Yeah I saw this also he refused to try solutions and did an RMA. I've e-mailed asking for a direct model number and to complain they've not give warning for a three week delay and 4k screens. I'll not get my laptop for weeks now and I'm in process of selling my current octane II so I'll be without a computer.I really hope its incorrect pictures as I did read somewhere people saying the clevo models for 1080 needed a different mobo to the ones for 1060/70
saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkGeorgel likes this. -
Hello P775DM3 owners
. got P775DM1 and I'm consider about change to a new model. I have concerns about new fans. Many users say that this Clevo is very Loud at full fan speed. Could you record short movie with Fn+1 fan noise and put on YT? I would compare it with my "old"
model. Thanks
still waiting for them to confirm the octane III is actually the P775DM3 thinking of switching orders to another supplier if they don't get in touch soon.
A few months ago I've recorded this video, with my daily settings i5 4x4Ghz, uV -145mV and wPrime 1024 test (thermal paste: Grizzly kryonout. Temp and fan noise are very gentle. I turn Fn+1 on 4:04 to show the difference. I spoke polish in this video but everything is on Hwinfo.
Last edited: Aug 29, 2016i_pk_pjers_i likes this. -
i_pk_pjers_i Even the ppl who never frown eventually break down
The P775DM3 doesn't have an optical drive correct?
anyone who's already got their systems and had them for a few days got anything else to add? I know a few said undervolting slightly had caused reduced temps? anything else to add about the system itself chassis etc? waiting for a really good review of these machines
on full fan speed. I wonder if they change fans to smaller with rare fan blades + they runs on 12V oposit to 5V in my older model, how this reflected on the emitions.
Here are the emisions on 4x4,5 Ghz. full throtlleon 5:13. (no delidding, Prema bios)
CaerCadarn, i_pk_pjers_i, wolf3d and 1 other person like this. -
In the other video, you get around 65°C max at 4Ghz, with a -140mv UNDERvolt?
Both temps are amazing, if I read it correctly. Those were stress tests, right? Which put the CPU @100% load? Which thermal compound did you use, or what is pre-pasted? Damn my trigger finger is so readyLast edited: Aug 29, 2016Georgel likes this. -
Miguel Pereira Notebook Consultant
Is there a big difference between the heat an i5 and an i7 generates at full load?
iunlock likes this.
This might be a silly question, but why are a 17.3" and 15.6" shoved into the same owner's lounge?
Sent from a 128th Legion Stormtrooper 6Ptemp00876, ghegde, i_pk_pjers_i and 1 other person like this. -
**Official Clevo P75xDM and P77xDM/Sager NP9758-G and NP9778-G "Batman 2.0" Owner's Lounge**i_pk_pjers_i likes this. -
So here's a question, does anybody know if the Samsung 4K display in the P75xDM2 is the same pentile one that shipped with the P65xSx
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Hi everyone.
I've ordered P670RP6 and now I'm about to change it into P775DM3 (both with 1060). Do you know how they compare in terms of volume during load? I saw few posts in polish notebookcheck forum ( where some stated that P6*0RP6 is working like a dryer - few gave theirs models back.
The price for my config doesn't differ much between both and I'm going to use it at home all the time. I'm not playing much, just preordered Witcher 3 GOTY edition to play some. Therefore I wasn't interested in top graphic card. I didn't have such equipment before, so your oppinions are important to me.
Do you think it may be possible in the future to buy 1070 card and upgrade my config if needed? As far as I'm concerned P773DM(3) has MXM version of 1060
One more thing is bios, my reseller seems to avoid answering question about Prema bios. Is it possible to buy bios software from Prema for this model?
Thanks in advance.Last edited: Aug 30, 2016 -
Once I disabled the XTU-service that Hotkey installed behind my back, the fan profiles are now working better. Also after my repaste with gelid extreme I'm seeing great temps on my P751DM2. So I guess that the new cooling system is doing it's job! Also Windows 7 is working fine on this system.
Last edited: Aug 30, 2016 -
. So this is why I have worries about new cooling system in new P775. What emissions have new fans ("dryer effect")? Why they shortened heatpipes? How this affect to cooling capacity compared to old model?
The cooling might change so heatsink might be an issue when you are trying to upgrade to 1070, Yeah you can buy the heatsink later but Why would you want to waste cash on investing in 1060 and drop a 1070 later because the prices would be high and selling the 1060 would be hard too..Prema sBIOS I think he's not making any public release anytime soon first his partner shops come then followed by a public release if it happens (he used to have public releases but some one tried to copy his work and claim his causing him to put a hold on public releases but the vBIOS might be released soon although again Prema Partner shops first)
If you don't plan on gaming a lot but want reliable and cool performance go with the GTX 1070, 1060 doesn't have SLI also just a lil bit higher than 980M (OCd 980M could get to the 1060 levels), the 1070 should have SLI connector and holds resale value imo if you want to upgrade to 1080 later.Last edited: Aug 30, 2016 -
I'm more interested in fan noise than gpu upgrade, but I asked about upgrade to know my real possibilities. Ashtrix, thanks for your valuable info. I bought my config in shop which is not placed on the partner list and I'm aware that such a great as Prema's work should be rewarded. Therefore I'm willing to buy bios software from Prema, however it seems that it's not possible.
I really hope that the P775DM3 is similar in cooling capabilities, and just heatsinks were maybe a bit uneven in the first units shipped out... -
sirana likes this.
Just confirmed with PCS that the Octane III is P775DM3-G with mini DP.
i_pk_pjers_i, Tony Palmer and Boggot like this. -
My last laptop from PCS is still going, though it has needed two replacement graphics cards that was more at fault with the ATI 6990M than anything else. Since its had a 580M its been ok touch wood. -
Just heard back from Xotic and my P775DM3 will be here mid to late next week!
Tony Palmer, saturnotaku and sirana like this. -
I got my last laptop from them no issue but wasn't impressed when told it wouldn't be able to handle the next gen processors or gpu's. So I'm the same the only way I can get the specs I want is with PCS and I've taken a 1080p screen to upgrade further along to the 4k but I may wait a slight while see the progress on 120hz screens. Their customer service today was great but it took 10 days multiple calls and emails to get to that point which is a shame. They do quality work but just need to back it up
hope for some nice in-depth reviews for the rest of us waiting
sirana likes this.
Just ordered a P750DM2-G as barebones as possible with GTX 1070 from HIDevolution to jump from the P750DM-G chassis. Has anyone received one with a GTX 1070?
steberg likes this. -
Miguel Pereira Notebook Consultant
Just read the MSI GT73VR review, and their screen is great. It would be really something if the p775 used the same screen... No news on this yet, I guess?
If anyone has received one of these little beasts with a 1080p yet?
Would you be able to tell what sort of OC you can get on the panel please?
Thanks in advance.Last edited: Aug 30, 2016Georgel likes this. -
3Dmark 11 pure stock; edited: Aug 31, 2016temp00876, EmberV, Prema and 1 other person like this. -
Also if you are able to get 100hz via Nvidia Control Panel..? -
*** Official Clevo P775DM2/3(-G)/P75xDM2(-G) (Sager NP9152/NP9172) WINGMAN 2.0/BATMAN 3.0 Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Aug 3, 2016.