What do you mean by it's not being recognized? If you are referring to it not showing up in explorer as C: D: E: F: etc you may have to initialize the drive (only do this if it's brand new, as it will erase the contents).
I've tried it showing the SAGER logo and not. Doesn't seem to make a difference with respect to how long it stays on the BIOS screen. -
Hi guys,
I know there are some people who are having trouble with using a headphone on this laptop.
Here, I would like to share the way how I fixed this problem.
Problem : No sound from headphone (especially after returning from sleep mode)
My Solution : Install Clevo's Control Center
I bought my W230SS about two months ago, and I was very happy with my laptop until I had to use a headphone on this machine.
The main problem I encountered was as follows,
1) The speaker and headphone work perfectly after a complete shutdown.
2) No sound will come from the headphones after I turn on the device from sleep mode. (Speakers still work)
3) Sound indicator shows signals, but still no sound comes from the headphone.
Found a temporary solution from the threads here saying,
1. Go to Control Panel->Power Options->Choose what the power buttons do
2. Uncheck Turn on fast startup
3. Perform full shutdown by calling the shutdown /s /t 0 in console or create shortcut with this command and run it
4. Turn on the computer, now the headphones should work ok
This method works. However, you will again get no sound from your headphone once you use sleep mode.
If you want to get your sound back, you will need to shut down the laptop again, and this can be very annoying if you use sleep mode and headphone frequently.
Based on the observation I had on the way this laptop reacts to headphones, I think it has its own mechanism to direct sounds to either the speakers or headphone.
I realized that Clevo has a 'Control Center' program, which can control how to direct the sounds.
(If you install all the drivers properly, there will be four routines to control sounds : Windows Playback Devices, HD VDeck, SB Cinema, Clevo Control Center.)
And if you don't have Clevo Control Center installed, the sounds won't be directed to your headphone correctly after returning from sleep mode.
So, if you have this problem, I suggest you to do the following.
1. Delete "all" the drivers and softwares related to the audio device.
- HD VDeck, Audio Driver, SB Cinema, Clevo Control Center
- Restart your computer
2. Install the Audio Driver from Clevo website.
- Restart your computer
3. Install SB Cinema.
- Restart your computer
- Make sure SB Cinema is properly installed so that the program can find your audio device.
(If not, repeat step 1,2,3.)
4. Install Clevo Control Center
- This is at Clevo website ( CLEVO - Download),
and it's called 'Hotkey AP (2.28.33) for Windows 8.1 64-bit version' under 'OTHERS' tab.
- Restart your computer
5. Open up Clevo Control Center
- Go to 'Gaming' tab.
- Change your headphone setting to 'DIRECT'
After this, the headphone on my laptop works all the time no matter I returned back from sleep mode or not.
Hope this works for you guys, too.
jinsiriusdeadsmiley, Prema, ldkv and 4 others like this. -
Kudos mate - well thought out, well explained and nice heads up for future user issues! :thumbsup: -
Hey so I was looking to order one from your website and seeing that the wireless card I was going to get, the 7260 ac, has some issues do you think I should upgrade to the next one, Killer Wireless-N 1202, or perhaps wait for a driver update to solve the issue on the other card? Your feedback would be appreciated.
P.S Sorry if I stuffed up with my post first time doing it -
With that info you should be able to choose the one that is right for you since we do not know your usage habits.If you are not going to do either and just use the internet for browsing then the stock clevo should be ok. If you online game and the budget permits then get the bigfoot. I con not remember the range of each type of card. I remember that Tom's Hardware did a review and comparison of the earlier versions of these cards.
-YS -
Double post.
BTW I did not want to deal with the driver issues so I just went with the Bigfoot. -
Speedy Gonzalez Xtreme Notebook Speeder!
No problems here with the intel 7260 AC I got the latest drivers from intel website.
I can transfer data from my htpc up to 29 megs also using a bluetooth mouse -
I have the 7260 AC in my 8278. No issues at all. I think the differences are really just splitting hairs.
Sent with love from my Galaxy S4 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Both have had issues so it just comes down to preference and the need for AC.
For those interested in a solution for separated headphone and speaker outputs, I found a way to modify the registry to allow this.
First note that enhancements should be disabled for headphones, including SB Cinema, or you may face issues. with playback.
Also, you will need VIA HD Audio Deck started in order for the computer to properly switch between headphone and speaker automatically when you plug in.
If you use SB Cinema, you should select Speakers explicitly, not the default audio device.
A benefit of doing this is so that you do not have to fiddle with SB Cinema every time you plug in headphones. All effects and SB Cinema will be disabled and you will not have to mess with crossover frequencies.
1. Modify Registry or use attached registry.
View attachment NB_CASE.zip
2. Restart and you should see this new optioni in VIA HD Audio Deck
3. Once you enable that, you should disable enhancements in WIndows Audio playback
4. For SB Cinema, select Speakers
5. End Result
Prema likes this. -
Just bought a W230SS and i was wondering where the second Msata port is ?
could just found one next to the wificard and it's already populated
This is a picture from earlier in the thread that Swede86 put up for another reason. I just cropped it to highlight your question.
In the picture, 6 is your currently populated mSATA slot and 7 is the wifi card slot. The red rectangle, listed as 1, is were the #2 mSATA slot is located.
On Edit:
Dang it HT!! Not only did you beat me to it, your picture looks better than mine!! -
CyberTronics Notebook Consultant
Got this little beast today! Came with i7-4710mq. Everything functions fine and I really love it so far, but SSD runs very hot. Crystal Disk Mark reports around 60 degrees Celsius! The SSD is Crucial m500 240gb. Any of you guys have similar issue?
I wonder how much I could get out of my current W230ST so I could buy this laptop....
I wonder if it would be worth selling my current W230ST barebones (instead of complete) somewhere and buying one of these W230SS barebones and building it from that. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Depends if you can find someone interested, eBay or the members market here would be good places to start.
Does anyone know if the NP7338 and the NP7358 have the same size power supply in terms of dimensions/weight?
dreville likes this.
Thanks for the reply LostCoast707. I was hoping the NP7338 power supply was smaller so I can make up my mind already.Although 4.6lbs vs 5.95lbs, big diff there.
Comparing the two side by side, I was very glad I picked the NP7338. His hardware was nearly identically spec'd as mine. The size, feel and weight on the little one is so much better with no loss in performance. The only thing I miss with the 13.3" model vs the 15.6" is the fact there is no optical drive. But the times I watch movies I just bring my external BD drive along. It didn't take me to long to get used to that. His really doesn't run much cooler than mine...if at all. So there isn't much compromising going with the 7883 in my opinion.
On edit:
You can always pick up a slim travel power supply. I had one for my old HP that I just picked up an adapter so it would fit my NP7338 and it works perfectly...even though it's only a 90 watt one. Might not be able to handle everything maxed out playing some hardcore game. But I haven't seen a problem with it yet.dreville likes this. -
Out of curiosity, when you configured your 7338, what did you do for the drives? Did you trade the 750GB HD for an SSD?
When I left Windows, it was still early Windows XP. Unfortunately, I got caught up with OSX although I use Linux mainly at work. I was considering going with the 750GB HD to start and then buying the mSATA SSD later. I would then reinstall Windows 8.1 on the mSATA SSD and use the 750GB for data. I was told it is a bit more complicated now, that I may have to repurchase a licence for Windows 8.1. -
dreville likes this.
It is possible that you have to reactivate the license with the telephone support. But its easy and takes round about 5 min. I already installed Windows 8.1 with UEFI a second time. No problem
Gesendet von meinem iPhone mit Tapatalkdreville likes this. -
dreville likes this.
I flashed the bios to Prema's Bios Mod last night (Amazing work Prema!) and fired up intel XTU, I undervolted the processor by 70mV. The system under Intel's XTU stress test runs at 3.29GHz solid with a core temp of no more than 73oC over the stress test run. I purchased the i7-4810MQ processor, I haven't repasted the cpu and gpu and with a result like that I'm not sure I'm going to bother. For what it's worth the XTU TDP chart registered no more than 42W for the duration of the test (10min). I should note that I'm not doing anything special to cool it, no cooler mat, no propping up the back of the laptop, just sitting on my rather messy desk.
I'm surprised wth the fan noise, from some descriptions i was expecting a jet engine, maybe it's because I'm not stressing the GPU at the same time. EDIT: surprised in a pleasant way, the fan isn't as loud as I was expecting. Certainly no louder then the HP NC6400 or the Lenovo T430S (constant spinning fan on that one) that I use for work when they spin up. -
Speedy Gonzalez Xtreme Notebook Speeder!
those temps are very low considering you not propping the back of the laptop and I wouldn't repaste with these results unless the GPU temps are higher
you right the fan is not loud at least it doesn't have the pitch noise of some other ones like the one on the M14X. -
Yeah I knew that, but it did get rid of the reseller UEFI boot logo that came with the system, the only badging left on the system is the serial numbers and windows licence on the bottom and the onkyo silkscreen. Prema's mod also updates the system firmware so that's a plus too. -
CyberTronics Notebook Consultant
Hey I ordered this laptop like a week ago, and after reading this thread I have one question. I've seen the posts of how DDR3 "isn't" supported by haswell processors, however I see almost every re seller putting it into the laptop. My question is whether the computer will run functional with DDR3 as opposed to the DDR3L, since I plan on upgrading later on.
Has anyone played Watch Dogs yet on the W230SS? I was planning to get it for my desktop in July, since I wont be home all of June, but if it plays well on this I might pick it up and install it before I leave Sunday.
Hey guys! I am absolutely in love with the system. If I had to complain about one thing, it would be the trackpad. Coming from a Macbook Pro, I expect the laptop to do scrolling and regular gestures fine. But it seems like the cursor keeps on sliding for some odd reason. Any sort of help shall be appreciated. Thanks.
CyberTronics Notebook Consultant
Trackpad works fine for me on Windows 8.1. Cursor stays in place when I start to scroll or use gestures for charms and app switching. If you haven´t installed synaptics drivers try to do so, maybe that will help.
Coming from a Macbook Air, which for 18 months I never used with an external mouse. I had the same apprehension switching back to Windows PCs, but I knew this going in. With my macbook I could do two finger scrolling with my two fingers touching side by side with no problems. With the clevo, I need to space out my two fingers a few millimeters more. I also was using a OSX app called Jitouch and I had this awesome setup where I could move to the next tab in a browser by holding my index finger and tapping my middle finger, and go to a previous tab by holding by middle finger and tapping my index finger. I could also close a tab with a three finger swipe down, and refresh with a swipe up.
I have searched high and low and cannot find any software that even comes close to this sort of functionality.
I think it is just so stupid that the major brands (I don't mean Clevo, I mean Dell, HP, Toshiba) have kept outsourcing such a critical component to Synaptics and Elan when it is obvious after nearly what, a decade? of Apple trackpads being awesome, windows trackpads are still so feeble. Logitech has so many buttons and great tweaking software, I think they would make a great integrated trackpad if they were given the chance.
I have my motion setting at the highest (Fast) setting but I wish it was a bit faster. I also changed Pointing -> Sensitivity -> Touch Sensitivity all the way to "Light Touch". That helps a bit. I also disabled literally everything in the Synaptics software I don't think I would use.
I have tried to disable the right swipe action as I don't use it at all but accidentally hit it multiple times a day, instead I use the windows key if I ever want to use the metro interface. I have tried everything including editing the registry like below, but it doesn't work:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh\ZoneConfig\TouchPadPS2\Right Edge Pull]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Synaptics\SynTPEnh\ZoneConfig\TouchPadPS2\Right Edge Pull Extended Zone]
I am running the Synaptics software from the Clevo website, v18.0.5.20Dec13 for Synaptics Touchpad 7.2. Most of the intructions say you just go into the Synaptics software and find "edge swipes" and disable it - but of course on our laptop this synaptics setting is missing. I am out of ideas frankly. This is also preventing me from using ChiralMotion, which is an interesting gesture otherwise.Desi Munda likes this. -
Desi Munda and LostCoast707 like this.
CyberTronics Notebook Consultant
Still get charms bar while swiping from the right.
Playing at 1920x1080 with settings being "High" by default. Have the W230SS with i7-4710MQ, 8GB of RAM and an Samsung 840 EVO mSATA 250GB SSD.
Be sure to get the latest (beta?) drivers from Nvidia since they have improvements for Watch Dogs. I'm on 337.88. -
I've never played video games at such high settings on a laptop. I hope this laptop serves me well for a couple of years.
Is trading of laptops a thing on this forum? Would love to sell the one I have and go for a higher capacity CPU.
*** Official Clevo W230SS/Sager NP7338 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Ryan, Mar 20, 2014.