NBC review of the P771ZM is up: Test One K73-5N (Clevo P771ZM) Notebook - Notebookcheck.com Tests
Where in Europe can I buy a P771ZM barebone? Don't need any components just the 980M 8GB.
Also, where (it maybe be anywhere) can I buy one Killer 1525? -
- http://forum.notebookreview.com/sager-clevo/652403-clevo-resellers-european-union-v1.html - add to this list Clevo Extreme Gaming.
Scan.co.uk have the Killer for sale. -
cool...any trusted resellers that can come recommended?
also...any reason to go with the Xeon over the 4790k? -
if ure happy with a locker multiplier then in some instances the xeon model is cheaper than the respective core model at same clocks. thats about it, unless those extra server / business features for security / VM / etc. are important to you
Does any know if there's a Clevo model with desktop CPU and dual SLI 980m available?
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
both "not yet". not yet available and not yet known if such a thing is even planned
With the help of Google Translate I understand that there are some throttling issues under full load, and CPU reaching almost 100ºC in that scenario, is that correct? If that's the case I might be getting the 4790S instead of the K. -
yes but thats in prime95 and furmark running in parallel. in regular usage such as benchmarks and games the cpu never throttles and uses its max. clocks
the english version always comes out a bit later.Prema likes this. -
What's the difference between the Killer 1202 and 1525?
Eurocom Configure Model
Nine X570SE: System Overview | MALIBAL -
ah yes the P570WM monster
still supports 980M in sli though and sports up to 6 desktop cores, thats still blows away any system out there, including most desktops
I've just made a configuration exceeding US$ 18k!!!!
Supertoaster!!! -
actually, it runs quite cool even with highend components, just ask meaker
Sigh. Got my 4x8gb sticks of ram and no laptop. Still waiting on xoticpc price quote for custom config still. Trying so hard to not pull the trigger on the tried and true 8278-S yet. I really want to give the batman a chance if things work out.
Until then, I have really high hopes for the 770ZM...but I'm starting to get an uneasy feeling....jaybee83 likes this. -
uneasy how? and true, didnt think about the xeon models
the xoticpc staff is saying that this machine has three total fans.one for cpu and two - one for each gpu in sli. im personally in between this sager and msi gt72 domiantor pro, the one which can reach 4.0 ghz turbo.the sager wins in every performance related aspect imo(at least on paper),the main difference being that it has the cpu is replaceable too,compared to msi's which is soldered,but msi is certain to support two more gpu generations(or so they say).however ive read some mixed reviews about clevo/sager and their way to deal with laptop issues/fulfilling the warranty,altho some other people said their machine never had a single issue.id need a bit of help making my choice,im about to go msi just because it seems more like a trustworthy company/something you can rely on.
Reach out for those companies. Measure how they treat you.
If you don't get satisfied with the pre-sales: FORGET ABOUT IT!
You own the money. They must bend over for it!
The P771ZM have only 2 fans:
Check the review[1] and also good pictures on this site[2]. It's in german but the Google translation isn't the worst that I've read.
[1] http://www.notebookcheck.com/Test-One-K73-5N-Clevo-P771ZM-Notebook.134649.0.html
[2] http://www.clevo-extreme-gaming.com/CLEVO_P771ZM/p2920174_13514978.aspxLast edited: Jan 23, 2015 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The SLI clevo machines use 3 fans, the none SLI (With the exception of the P6xx series which uses two slim fans for the GPU) use 2 fans.
Is anyone having power supply issues when overclocking the P77xZM with the 4790K?
Is it really needed to have a 330W power adapter?
What about that 2x 330W power adapter with converter box? -
just ordered a p770zm. it's in phase 0. sigh.
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
pukemon likes this. -
So i am leaning towards this model.... though i am getting a lot of Zbook recommendations too... any comparison thoughts?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Do you need a quadro card?
Hello, is the screen on this laptop better or worse than the p170em one?
i am pretty sold on the K5100m for my Adobe needs...i like a lot about the Sager...but the Zbook's screen options make me hesitant
I notice from xotic pc the configurations don't include the operating system. If one orders from them and select one of the operating systems as an option do they install it for you or just send it on a disc for you to install yourself.?
Thanks for reply.
I was looking at getting the sager np9772-s with the msata boot and HDD .and windows os. I was just hopping if I ordered this way it would come with os install and everything already set up. I hate reinstalling windows on a machine and trying to get all the drivers and compenents working proper. -
M.2. Not msata. And in the options their should be an option to install as OS drive when you pick your drives. Windows is easier to install these days, but it seems installing on m.2 drives could be slightly more difficult if you use a drive that uses pcie instead of SATA. Not that big a deal as I'm sure there are many guides but will be a pain for less technically inclined. Also, all the latest drivers will usually be installed for you. You could save some bucks getting your own drives but if you want to.avoid the hassle of OS install male sure you pick the right options.
I take it no one has the np9772-s in their possession yet -
Hoping to get mine before the 5th because i fly out for work but thinking I will probably get it when i get back home the following week -
For the ones that want an IPS panel: according to the reseller I'm planning on buying from they'll arrive mid February
info from mySn website / configuration page of the P770ZM (XMG U705):
17.3 (43,9 cm) Full HD (1920 × 1080) Non-Glare
Modell: CHIMEI N173HGE-L11
17.3 (43,9 cm) Full HD (1920 × 1080) Non-Glare IPS
Modell: LG LP173WF4-SPF1
link: mySN.de | SCHENKER XMG | Schenker Technologies - XMG U705 ULTIMATE Gaming Notebook 43,9cm (17.3") -
what exactly did u have in mind@exciting?
specs for the IPS screen: http://www.panelook.com/LP173WF4-SPF1_LG Display_17.3_LCM_parameter_21056.html -
This screen is only 79 percent of sRGB and 58 percent of AdobeRGB standards.
WHOA! Just did a search for better screens...and I just found THIS: EUROCOM Images
Scroll down to Panther 7N. THAT'S what I want on a screen!
THIS I have to find out more about! I've been waiting for a P570WM successor...it may be on it's way! And look at those supposed screen specs! Hopefully this is not just vaporware...and if it is on Eurocm's site, I doubt it is.
Does anyone out there have any news on the 7N?!?!?
OMG! Dual Xeons?? http://web.eurocom.com/ec/ecu_model_config1%281,227,0%29
I think I've died and gone to heaven! -
those specs are just insane *lol*
meaker? i think ive found ur future baby
edit: i think that might be an old april fool´s joke
edit2: yup, it is - http://news.softpedia.com/news/Euro...-Super-Laptop-With-Two-Xeon-CPUs-341823.shtml -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Comes with Marshmallow roasting sticks!
*** Official Clevo P770ZM / Sager NP9772 and P770ZM-G / Sager NP9773 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Jan 6, 2015.