Hi. May I know is there a online video tutorial or service manual which shows how to replace the screen for the P775DM3? I am trying to replace the display.
This should work
I recieved my P775dm3 a couple of days ago.
I ordered it diskless with a 6700k, 1070 and 1440p 120hz screen.
I added two Intel p600 ssd's in raid0 after I got it.
I havent been using it much yet, I have just tested heaven benchmark, prime95 and played some rust.
My first impression is pretty good, screen is awsome for gaming, I undervoltet cpu -150 so cpu temp is ok, gpu boosts to 1911mhz. Tempwise gpu is usually around 84-86c, so the gpu fan is pretty loud for me.
In time I am going to delid cpu and oc it a littlebit.
I'm pretty happy with gpu performance, but not the temp/noise so I will be trying to bring that down some.
Repasting will be my first task, next I will be trying to undervolt the gpu aswell.
I have installed nvidia inspector but the volt setting is greyed out, I guess my vbios doesn't allow for voltage adjustments and that I would need to get a vbios from prema.
Am I right?
Are there anything else that could help me getting the temps down a littlebit? -
Are you keeping it directly on a table?
Are you keeping it's back close to a wall? -
Notebook is flat on the table without any obstructions behind it -
Admin: Please delete, it was a double post.
Hi guys. I found two 40 pins eDP cables which claim to support 4K UHD panel (B173ZAN01.0) on the P775DM3-G. The part numbers are:
i) 6-43-P7751-020-N
ii) 6-43-P7751-020-1L
Which one is actually the right one? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Use bottle plasti caps under the feed for a cheap solution - temps are normally in the 70C - 77C when gaming intensiveand max fans.jaybee83 likes this. -
Then I would say that my temps is not that abnormal as I am using auto fans hoping to keep noise at a minimum -
I'm bringing my discussion here to whom own it.
I currently own an old P170HM. and I'm planning to buy a P775 just because the P670 doesn't offer 120hz fast panels, and I will use it mainly for FPS gaming.
But I've heard some bad things about it:
-P775 has crap keyboard and P670 have a better one. It appears P670 keyboard look like mine P170HM, "chiclet" keys and very spaced. I like it. How is P775 keyboard to you guys?
-P775 has bad cooling, and overheat a lot compared to P670.
-P775 is much more expensive than P670 (With same configuration, except for CPU, P775 is U$600+ )
-P775 is heavier, bigger, and the 330w power brick seems to be also bigger than my current 230w. (Size is not a big problem, but of course it counts a bit)
-P775 has a finish that I never saw neither felt. Clevo specify its finish as just "Painting". How is this finish?
-P775 has Desktop CPU with sockets, P670 just comes with soldered CPUs (Does that matter for a non overclock user? I mean performance wise. Cause I know socketeds are much better for repairing and upgrading)
-P775 has 120hz panel option. But its TN panels and not IPS. I wanted a 120hz for gaming with lowest input lag possible, but now that I saw that it's not IPS... Does it have good colors? Because I hate my Glossy AUO panel without that 90% NTSC stuff.
Can you comment on these topics? Anything else I should know before buying?Last edited: Jan 19, 2017 -
@bodosko the P670 does not have a socketed CPU, it's BGA.
Maybe I just got overlooked, but I recently bought a P775DM3 from HIDEvolution and had a few questions for you guys. Here they are again for you convenience:
For @bodosko, I can answer some of your questions.
-The keyboard on the P775 is not great, but not that bad either. The individual keys and spacing are almost the same as my previous 18.5" laptop. For the letter keys, the face (not counting the slope-y edge bit) is 14.5 mm wide x 15 mm tall with a spacing of 4.2 mm horizontal and 4 mm vertical. (For the entire key it's 17.7 mm x 17.9 mm with 1 mm H & 1 mm V spacing) My only complaint is the cramped arrow keys and lack of dedicated media buttons, but that looks to be the same on the P670. (For reference: P775 KB P670 KB)
-The cooling is not so good, considering it has to work against desktop components. Even so, it seems to do alright. I have a GTX 1080 and i7-6700K @4.4 GHz (-50mV) and haven't seen over mid to high 70s (overclock fans + propped up) in games and benchmarks. The heatsink quality can vary a fair bit though, so I might have gotten lucky.
-The finish is a fairly standard matte black plastic with a very, very slight texture. In my opinion, it's similar to an XBox 360 or PS3 controller material (maybe a bit less texture).
-The 3K 120Hz screen is quite nice in terms of color and speed (it puts everything else I have to shame). However, the banding can be be a big issue depending on your sensitivity and quality of the screen. I think I might have gotten a "bad" screen. See the quoted section above for more.
Also, for anyone that wants it, I made a tiny program that can be used to disable the Windows key instead of the Clevo Control Center (works on any other computer too). Just place it anywhere and run it to disable the Windows key. You can then double tap the windows key or use the tray icon to toggle the key.
Download Here
Don't trust me? Download Source (Requires AutoHotkey) -
So I heard back from Scan regarding the backlight bleed. They had contacted Clevo regarding the issue and Clevo said they wouldn't cover it under warranty as all IPS displays have some degree of backlight bleed. Though Scan has, very kindly, agreed to replace the screen for me as a goodwill gesture, though they cannot guarantee (understandably) that new panel will be completely free of backlight bleed. I am thinking if it would be worth getting that done. By the way, how is the experience of upgrading from 6700k to 7700k is working out? Is it worth upgrading to kaby lake? I must say I am tempted but 6700k doesn't feel slow by any stretch of imagination
Georgel likes this. -
There are dedicated media keys: they're located just below the Esc key.
@bodosko as he said, the cooling is a bit hit-or-miss: i have a GTX1080 and a i7-6700 non K, and with automatic fan speed it never went past 65°C
The finish is a pretty sturdy matte plastic, with metal details and metal speaker grills (see album here: http://imgur.com/a/wJd8e) -
@EddyK I'll try to answer you questions as best I can
1. I have the same screen, and it has banding. I cannot say from the pictures if it is better or worse then yours, but it is not something that is botherinh me in use.
I can only see it when I puy my face up close to the screen.
2. I haven't used the trackpad very much or fiddled with the settings for it, but my first impression was that it was a littlebit unresponsive and slow.
3. I'm sorry I have no idea
4. It hasn't happen to me, but if it does I will let you know -
stock vs. stocks ull get a performance boost of 10% (4 vs. 4.4 ghz on four cores)
if you like to overclock, most 6700Ks are in the 4.7-4.8 Ghz range, whereas 7700Ks do 5.0-5.1, so that would be a boost of around 4 - 8.5 %
last but not least, how important is cpu powah for your everyday applications? as a gamer u wont notice any big difference. if you do a lot of rendering on the cpu or other stuff, it MIGHT make sense, although not by a whole lot (see performance numbers above).
if youre an overclocker, the question if it "makes sense" or not is easily answered: it clocks higher, u get more performance in benches, so it DOES make senseLast edited: Jan 19, 2017 -
From what I've been reading the 7700k and 6700k are the same cpu more or less. Intel has said they used a slightly better process of making the new cpus, but it's really the same everything. The clocks on stock are higher and that's about it.
I waited for the 7700k cause I wanted the higher stock speed without overclocking, especially since laptops can be hit/miss with temps and I just don't wanna deal with temp issues and throttling.dm477 likes this. -
But I understood that 7700K is hotter and needs delid.
We need more powah every single day!dm477 likes this. -
again, depends on how you run the cpu. at stock clocks you wont "need" a delid, but yes, delidding a 7700k brings even more of a temp drop than it did with a 6700k
as for running hotter, im not completely convinced yet. latest reports from mr. fox point to a badly fitting heatsink being the culprit for higher temps compared to his previous 6700k rather than the actual cpu being hotter at identical clocks and voltages.
Sent from my Huawei Mate 8 NXT-AL10 -
exactly, and since voltage is THE main factor contributing to temps in a cpu it just doesnt make sense to have higher temps at same clocks... so yeah, not convinced yet, keeping tabs on further developments
Sent from my Huawei Mate 8 NXT-AL10 -
Last edited: Jan 19, 2017
Well an upgrade can never hurt
though it would cost me some extra (but I can offset the cost by selling the i7 6700K). I am still not sure whether the motherboard supports the kaby lake processors. Scan hasn't confirmed yet whether my machine (via an BIOS update) can support 7700k or not. I am definitely going to send the machine to get the screen replaced, get them to apply the thermal paste on CPU and GPU using the so called 'X method' and while at it, I will also ask them install another m.2 pcie ssd
I will see if they can install thermal pads between the gaps between the display panel and bevel. -
jclausius likes this.
If you want to re-paste I recommend doing it yourself because I scan don't have the proper brand thermal pastes and you'll do a better job following the advice of the guys here on the forum. I plan to re-paste mine as well because the Arctic MX-4 Scan use imo isn't all that great, although I can't complain yet, I have no thermal issues at the moment I don't think.dm477 likes this. -
EDIT: I have BIOS version 1.05.06. I guess updating it won't be much of an issue. -
1) Dang, you're lucky. I can see the banding easily even at 16 inches. From how everyone describes it, your screen at 4 inches probably looks about the same as mine at 16 inches.
4) When you first got the computer, did the brightness controls work, or did you have to update the graphics driver? I think something funny might be going on with mine.
One should think the banding was the same for all screens, but what do I know!?
I'm not shure, I didn't try to adjust the brightness before I installed the driver.
Sorry I can't be of more help. -
Three questions, if anyone can help me:
1. Does the P775DM3-G work for anyone with 3000MHz ram? Clevo says it should, but has anyone got it working and can confirm any gains over slower ram?
2. When people say they have a delidded 7700K, is that actually a naked core under the cooler then or is it just a TIM replace job and putting the heatspreader back on? I read the PCB is so thin and flimsy compared to earlier CPU's that it's not wise to go naked on the core, but it may just apply to desktop cooling setups.
3. Has the Prema bios been spotted out in the open yet? I can't find it on Prema's site. -
Is the keyboard as bad as it looks? Looks cheap and mushy with no spacing. Anyone owners care to share their experience with it?
How is 1070 and 6700K (not overclocked) on the 15.6"? Lots of throttling?
And does anyone know who makes the motherboard? Would like to know if its good quality or will get damaged from high temps.
Any gotchas with the 15.6"? Planning on getting the 1080p 120hz Gsync panel. -
Can't answer the other questions with certainty
It's not naked, you put the metal plate back.
We don't have any @Prema bios yet for P775 as far as I know. -
2. They are placing to IHS back on top of the CPU core. Some are gluing back down and others are leaving it in place but without adhesive using the CPU clamp to hold it in place.
3. Prema BIOS is out, but you won't find it on the web. It will only be available to customers who purchased thru resellers that are members of Prema Mod Partners ( https://biosmods.wordpress.com/partner/). However, I don't actually know if Prema has a P775DM3 BIOS completed.Last edited: Jan 19, 2017Spartan@HIDevolution, sirana, Georgel and 1 other person like this. -
Well, in this case, it is short and half of shift key is the UP key.
The keyboard is better than a 100-150$ slim keyboard bought from market as far as the keys go - I do love the feeling of typing on it. But it's so awful when it comes to that single key positioned like that.
You see, you type, then you want to press SHIFT to get a capital letter. You press up key by mistake and you erase an entire row... Every 8 words or so...
Good thing is that it is replaceable - if Clevo comes with another keyboard you can just replace it. -
I actually have a "fix" for that if you want. Its a small AutoHotkey script that turns the up arrow into an extension of the shift key when scroll lock is on.
Download Executable
Download Source (Requires AutoHotkey) -
Hey, @Phoenix - does this also help you out? -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Georgel likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
I thought I might try to give a final helping hand to you.
I hope that it turns out well and fun for you!Scerate, Prema and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Sent from my LG-H850 using Tapatalk -
I'm not afraid anymore. ThanksPrema likes this.
*** Official Clevo P775DM2/3(-G)/P75xDM2(-G) (Sager NP9152/NP9172) WINGMAN 2.0/BATMAN 3.0 Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Aug 3, 2016.