So I'm thinking that reaching 70 degrees on the GPU after a Heaven Benchmark,on extreme preset, is not very good, is it?
a bit OT here, but I want a router recommendation,
I'm debating between
ASUS ac1750 rt-ac66r vs Trendnet TEW-812DRU AC1750
what do you guys suggest out of the two, or any better choices? btw I don't need 4 spatial streams but if it's cheap enough I'll take it lol -
How would a SIM Card work with this? Is the 3G antennae built in or would I have to buy a separate M.2 card to use mobile internet?
The antennae itself should be installed (it is in mine anyway) but you would still need an LTE/3G card in m.2 format.
Returning to my temps issue, what are normal temperatures during benchmarks but all fans on automatic? Can't make out of anywhere if those ridiculously low 970m temps are with max fan or auto fan. Not to mention that my CPU spikes 10-15 degrees upwards before the fan even thinks of turning to higher speed. -
Merry Christmas everyone
Or whatever you celebrate.tfast500 likes this. -
I was looking for the 304 EC on Prema's site for my P670SG, but the site states it is only for the SE. The SG still has EC 303 listed.
Did you really go balls out and flash the SE 303 EC to your SG or was it actually an SG 304 EC?
Where would I find that?
Also, if I want to solve my stutters would flashing the 304 EC be enough or do I need to re-flash the 303 firmware as well? -
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Bluetooth still still alive and well! I like this, so far seems good. Cautiously optimistic now
All I did was reflash just the latest EC as I already had the latest BIOS version courtesy of Prema. I'd advise using 1.03.03 BIOS and 1.03.04 EC in tandem, as it's possible that using 1.03.03 EC with that BIOS version was what was causing my stutter issue in games. It could have been something else too though, as I did reinstall Windows as well to go for a clean slate. I'll never know for sure. I don't advise reinstalling Windows though, just see if the flashing of the new EC works first. Good luck!
Sent from my Nexus 5Last edited: Dec 25, 2014adampk17 likes this. -
Merry Christmas! Is it sad I want to ditch out on the family gatherings and just play on my new laptop? ;P The wife won't let me tho.
I played some farcry4 and some path of exile today. I need to invest in one of those coffee tables that lift up because I find it awkward leaning forward so low or having the laptop in my lap using a mouse on the sofa arm rest... But I do love being able to game where ever I want watching tv with the wife and kido vs sitting in my office away from everyone
Anyone using a laptop sleeve for this? If so which one, I got one from Christmas, small ;( 10mm short on either side and top, this is a Crumpler Milestone Moment 15". Would have been prefect otherwise.
Also anyone using SPDIF with Astro A50's and got it working?
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone! and thanks -
Yeah, the whole laptop, for free. I'm feeling very generous this Christmas. Could have sold it for moneys but I plan to sell my Clevo P170SM in January anyway so no big loss. They still have my very first HP laptop, which is very old and haggered now - the battery is completely dead, it has an excruciatingly slow 160GB HDD and has physically seen better days with paint wearing off on the touch pad buttons etc. Me giving them this Samsung with much faster Crucial M4 256GB SSD along with Windows 8.1, Core i5 and the amazing quality speakers it has will make for a great upgrade for them!Last edited: Dec 25, 2014 -
I installed FreeDos on my USB-Stick (Toshiba USB 3.0 16GB) and copyied the ec files on it. I disabled UEFI, Intel Rapid and TMC Secure (something like that) in the options and reboot.
But FreeDos is not launching ... please could you help me?
PS: I used this guide:ähigen_DOS_USB-Stick_erstellen -
Merry Christmas everyone
I already made a present to my P650SG: a Steelseries mouse and a M.2 SSD!
Now all I need is... the laptophope to get it soon!
tfast500 likes this. -
anything in the 80s is non-critical, anything below 80 under load is actually veeeerry good!!! guys, dont shift standards here just cuz this machine is able to do some serious cooling, these load temps in the 60s and 70s are insanely low!redbytes likes this. -
"Ho Ho Ho I said, while pointing to the three ladies on the corner of the street"
Yeah the bioses and EC's should be interchangeable since the motherboards are the same.
Even the bios says so. Still, I'm asking my reseller
On a completely different matter; anybody still able to OC their 980 on the newer 347.09 driver?
It works on 344.75, but as soon as I upgrade the clocks won't stick (AB4.0).
The accompanying pdf actually says that overclocking is not longer supported... Blue's clue's? -
The laptop is very silent, compared to my old P157SM but at the same time it is running much warmer. Like after one hour of Bf4 (high or ultra settings) I get 85-90 degrees on CPU running @ turbo speeds and around 72ish for the GPU.
The cpu HS is definitly making good contact and heat transfer because the air being evacuated is really hot.
If I turn the fans on max speed (FN+1) the speeds drop about 15 degrees @ CPU and around 10 degrees GPU.
I presume everybody is testing these laptops with max fans on, right?
Not sure what to make of those numbers. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The numbers seem fine to me. The CPU often is warmer than the GPU.
Are you saying with low fan speeds you get 85-90 on CPU?
And with high fan speeds you get 70-75 on CPU?
This is 1 hour playing BF4 with Ultra settings maxed out? -
I need someone to do me a huge favor and I will love you forever.
Please do this:
1. Install XTU from Intel
2. Add in XTU 4 things to view:
1. CPU Temp
2. GPU Temp
3. Thermal Throttling
4. Power Limit Throttling
3. Run XTU
4. Play BF4 for couple hours on Ultra with everything Maxed out.
5. Look at XTU
6. Report back settings or take screen shot of 1 hour of monitoring
7. Receive love
Please do this for me. I have returned thus far:
P34g V2
P35x V3
I really want to give the GS60 or 8652 another go but I can't believe I forgot to do XTU or wait I don't think i knew about it then.
Anyways! Thanks! -
it shouldnt, throttling occurs only when 95C is reached...
My temps are not as good as posted in this thread but here in winter it does never reach 70º on the gpu.
Nevertheless you must take care about the lap position while gaming or benchmarking since most likely people put the laptop in good cooling surfaces or places, with fresh air intakes or fresh materials.
Mine barely reaches 60º while gaming over a glass surface in my living room while it is reaching about 65º in my room, over a wooden table. -
I always prop my laptop up a little on extra rubber feet, the ones you put under speakers to dampen the vibrations.
When I found out about XTU it was too late.
I only have personal experience with XTU on the P35x V3. I did not like the results at all and returned it.
I would like results on:
I have no laptop at the moment and am having withdrawls.
Also what you guys think about the 8652 vs Dominator Pro both 980M's. - -
Does any one have a temperature comparison between the 4710hq/970m and the 4720hq/980m?
Is this for the 8652?
If this laptop throttles as well there is no choice for a 980m that does not throttle than these two laptops:
Asus j51
MSI Dominator
To me you still have to buy a large laptop or build a desktop to get ZERO throttling. -
1. 4870HQ which is a throttling king due to Iris Pro's extra heat generation so it isn't offered in the finalised version
2. Bad CPU paste... You cannot understand how important good CPU thermal paste is.. IC DIamond gave me 10C temperature drops on my CPU... In fact it might be 15..
3. It wasn't a finalised version so issues like throttling overheating might occur...
I wouldn't be worried... Just make sure your reseller repastes with some good paste or do it yourself... -
Schenker XMG P505 PRO (Clevo P651SG) Notebook Review - Reviews
As per the review:
"The feared throttling is only an issue under impractical maximum load, where the clock fluctuates between 1.0 and 2.3 GHz."
Like the P35x, it too cannot maintain the full turbo boost during 3D applications, and the CPU throttles under load. BUT - the gaming results I've seen here and on HTwingnut's brilliant review seem to suggest that it may not throttle during even the heaviest of gaming sessions, which is what really matters to me. So I'm waiting for more users to post their gaming activity to further confim. -
Intel's Core i7-4870HQ, which powered our last review unit, is not available anymore in the configurator. This is a good thing, since the low performance advantage cannot compensate the temperature and therefore noise development. With 2.5-3.5 GHz, the Core i7-4710HQ is just marginally slower than the Core i7-4870HQ (2.5-3.7 GHz),
Schenker XMG P505 PRO (Clevo P651SG) Notebook Review - Reviews
I really cant comment on the paste job of the newer review. -
1. Thermal paste: They need to use a better one
2. Prime 95/Furmark will cause throttling
3. Need to configure in XTU to look turbo boost to max.. People like Cakefish and HT have done that and confirmed turbo boost works properly.. -
Ah, I see.
I guess in this day and age it's basically futile getting the notebook without spending on an IC diamond pasting upgrade (doing so fixes a large part of the p35X's throttling issues too). Definitely worth the investment.
It still annoys me though that, even without a repaste, their tests show that the GS60 does a better job of maintaining turbo and clocks down to to 2.70GHz during the Prime 95/Furmark stress test, where as the p651sg clocks down to 900MHz.
Also, in an unrelated note, a consensus been reached about not opting for the X941 and the Plextor due to its overheating problems, right? Currently configuring mine with M550's in RAID0 (although a lot will argue that's needlessly risky and pointless as well) -
Also, there is such consensus about the XP941.. According to HT, it runs at around 50C in his P650SE when transfering data.. The main problem is that you need to have the 941 connected to your heatsink by some thermal pads to dump the excess heat out there.. I think Sager and other resellers do this.. However let me honestly say this much, I've never seen the point of M2 SSD's and mSATA SSD's as 2.5" ones are enough..
1. I would get 1TB 7200rpm drive for games/not important stuff
2. Get one 500GB or 1TB SSD and be happy and save yourself a lot of money.. I really have to aks whether you need M550's in Raid 0.. -
I'd get a crazy fast smaller Plextor m.2 for booting and use a vanilla 2.5" SSD for fast data and a spindle for big data.
It's what I have and I believe it's the perfect mix for the money.
256GB Plextor m.2 for <6 second cold boot into W8.1, fully loaded with drivers and software (770MB/sec).
1TB M500 SSD for games and stuff.
2TB spindle (9.5mm, VERY important so Spinpoint M9T is your best bet) for TV/Movies/'Nature' films, ISO loose program storage. -
I got all kinds of errors with a GS60 -066 that I had with two m.2 raid 0.
I returned it. I was wondering if windows 8.1 struggled with raid 0 m.2 because it was too fast I do not know.
I would like to get the GS60 again with raid 0 m.2 but I'm afraid I will get errors again. -
Only one m.2 slot supports PCIe so 2 m.2's in any Raid seems, pointless to me. You're crippling your fast connection and invite issues with stability.
On their own site they advertise 968MD read rates. Is this not better than a single m.2 drive? -
Is that the same motherboard in there you think? Is MSI a P650SG in disguise?
I'm sure it's possible to run the m.2's in Raid0 in the Clevo's, but with only 1 m.2 slot using PCIe there is no way you can enjoy the full potential of Raid0. Plus you're still hooking sata up with PCIe and you yourself already said you had issues, so issues are a risk.
Better of with 2 2.5"SSD's I think, both using sata. -
They call their setup super raid. I think they use a separate board for it.
Do you think they did it right or do you think it's setup partially correct? -
I have no knowledge of the MSI board and their tricks, hence my sincere question if they use Clevo. I can only comment on Clevo P6x0Sx machines.
I am just wondering if the technology is to new for Windows 8.1 anyway. -
Both the heatsink and the air coming out are very very hot which basically means that there is proper contact between cpu and hs,right?
Don't know really. MSI seems to think so.
Can you do me a big favor.
1. Install XTU
2. Add in settings to view
1. CPU Temp
2. GPU Temp
3. Thermal Throttling
4. Power Limit Throttling
3. Set XTU for 1 Hour monitoring
4. Play BF4 for 1 hour (Best part)
5. Take a screen shot of XTU and post here please.
Thank You
So again you are saying that with this laptop your CPU with full fan speed is running BF4 on Ultra with 4xmaa enabled and the CPU Temp is 70-75 degrees? This almost seems impossible, but if true I would HIGHLY consider this laptop.
Does anyone know what this laptop Throttle is set at because the P35x is set at 90 degrees on the CPU. -
*** Official Clevo P65xSA/SE/SG / Sager NP8650/51/52 Owner´s Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by jaybee83, Oct 13, 2014.