1. System BIOS 1.05.03 for P75xDM3(-G) and P77xDM3(-G) only.
2. Solve “can’t control brightness and G-Sync for NVSR panel” problem.
3. Refer to readme.txt to update BIOS.
Now this can be a useful BIOS. Hopefully Palkeo will fix the link or MySN will update their download page (they only have 1.05.02 for download)
Well there are later ones, I have BIOS 1.05.06 for the P7xxDM3-G, but only have EC 1.05.02 so would like to update it
Where did you get 1.05.06?
You sure it is 1.05.06 and for the P775DM3-G? -
Hackintoshihope AlienMeetsApple
Edit* I'd be more then willing to donate to prema, I have no clue about how this bios and ec funny business even works.
Although seemingly I got flamed seems I did a no, no. Lmao someone like TBoneSan must be one of those 400 pound hackers trumps talks about. Good things I'm voting for him, go Trump!Last edited: Nov 7, 2016TomJGX likes this. -
http://www.mediafire.com/file/eddfjt8utzvr1bu/P775DM3_1_05_06.zipLast edited: Nov 7, 2016DRevan likes this. -
that way u can be sure u have his blessing
Sent from my Huawei Mate 8 NXT-AL10i_pk_pjers_i likes this. -
Hackintoshihope AlienMeetsApple
doesnt matter, right now its just about how to source it once its available. potential options are not that many: either choose a different prema partner shop or contact prema himself to arrange for a personal prema mod for a proper donation. if you try and convince another member to give you his/her copy ull both get in trouble...
Sent from my Huawei Mate 8 NXT-AL10i_pk_pjers_i likes this. -
Hackintoshihope AlienMeetsApple
However, if you want the Prema BIOS's then please contact the Prema Mod project group - https://biosmods.wordpress.com/contact/, and perhaps you can strike up a conversation to help support their work, which in the end helps to benefit you and others that are the end users of their work.
TBoneSan likes this. -
Hackintoshihope AlienMeetsApple
But appreciate the direction you gave me, seems less like a witch hunt now.
Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2016 -
mkay, haters gonna hate...
i was just pointing out your options, thats all... no offense whatsoever intended.
Sent from my Huawei Mate 8 NXT-AL10 -
In any case, hopefully my post helps you with what you seek. -
Hackintoshihope AlienMeetsApple
there u go, no harm, no foul
Sent from my Huawei Mate 8 NXT-AL10 -
We've seen enough sleezy people over the years pirate members' work.i_pk_pjers_i and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Hackintoshihope AlienMeetsApple
I had no idea there was such a wall between getting a BIOS for a computer. But another member helped me go to the right place and possibly donate to prema. I'm glad my money will go to someone who will use it to help everyone.
But continue your witch hunt <3.Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2016 -
Even though your intentions might have been legit, but the way you put it in the first place, made it seem otherwise.
We have had a really big issue with someone who donated to the author ( @Prema), who then reverse engineered it and tried to distribute it as his own work. Maybe that will explain the "hostility"and "skepticism". And then PM'ing a member to get the BIOS is more so of a bad move. You could have just gone ahead and PM'd Prema in the first place.
Also Prema has been around a long time, and for the most part has been helping the community for free for even longer.Spartan@HIDevolution and TBoneSan like this. -
Hackintoshihope AlienMeetsApple
Could you also elaborate more on the quality of the keyboard? I thought it looked pretty decent and the size and proportion of the keys looks standard to typical 15" laptop keyboards (and 13" without numpad) which I'm already accustomed to. Also, is the soft-touch finish similar to the rubber finish from some Asus laptops (if you're familiar), or did you find it cheap or not durable? -
bloodhawk and Spartan@HIDevolution like this.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Hackintoshihope AlienMeetsApple
Hackintoshihope AlienMeetsApple
. Apologizing for any misunderstanding. Also requesting to donate, but if we are to continue to witch hunt we shall!
Which software are you using to read it?
CPU-Z reads it as 1.05.06
This was an official BIOS from the UK Clevo distributor. If it wasn't correct it wouldn't have installed. -
Just installed 1.05.02 and that also reads as 1.05.01TPCS.
(Laptop is from PCSpecialist)
Really strange. In the bios it is displayed correctly, wonder why it is read wrong in Windows.
Can't you ask them to send the latest EC too? -
Both programs show 1.05.06 on my laptops.
Try unplugging it from the mains and removing the battery and see if it then sees it properlyLast edited: Nov 7, 2016 -
After installing Corsair Vengeance 32Gb@3000, the machine detected it running @2666. I went and enabled XMP Profile 1, and now it is running @3000. Any risks in terms of temps, stability and wear?
What really sucks is that I cannot change it from T2 to T1 (CR)
P.S. AIDA64 stability test failed @3000Mhz...niceLast edited: Nov 7, 2016Johnksss likes this. -
http://forum.notebookreview.com/thr...erformance-vbios.780158/page-29#post-10173982Papusan, TBoneSan and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Well I have it on 3 laptops now and all show it as 1.05.06.
The fact that you put 1.05.02 back on and it was still misreporting implies it's not the BIOS but something else causing the issue -
Hackintoshihope AlienMeetsApple
TomJGX likes this. -
How is that possible? Those rams were built to run at 3000 MHz...maybe you got a lemon?
try and loosen up some timings, maybe thatll give u more stability. forego the oc now (concerning command rate) and focus on a stable base before u try tweaking for more performance...
Sent from my Huawei Mate 8 NXT-AL10 -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Try reflashing your BIOS and do this if you haven't. -
Nothing more.Papusan, TBoneSan, CaerCadarn and 1 other person like this. -
I flash 06 again under dos and remove power. -
How did you do it in Windows? Clevo BIOS's are supposed to be flashed from a DOS boot up
On a side note I am in the finals of ordering a 120hz 5ms screen from Eurocom. It costs way more than it should (680USD), but I did not find anyone else who are willing to sell this part
XoticPC does not sell parts, MySN UK same, MySN EU and HIDEvolution did not even reply...
Eurocom replies to my mails in a few minutes. -
i can give u some pointers that enhanced stability in my case, but i havent gotten it fully stable yet either. but maybe itll be enough for your machine
Sent from my Huawei Mate 8 NXT-AL10 -
Then I'll remove the BIOS and remove those before putting it back up. There's usually a readme file that states it has to be done in a pure DOS environment, those are probably files left over from Clevo as the BIOS was a request for me and Clevo tend to be messy and leave other bits in the folder that you aren't supposed to use. I just assumed you knew that it should be done in a pure DOS environment
*** Official Clevo P775DM2/3(-G)/P75xDM2(-G) (Sager NP9152/NP9172) WINGMAN 2.0/BATMAN 3.0 Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Aug 3, 2016.