Actually I can spot some minor ghosting even with naked eye.
* I don't play shooters, maybe for some people the ghosting is more visible -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
TN will always have a response time advantage, it just comes down to the level you need.
Georgel likes this. -
With desktops, I expect problems. I haven't purchased a pre-built desktop since the AGP days. So diagnosing an issue or tweaking/OC/undervoting/altering hardware with a custom desktop comes with the territory. I will be the first to admit, DTR's with desktop CPUs and MXM GPU's are new to me (I am learning new things about them everyday). I don't mind (actually I welcome it) tweaking things to get better performance out of my hardware but I do mind that I have to tweak to get cooler temps since the 775DM3 and 870DM3 run very hot from factory.
My girlfriend wants a 775DM3 and I'm going to get her one. I am doing my due diligence to assure major hardware problems don't develop over time due to the temps (a great warranty with a reputable company helps with that) I am seeing now. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Always helps keeping the lady sweet by getting her a machine too
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Georgel likes this. -
GTX1080 is a power consuming monster.
It consumes more than 190w when gaming. I think the power is locked at 192~193w.
And here is some OC benches with p775dm3.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes, the cards have a similar TDP to the desktop founders edition, it's serious performance from these beasts
Alienware has new panels, QHD, FHD 120Hz 4ms ones with GSync, Why is Clevo not able to source them ?? No 5ms 120Hz FHD now then on 775DM3 / 870DM3 ?
PrimeTimeAction likes this. -
Even MSI has those panels at 5ms with ChiMei, Alienware has it coming for QHD FHD, 60Hz - UHD, Aorus also have got the QHD - 5ms 120Hz Gsync. Long back when the Clevo Computex thread came alive at T|I Prema said and many showcased laptops had the same specced panels. So I feel that Clevo should deliver those panels whatever the cost / hurdles are. -
Though I always take color reproduction, brightness and all other factors contributing to a cool image before refresh rate, though I play games that need good refresh rate.
All in all, the further we go, the better! I'm amazed that we go directly from over 25ms response time to under 8ms in IPS laptop displays... Now I rwally want one of those! -
Response time likely apply to gaming for the average individual.
When it comes to browsing, media..higher hz are great.
I think we are approaching a time ( in ten years or so) when >60hz screens will be the norm and there will be nobody saying " I can't see a difference"Georgel likes this. -
Simple maths would suggest that >8ms isn't good enough for 120hz.
If the screen is refreshing at 120hz that's once every 8.33ms (1000/120). If it takes longer to respond to a change then you will get ghosting.Ashtrix, Spartan@HIDevolution and Georgel like this. -
Georgel likes this.
Can someone who has LP173WF4-SPF1 screen please try out something for me?
If G-Sync is active I have graphical corruption in Rise of the Tomb Raider DX12 mode.
No problem like this if game is running in DX11 OR G-Sync is disabled. The problem can not be seen if using an external G-Sync monitor.
I have tried it with 2 laptops, both had this. One laptop had GTX 980, the other had GTX 1080. Both laptops have LP173WF4-SPF1.
The graphical corruption is either a black or white afterimage seen on the edges of textures like in the video I have recorded:
As you can see it is software level because even Shadowplay was able to record it.
Am I am the only one with this problem ? Or maybe all NVidia drivers released in the past months have this bug which only appears while using DX12 in the game and only when the driver has to sync a LP173WF4-SPF1 screen ? -
I've watched that video 5 times now. I have no idea what I'm looking for?
PrimeTimeAction, Ashtrix, Spartan@HIDevolution and 1 other person like this. -
saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate
I was able to snag all the drivers, save for the GPU as you can get those straight from NVIDIA, and upload them to Mediafire, which should have much faster and more reliable downloads. The ones for the different wireless cards are in a separate sub-folder.
Link -
Can anyone confirm that everything works fine on Win7 ? The CCC, Fingerprint reader and other drivers...thanks.
When moving around the camera this is what happens. Look at the edge of the wooden pole.
DX11 (or no G-Sync in DX12)
See? No white (or black, depending on texture) line on the edge.
This happens only when using the LP173WF4-SPF1 screen, no problem using an external 144 Hz G-Sync monitor.CaerCadarn and Georgel like this. -
Great post...nice screen shots.Georgel likes this. -
Maybe you have superior eyesight but I only noticed in the static image and not in the vid itself.
In the video I only got glimpses of it only after you pointed it out.ThePerfectStorm and Georgel like this. -
anyone experimented further with the 6700k? the -110 undervolt recommended really dropped temps anyone went further? or done anything else?
Georgel likes this. -
Maybe -185 mV would be stable to but I just dont want to risk it.Georgel likes this. -
Georgel likes this.
Anyone managed to get under 95C on MAX in heavy duty without undervolting on CPU? 6700hq, 4710hq, and all BGA CPUs go at 99C in load regardless of other factors and it's painful to see those temps so high.
Even with a Corsair H100i GTX AIO cooling I get about 82C max with a stock clocks and voltage on 6700K.
With an Alpenföhn Senna cooler (which unlike the cooling in the laptop, has direct contact with the cpu) I get 90C+ temps.
Oh yeah, these temps are with Lynx 4096 mb load. Lynx puts much more stress on the cpu then Aida or XTU stress test (and thus more reliable since I saw unstable overclockings pass in the Aidra stress test).
If you manage to go under 85C in Lynx after undervolting with a 6700K in this laptop with this cooling, I'd say that is a pretty good result.iunlock, CaerCadarn and Georgel like this. -
I have a particular heavy case of usage and I get up to 100% CPU usage for long periods of time when working, so I would be very advantaged if a 6700K would not reach this temp.
On the other hand, isn't 6700K more resistant to temperatures than a 6700hq BGA is? I mean, a 6700hq doesn't show any sign of wear after lots of usage with this scenario, will a 6700K have problems if used like this? -
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Grizzly13ear, tribaljet, Papusan and 2 others like this.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
tribaljet, Papusan, Mr. Fox and 1 other person like this. -
I have 99C on a 4710HQ BGA CPU. And it throttles.
You have... no vanilla BGA CPU, only enthusiast or extreme, maybe my hate for BGA is much more founded on reason than it seems. Especially when I have to wait 1 minute because my CPU was throttling.
I just need to take care of my work without hassle, if BGA would had allowed me to do so, I would not have brought it up, but so far, it didn't work out... They simply don't work for heavy workloads, they're the designs for consuming. Like windows vanilla builds nowadays.
I would seriously be a good amount of money and risk off if I would get a 6820HK + 1070 in P670 instead of 6700k + 1080 in P775, but doesn't seem like P670 would keep up with my needs, so I need to inform about every detail on what I'm buying.PrimeTimeAction, Papusan, Mr. Fox and 1 other person like this. -
PrimeTimeAction, Georgel and Mr. Fox like this.
As I said before I prefer 6700K over 6700 too. Less throttle compared to non K in this laptop (if left on stock settings), better performance and more future proof...and if someone does not like the higher temps, it can be easily undervolted in the Clevo software.
There's nothing inherently low-performance about BGA except for the fact that you can't swap one out if you roll garbage in the silicon lottery and the potential issue of longevity at high temps with solder balls on the package vs. socket. Clock for clock with all else (including silicon quality) held constant, a 6820HK will reach pretty much the same level of performance as a 6700K. In fact, since they don't have a heat spreader, BGA CPUs technically should have an advantage vs. desktop CPUs without a CLU delid. The problem stems from Intel dropping the worst of the lot into the destined-for-BGA pile, which leads to crap like needing 1.25-1.3V just to hit a stable 4GHz, as well as imposing stupidly low hardware-locked thermal limitations on their mobile line, although they seem to be phasing this out ever since Skylake. This, plus manufacturers designing thinner laptops with inadequate cooling, is the reason why BGA laptops perform worse in general.
Kreathor, iunlock, Ashtrix and 1 other person like this. -
BGA melts fast after 100C, they're not made to last and NO BGA so far was able to stay under 99C in load.
BGA GPUs are happier in mid range (shocking, eh?) with a 860m and 960m never reaching over 70C, not even in Furmark. It's really cold in this aspect. But the power of a 960m is just so low...
If we talk strictly about the CPU, 6700K can be OCd to 4.6 - 4.8 GHz stable on most laptops, while 6820HK cannot be OCd over 4GHz on most laptops
By the way, on P775, anyone noticed any throttling so far with GTX 1080? I remember some users getting as high as 90C, but I forgot if anyone said if there's any throttling involved -
Georgel likes this.
Yo, does anyone of you have the Sager NP9152 S with the 1070GTX? I want some reviews
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Georgel likes this.
Anyone repasted their machine yet? I paid extra for artic mx-4 but after it failing testing in building as was 're-pasted then wondering if it's worth doing myself with a different paste
Georgel likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
TomJGX likes this.
But You could be very lucky in the motherboard lottery and received a chips who managed 4.0 GH with decent voltage
Cass-Olé, CaerCadarn and Georgel like this.
*** Official Clevo P775DM2/3(-G)/P75xDM2(-G) (Sager NP9152/NP9172) WINGMAN 2.0/BATMAN 3.0 Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Aug 3, 2016.