that's what I am getting too![]()
I got my NP9772-S this morning, so far just doing all of the initial setup.
I think the palm rest below the keyboard is too shiny for the mouse properly work, has anyone else run into that? -
The palm rest is awesome. Not the sandpaper of old. Touchpad is freaking awesome too.
Anyone with the 970m stock vbios willing to dump and send it to me?
Finally got mine. Doing 3rd install of windows 8.1 pro. Don't ask. Lol. So far love it. My only gripe is I got a chi mei innolux screen. It's not bad, but far from great. So used to calibrated panels or close to accurate displays it looks like a TV in dynamic mode at the store. Brightness is pretty good though. And the matte is just right. Was worried about that. Anyways, I'll be back. Windows 8.1 is a cluster****. Anybody need to know how to install ram under keyboard, hit me up in pm. Took me half an hour to figure out. Googling and searching this forum didn't help.
jaybee83 likes this. -
ajc9988 likes this.
Is there a means to search an individual thread? If so I couldn't find it and apologize for what is probably old news.
Does this model have Optimus or not. If not, it should be able to drive a 120Hz panel or at a minimum be able to drive one through the external ports, yes?Last edited: Feb 9, 2015 -
Been figuring out all the little nuances and getting software to guage temps and other oddities.
Started out -100. Ran xtu stress test but won't reboot proper. Then 80, fine xtu but no proper reboot. Did 60 all the way and so far seems good. Reboots fine. That's just ge5ig my toes wet but seems lime where I'll be approxi.lately. need to put the heavier duty stress tests on it though. Temps were peaking at spikes of 92ish. Now seems to be holding 80ish with spikes in mid 80's. What's weird though is default memory already overclocks to 1867 on my 1600 memory. Tried custom stuff and won't hold. Weird. Haven't s3n my GPU hit 70 yet.ajc9988 likes this. -
yupyup, batman does that to memory
mine bootet directly with 2133 mhz without any input
ocing memory is quite fiddly, best to relax timings first (by like 2 or more), and only then try to overclock to next frequency. once u get that, tighten up timings again, step by step.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Things like the rRFC tend to be set WAY too loose at stock so that can usually be tightened up quite a bit.
jaybee83 likes this. -
Man, batman is awesome. Let boinc run all night. I only allow it 50-60% processing and full use of GPU. Didn't go over 75* and 63*.
Got some nice undervolts on CPU. Basically -75mv on everyrhing but cache -100. Thing doesn't even want to get close to 80* unless I torture it with prime95. With turbo on, it will spike/peak (peek at, lol) at 82*. Ran unigine heaven and GPU peaked at 69* but mostly stayed around 65*.
BTW, this is stock paste, whatever it is, propped up an inch in the back, no cooler and ambient temp of ~23* off 330w PSU.
For now I'm gonna leave those undervolt. Seem very stable ATM. May tweak more this weekend if no reboots but I would guess I'm pretty close to threshold already.
But yeah this thing is beastly across the board. 32gb of ram and I don't think I've gone over 10gb yet. Ate wprime for lunch and super pi was dessert. Haven't seen GPU hit over 70* yet. And I basically got to force it to get to 90*+. Everything auto fans even. -
only thing u left out was the cpu clocks u were using
im guessing stock?
ajc9988 likes this. -
OK, here is what I recommend:
1) Set general windows power setting to performance from balanced (make sure advanced settings put the CPU at 100% on and off the battery)
The rest are from default XTU settings
2)Disable turboboost short power max
3) Disable the integrated VR efficiency mode
4) Set all multipliers to 40
5) Reduce Cache voltage by itself until unstable. Go by -25mV at a time on voltage offset until instability, then work within the 25mV to narrow down where is stable for the Cache voltage. Leave somewhere between 3 to 5mV (maybe 10mV at higher clocks) above instability.
6) Now undervolt the Core voltage until instability. Move up by 5mV until stable using your favorite software for stability testing
7) save the stable settings as a profile for 4 ghz
8) Repeat step (4), (6), and (7) for 4.1 and above. Skip step 5 as you will not change this from the core 4.0 ghz ratio.
9) enjoy the endless hours of testing!!!
And for those that do extraordinary CPU crunching, etc. Consider using the App-profile pairing in XTU. This allows a profile to be used when you execute an app on battery or AC power. Just a thought.
Corrected errors pointed out to me by metacarpus. Once again, thank you!
P.S. If you do a lot of browser surfing, it can pass Prime95 large FFT and still crash from Firefox. Test using more ram. This should help!vitopl likes this. -
To point out how much of difference there is, I've been currently running seti@home on boinc. My np 5160 would finish 4-8 modules a day, about 8h of running. Last night, with my modest -50mv undervolt with turbo boost on, in 6h I know it finished at least 12 modules. And CPU ran almost 10* cooler than CPU in my sig nature and GPU didn't even break a sweat. Ran ~15* cooler than 540m. 6h and I know for sure it finished double to triple what my old laptop does. I don't how many modules it uploaded reported, but there were 8 waiting to be uploaded. Feel like I'm playing with Nintendo power.
Oh and I'm fairly certain from xtu stress tests that I'm probably maintaining 4.2ghz. Xtu bounced from 4.0-4.2 on stress testing. With my more aggressive undervolt it held 4.2 a looooot more. So I'm sure boinc is holding up well since most peaks are high 70's with the occassional spike into low 80's for a split second, but temps are bouncing around everywhere in the 60's constantly.Last edited: Feb 10, 2015ajc9988 likes this. -
BTW, what program are you guys using for playing with the ram timings?
intel xtu for ram tweaking
rough guide is to loosen up the timings first (for example, if u have 11-11-11-31 go for 13-13-13-40), then try to reach the next frequency step (say, 1866 to 2133 mhz). once u got that, tighten up the timings one by one, step by step and check with memtest86/intel xtu ram stress test/prime95 with lots of ram for stability
of course, with a wonderful k-model cpu under the hood u might try and up the imc voltage for more stability
theres gonna be one more possibility for ram tweaking soon, but still NDA...
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk -
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
You guys are absolutely killing me. Very jealous you have the batman already. Still no shipping update for me
I have ordered my 32GB of Gskill ripjaws 2133 ram and 512 GB 850 pro SSD now just need the release of the new M.2 drives and I'll be set for a few years
jaybee83 likes this.
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
From my understanding of you use the new Samsung pcie SSD you end up using up all 4 lanes. If this is the case can you even as an m.2 sata is there another slot for it? If so one could basically have one pcie SSD one m.2 sata SSD and 2 either SSD or HDD sata III for a total of 4 ?
superkyle1721 Notebook Evangelist
I mean correct me if I'm wrong here but the 941 will take up all m.2 slots so I would assume the 951 will do the same. Leaving you wil the option of 1 pcie SSD and two Sata III drives
did you extend the TDP allowance for the CPU? (Don't know if that's possible for the ZM) TDP constraints can cause the slight throttling, even though the temps are fine... -
Edit: sorry it wasn't really directed at u ajc, but pukemon -
Watts = Volts x amps
So theoretically that could have been an issue. I'd need more data before I could say. -
i just dont take any risks and max out all sliders for wattage / amperage
only two things holding me back: temperature and stability
ajc9988 likes this. -
did you undervolt?
yessssss, thats what i meant with stability
got 4.0 Ghz everyday setting and 4.5 Ghz stable for benchmarks
edit: batcave still most active thread on NBRand you 17 inch brothers pushed up to 5th place, nice!
keep it up!
ajc9988 likes this. -
Man, this machine is beastly. Been basically running BOINC seti@home 16H straight. I've probably finished over 50 modules. My np5160 would've done 10 or so by now left that long. My chi mei screen is OK. Finally tweaked and the over saturation is better. Viewing angles are crap. Barely noticeable light bleed so I probably won't RMA it. Speakers are PHENOMENAL except for the unexplained occasional crackling. Headphone output is great. Sucks I gotta turn off the eq crap every time i plug in though. Touchpad is sweet. Fingerprint sensor is even better. Like how finger glides in and out.
Last 6h of boinc and CPU has spiked to mid 80's but still bouncing around 60's mostly. GPU is also being used and it's peaked at 63* but is mostly hanging steady at 60*. Auto fans. All stock paste. Sucks gotta flash a vbios to undervolt GPU. I only have a 64% ASIC, but I bet a 50mv undervolt would knock a couple degrees off alone.
Waiting for sager to send me some screws. One head was pre stripped and I stripped another head, though not as bad as the one pre stripped. Once I get the screws, it's getting GELID GC Extreme.jaybee83 likes this. -
let me pull this one out of context real quick...
now off to flashing the 980M prema vbios to prevent any power throttling and then start benching baby!Mr Najsman and pukemon like this. -
^^ rofl jaybee, great minds think alike
btw, what is ASIC? -
I've got a 74.8% asic here. Also, maybe it is a driver issue, but after installing Prema's vbios, both my framerate and heat went up. But if I try to change voltage in nvidia inspector then run furmark, it crashes within 3-4 minutes. I've tried two drivers so far. Stock and Mr. Fox's. Anyone have ideas?
gimme a sec, just installed premas vbios mod myself and now modding 346.87 drivers to install....
Ah, haven't tried the 346.87 drivers yet. I was/am using modded 344.75 (currently on modded Mr. Fox's desktop driver).
dont. modded 346.87 .inf file, installation started nicely but then just black screen. had to reboot in safe mode and remove the driver with DDU... *ugh*
ok now, lets try 344.91 insteadajc9988 likes this. -
i did DDU before flashing vbios. now running on 344.91, installation went fine. interestingly, msi kobustor went up to 77-78°C (which my gpu never hit before even on auto fans in that test) and then black screened, so had to restart. i dont think its driver related... fps were higher than before, which was to be expected due to the removed power throttling. let me play around with nvidia inspector a bit and get back to you on this...
ajc9988 likes this. -
Last edited: Feb 10, 2015
ok this is very weird indeed...
i fixed myself a powersaving profile in nvidia inspector, using the lowest possible clocks (undervolting doesnt work yet, overvolting just in highest power state). then ran msi kombustor with that profile, also activated gpu monitoring, and this is what i got:
power/voltage/overvoltage throttle?! here i thought the modded vbios removed all that... -
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