Ahhhh, crap... also want to do this for light stuff away from the plug, and now you tell me undervolting doesn´t work...crap, i tell you! crap!![]()
Can anyone who has this test if you can drive 75Hz and then 120Hz out the HDMI port?
both should work, since ure driving the external displays off the dgpu
thats dependant on the resolution though!
@Samot: patience, prema's vbios version is still in its first version, so maybe undervolting will be added sometime in the future
@ajc9988: ok, i found the culprit being msi kombustor/furmark itself: prema's vbios has an integrated protection system specifically against these tools, since various users have stressed their gpus to death using those! so just choose urself another benchmark such as futuremark firestrike or unigine valley and ull be golden
on another note: anyone have an idea on how to make an nvidia profile stick at boot-up? ive tried adding a registry string value to use a saved profile (tried both the naked shortcut command and the shortcut itself), unfortunately couldnt get it to stick at boot. have to double click the profile short cut myself...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalkajc9988 likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
A couple of questions:
1- Its either 15 inch IPS or 17 inch no IPS? I love my 17 inch laptop, but I would also like a higher quality screen, any recommendations?
2- On Sager's site, I can add a second hard drive, on Xotic, the second hard drive options are only SSDs, any reason for that?
3- Does the laptop lack a CD drive?
4- Is mSATA worth the extra price?
Thanks! -
1) some vendors do offer IPS screens for the 17 inch version
2) u can install 2 2.5 inch drivers and 2 m.2 ssd drives (sata or pcie)
3) yes, there is no internal ODD, but vendors offer external drives in their configurators
4) this machine does not support mSATA drives, only M.2 (big difference!) if its worth the extra price ull have to decide for yourself, depending on your needs and usage scenariosajc9988 likes this. -
I've been intermittently reading this thread since I saw the NP9772 on XoticPC before they started shipping. Ever since they started shipping the thread has gone crazy and Im having trouble keeping up & finding answers to what I would like to know.
What I'd like to know from you all is how it handles heat without any undervolting or OC, running completely stock. The way I look at it, as long as the cooling system can handle a stock setup then turning off turboboost and undervolting should give plenty of room on cooling system.
Another thing I would like to know is just how bad is the stock LCD? My desktop has 24" Samsung monitors, I know they aren't IPS but I don't know if they are TN or TFT off hand.
Lastly, at 1080P will a 980M have a marked increase in performance over a 970M in the following with every last setting maxed with resolution set to full screen windowed 1080P?
GTA4, WoW, Supreme Commander 2, ME Series, Tomb Raider, Hitman Absolution, Red Faction Series. -
about 30% performance increase going from 970M to 980M
Service manual is up. BTW, if someone would, we should create an OP with links, etc. for the P770ZM like the P750ZM. Anyone that wants to create it and send to HTWingnut to post (or do something to get it on page one) would be amazing. I'm lazy and busy for 2 weeks. After that, if no one steps up, I will.
Also - this screen is one of the better TN screens. We need to get and consolidate all 17" screens that are compatible for that first page too... we need to be more like @jaybee83 !!!
http://www.panelook.com/B173HW01 V4_AUO_17.3_LCM_parameter_738.htmljaybee83 likes this. -
Last edited: Feb 11, 2015
4- isn't M.2 like the successor to MSATA?
Thanks a lot! -
mysn / schenker for one
can totally recommend them, bought my machine there
yes it is. thats why im saying, dont mix those two up, since theyre not compatible physically! -
I just received my 9772-S last night. I installed the drivers but that's as far as I have gotten.
1) Build quality seems good and it feels lighter than the Alienware M17xR3 it replaces.
a) Except the lid - it is very flexible - not impressed with this piece.
2) The 330W power supply is a tank
3) The fans are barely audible when it's idle. I have to hold my ear near the keyboard.
4) It installed Windows 8.1 from a USB stick in < 20 minutes (it might have been faster; I wasn't watching).
5) The screen looks nice to me. Bright and clear, and I like the matte finish.
That's all for now. No idea how hot it is running. I've barely got a chance to use it - just web surfing while downloading and installing drivers. -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
Sorry to ask again but I just can't seem to find the answer anywhere. Does anyone know if the Samsung pcie m.2 drives take up both available m.2 slots? You will notice when you configure the laptop it's only available in one slot which leads me to believe it uses all available lanes.
It hasn't been clearly answered yet. I think there are 4 lanes total. Going by spec sheet 6 lanes are available. 4x2 going by specs. I think it's 2x2 if you fill both with pcie drives. But I'm going to get a 4 lane drive and regular m.2 ssd to run Linux virtually.
jaybee83 likes this. -
Would that work, mixing pcie and sata m.2?
Anyways, a couple US vendors are Pro-star (where I got mine), Xotic PC, LPC-Digital to name a few. Mythlogic, sager, avadirect also sell it at a premium. -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
I was a little late getting to the thread opening party but if the OP would be so kind it would be awesome to have links to modded bios and vbios flashing just a suggestion.
The other slot is still available for m.2 SATA. Both are SATA compatible. No msata though so don't mistakenly buy a msata.
It seems you might want to volunteer! Aside from that, look at premamod - a one stop shop for modified clevo bios. -
but the numbers on.....what?
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
Thanks I'm actually pretty sure I know where to find everything. Based on my experience with owners threads (I'm a noob here but very active in another thread based on high end tvs) a lot of the same questions get asked over and over. So to eliminate clutter I usually try and reserve a spot on the first page to put links to useful information and downloads. Once I get my batman I'll flash everything save the location I got it from and post links as well as instructions on how to do it. I know you guys know how to do it very easily so consider it me trying to save the thread from answering the same questions constantly.
problem is, even if u put every conceivable info into the OP, people STILL keep asking the same questions cuz theyre too lazy to read the OP
also, some stuff just cannot be answered without writing up an encyclopedia. for example: where to get the cheapest config xyz? which vendor offers which screen? is cpu x better than cpu y in situation z when i mostly use programs/apps/games abc?
just impossible to keep up with such kind of questions! that why i try to keep telling people: DO NOT BE LAZY! google is your friend, and MOST questions can EASILY be answered by doing a little research of your ownsuperkyle1721 likes this. -
Any of you p770zm owners have problems installing the airplane driver on the drivers CD? Specifically insyde airplane driver. I've tried downloading from clevo direct and sager doesn't have p7x0zm drivers up yet. I think I'm gonna try the 750zm driver and see if that works and hopefully clevo has OT on their website. I'm all out of options and away from my laptop now.
http://www.pro-star.com/index.php?r=index/download&model=P750ZM/P770ZM#filepukemon likes this. -
ooooh dont trust passmark, like at all. their rankings are totally messed up with lower tier MQ cpus beating XM cpus of the same gen by a big margin and stuff like that. rather go by NBC benches, for example
Last edited: Feb 11, 2015 -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
jaybee83 likes this. -
Also, I don't fully trust them! I just check it for quick purposes... I try to find actual review articles at other sites if I am making purchasing decisions.
I also rely on NBC for all mobile video card benches!Last edited: Feb 11, 2015jaybee83 likes this. -
EDIT; sorry, responded to wrong quote:
Any of you p770zm owners have problems installing the airplane driver on the drivers CD? Specifically insyde airplane driver. I've tried downloading from clevo direct and sager doesn't have p7x0zm drivers up yet. I think I'm gonna try the 750zm driver and see if that works and hopefully clevo has OT on their website. I'm all out of options and away from my laptop now. -
I too am also waiting for a better display option... IPS or a resolution higher than 1080p -
silentnite2608 Notebook Evangelist
Does the CPU and GPU have it's own heatpipe? Or is it shared?
Also is it MXM? -
sorry, double post... where did that damn delete button go?
ajc9988 likes this. -
its under "technische daten":
"17.3 (43,9 cm) Full HD (1920 × 1080) Non-Glare IPS
Modell: LG LP173WF4-SPF1
Das IPS-Display ist voraussichtlich ab Mitte März 2015 verfügbar. Der Aufpreis wird in Kürze bekannt gegeben.
Der maximale Öffnungswinkel der Display-Scharniere liegt bei etwa 115°."ajc9988 likes this. -
Close to getting this...
main issues I have...
GPU temps seem fine but CPU temps seem a little bit high without undervolting. Don't want to spend nearly 2K just to have to open up the computer again to monkey around with it.
Screen quality.
How do the temps compare with the SAGER NP8278-S? Would a 72% gamut NTSC screen be much better than the stock screen it came with? Should I get ICDiamond? I know there are better but its the only alternative to stock Xotic offers.Last edited: Feb 11, 2015 -
Last edited: Feb 11, 2015jaybee83 likes this.
Jaybee, when do u plan to repaste with CLU?
not sure just yet... pretty happy with the current GC Extreme paste job
i at least want to wait for my fujipoly pads before repasting, those pastes arent for free, you know...
besides, still more than enough to do before that! so stay tunedajc9988 likes this. -
I so want a 120Hz+ panel, but those are nowhere to be seen sadly. No one seems to be making good 17" panels really...
European resellers only seem to offer a 230W power brick, which seems just too small (notebookcheck measuring a max of ~280W at the plug with a 230W brick)
Has anyone tried the leaked Nvidia driver to get software (freesync) gysnc working?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
280w wall = 230W system load so still in spec.
*** Official Clevo P770ZM / Sager NP9772 and P770ZM-G / Sager NP9773 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Jan 6, 2015.