wait -
Thanks for the link. No idea how much they'll deduct for a 250gb HD - but seeming as it's the lowest priced option it probably won't be much.
Ok, for the UK model, here is the screen being reported using HWinfo64:
Monitor Name: Chi Mei [Unknown Model: CMN1343]
Monitor Name (Manuf): CMN N133HSE-EA1
Color Bit Depth: 8 Bits per Primary Color
Incidentally, it's a great screen. Mind you, I was coming off the crap screen used on the otherwise awesome Sony 13P. There is a little blue/grey discolouration near the Win7 Start button, but every screen I've ever owned has had some discolouration visible on a plain white screen - and this screen has less than most. I am loving the real estate on this thing. Fonts are small, but just big enough for me.
Petrov. -
I have the spyder 4 that I will use to calibrate my screen and I can share my settings. -
well, temp wise, this is a bit of a worry. Running OCCT GPU stress test together with Prime 95, I hit 97C on CPU Core0, just after a few minutes. Also, it appeared the CPU wasn't going above 2.7ghz (4800MQ), so I can't imagine it would struggle to hit 100C with turbo boost going...
Anyone think I should be concerned by this?
Petrov. -
I would repaste with a good compound. My p150em was bought for IC Diamond but seemed to have high temps on CPU - repasting with Gelid GC Xtreme knocked off nearly 15c from its max temp in prime (before repaste I would hit 97c pretty quickly, after repaste I could do solid 3.8Ghz on all cores @83c). Factory paste jobs are usually poor, almost every machine I buy the first thing i do is repaste it and it runs a lot cooler for it.
Many thanks,
Petrov. -
Got a question for everyone. I ordered my pc from xoticpc nothing wrong with it. I talked to sales and they said I could order it without the hard drive and get credit for the 750gig drive. Well they shipped it with hard drive and I never got credit. I called and they said I could send the drive back for credit but they are making me pay for shipping. Does this seem fair or should this be covered by them?
They sent me a RMA for the drive and I was expecting a shipping label. When I received nothing then I emailed and asked if I was required to pay for shipping. They said yes. I sent a reply email asking if this seems correct for me to pay shipping for this issue. They have not responded back. The company has always been good to me every time I've chatted or called them. I'm just trying to make sure that I am not being unreasonable. If it does, then I'll drop it with no issue.
Here are my 3DMark results (4800MQ - stock everything):
- 3dMark11: 4381
- 3dMark Icestorm: 85723
- 3dMark Cloudgate: 12995
- 3dMark Firestrike: 2363
Max CPU Temp: 91C
Max GPU Temp: 66C
Petrov. -
But i expect it to be the Chi Mei as all the screens shipped by Clevo thus far have been the same model.
Ill also do a little review of my own when i get it.
When you guys undervolt using XTU - do you undervolt by (say, -100mV) both the Dynamic CPU Voltage Offset AND Processor Cache Voltage Offset - or just one of them?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The cache is just that, just for the cache, it's gains will be minimal but you can investigate it by itself.
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
*** Official Clevo W230ST/Sager NP7330 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Apr 10, 2013.