Try disabling it in windows instead.
Where did you get the touchpad drivers?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
From seller's usb thumb drive and clevo servers. Both are, both work the same. I've tried first uninstalling and reinstalling the ones that came from Obsidian, then did the same with the Clevo ones. I've also tried reinstalling Windows today, as of now no changes. I want to try drivers, from Synaptic website.
If I still can't get it to work with them, I think I'll try reverting back even more to the drivers I was using with the P650SG. After that I don't know what to do. I just want my tap zones back, I really can't do anything without 'em
On another note, I think my laptop's running on a 100hz OCed display now. The panel is an LG LP173WF4-SPF1, with a 75hz default refresh rate. It's almost too easy to overclock a display, it doesn't seem like it's really working. The Nvidia drivers are NOT saving refresh rates higher than 100Hz though, even if the test is succesfull.
edit: Ok, I've managed to install, and they work. Kinda. I can access the configuration software, but tap zones are missing.
At least I've discovered three-finger swipe, now I only need a middle-click shortcut (which, probably, is there, somewhere, and I'm just brainless).
Last edited: Dec 19, 2016 -
@Tentenkun what OS are you on? I remember reading that Windows 10 doesn't get the Synaptics control panel.
Windows 10.
With the P650, I remember a couple of times the synaptic software didn't start, but in that case it was the whole driver not being loaded (I couldn't scroll with a two finger swipe, for example). I don't understand why this software shouldn't start with Win10.
I believe the driver I'm using is for Windows 8, but it still works. I think I'll try the P650 driver anyway.
Edit: Or, Windows 10 could decide that it does not like my choice of drivers and updates them to latest, not-working-but-better-cause-latest, versionLast edited: Dec 20, 2016 -
I updatet my drivers, seems to run stable now on -150mV. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Even with Win10 stubbornly saying that the Microsoft generic drivers were the most up to date, I've managed to install the synaptic, with every function that I want and need. Party hard!!
Now on to next question: I can add only one custom resolution in Nvidia Control Panel, and I can't set a refresh rate higher than 100Hz. Tests go OK but it's not saving the configurations. My current one is 1080p 100Hz, which I'm pretty fine with, but I wondered if it's a known bug, is it supposed to work like this, or what else.
Also for giggles and science I've tried 200Hz of refresh rate, test says OK, and that makes me wonder if my monitor is really refreshing at 100Hz or isn't it actually just ignoring the gpu output and working at 75Hz. How can I test this? -
"Also for giggles and science I've tried 200Hz of refresh rate, test says OK"
With the built in SPD1/SPF1 FHD screen? Impossible, you should have gottan black screen, you might have been lucky and the driver bugged out. I know it is for science, but be carefull with your OC, do not go as high as this because it is easy to damage your LCD panel, you were lucky it did not die the instant you set 200 hz. -
Well, first thanks. I know it was dangerous to try, but I was having doubts wether or not the refresh rate was really rising, or if the display was or no frameskipping. I went to 100Hz from 75Hz with 10Hz steps, then I tried 1Hz steps (101Hz, 102Hz..), but at that point I've found that even if the driver said the test at the chosen refresh rate was succesfull, it wasn't saving it, displaying a 100Hz custom resolution instead. Both 110Hz and 120Hz tests showed the same behavior, so I was growing some doubts. Also I never get black screens, sync problems, tearing or anything else at any saved refresh rate, or while driver was testing. It made me wonder if the driver was actually doing something or not.
Anyway, I've tried that test you posted. I actually found it just this morning, but I was having issues with Chrome and Firefox, and managed to get a good photo with IE. Tried again just now, with Chrome, and it worked, and it seems it's not frameskipping. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
you can usually just try the nvidia driver menu and set custom resolutions / refresh rates there
also, since when is display overclocking dangerous?i call BS, even if it does lower the lifetime of the display, you as a user wont see a difference in real life (since youll be moving on to a new machine waaaay before the current one expires, even with its "shortened lifetime")
Papusan likes this. -
yes and no. u can "overclock" it to 63 Hz, but thats about it, above that the display connector is just overloaded cuz of the massive bandwidth involved
Papusan likes this. -
When you say it, Yeah I remember up to max 63Hz
worse with the mentioned i7. Fully locked
The preferred i7 for @ajc9988 HaHa
Just an update on the bag front, I have settled on a rolling bag, Samsonite Spectrolite.
I don't know if posting links is against forum rules, so please feel free to remove it. This is a good bag with plenty of space to accommodate my camera kit (Nikon D810/24mm1.8g/58mm1.4g/85mm 1.8g plus flash) insert or a weekend trip's worth of clothes and of course P775DM3 with power brick and other bits and bobs.Good thing about this bag is that it comes with a cover to partition off laptop from the clothing bit. And then there is a secondary pocket with a padded tablet compartment for your kindle etc. All in all, i am very happy with it. It is a rather wonderful little thing. I have taken it onto EasyJet cabin without any issue and have a trip coming up with British Airways and Turkish Airlines, and I don't see any problems with them. In international flights, they allow you to carry two cabin bags anyway, well one cabin size and one slightly smaller bag, so I am planning to carry a couple of shirts and trousers, toiletries, and P775 in the samsonite bag and carry the camera kit in my Hadley Pro.I will report back with my experience after the trip.Tentenkun likes this. -
That is freakish expensive
I settled for the everki titan backpack that's 160€ here and that seems already sturdy and padded enough. Also just in the size limit of low cost airlines (and in the limit of my wallet)
I actually wondered about a backpack-trolley combo, but I don't have much electronic equipment outside my laptop, and I'm still young enough to carry a 10kg backpack all the day without major consequencesdm477 likes this. -
I actually bought the pack in Berlin for 199 euros. Well it is *just* another 40 on top of the backpack so really not that expensive,. The thing is it works better along side my camera bag as it can go on top of it, and the whole thing is easy to drag around. I carried my photography kit plus the clevo in the largest bag I have, a Billingham 307L, and despite all the padding on shoulder strap it became a bit too heavy for me. Combine weight of that bag was about 11 kg and carrying it all the way from Bristol to Berlin was a chore. And mind you I am not that old, its actually my 28th birthday today (!)
i guess it would be a bit easier with a backpack but then you can't use one with a suit and I thought when it comes to convenience, one can't really beat a rolling bag (ymmv).
EDIT: Just checked Amazon EU, it is available for 165 euros thereI feel like I shouldn't have bought it from Galleria...
Last edited: Dec 22, 2016 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
jaybee83 likes this. -
I don't find it hard to believe you. The Targus backpack I bought and was using with the P650 on the other hand had a flimsy fabric and a deceiving design, where the handle was only useful if the backpack was empty, so the bag ripped a bit there when it was lifted with just the laptop, the charger and a couple other things inside.
However that bag was still good when I sold it with the laptop, and the Everki seems really sturdy and solid. It should last me a long time.
Well, happy birthday thenI'm only a little more than 2 years younger, so not really THAT young. Anyway, no matter what I said before, 10kg loads are on the heavy side for basically anyone, and there's no way to wear them confortably on just the shoulders for more than an hour without breaks. That's not even considering potential health issues for one's back. The only way to get around these issues is a large, padded and TIGHTLY fit hip belt, but that usually is only found on hiking and military backpacks (and that's definitely not something you should wear with a suit
That last reply was from my phone, strangely your amazon link redirected me to the american store, where that samsonite bag is 320$, and so my reaction. I see now that in the UK is nearly equivalent to 160 euros, in the same price range as my backpack.dm477 likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It is a huge bag, I do get people asking about it and then I remind them of the beast of a notebook I have that needs to be able to fit in it.
dm477 likes this. -
FredSRichardson Notebook Groundsloth
This may be a totally silly question - can the P750DM2-G handle a GTX 1080?
As a followup question - has anyone noticed any down sides in practice to having a heatsink that is shared across the CPU and GPU (i.e. for a i7-6700K with GTX 1070)? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Physically yes, officially no, as for if the EC will have a heart attack i'm not sure.
Some would say the heatsink fit is negatively impacted by having such a long distance between contact points. This can be mitigated by adjusting thermal pads.FredSRichardson and Donald@Paladin44 like this. -
would be interesting to see if anyone could make a 1080 work in a P750
especially heat-wise
FredSRichardson likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You could certainly tune it to make it work I think heat wise, especially if you got the heatsink fit just so.
FredSRichardson and jaybee83 like this. -
It sure would be pretty badass to have a 1080 horsepower in a 15''
For me, I would have stayed clear of the 17'' if I had the choice.
jaybee83 likes this. -
yupyup, im a sucker for 15 inchers myself
if anyone wants to sponsor me a P750DM2 and a Clevo 1080 MXM id sure would try and make it work!
FredSRichardson, TomJGX, Tentenkun and 1 other person like this. -
I wonder why no one's offering a 15" with a 1080. I thought the problem was physical, now I wonder if it's more a "political" one..
FredSRichardson likes this. -
the clevo cards all have the same physical dimensions. i could imagine that either heat or power was playing a role in that decision. however, an experienced user shouldnt have too much difficulty in getting it to work, as long as the EC of the 15" machine is playing along. but for that, theres always @Prema
FredSRichardson likes this. -
@Tentenkun @jaybee83 @Meaker@Sager - @TomJGX made a post claiming that the P750DM2-G could run a GTX 1080 per a Chinese forum post: but he never posted a source for me
FredSRichardson, jaybee83, steberg and 1 other person like this. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Spartan@HIDevolution, jaybee83 and Papusan like this. -
Sent from my Huawei Mate 8 NXT-AL10 -
jaybee83, FredSRichardson, TomJGX and 2 others like this.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Everyone sane would be waiting on Intel's product announcement before putting forward any new products.
FredSRichardson likes this. -
FredSRichardson Notebook Groundsloth
Given the positioning of the 16L13 it might be wise for Clevo to offer an official upgrade path for the P750DM2 to the GTX 1080 if this really is feasible and practical. -
I have a quick question regarding light bleed in 17.3' 4K panel. It is quite noticeable (in certain scenarios). Is light bleed sort of expected as part of the package!collateral with an led panel like this?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
I have a strange problem where some games (Rocket League and Dirt Rally) run better if windowed than fullscreen. I'm trying Dirt Rally these days, and with latest driver I get 75 fps fullscreen and 100-120 fps if windowed (with 375.95 driver was 35-40 fullscreen and 110-130 windowed). Haven't tried RL yet but with previous driver was also around 40 fps fullscreen, and 250 (capped) windowed. I don't know what to think of this, I can run RL borderless and that's actually better, while Dirt Rally sort of works with a little workaround but it's somewhat bugged. Obviously same graphic options, only difference is if fullscreen or not.
Yesterday I reinstalled win10, thought maybe something was misbehaving in the background,and haven't installed CCC yet, but no change. Everything I can think of is on High Performance (well, only windows power plan actually, don't know if there's anything else, as I said Control Center isn't installed)
I'm also playing Shadow Tactics, fullscreen is running at around 90-100 fps depending on map.
I've run HWInfo with the Dirt Rally in-game benchmark, I could post results but I don't think there would be anything useful there. As I've said only graphic setting I've changed is fullscreen or windowed.
Maybe someone here has some tips, I would at least know what's happening -
Tried deactivating GSync in the Nvidia Control Panel? I had the same issues in Overwatch and just deactivated GSync per App, but if you deactivate it globaly you can see if it's even that issue.
Gesendet von meinem Pixel XL mit TapatalkTentenkun likes this. -
Well, I'll be damned, G-Sync was the culprit. Thanks
edit: I can reinstall CCC now then, and change the horrendous blue backlight. Was thinking, I've read that some of you guys don't like the last versions because of potentially messing up with the firmware. What do you reccomend?Last edited: Dec 27, 2016Scerate likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
dm477 likes this. -
Is there an issue with G-Sync in these laptops above 60Hz even with a 120Hz display? I was looking for a bottleneck since my P750DM2 was underperforming in a couple games I tested at high framerates (>90 FPS) and it turned out disabling G-Sync completely "fixes" drops and stuttering in framerate that I was experiencing.
I recall seeing some discussion here about G-Sync only really being applicable under 60Hz and anything higher caused issues, but I'm not sure if this is chalked up to how it's implemented in these laptops or if it was ever resolved. -
well the only thing and issue i have with gsync or generally there is that if you activate Gsync, the nvidia driver itself sets vsync to on, which could lead to theses issues cause if you get e.g. 120fps you are then literally vsync instead of gsync locked, you can somewhat resolve it by disabling vsync which means you get tearing back over 120fps or just set a fps limit with nvidia inspector to about 116-117 fps, which forces gsync to stay on. I e.g. only have Gsync in 1 game enabled and thats GW2, i'm not the biggest fan of Gsync altogether cause in my opinion tearing at 120fps isn't that noticable at all anymore, 60hz is a different story.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Locking to 117FPS and V-sync at 120fps are the same thing, one is just the limit of the panel, the other is an artifical limit by you.
How do you guys like the batman over the less expensive clevos? Has there been any overheat issues with pascal 1060/1070, etc?
gishan dissanayake Notebook Enthusiast
guys hello. i like to ask....i have a clevo p751dm2 from obsidian. and got replaced my lcd because of dead pixel.
like to know,
does any 30 pin edp lcd will work in my laptop?
or specific ones?
i mean if i buy
LP156WF8(SP)(A1) instead of lp156wf6 spb1 i have will it work? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Any 2 lane eDP panel will electrically work it's a case of connector position and mounting.
gishan dissanayake Notebook Enthusiast
thanks. mean if the 30 pin connector and mountings are same it should work? what about cable? do i need a samsung branded cable for samsung and lg branded for lg? innolux branded for innolux lcds? or edp 2 lane standard clevo cable will work?
Hi there i bought Clevo P751DM-G2 from DreamMachines in Poland
Spec are:
Full HD 1920x1080p G sync 60 Mhz
Intel Core i7 6700K 4.0 Ghz
GTX 1070 8GB
16 GB RAM DDR4 2400 Mhz
2x500 GB SSD M.2 Samsung Evo 850 (from ebay)
Thermal Grizzly - Kryonaut (CPU,GPU)
Charger 230 Watt
Max Temps on CPU 77c and GPU 72c . Those temps are when i OC CPU and GPU(auto fan speed)
I had Clevo P870DM with 6700k and GTX 980 200 Watt and somehow my temps on Clevo P751DM-G2 are lower then P870DM
In future i would like to upgrade my screen to 4k but not sure where to order it .
I would like to share my Benchmark results and find out if they are quiet good from you guys
FireStrike - 15 740 -
3DMark - 19 212 -
I use MSI Afterburner and i have add +175 core , +175 memory
I use XTU and here is the link for my setup:
I've been using that OC for Gaming and Daily use without any issues.
Not sure if i setup XTU as i should if not please let reply to my post what i should change
Its really nice to have Desktop Performance for Gaming/Programming in little 15.6 inch laptopLast edited: Dec 30, 2016
*** Official Clevo P775DM2/3(-G)/P75xDM2(-G) (Sager NP9152/NP9172) WINGMAN 2.0/BATMAN 3.0 Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Aug 3, 2016.