Have you tried updating any SSD utilities or Intel RST? That might help with the boot times.
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Yes, Magician is what I had in mind, but wasn't sure on what drive was being used. But it is worth trying if it is a Samsung.
I am not running Magician, will check that out. I have the latest Intel RST, ME, and the latest Samsung 950 pro drivers installed.
Running Magician, here's my benchmark. Things look normal. Bootup time was unaffected, however - 55 seconds. 29 seconds before it hit "Starting Windows", then another 26 to desktop. -
I am familiar with overclocking and modding, but only on desktop. I recently made the switch to laptop only lifestyle and the gaming laptop I had used was .... lackluster. I didnt like the msi gt70 at all. Perhaps it was the overtly thick vents or the terribleness of the GTX 880m. Hoping the clevo experiene with actual desktop CPU/GPU would be a bit more to what I am used to.
Speaking of modding, I just saw this tool for deliding the other day. Might be useful for those of us with shaky hands.
http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=148622jaybee83 likes this. -
Aside from that, it seems that many SSD's are having some issues under Win 10.
Edit: just saw your post. Glad it recognized the 950. However, features of Magician are not fully implemented for 950 yet (e.g., Rapid Mode). Again, keep an eye out for updated version of Magician. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/samsungssd/downloads.html -
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
Does the USB type c allow power-in on this implementation? I'm interested in using something like this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0156HCJQO?keywords=usb c cover&qid=1447429232&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1
Would be great to have a back up battery for half the cost, that's also useful for my other mobile electronics.
Also, does the WWAN port underneath the keyboard have the antenna cables pre-installed? I'm still waiting for mine to ship from AVADirect so I can see for myself, so any info is good info. -
Here's my Early Results on Eurocom sky x4 (750DM) (i7 6700k)(970m)..
Will do more rigorous testing eventually.XTU Stress test 5 minutes
All Temps are package temps. In my case core temps were lower than package
Fans Auto all the way
stock core voltage = 1.23 - 1.25 (1.2450 average) Between 72-82 DegC 5 minute xtu stress test
Hwinfo 3991.2 MHz = 40 x 99.8 MHz @ 1.2026 V
idle core voltage 0.7 - 0.8 package temp 46DegC depending on time of day, core temp
idle 0.7 - 0.8 package temp 46 depending on time of day, core temp
Undervolted -194 mV (-195 you guessed it = unstable sometimes reboot)
Hwinfo 3991.2 MHz = 40 x 99.8 MHz @ 1.0468 V
Core Volt XTU 5 min stress test 1.04 - 1.06 ( ) up to 62-70DegC mostly lower 60's average
idle 0.6 - 0.7 (average 0.6)Last edited: Nov 13, 2015jaybee83 and Lurker Below like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Thanks for the undervolt specs, @2bad0 - that's a great drop in temp! Hoping to achieve the same
RE: IRST driver conflict.. looking forward to driver updates on this front. I've now had 2 crashes / freezes after which the BIOS couldn't detect my 950 pro. I had to load up a repair console (using an Win 7 installation thumbdrive) and repair stuff... -
Hi all. What's a good external cooling dock for a Clevo P751DM - G?
clevo4k likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Some bottle cap size supports on the back feet. (External fans won't help really due to the good airflow management of the chassis).
jaybee83 likes this. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
I'd agree. Try to elevate the back of the computer. Run some tests, do a before and after. Some models, just having a little more room for airflow will help out more than expected.
jaybee83 likes this. -
354.09 is the driver that installs via windows update. Clevo delivers only 353.62.
I don't get any fuzzy stuff with latest nvidia drivers (inf mod).
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk -
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk -
I also had that fuzziness issue with the old drivers, never with the new ones.
I thought it was because I had my screen overclockedajc9988 likes this. -
BTW, what OC on your display are you running? I just set it to 75Hz, seems rock stable.ajc9988 likes this. -
The latest drivers work only for p770 models. Not for the 750 ones. I am on Tapatalk and don't see your signature. Lucky you ☺
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk -
I also had an issue when turning on the system from sleep the screen would just stay black, only by closing the lid, allowing it to go back to sleep again, and opening the lid once more would it return to normal.
That has also not happened again since updating the driversajc9988 likes this. -
Sorry about the double post.
So, after cleaning out the fins, this is what I got on the benchmarks with 4.5GHz, auto fan, 22C ambient:
Max CPU: 78
Max GPU: 59
GPU 150/150 overclock, no overclock.
Edit: http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/10528181
Edit2: @Ramzay
Edit 3: This is OC both/Base from March/(OC CPU/Base GPU)
For the OC CPU, base GPU, Max fan:
CPU: 69
GPU: 50Last edited: Nov 14, 2015 -
You guys get much better temps than me. My VGA is getting to almost 80ºC when gaming for a while. CPU is surpassing 86ºC.
I think I either need a repaste, or maybe my heatsinks are slightly warped.
Or maybe it has to do because I'm in Portugal and we're having a little slice of summer in mid novemberSeriously, nothing but sun and 25ºC for the past few days
Have you tried any other paste other than CLU? I think the Collaboratory stuff needs the most perfect of contacts in order to achieve full effect.
But with delidding and lapping I'm guessing you've got that coveredLast edited: Nov 14, 2015 -
btw, that is 4.5 ghz @1.14V.
Last edited: Nov 14, 2015 -
Would you reccommend using CLU on any other setup than your own? I.E. stock heatsink
1) the cpu itself is slightly concave, meaning filling the space.
2) the heatsink does not always sit flat with equal pressure. This can be problematic for pump out and contact issues for filling the gap.
So for the P750/770ZM/DM/P775DM, my answer is no. If you lap to flat, maybe replace the screws to manually adjust pressure across the cpu, then I could see it.otherwise, use a good, traditional TIM. -
jaybee83 likes this.
Oh, good luck then. -
Is there a modded bios for P770DM-G?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It's worth a fresh install of the drivers if you get odd issues like that.
Yes, the new drivers work with the P770DM, and seems to fix the fuzzy issues. As mentioned, they aren't yet updated for the P750, so you need to mod your inf to install them.
However, ever since I installed that new NVIDIA driver, I get this error each time I try to launch Unigine Valley:
EDIT: Cleaned out the NIVIDIA drivers using DDU, re-installed, all seems to be working fine. False alarm.Last edited: Nov 14, 2015ajc9988 likes this. -
^Does valley have a ini file you can tweak to launch in another resolution?
Does the USB type c support power in?
Also, does the PCIe slot under the keyboard have antennas in place? -
By the way, after some testing, I have yet to have my keyboard go above 38C under load. It is warmer than other laptops I've used, but not as hot as the P750ZM I had before.
If yours is hot to the point you can't touch it, your machine is probably defective. And this is me saying that, the guy who can't stand warm/hot keyboards.Debaiky likes this. -
Apprently they have different hardware ids, the gpus in each model.
Ramzay likes this. -
as for the need of repasting: even with the perfect paste job ull need to exchange the TIM at least every 6-12 months in order to be able to counteract dusty innards/heatsink fins/pumped out or dried up TIM, etc. its part of regular maintenance and prolongs a machine's life, or rather its hardware, so i can only recommend this as an absolute MUST to do to any user sporting a highend machine such as the DM seriesuve spent tons of money on this, so spend another 20 bucks and half an hour to keep it in perfect condition for a while to come
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
*** Official Clevo P75xDM and P77xDM/Sager NP9758-G and NP9778-G "Batman 2.0" Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by ProFX, May 18, 2015.