Mabuti naman at walang issue na ang speaker and subjectively i prefer asus' design mejo streamlined kasi and modernist.
Well for me i decided and pulled the gun on asus g751jy. Its slightly cheaper now and ive heard that noise and cooling is the best. As for the desktop class cpu of np9772 its a compromise im willing to take since most games require gpu horsepower and the i7 mobile variant isnt far from the desktop i7.
Anyways thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the matter, i think ill be migrating now to the other thread aptly named on my unit.
Man, this anticipation is like waiting for Christmas as a kid. Especially when you're going from a measly 2.5 GHz T9300 system with a GeForce 8700M GT running Windows Vista, to the i7-4790 processor and the GeForce GTX 980M video card. I'm now in Phase 3 and REALLY wish I didn't have to travel out of state from the 10th to the 15th as I'll either have to wait until I get back for the laptop to arrive, or have it arrive a day before I have to leave and then be thinking about it when I'm away. (I don't want to take it with me and try to set it up at the hotel. Too much of a PITA). It seems like everyone in here is super happy with their system, and I have no plans for overclocking in any manner whatsoever, so the cooling system seems adequate to me. (I went with the IC Diamond Thermal Compound on the CPU and GPU anyway).
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Just remember guys all non English text must have a translation below it for the sake of the moderators.
TomJGX and Mr Najsman like this. -
I get an ID mismatch (MD5) on Premas 980M vBIOS. Anyone else? @Prema
TomJGX and Mr Najsman like this.
And believe me, you will want to tweak your system, because its so easy and rewarding. -
But then, why even print the checksum? Since all Clevo users get a mismatch and all specifically tested laptops listed are Clevos. -
I already modded the nvflash to not print an additional confirmation request and to flash a modded vBIOS at all. Stock nvflash would tell you to go home when trying to flash a mod.
(Times of just adding -4 -5 -6 and flashing in DOS are over, this stuff is locked down as it is).D2 Ultima likes this. -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
So I just got an email that sager is sending me a new GPU to replace mine after we did some troubleshooting. They are sending it to me with a hold on my credit card such that I can keep the laptop (awesome) I will update when I get the new card.
ajc9988 likes this. -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
Well honestly at 64.2 (my current one) it can't get much worse I feel on the asic quality scale that is a D- haha
Before I send back the old chip I will need to re flash the vbios back to stock. Flashing the vbios initially was easy but if you guys don't mind giving me a guide to follow that would be greatly appreciated. I want to make sure it is done perfectly. Now would not be a good time to mess up the chip myself :/Last edited: May 1, 2015 -
EDIT: This was driver and flash troubleshooting
To be clear on the order:
1) Download the stock Nvidia 344.75 driver, the stock vbios, the modified vbios, and DDU.
2) Verify the SHA-1 on all files downloaded to make sure not corrupt
3)Boot into safe mode
4) open DDU
5) verify that the option to disable windows auto driver search is selected
6) run DDU
7) reboot into windows normally
8) go into control panel, go to device manager, disable display adapter
9) flash the stock vbios
10) reboot
11) verify that display adapter is still disabled
12) flash modded vbios
13) reboot
14) enable display adapter
15) install driver 344.75
16) reboot
17) check to see if everything is working normally
As an added reminder, there may be flashing of the screen or the screen may go black temporarily while installing the driver. MAKE SURE YOU GIVE ENOUGH TIME FOR IT TO FINISH INSTALLING THE DRIVER. This time varies by computer!
Happy hunting!
Edit 2: You will need NVFlash and a stock vbios. Also, obviously, don't reflash the modded bios in step 12 (so skip 11-13), and use whatever driver you would like!Last edited: May 1, 2015superkyle1721 likes this. -
I´m being overly cautious here but, the iGPU isn´t visible in device manager. When I disable the 980M for the vBIOS-flash it will kick in right? Don´t want to be staring at only a black screen..
Edit: I created threes instructions for a person having issues with a bad flash and couldn't OC, but had video still. Use common sense for what applies. If it is the first mod flash, ddu, disable adapter, flash, driver with reboots in between as those directions point out. Also, if flashing from mod to stock, reset msi afterburner or nvidia inspector to stock instead of overclock before you begin just in case!!!Last edited: May 1, 2015Mr Najsman likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If you disable the 980m it renders the desktop on the cpu and uses the gpu to simply pass through the image to the monitor.
By CPU I really mean the CPU cores and not the iGPU.TomJGX, ajc9988 and Mr Najsman like this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The true old school way of doing things from pre 3d accelerators
This is sometimes why a faulty gpu will output a display until you install the drivers as that moves rendering onto the gpu.
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
I have successfully reflashed the prema vbios :/ looks like the file I saved was not the original vbios. Can anyone send me a dump of there stock vbios?
Edit: just kidding I now see that prema has the stock vbios available on his site. Got it flashed back to stock now. Thanks for your help.Last edited: May 1, 2015ajc9988 likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
That's why passing him some beer money is a good idea
ajc9988 likes this. -
anybody know if this is a good maufacturer:
their computer is not listed at the notebook manufacturer section -
Perhaps it will do when mixed with a loop heat pipe. -
Have anyone measured the actual power draw at full load (Prime95 "In-place large FFTs")? -
I've noticed electrical noise from the speakers :/ It begins when I start a game and has variying pitch depending on what's on screen.
Nothing to be done I suppose, atleast it's not as bad as in that video earlier (ingvarrs I think). It gets drowned by fan noise when they ramp up. -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
why do people seem to get issues with the speakers on this machine?
is it specific for this particular model,or for sager/clevo?or a bad batch?
is there a way to fix it? -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
I believe I get it also from time to time so I think it is just like stated above a result of electrical noise. If true then yes it can be fixed by further insulation of the culprit. This wouldn't be easy as finding the issue would be very difficult. If it is the same noise I hear then it only happens every now and then and then goes away after a few seconds. Which then confuses the fact that is it really electrical noise or not. Either way yes it does exist but unless you have one of the laptops which is was really bad it's not really an issue but rather we are a group who analyses ever aspect of the machine so little nuisances for most can seem like big problems. It's the nature of a tech forum.
It can't be fixed. Even if you were to shield the speaker wires they have to be exposed where they connect to the amplifier and the speakers. Noise will get in at those points. It's inevitable. It's just how electricity and electromagnetism work.
There are some things you can do to work around it. Environmental noise can mask the electrical noise from the speakers. Using the audio out jacks with headphones or external speakers eliminates the wiring that picks up RF noise inside the chassis. Using a USB sound card moves audio decoding entirely outside of the chassis. -
well yeah,but i do not see this being mentioned on other laptop model threads,kinda sad its on the sager.does it still appear if you listen to like music on reasonable volume?without blasting it all the way up?
Cormogram likes this.
is it influenced by the volume that you are listening at? cause ive noticed some kind of tremble-like sound when setting high volume on my current laptop and on others aswell,so meh,if it aint noticeable on lower vol,then its harmless.
Just did my worst pastejob ever. First time using Gelid, it was a mess. Too much and tried to remove half, what a blob lol. Next time Ill heat it first. Temps in XTU the same as with stock paste (proper pastejob by mysn btw). I will do some tests then check the spread and repaste.
What surprised me was the fit of the heatsink. It was less of a hassle then with my HM. On that I have to wedge it abit around the fan. With this I just drop it straight down in a perfect fit. -
As close of contact as I've had so far...Last edited: May 3, 2015 -
Scratch that. Much worse temps in Heaven. I don't even wanna see what it looks like inside..
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
Before I did my lapping I took very careful measurements of everything and it seems as though the heatsink is convex to fit the concavity of the CPU not much but ever so slightly. This is either by design or mine just happened to be that way. Either way after polishing and lapping they are both perfectly flat and temps did drop significantly so if they did do it by design they failed...
superkyle1721 likes this.
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
I would say mine does appear to be more uniform. I have plenty of paste so what I'll do is in a couple hours I'll pull my heat sink and take pictures. It's really extremely even now that it has been lapped and polished. Plus I just trusted my first paste job so I'm curious to see if it is even a good one or not. Updates to come.
Edit: New EC for our laptop!Last edited: May 3, 2015 -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
Ok dumb question I know what the embedded controller does but are there any stability benefits in the update or what is exactly updated with it?
Anyone know how to remove the speaker grill without having to take apart the entire laptop? I need to find out what is causing the speaker buzzing noise.
*** Official Clevo P770ZM / Sager NP9772 and P770ZM-G / Sager NP9773 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Jan 6, 2015.