In actual performance, it's a neglible difference. On the other hand, I took no chances and got 64GB of it. Eh...
Hi all, I heard there are possible issues with the P65xRP6 models when you pair a PCIe SSD with a M.2 SATA SSD. Just want to confirm whether is this true and if it is, how to work around it. This is as I want to have a 512GB M.2 SATA SSD for higher storage capacity while having good game loading speed for more demanding games, 128GB PCIe for boot time and system tasks, and my 2.5" bays for a 2TB HDD to be used for long term storage. Please do advise.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes it's not supported running pci-e and sata at the same time in the m.2 slots. Seagate is releasing a 7mm 2tb drive in not too long. The boot time difference for at vs pci-e is low, the 1TB X400 is not that much more.
The 2TB 7mm HDD by Seagate has been out since Feb. on Amazon. $90 approx.
Its also why im so confused as to why sager is NOT offering these dual 7mm 1tb or 2tb seagates as a configuration on new systems shipped direct which need dual 7mm especially when its currently cheaper than the 9mm variant even at distributor level not just amazon from what i saw when I ordered mine w. work...
Ive already had a drive failure though so hard to say its longevity
Sent from my ZTE A2017U -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You answered your own question
Toshiba and WD need to get with the memo of not focusing on large capacity odd height drives...
Unless its the fact its so much slower than the 9.5mm. But being SG im guessing latter.
Sent from my ZTE A2017U -
FredSRichardson and Galm like this.
Hmm, what do you guys use to overclock the cpu? Intel XTU? Throttlestop? Bios? Seems like I'm having some stability issues now, not sure what I'm doing wrong =/
I've used XTU the past 2 days with no issues, now with setting it to 4.1 or 4.0ghz I would get power limit throttling and/or freeze up. Unless I'm doing something wrong with the settings, i.e. increase voltage? I've tried to search for some guides but easiest one to understand so far is a topic in the AW forums for the 15r2. Their bios instructions are very similar except that it says to increase the voltage setting.. I don't see that in our bios. I'm assuming it would have to be through XTU/throttlestop? I've never had to add voltage before, can someone post their settings so I can use it as a guide to make sure I'm doing it right? Thank you!
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Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Kittys likes this. -
I'm confused
I've reset everything back to stock. Now all I'm doing is using XTU and adjusting the multipliers. Setting it to 40 (or any number) and running prime has the cores running at 3.2 max. Bringing it back down to stock multipliers and it still only hits 3.2ghz. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.. temps are fine and nothing is throttling. Tried using control center too. Help?
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk -
If anyone is interested, Xotic PC just uploaded a (Quite short and simple) review on the Sager NP8152-S (Clevo P650RP6).
FredSRichardson Notebook Groundsloth
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Papusan and FredSRichardson like this.
FredSRichardson Notebook Groundsloth
Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk -
Hello, notebookreview members. I'm a new member and new owner of a a P650RS-G, bought through Avell, a brazilian vendor of Clevo notebooks, much like Sager and Obsidian PC, as model Titanium G1546 Iron.
After reading through this thread's 300+ pages while I waited for the arrival of my Clevo (which took around 40 days), I found many interesting and useful tips, not to say links to files that would take half a day downloading from Clevo's asian servers. Thus, I'd like to also share my impressions after 2 days with this new notebook.
First of all, my previous notebook was an Avell G1513 Fire XR, a MSI barebone with a i7 4710 MQ, a 3 GB GTX 970M and 16 GB RAM, bought around one year ago. It is a very nice machine, even by today's standards, not only it's got a decent GPU, but also a processor that is equivalent to, and even 5% superior to the 6700HQ in some benchmarks. The best feature is its sound with mini-subwoofers and a crisp IPS screen.
Considering what I said, I had high expectations, so I'll break my mini-review of the P650RS-G through some of its features (I hope it helps someone):
- CPU: I got a 6700HQ. It is a good CPU for a gaming notebook. However, it stresses how lazy Intel got in the last few years, as this Skylake is equivalent and even got limitations that my old 4710 MQ didn't have (3.1 Ghz speed-limit in quad-core usage). It is a good pair to the GTX 1070, but could be a little better. I regret a little for not getting a 6820K.
- Memories: Good DDR4 memories, but I couldn't feel much difference against DDR3. Just for pseudo "future-proofing", I got 32 GB.
- Storage: I ended up with a 1 GB SSHD from Seagate again, since I couldn't get a SSD from a brand that I trust. In the near future I intend to get a good SSD.
- GPU: Absolutely spectacular. The GTX 1070 is definitely a beast and, by far, the best GPU I've had in the last 18 years. It is literally from 2 to 3 times faster than my old 970M using the same resolution. I'd advise anyone who is in doubt between the 1060 and 1070 to get the latter. It literally plays everything you throw at it in 1080p with 90+ fps in maximum quality (except for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided which is playable in 50 fps). The best feature of this notebook is its GPU, delivering quality comparable to its desktop counterpart.
- Monitor: I must confess I got a little disappointed, since I expected a better if not equal to my old one. It is a fine piece of technology for a 15" 1080p screen, but I got light bleeding from two spots of the monitor (upper right and inferior left sides). Other than that, it's got nice contrast and brightness levels, not to count G-Sync (but I couldn't test this last feature that much).
- Sound: The worst feature of this notebook is its sound. It is simply too bland and low and Sound Blaster software can't emulate what a good notebook with nice sound system can present. This is the only aspect that would make me keep my old one instead of this one.
- Chassis: Good and sturdy, not to say very slim for a gamer notebook. Its only issue is how hot it can get underneath while using it for surfing the internet and simple office use. Just for reference, during normal use the CPU's temperature gets around 45-50º C and 75-80º C during gaming. The GPU can get as hot as 89º C with fans at maximum speed and ambient temperature around 30º C (yeah, it's gettin hot in Brazil).
- Keyboard: Beautiful and well-built. I love how varied its colors can be, not to say all the LED effects.
- Touchpad: I'm still getting used to the fixed gestures that I couldn't find out how to change (I can't find Synaptics settings anywhere).
- Noise: In automatic fan settings, it is very quiet, even under load. Even using maximum fan settings the noise is very acceptable for a gaming notebook.
Final notes:
- I'm currently using MSHybrid mode, since I couldn't see difference with G-Sync enabled.
- I've updated the EC, but I'm still using BIOS version 1.05.02. Despite this fact, I didn't have any issues regarding 100% CPU use when using a second screen through HDMI
I apologize for all the comparisons I made with my old notebook. I hope it doesn't bother anyone.
Also, I know there are some reviews around already, but here you can read a nice review from the P670RS-G from Avell in a brazilian site. I believe Google Translate could do the raw translation for those interested.bradleyjb, roraiamfilho, SharpHawk and 10 others like this. -
Well crap I'm getting BSOD's(it isn't showing the screen but it is in the event log) when it's trying to load into windows (it does the circle loading thing and then freezes after it blinks and does the circle loading thing again after the style note loading screen) after a few reboots it will get through but then reboot it again a few times and it will do it again.. I saw a bsod code that I looked up that says it could be video driver related (or ram) and I tried the stock sager one after being on the nvidia one and it didn't change a thing, so I then updated to the latest Intel inf and the new sager control center (. 88) and still is happening. I just recently redid this laptop a week ago and have never had any issues until now.... I am currently running memtest86...
gooface likes this.
Just wondering here whether can we use a vacuum cooler to cool down the P65xRP6? Not quite sure how the air flow in this model works.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Check out the linus review, I think they used one on the chassis.
Rune Walsh likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
2nd result on Youtube if you put linus and vacuum into the search bar
YMMVSirSaltsAlot likes this. -
Btw, you know that avell is selling here in USA too now! But unfortunately, they changed their warranty policies, and know, they cover just one year for parts and 3 for work ... Shame on you avell, rssRune Walsh likes this. -
I paid R$ 9,340.00 or around $ 2,900-3,000.00. I think it is an almost outrageous price, but it's still cheaper than importing, believe it or not. -
The weak audio has killed this as a viable option for me.
Sent from my SM-G550T using Tapatalk -
FredSRichardson Notebook Groundsloth
If good audio is critical to you (say more important than GPU performance on the latest titles and portability) then you probably should look at a different laptop. It's possible that the bigger Clevo's have better sound - at least they don't have the tight size and weight limitations of the P650RS.
Honestly I think the best solution is to either get very good headphones or to buy very good external speakers (even portable wired or Bluetooth ones). It may be hard to find a laptop that is excellent in other ways and also has outstanding sound. But I'm sure someone here can make a recommendation if there are good ones out thereace_bandage and Rune Walsh like this. -
I was thinking about undervolting my i7 6700hq and I saw that you could use Intels extreme tuning utility to do so. Is there any risk in undervolting other than the possibility of getting an unstable system? Am I seeing it correctly that you only need to change "Core Voltage Offset" to a certain value (e.g -75mv) and everything is done? What would be a good first value as an attempt to undervolt?
FredSRichardson likes this.
It's amazing how much a headphone changes when it gets the juice it needs
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FredSRichardson likes this.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
As for undervolting, you're right, undervolt by -150mV. if things are not stable, up it up by +10mV, and keep going, until you hit the sweet spot
For stock clocks, -150mV is a good start, for a 4.4 GHz overclock, -80mV is a good starting point. Each CPU is different so you have to expirement with it -
Hey guys,
Is there a significant weight difference between the p650 rp6 and the p650rs ?
From what I have read, the power brick is the same weight and the RS should be like ~250 to 350g (so like 1/2 to 3/4 lbs) heavier than the RP6 ? -
baytotheapple Notebook Consultant
I know it's a lot more, but I don't think the FiiO will offer much more than a placebo effect. Especially since HyperX clouds while great for a gaming headset (one of the best period) is actually pretty low on the audiophile totem pole. I couldn't even tell that much of a difference on my Oppo HA-2 DAC with ie80s. But with ie800s it became easy to tell the difference. So I'd say save your money, audio is an expensive game to get into haha. It makes all other headphones unacceptable, which is probably a bad thing.Last edited: Oct 21, 2016FredSRichardson and baytotheapple like this. -
Okay folks, so I've been playing around with my spanking new laptop all day like a kid on Christmas morning and realized that my BIOS IS 1.03.02, which I will be updating to the latest 1.05.04 once I get back from a party I gotta attend right now .
I changed the GPU mode from MSHYBRID to Dedicated, because I installed Gears of War 4 and could notice screen tearing in 3 parts at the initial loading screens (for some reason the game didn't proceed any further and hanged) and thought that might fix the issue. But it still didn't work out, so I installed Shadow Warrior 2 to check if there was any difference. Now this game runs fine at 1080P, but for some reason stutters at 4K and gets all choppy. No idea what's causing this, (maybe the power adapter was loose) but I'm gonna get to the root of this.
The screen looks KILLER and the build quality is top notch. There's little to no light bleed at the left bottom, which is barely noticeable.
What tests/benchmarks/apps should I set up to find out if everything is going smooth? I heard XTU messes up fan profiles and I've never undervolted a CPU even though people speak highly of ThrottleStop. What's the benefit of undervolting?
Any guidance in this regard will be greatly appreciated. Hope you guys are enjoying your systems just as much as I am.Galm likes this. -
Glad to hear you got it! That's some weird gaming performance, you should probably check the psu, and windows power settings (put on high performance). Glad to see 4K continues to have little to no lightbleed.AJ2.0 likes this. -
AJ2.0 likes this.
FredSRichardson Notebook Groundsloth
Only $15K for the pair =PCastor Matze likes this. -
Hi folks,
Have been lurking on this forum for a bit as I am considering whether to pull the trigger to get the Eurocom SKY MX5 R2. It seems to be the same as the Sager NP8153/ Clevo P650RS. I want to go with Eurocom because they provide a 10% student discount- with all that, the below system comes to $2000 CAD ($1500).
8gb ram (will get the other 8gb elsewhere and install)
4k g-sync 15.6” screen – Samsung PLS
500tb sshd (will install my 1tb Mushkin Reactor SSD later)
Killer AC 1535
I’m looking to replace a desktop ITX system with a 6700hq, 16gb 3200 mhz ddr4 ram, and a GXT 1070.
My primary concern with this switch was heat, throttling, and longevity- I noticed one solution was to turn off turbo boost and leave the CPU @ 2.6 GHz. I tested my 6700K locked to 2.6GHz with 2100 MHz ram and the performance was fine on GTA 5, BF4, Overwatch, etc. The avg. framerate dropped by 0-12% vs. the full clockspeed. I can do that. -
My questions are
Anyone use Eurocom? I’ve heard mostly good things. I know the MX5 R2 was just released.
With a cooling pad & frame-limiter (limit to 59 fps), will turning off turbo boost be necessary? I’m trying to keep both CPU & GPU temps below 80C under max load (chrome with 25 tabs, gta 5 1440p maxed playing for 3-4hrs straight).
Will disabling turbo boost on the CPU, thereby reducing temps dramatically, also help to reduce GPU temps- due to proximity? Do the GPU & CPU share the same cooling?
I’m planning to plug this into my 32” 4k monitor- any issues in terms of connectivity?
Any other known issues with this type of laptop I need to be made aware of?
This is a large transition because I hope this is the last time I own a desktop computer and this is the final switch to laptops. Hoping what happened with Pascal re. providing a solid mobile solution is what’ll be followed going forward.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! -
Once again a big thank you to mishkasm and Phoenix for the advice not to use Intel XTU for the undervolt attempt. I have now read about undervolting my CPU via Throttlestop and since its my first attempt and I am kind of (too) cautious to anything related with voltages I have done a screenshot to ask you guys if those two marked options are enough to undervolt. Some people report that you also need to change the voltage offset value of either CPU cache and Intel GPU - I am sorry for my many questions I just want to do it in a proper way and if other people have the same question they will get help as well
Any help is greatly appreciated! -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Michael Z likes this. -
You don't even have to be an audiophile to notice a difference. I plugged in my HyperX Clouds (v1) and the DAC had it adjusted to around 48Ohms, even my wife noticed the difference. Sound had more substance, was "fuller", hardly placebo.
The Fiio would be a good start imo , especially for portable stuff
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
Anyone else noticed that after new controlcenter core voltage operates much lower in general when idle? Satisfied with that
*** Official Clevo P65xRS(-G), P65xRP6(-G) / Sager NP8153(-S), NP8152(-S) Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HardCore88, Aug 18, 2016.