I've opened the machine but haven't looked to how good the contact is on the cpu to the heatsink. Worth using copper shims if its uneven as a lot of people have already said?
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
see this:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/clevo-overclockers-lounge.788975/page-156#post-10240358Papusan, Tony Palmer and Georgel like this. -
Try GELid first...you may luck out and have it tame your temps.
::iunlock:: -
::iunlock:: -
No but really, a repaste is a must and yes remove that toothpaste as fast as you can. Of course I along with almost everyone in here would recommend liquid metal, but if you're wanting to stay traditional paste, go with either 1. GElid or 2. GC Kyronaut.
I have a repaste thread that'll be populated with tons of info on thermal paste, temps etc...for our variant so stay tuned.
For now, before removing the toothpaste, it'd be great if you could get some solid base temps. Take a look at the thread when able and you'll see all the info on the OP.
"Friends don't let friends use MX-4."
::iunlock::hgfischer and Tony Palmer like this. -
It's a Silicon Lottery Motherboard, then you'll have to luck out on a decent CPU, then also luck out again on a decent GPU. That's a true lottery, where chances are slim to none.
I've won a few times with some decent performers, but it was scratch ticket level. Not even the lottery.
It's possible. Just not common.
::iunlock::Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
I don't get it, MX-4 always performs really well in all the bench tests. Within a few points of GELid.
::iunlock:: -
Btw. ICD is the only choice if the heatsink is warped/uneven and you don't want to use a shim or sand your heatsink lottery
Edit @Scotster Don't relying on tests like what you showed!! Also read http://forum.notebookreview.com/thr...x-980-overheating.789202/page-5#post-10218939Last edited: Sep 11, 2016 -
Depending on what you're doing, if you're needing the CPU power and it's that demanding for your work then a 6700K is definitely the one to go with. You can still get a pretty slim form factor with the 775 and have it loaded with a 6700K and a GPU of your choice...
If you don't mind me asking, what type of work do you do that taxes the CPU? Because I too rely heavily on the CPU for CPU intensive tasks...
::iunlock::Last edited: Sep 11, 2016Georgel likes this. -
::iunlock::Georgel likes this. -
However, it still needs to be emphasized that as bad as bga may seem to some that don't understand there being a purpose for it (thin, portability, practical machines like the XPS for example), it's just as bad to be feeling good about comparing a mobile chip to a desktop chip and constantly being surprised that a Desktop chip is greater than a mobile chip. Dislexia?
It should also be mandatory that anyone looking at a DTR should not even be considering a (6700)...at this range it's either go big or go home. Unless someone already has a 6700K waiting, a 6700 option is not logical. That's like buying a $100K luxury car and skimping out of leather seats or better yet floor mats (better analogy since the price difference is so little) to save on cost.
Just my opinion.
::iunlock::Last edited: Sep 11, 2016Georgel likes this. -
Here's a plan (sarcasm starts... Now)
A) buy 30 of the exact same config of your favorite bga book.
B) OC each one til you find the best CPU.
C) Return 14 if you hit the lottery. But be prepared to return all back to the vendor, and rethink about which socketed laptop you want instead.
Ok. Ok. Just kidding.
Most of us had said before that BGA has its place, and we hope to educate others about those low end, throw away or tiny form factored devices. BGA excels in these scenarios.Spartan@HIDevolution and Georgel like this. -
Edit: NBR has been so strange lately. Why is it showing / defaulting back to my old avatar? Strange...I've tried to reload several times...well there it goes....but will it stick?
::iunlock::Last edited: Sep 11, 2016Georgel and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Edit: Yikes...I'm at my office now, but even if I multi quote it'll just leave a bunch of empty posts. Eh...I'll wait to reply next time lol...anyhow...and life goes on.
::iunlock::Last edited: Sep 11, 2016 -
I got my machine from pcspecialist. Temps so far have been high when under stress but the -125 undervolt has helped. Sitting here now everything on speedfan is at 35/34. I may invest in some liquid ultra and do as you say test it if no improvement then maybe repaste to a better paste.
There was a cool song by Daft Punk named Technologic
Everything that includes editing / creating / compiling / debugging games and software in general.
Also Virtual Machines to test different changes in a game or software
CPU power is really important, and even a tiny bit of juice in plus can make a world of a difference -
Great song btw...Last edited: Sep 11, 2016Georgel likes this. -
Any information yet on how loud the P750DM2-G gets with a 1070?
Most information I've seen is on the P775 with a 1080.Georgel likes this. -
GTX1070 on p750dm2 consumes about 140w. And this is very much increased compared to last generation GPUs such as 980m 970m.
The fan loudness would mainly depends on what you do but I can confirm you that p750 and p775 is not a silent notebook.
You have to think this way.
If the laptop is technologically high-ends, then it is loud.
If laptop is silent, then it must be low-end with some power limitation.Georgel, Papusan, Tony Palmer and 1 other person like this. -
Since P750DM2 and P775DM2/3 are not even remotely the same chassis, it would be nice to actually have two separate threads for each, I understand why P75xDM and P77xDM did, as they were almost identical, aside from size, hence it made sense they shared threads, I do not understand why these laptops share a thread, it makes zero sense, any one searching for info about either laptop has to sift through pages of info, wouldn't it be better to separate them before the thread gets to big ?
Most information on this thread is about P775DM, maybe the original poster can edit the thread name, and someone can create a separate thread for P750DM2 owners .Last edited: Sep 12, 2016Ashtrix, neohopper, godfafa_kr and 4 others like this. -
It seems like the focus has been on the 775 in this thread. So perhaps there should be a new one for the 750? -
Maybe they will create a new Thread for just P750DM2's...Georgel likes this. -
I would prefer the P750DM2-G, but the K processor seems to tip laptops over the edge when paired with pascal.Georgel likes this. -
Comparing MX-4 to toothpaste just shows desperation in your argument to me. If I find MX-4 to be poor performing I'll have no issues whatsoever replacing it and posting as such, but it won't be on your word.
Edit: Found a bunch of test results that includes toothpaste and butter.....
Last edited: Sep 12, 2016Georgel likes this. -
You still awaiting your machine? Enjoy the quiet before it arrives they are noisy
Georgel likes this. -
I don't even know if the spec of the screen is worth waiting for.Georgel likes this. -
Georgel likes this.
Take a look.... Artic Silver 5 give you better temperature than Clu aka Coolaboratory Liquid Ultra. What a joke!!
Same also with Gelid Extreme and ICD 7. The old Arctic Silver 5 Beat almost all well known thermal paste in this review. Maybe you as well should switch to AS5, LOL
I hope also overclockers as bro @Mr. Fox @TBoneSan @ajc9988 @bloodhawk @godfafa_kr can see this and give you some good advices
Yeah. Never listen to other users experience... And rather Be your own Guinea pig!! Not the smartest thing I've heard, Oh'well!!
Last edited: Sep 12, 2016Georgel likes this. -
The difference between the pastes is so minimal that one being "better" than the other could be purely down to the error factor so I wouldn't suggest for one second that AS5 was better than CL, it just got a better result in that test by a degree or whatever it was. Exactly the same test on a different day may yeild different results but the fact remains that the difference between them would be negligible, certainly not in the multiple degrees.
I listen to other peoples advice and experience all the time, not when it comes across as bitter and petty though. Calling MX-4 similar to toothpaste is just nonsense and you're coming across as a complete fanboy. I welcome anyones input to this, I will completely disregard anything that comes across as bitter though...... which is exactly how you are coming across. -
Georgel likes this.
Of course, AS5 works fine as a thermal paste. There's nothing really wrong with it, and there's a reason it used to be a top seller. It's just that there are (probably) better pastes nowadays. -
Miguel Pereira Notebook Consultant
ThePerfectStorm and Georgel like this. -
MX-4 is perfectly fine paste, it's not the best but it's not going to cost you more than a degree or 2 when compared to the "best". -
The 4k is 60Hz and the 1080 it's 75 but will handle 100hz
And yeah, Super Pi push your hardware to the limit?
Second..., Don't compare the better cooling(high pressure and better heatsink) in desktop vs. the much weaker cooling in laptops.
A few benchmarks done with my OC'd 6700K + Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra in a notebook. You will find a lot of them if you Google or look in my sig.
And I can tell you, there is a bigger difference than it could be purely a error of margin!!
Remember the Bench scores is executed from a notebook and not desktop!!
Forget to perform similar bench results done by laptop hardware if you prefer paste of junk quality!!Last edited: Sep 12, 2016 -
So you will be able to pull 75Hz, but it doesn't refresh that fast
Guys! So much lol with thermal solutions
I wish it were simpler to know which is better? I mean, would it be kryonaut? (no CLU for me, it's scary) -
The best thermal goodness is Liquid Metal. Period.
CLLU or Grizzly Conductonaut.
Then if you are wanting to use traditional paste, I'd recommend (others will agree) these as being the top 2:
1. GELid Extreme
2. Grizzly Kyronaut
There are many on here, including myself that have experimented with a lot of different pastes, so the recommendations that are given are very valid ones.
It's also important to keep in mind that not all pastes are created equal in terms of its integrity. That's the problem with a lot of these online thermal paste charts in that those are freshly applied pastes vs showing temp numbers that are weeks and months old... I look at some of those numbers and it really makes me laugh, because I (we) know from experience that the data being presented is very inaccurate to real world results.
IMO the only thermal substance that a DTR with desktop components should ever see are:
- Liquid Metal: Grizzly Conductonaut or CLLU
- GELid Extreme
- Grizzly Kyronanut
- ICD? Not my favorite, but it's among the thickest that can cure intolerance with gaps and unevenness...
Last edited: Sep 12, 2016CaerCadarn, Ashtrix, Georgel and 2 others like this. -
Here you go again, "paste of junk quality"? Are you for real?
SuperPi doesn't really push the temps at all, my point was more regarding how much of an OC is required to get anywhere near the top end of the results tables. Although it doesn't record it I was running 5GHz on a Corsair H60 with AS5.
Given how low end that cooler is the combination with the AS5 is performing great.
Now, you're clearly and advocate of CLU...... do you have any data to show that AS5 wouldn't allow you to reach the same sort of results?
I'll give you an example. I'm currently wearing an anti-lightening t-shirt. It works better than other anti-lightening t-shirts as I've never been hit by lightening. All other anti-lightening t-shirts are junk quality because mine is the best.Georgel likes this. -
Wasted $$$
Edit @Scotster I have tried several thermal paste (also AS5) on my OC'd mobile Hotwell 4930Mx with terrible results. I couldn't execute my preferred benchmarks with a decent overclock. And I can tell you..., Hotwell mobile Extreme is terrible hot. Even worse if you put in a decent overclock!!
You can ask people who have had Haswell mobile Extreme!!Last edited: Sep 12, 2016 -
I always use a decent paste, not the best, because I don't want it drying up and I want it to maintain reasonable temps. Just about every single TIM paste that I can buy over £5 does that in spades.
Because your system runs 1degC cooler than mine at full load isn't really a lot to get hung up about. -
The 4K screen is 60Hz and doesn't OC to more than 62-63Hz.
Georgel likes this. -
That's like using cheap oil in your Ferrari. Really?
I hope you're seeing the point here. Just trying to help.Georgel likes this. -
I see your point, I just don't agree with it. My choice in paste is based on performance, not cost. I'm not going to order up a new paste and repaste for the sake of 1 degree. What I WILL do is re-paste regardless as I prefer to do it and I don't trust suppliers to do it correctly. My system will be supplied with a syringe of MX-4 which I will re-apply and then bench. If I get the results I'm after then I'll settle for that, if not then I will look to eek out some degrees by upping the paste. In fact I may even bench it before the re-paste just to see how it's running.
I've got AS5, MX-2, MX-4 and a whole fresh tube of colgate that I can try. I wouldn't touch liquid metal, far too corrosive.
I put good oil in my car, I don't put the best top end race oil in my car..... it's not a race car. -
I haven't changed my tone, I still think it's silly to be putting mid grade paste on a high end machine. (I'm saying 'mid' to be nice btw...) It's clear that you obviously don't understand the analogy being made here.
You're defending a mid grade...let's change the tone again...you're defending a low grade paste (compared to what's available today) for nothing. If you're stuck in that mentality then no one can help you. We're just trying to recommend you the best, but those online charts seem to have you hypnotized from thinking logically.
I think you've also clearly missed the point of the cheap oil in an expensive high end sports car analogy. I don't know what else to say, but to have fun with your MX4 on a Clevo. SMH...
To each his own...good luck.Last edited: Sep 12, 2016 -
*** Official Clevo P775DM2/3(-G)/P75xDM2(-G) (Sager NP9152/NP9172) WINGMAN 2.0/BATMAN 3.0 Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Aug 3, 2016.