I'm trying not to install the cc at all after reading numerous people say "stay away"
Anyone tried The Division yet on 1080p maxed out? I am getting mostly 70-75 fps, but sometimes it dips down to the 50-60s and stutters. Temps are fine and core clock is 1860-1898 mhz.
I have tried different drivers and some seem to make the game slighlty smoother with 75 fps, but with all drivers I get occasional fps drop and stutter.
Anyone else experience this? -
This computer is rock-solid / screw you microsoftGeorgel and i_pk_pjers_i like this. -
To be honest it really annoyed me and don't understand the point of the pin when you already have a password other than apparently being a bloody nightmare!
I'm sure this is all Windows though and not the laptop's fault at all. -
Guys what gpu drivers are you running?
Since I've had my machine I've had nothing but problems, fans all over the place, strange behaviour in windows, other applications not working correctly etc.
Just done another fresh install but allowed windows to use its own nvidia driver and all seems to be resolved?
StrangeGeorgel likes this. -
Edit: just noticed there is actually a newer one that just came out. -
Not installing the drive on a fresh install has transformed my machine no end! Id be interested to know if anyone else has updated. -
I mean the drivers stopped me from dragging a shortcut from the start menu to the task bar. All sorts of strange problems. -
I'd like to ask about P751 dm2 temps, I've got i7 6700k with GTX 1070. When on idle/internet the GPU temp is about 53-55'C with the fan speed at 2370 RPM... Is there something I should be worry about? I thought there'll be issue with CPU but it's all right- 43'C with 1700 RPM, so no problem here....; any suggestions? -
Ive been stalling on the inevitable re-install of windows. The fans on overclock will always be quick to ramp and act erratic..they do keep temps down quite well though.
Windows problems like
No pin or fingerprint access through settings (hangs up)
No start menu
No cortana
No windows store (yes i signed in with microsoft account)
No edge browser
These issues even affect steam..no overlay in game even though its enabled in steam settings.
So ill re-install and go through all the setup again. I would go back and choose windows 10 pro if i could because there are many more features available to combat these issues in that version. -
On the bright side, i found this cool foldable portable fan with thick usb cabling from a direct from China distributor. Easy to toss in a laptop bag.
Seems to help the fans not go too crazy. Maybe its just the elevation of the laptop that helps. They look like genuine little cooling fans. $10
Georgel likes this. -
I never keep a laptop on a table, I keep it on a cooler without fans, or with fans turned off. -
I use these $1 Pegs and they work wonders.
::iunlock::CaerCadarn likes this. -
Returning mine.
Outstanding laptop but after 30 mins of battlefield 1 it resets. I suppose a temp issue. After spending this much money i dont really want to go and delid, already applied an undervolt.
Gutted. -
Apart from that oddity it seems fine, played a few different games to test it out and haven't noticed any problems yet. I am going to keep using it and see how it goes. -
Nvidia just released a new driver so will try that. Still thinking of returning my machine though and going down MSI - 6820HK - 1070 route for better temps and cooling. -
I've seen P775 restart when browsing facebook without an explanation why... it's not temps, something is doing it...
Someone who never had a problem, please share your settings / other things with us, we need to all be using the same settings to make sure the errors we're getting aren't caused just by us being beginners to laptopys/. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
No OC, -150mv undervolt, auto fan profile.
Have reapplied the thermal paste and its not crashing any more but still returning uncomfortable tempts. 85c from GPU and 80c from CPU after 30 mins of heaven.
A part of me wants to keep this machine and tame the hell out of it!Georgel likes this. -
Georgel likes this.
I fear that Cache speed is affecting me.
This means that you run the CPU at 28X on all cores and 31X on cache, per default on Clevo CenteR? -
Also just check the clevo control centre hasn't messed up you power limit too, it should be 95w. -
Part of the reason i want to return is the insane fan noise even on the OC fan profile. If i could keep the GPU and CPU under 75/80 on auto profile then id probably keep it. -
I find with a slightly tweaked version of what I suggested before I never go over 80 on cpu or gpu with maximum load for prolonged periods on high refresh high resolution external monitor and rarely over 70 with both when actually gaming on the laptop screen vsyncd to 75fps. I find the fan noise fine in the laptop only scenario and ok so long as you wear headphones in the external monitor scenario, but it is all personal opinion. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
I just want as much power as possible and to avoid random resets when I browse internet. I can't see why that happens so far, but I want to avoid all possible bad scenarios ....Papusan likes this. -
Does this look unstable?
When clicking on bench CPU, sometimes it's 105% compared to ref 6700K, and sometimes it's 90%...
http://valid.x86.fr/9hrx2uPapusan likes this. -
Has anyone tried to lap the heat sinks? I guess a delid is my only option to get what I want. -
200Mhz only? I thought it can do better
Georgel likes this.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Can someone tell me what is the default VGA driver on the driver disk? I misplaced my disk and can't find it...
Just asking because I am experimenting with drivers. So far the best driver I found is 368.71 from Sager website. My framerate is a bit lower in Rise of the Tomb Raider (about 5%) and there are some installation issues, however overall it gives a smoother experience in games, its like if G-Sync was working better with this driver. Later drivers give better framerate, but feel more choppy/sluggish compared to this one. It is WHQL certified, but it must be some custom driver because it is not available on the NVidia page and 3DMark does not recognize it as an accepted driver.Georgel likes this. -
I think the temperature is rather high in your Cpu validation. Especially in Cpu-z bench / Validation of a stock clock speed.., 83 ° C is quite high during such a simple task.
Maybe consider a new thermal paste and undervolt. Either apply Liquid Ultra, ICD, Gelid Exstreme or Grizzly Kryonaut. The best thing would of course been delidding your processor and used Liquid metal.
Regarding Cashe ratio... If you want try lower Cashe ratio, there is no risk associated with this!!High Cashe is only an advantage if you are looking for the highest numbers in bench. The Performance gains with stock or higher cashe ratio vs lower are small, but lower Cashe ratio = lower processor temperature. See the performance gain with higher cashe ratio in the image. Not the big gain as you can see. Try go under stock Cashe ratio if high cpu temp is a major problem.
Last edited: Oct 23, 2016Georgel likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Georgel likes this. -
I've tried a few things... seems the only actual improvement is set all to default, which makes the entire thing a bit laggy, but at least it doesn't hang up or restart...
About getting a new paste, I'm really bad with this, I would rather not open it and risk to further screw it, it was pasted with something something ICD or diamond something I think...
I've hit default, all on default.
The rates I'm getting right now are:
about 30X on cache
about 40x on cores (no 42 on single core so far)
~40C on idle
~ 85-90C on load
I've tried to lower voltage, it was pretty unstable, restarted after a while, with hard reset, even though it was not under load
I've tried to work with those settings, and I've opened around 100 imaged in photoshop, all images in FHD then started saving them one by one. First 50 were EXTREMELY slow and the whole laptop was very sluggish, but the following ones were okay. Maybe it was something because of photoshop having the scratch disk on HDD, but still, it's WD black...
I really need a guide on what to do, step by step.
This is what CPU-Z says right now. http://valid.x86.fr/chzv57
I wish to set the minimum multiplier to 35 instead of 8, I seem to get some very ugly dips to 800MHz sometimes, and those come with very low voltages.
Maybe there is something to set in Bios to make it work, or maybe Clevo has something broken right now, I don't know. I cannot run throttlestop AT ALL. When I start it, it freezes after ~1 minute, restarts. No way to solve this so far, it happens with or without CC installed, even on fresh windows,.. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Sell your current CPU to @Papusan he lives in the snow it it will run fine on his machine.
70% of the 6700K CPUs I've seen run boiling hot even at stock clocks, just like the past 2 I've had and just like the 10s of people's CPUs that I had helped here with undervolting.
If you want a free maintenance session from me over TeamViewer, let me know and I will PM you and make your CPU run way cooler and stable
I have been taught by @Mr. Fox -
Why choose this model over the Eurocom Tornado F5 (MSI
16L13)? Price seems to be around the same. Thanks.Georgel likes this.
*** Official Clevo P775DM2/3(-G)/P75xDM2(-G) (Sager NP9152/NP9172) WINGMAN 2.0/BATMAN 3.0 Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Aug 3, 2016.