Anyone else running 32GB ram on the P750dm?
I can run 16 but 32 causes the OS to error out during boot. This is true for Win10 and Ubuntu15.10. I thought maybe the BIOS or firmware wasn't updated to handle more than 16GB DDR4, or something along those lines.
I'm running 16GB Kingston DDR4, 2x256GB SM951, and dual booting win/linux. Every thing works fine until I up the ram.
Sent from my sweet Galaxy Note 5 -
is there any panel known for the ZM which can overclock to the 100hz area and uses eDP, i found a link from @LunaP but don't know if there are usertests done? Like already said some posts before i can easily renounce gsync if there are some aftermarked Displays i just can't to to 65hz honestly i played GW2 the whole day but even after a 8hr session it felt so laggy to me, weird fact tho in Real Fullscreen the lag is less in Borderless Windowed it was tiny bit more probaply to the forced vsync via DWM
Getting back to my and Bullrun's suggestion for those who have not purchased, we're all awaiting the 950 pro. If you can, take a long look at the 950 pro, which should start shipping either this week or next.Last edited: Oct 26, 2015Debaiky likes this. -
TomJGX, SuperContra and ajc9988 like this.
Clevo's spoiling us with goodness now there even appears to be lower end or more like business laptops with desktop processors and no dedicated video
I've been posting this all over, Sorry,this is how pumped one gets when they have a real choice,and peace of mind from BGA components -
If you need computational machine with just a CPU, you really should consider GPU as well. Even for encoding videos I use NVidia CUDA for filtering and other processes. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Taken back my screen overclock to 80Hz, still plenty of fun.
I just don't know what effects 100Hz will have on my screen on the long term. Particularly on color accuracy and reproduction. -
Last edited: Oct 26, 2015
jclausius likes this.
The 6700T is 35w, the 6700HQ is 45w, and the 6700K is 91w.,88195,88200
It will be nice when the GT4 series Skylake processors come out, the current on board 530 iGPU's are slower than the previous GT3's.
Some business applications still only need basic graphics, but I really think that is changing, there are so many 3d accellerated uses for a dGPU.
But still, if I wanted a desktop CPU in my laptop, I wouldn't want a 35w part at all, let alone in a full sized frameLast edited: Oct 27, 2015 -
- They have no choice with the HQ chips
- They are not marketing it to businesses, and rather it's meant for gamers
- They decided to split their lineup into two for the first time in my memory, and made polar opposites. A slim, lighter, gaming-capable machine for the first time, and a mainstream desktop-CPU-using laptop for the first time (in a long time, at least; I think they did it back in Core 2 Quad days). There was always the D900F/X7200/P270WM/P570WM-esque line where it used the highest end desktop chips from intel, but those are classed as their mobile servers. Their gaming line (also sold as business-class laptops) was one and the same, and now it's not.
I'm actually very happy to see those machines and I sincerely hope some places pick them up. It'd be a great thing to advertise to people assuming the price is closer to what the N15xRD and N170RD cost.
I cannot express to people exactly how much I detest BGA-only choices. And that 6700T seems to be the best chip we've got. It might be 35W (I assume clevo'll allow it to short power boost to 45W so it'll act mostly like the HQ chips do in terms of TDP limitation) and it runs at 3.4GHz out of the box with turbo. That makes it on par with an i7-6920HQ in performance... except it's modular. It also has 8MB of L3 cache and supports vPro and Stable Image Platform Program tech, which means it's again better than the 6700HQ and 6820HK in terms of features (and most places aren't selling 6820HQ/6920HQ chips).
AND *drum roll* it costs less than every. single. HQ. chip. on. the. market. Even the 6700HQ costs more at a tray price of $378 by BGAtel, and the 6700T is only $303. -
as long as u dont see any artifacts / lines / errors in the display output, u can overclock the refresh rate to your heart´s content
seeing as youre sporting a very nice overclockable display, my recommendation is to USE IT! overclock it to one Hz away from artifacting, its worth it, trust me
and as opposed to GPUs, for example, the display doesnt degrade and fail because of overclocking
thats the beauty of the socket!
TomJGX, Shark00n, 2bad0 and 1 other person like this. -
Last edited: Oct 27, 2015jaybee83 likes this. -
Wishful thinking.It would be a welcomed surprise if its docking station pulled of a surface-book type gpu (not the 940m or maybe
) or had usb-c, i'm guessing they can offer it later on if there is a demand or something of sorts.
but even if u do, u can just tweak it to fit into the installed heatsink TDP
definitely way better than being stuck with the 35W TDP no matter what
Scerate likes this.
why and how would it impact color reproduction and blurred pixels if you overclock the refresh rate? the only thing it would cause would be artifacts or black screen if you reach the screen´s limit. others are welcome to give additional input, i myself have used overclocked displays for years on end without any side effects. if it does impact the screen´s life time, then only in such a way that you wouldnt notice it anyways, since you´d long have upgraded to another machine already (say, shortening its lifetime from 25 to 20 years or smth like that
Scerate likes this. -
jaybee83 likes this.
jaybee83 likes this.
hope the Samsung wich @LunaP recommended spices some things up, gsync i just a nice plus for me but i have to get priorities straight
Edit: tbh i actually thought that when taking the smaller NB, that smaller displays actually does clock higher but it seems like it isn't the case.Last edited: Oct 27, 2015 -
What happens to Gsync when those 60hz panels get overclocked to 80-90hz? New firmware needed or it stops working?.. Or you then actually got Gsync from.. 20?-80/90hz?? How is Gsync on this laptop anyway?
What temps are you guys getting with the 6700K under load?
ajc9988 likes this. -
I'm tallking about real-world temps. In general.
Doing heavy work, 3D stuff, games, etc... -
I´m really curious about 6700k temps, haven´t seen any proper testing like @jaybee83 did on the 4790k/ZM.
I was getting around 83/86ºC after a long 3 hour BF4 sesh
980M stable at 71ºC
(with auto fan mode)
Chassis was too cool for school! Love it! With my GS70 I would be very discomfortable after so much time playing
At which temps should the 6700K start throttling? I'll check for that next time with Afterburner -
Bone stock, running the game on ultra and 2x aa
You have a cooler, right? (i think there was one on the photos you posted)
Hello! Long time diver here, but I feels like it's my chance to join the batman club. I ordered my p750dm from eurocom and I'm about to get it tomorrow(actually good deal considering student discount). By then I will post some pics and do some testing. Is there anything u guys want to test about?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
nothing to worry about though, throttling starts around 95C, anything below 90 is fine for indefinite amounts of time
just saying, i rarely ever see my 980M reach 70C, only oced to the max and on a hot summer day pretty much. as for the cpu, at 4ghz with gameload it should have the potential to stay way cooler, even at stock.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using TapatalkDebaiky likes this. -
Can confirm that the 980m in my bro's P150EM with P170SM heat sink NEVER hits 62 degrees while playing maxxed out GTA V, pasted "only" with ICD.
Did u check ur heat sink, if TIM spread evenly? My 780m's are hitting 70/75 degrees (Master/Slave). And I would consider ma paste job and heat sinks as of good quality!
Crazy stuff that Maxwell stays that cool! -
I don't know if it's just a placebo effect, but everything seems a bit snappier with latest bios from mysn/xmg, for p751dm-g model. (The new version is available also for the 771 model)
Just the bios has update, no new EC.
If anybody else wants to try, it can be downloaded from the following url: likes this. -
Ok the company from whom i wanted to get the samsung display just called me and said that they don't get the panel and didn't want to sell it to me anyways cause they don't trust me that it fit's the P75xDM
i loled
Does this look like an ok score for the config in my signature? I see in GPU-Z that the 980m does the power throttling every once in a while. Guess nothing can be done untill we get some vbios from Prema, right? -
Gonna run fire strike later today and will post for comparison. I ran once and it was somewhere in the area of 8.2k total.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk -
Sounds about right
go and check his website, the modded vbios takes care of the throttling issues and also completely unlocks overclocking, among other goodies
please be aware that u need to use the correct vbios version for regular and gsync cards, otherwise ull get black screens!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
*** Official Clevo P75xDM and P77xDM/Sager NP9758-G and NP9778-G "Batman 2.0" Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by ProFX, May 18, 2015.