Which screen is better?
1920 vs 3840 vs 3840 sharp?
Would you recommend windows 7 or 8.1?
You can get raid 0 m.2 with the 8652. It says on the site. Will this actually work? Do you recommend it?
And which wireless card would you recommend? Internal or dual band?
Lastly would you buy it directly from Sager? What is there return policy?
Is anyone bothered that this model only has the 980M 4GB of ram instead of the double 8GB of ram?
Anyway, something tells me you're not a owner -
I have owned the:
P34w v2
GS60 066
GS60 064
P35x v3
I have returned them all do to various reasons but throttling has me upset the most.
So plese any help would be greatly appreciated.
Someone said when playing BF4 with Ultra settings and fan on high they get 70-75 in their cpu temp.
If this is true this laptop is a done deal for me hands down.
Now i would just have to decide on the options.
Is the 3840 screen worth the wait? I really do not want to deal with scalling issues in windows. -
Anyone have a video of the NP8652 with the back case pulled off exposing the fans and everything else.
Not the 8651 but the 52. Or is the 52 have two gpu fans and 1 cpu fan as well just like the 51? -
What's the difference between the sharp vs Samsung 3840 screen?
Hey Guys Merry Christmas.
How have you guys set up the different profriles? Can't seem to get the fans not to run even when just surfing on the web ( GC - 5/6 tabs open)
Help appreciated -
It makes no sense for me benchmarking with FN + 1 as I'm not going to be playing with such a noise.
Htwingut, are you benchmarcking with the fans spinning at full speed? -
I haven't got mine yet, but most of the answers to your questions can be found in the first post here I think:
Temperature seems to be a non-issue for the most part, especially compared to any other small-ish notebook with this much power.
Back in the mid-200s pages on this thread there was much discussion about the screens. Basically what it comes down to is this:
1.FHD IPS is acceptable for many people (including myself) especially those who intend to do 95%+ gaming on the machine. However it seems that once someone "goes 4k" they never want to go back.
2.Samsung is *technically* inferior to Sharp due to it being pentile, but in practice nobody seems to have an issue with it. This is mentioned in the review I linked.
Hope this helps. -
Hey GarbageMan (AStrongTower in disguise; the "911!" gave you away
). Try not to post so many messages one after the other or you might get banned again
Use multi-quoting
I told you on Skype, the P650SE laptop is what you want to look at. Go for 1080 panel; any higher will be a pain in games (you have to manually change resolution EVERY time you want to game) and the scaling in windows is still crappy. You will also have reduced battery life though not by too much. As for 970m vs 980m, I'd say go for the 970m. The 980m version is thicker and hotter and more expensive. Let's be honest; as gaming enthusiasts we will likely be upgrading our laptops within 2-3 years anyway. The 970m is more than ideal for those years. Though many will disagree with me, I plan on matching the 980m with a heavily OC 970m. In addition the 980m has a much smaller OC headroom. Temperatures are higher to start with and you have to worry about the power supply not being capable of delivering the required power.
In conclusion, go with the 8651 if you value portability/value. If that's not top priority, then go for the 8652. To be honest though, I think there are better choices than the 8652 if value/portability is not something you value -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
(Wow, yes, less of the speed & more of the alcohol for Garbageman! That's some intense posting! Although, in fairness, it might be more useful than this post of mine! Merry Xmas all!)
Cakefish likes this. -
I built a 8652 on a website. My configuration is about 2200.00.
Could someone give me a direct comparison between this one and the MSI Dominator Pro both 989M. Because they are both the same price.
Which one would you buy and why? What's the difference?Cakefish likes this. -
What about replacement parts for this models?
Just in case if we had no warranty anymore would it be possible to find ourselves parts for these laptops?Cakefish likes this. -
, my GPU works less than a 970 when Vsync is on, i barely reach more than 63°C even on very demanding games (DQ inquisition, BF4 etc), and since it's thicker the CPU has more room to remove the residual heat, i'm always between 69° and 80°C (cpu intensive games ) which is more than great in my opinion compared to my old gt60
Also could you play BF4 for and hour and run xtu in the background.
Take a snap shot of:
CPU Temp
GPU Temp
Thermal Throttling
Power Limit Throttling
Please -
I have just heard this sager a couple of weeks ago, this looks interesting. That might give a chance for me to get one. But unfortunately, I am also considering Alienware 13 which is good anyway but it has less power compared to this laptop which is greater.
my main concern is the keyboard, I like alienware's keyboard since I got my first Alienware m14xr1 (still use it until now, last for 3 years, but lack battery power -_-). I love the keyboard, the flex is good, and touch is awesome. I'm aware that this sager doesn't have the same feeling which I have to overcome this thing. The price will most likely the same (range between 1300-1500 usd) -
My own testing tells me that the PSU draws just under 180W at max load. With 8 threads at 100% and rthdribl in fullscreen it occasionally pops to 176W but usually hovers around 170W. Still, this is at stock speeds. -
Pentium 4 with ~700mb RAM. But, I have a 40gb hard drive that I overclocked to 75gb...
Opening Chrome takes like a full minute; I'm re-discovering old games though... Have any suggestions? I'm playing Starcraft and Halo for now -
970m getting closer to 980m stock!
It's over 9000! YES! hahahaha -- 9400 3DMark Fire Strike Graphics is my goal.
Thanks to Prema!
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-4710HQ,Notebook P65_P67SE
LOWER temps than the 980m... hahahah phenomenal work!
Without more voltage though, it's kinda near the cap. Hopefully there will be an opportunity to bump the voltage a bit and get it there. Then it will be closer. But the 980m ran 61C with 9400-9600 FS graphics score, so not quite there temp-wise, and understandable, it's working harder. Luckily my vRAM is clocking at +600 over stock or ~ 6200MHz. Not sure I'd run it those speeds all the time though, but +150MHz core and 6000MHz vRAM is surely easily feasible with quite a jump in performance. -
@HTWingNut so are you confirming the existence of a Prema BIOS mod?
And yeah its completely possible that someone will be able to make a 970m run at similar performance to a 980m (excluding the extra gigabyte of VRAM), but no way a 970m can catch an overclocked 980m.Cakefish and Praedaedae like this. -
2. I see you used 344.75. Any luck OC'ing with 347.09? Because I can't.Last edited: Dec 26, 2014 -
Sager 8651 - 970M
Sager 8652 - 980M -
they everyone, couple questions while im still waiting for my system to come.
1a. windows 7 pro or windows 8.1 pro for the p650sg w/4k display?
1b. does windows 7 pro support 4k?
2. has anyone tried ubuntu 14.04 and how does it run? any problems with drivers and such?
p.s. this wait is killing me.. -
Holy post marathon, Batman! A flurry of Christmas activity. Had to read about new 8 pages, only was gone an afternoon and evening lol
Happy Boxing Day everyone!!!
This gets me curious actually - do other countries celebrate Boxing Day or is it mostly a UK thing? Basically, if anyone doesn't know what it is, it's essentially an extension of Christmas Day. All the food, all the family, all the festivities carry on today
Oh, and Bluetooth has yet to stop working after I switched in the replacement wireless card! If it stays activated throughout today and tomorrow, I think I'll have confidence saying that the issue was a hardware fault with the original wireless card.
I'm not really interested in going beyond the +135 limit myself - OK, I am (who wouldn't be?), but what I mean to say is that I've tempered my expectations due to the 180W power supply. I'll be more than happy getting +135/+500. Do you think this is possible (and safe) with stock voltage and stock PSU?
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
Windows 8.1 pro is good on mine, and I have the 3k panel. I've used it on the default 200% scaling, but I'm going 150%. Everything is a little too tiny, but it's usable. Still, once in a while something is upscaled from 1080p even in the OS, but I think it'll get better with time.
I suggest you go with 8.1; maybe windows 7 behave fine on such resolutions, and the 4k panel should upscale better than the 3k, so it will not be noticeable, but I don't think it'll be as good as 8.1. Third party applications are the main issue here..
@cakefish today is a non working day here in Italy tooCakefish likes this. -
EDIT: I'll take pics of my 3XS branded P651SG tomorrow when I get to my camera, so people from UK can see what the branding looks like (it's fine in my opinion). The only thing is I was fully expecting the brushed finish, because they have it in their official photo on the Scan website (thought the P651SG in my invoice was a typo), but it turned out to indeed be the sandblasted version (which still looks great).
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
The brushed finish is evil reincarnated. I don't know myself why I've gone with it, but it's such a fingerprint magnet it's killing me.
But I must say even the keyboard and the touchpad are similar. They match, sort of -
my solution.... just keep touching it, when it is completely touched, you will not see it anymoreReks likes this. -
playag135 likes this.
They should have put a recess somewhere for a microfiber cloth. Or for some latex gloves, with a warning: do not touch with bare hands!
Now i see xmg offers the 4720 mq instead of the 4710 1 week after my order what are the differences?
I IC7'd my 980M yesterday i played one hour BF4@ ultra got 59°C on the GPU who the f#ck said that we can't overclock the 980M ?
It's relative if you want to use your 970M OC i could use my 980M OC too and the performance gap will be the same, and will only be limited for both laptops by the MAX PSU watt. Both cards are easily OC, 10-15% finger in the nose in my opinion. But i won't do it because i don't need toso the f#ck you haters my 970M is cheaper and as strong is more than absurd in my opinion, you're going to need an overvolt : more heat, reduced life expectancy,...and 3GB of Vram.
The CPU takes a Temp raise when Ocing don't forget, i have way lower MAX temps than HTwingnut after a 3D mark fire strike bench, like 10°C less. So when OC always watch the CPU temps too.tfast500 and Praedaedae like this. -
jeanjackstyle Notebook Evangelist
Quick question for you wickette, what was your fan speed for this temp? In your opinion, are they loud while performing like this?
*** Official Clevo P65xSA/SE/SG / Sager NP8650/51/52 Owner´s Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by jaybee83, Oct 13, 2014.