Yeah the machine comes with 16gb but I have ordered 64gb of g.skill 2133 MHz ram. Cuz I do a lot of vm
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I especially picked the case of TW3 to show that the cpu is a lot more weaker than the gpu and in cases that put even load to both the cpu can't keep up with the Gpu.
I don't know about you, but I'm not comfortable with that level of disparity in performance in a 1700ish usd product.
It's either go with a p775 or back to desktops
Sent from my Nexus 6P using TapatalkFredSRichardson likes this. -
Thanks for all the input about the CPU differences. I think I'll stick with the 6700 and try undervolting as well.
Thanks for the tip on CPU undervolting guys! Haven't put in the order for the P670RS from my local reseller yet but its making quite a big difference on my 4710MQ. Gave it a -105mv hit. Quite a big drop in thermals. Hope it'll work well on the 6700HQ as well
sent from Nexus 5X -
Whats the latest bios for the
P650RS6-G ?
My system has:
Bios: 1.05.03 LS2
EC: 1.05.02
Is this the latest stuff? -
Sent from my ZTE A2017U -
Are you on the same version I am?
Hey guys, forum lurker here just signed up. I have a Sager NP-8153s (6820hk and 512gb Intel 600p) coming soon and had a question that I'm hoping someone can shed a more clear answer for me regarding ram.
I plan on getting 24gb of Kingston Technology HyperX Impact - (2 x 8GB) and (2 x 4GB) both are 2400MHz DDR4 and CL14. I do occasional vm and video editing as well as working with dicom files. I don't "feel" like I need 32gb so that's why I'm thinking 24gb might be the sweet spot. I'm coming from a Dell XPS 9550 with 16gb of ram and once in a while it would be almost, if not 100% in use. On Amazon, its only a $30 difference from just getting another 16gb pair but hey, $30 is $30 lol. However, I would pay up if it would cost less headaches.
I'm aware that mixing ram isn't usually a good idea but most posts I see are regarding mixing different brands, timings, and/or speed. However, since in this case it's all the same except for size, would it work efficiently? Would there be any performance issues compared to having 4x8gb sticks? With that said, how would I place the ram once I get my rig?
Thank you!
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Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalkbaytotheapple and Krissppy like this. -
Thanks for the quick reply!
Moreover on the installation part, I'm assuming it would be very similar to this video correct? It's the P650SE. Should the 2x8gb sticks be on the back and the 2x4gb under the keyboard or vice versa (or even 1x8gb and 1x4gb on one side and the others on the opposite side)? Does it even matter??
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk -
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Xileforce likes this.
I've read through every single page of this post and have also created my own thread on this forum to decide on a good gaming laptop [Pascal Laptop Hunt] and so far the Clevo P650RS-G looks like the best balance between price and performance and reliable parts.
What's the best place to order one of these systems? I've compared Xoticpc, LPC and HIDEvolution online and as far as I can tell, the HID folks offer a better CPU paste, GSkill RAM by default and a full color keyboard along with the Prema BIOS.
The config I'm aiming for is 6700HQ, GTX1070, 4K GSync display, 2x8GB RAM, 250gb Samsung 850 evo +1TB 7200RPM HDD, No badges.
I might end up using XTU to undervolt the processor, will look up tutorials for that. Hopefully that won't mess up anything.
Also, I got in touch with Donald from HIDEvolution who told me it will take 3 weeks(!) for me to get my system if I place my order right away.FredSRichardson likes this. -
FredSRichardson Notebook Groundsloth
Forgive me for getting a little confused. I'm seriously thinking of getting the P650RS-G with the i7-6820HK. I'm having a little difficulty following the discussion on thermal issues and lower voltage settings vs over clocking and CPU throttling. Is it too early to say for sure how well this system performs with the 6820HK in terms of heat dissipation and raw throughput (FPS)? Based on some very good advice I am planning on opting for the Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra 100% Metal Thermal Interface upgrade from HIdevolution.
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FredSRichardson Notebook Groundsloth
Let's say I OC the 6820HK up to 4.0 GHz (I think others have done this), what would be the predicted temp under max load? Is the issue that the processor starts to throttle to keep the temp down? What's the magic number here?
I think someone here mentioned running a Witcher 3 stress test with high CPU and GPU loading. I gather from that discussion the issue is that the total thermal dissipation of both CPU+GPU becomes limited (I get it - this is a laptop - not a big box with tall heat sinks and banks of fans).
I can imagine having different profiles for different use cases: "low power battery mode", "cool and quiet mode" and "hot and noisy OC mode".
I'm enough of a gear head to want the more powerful 6820HK CPU, but will OC'ing even be possible? -
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk -
As for the 3 weeks, I believe it. I ordered mine on the 22nd and it still is being built
Sent from my SM-G935T using TapatalkAJ2.0 likes this. -
Guess I'm going to sit back, while waiting for the reimbursement and see what else there is on the market (maybe wait for kaby lake), that new alienware 15 looks goodmight give it a try, after all both notebooks have soldered components.
Last edited: Sep 7, 2016 -
Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk -
Can someone with a P670RS-G run unengine valley (windowed 16:9; resolution set smaler than native) and prime95 (max heat tourture test) simultanously? my notebook behaves strange if i do this. either the gpu or the cpu is throttling, i rarely get full speed on both. both dont even get hot! whats up here 0o.
So i just repasted my friend's P650RS with Gelid GC Extreme. Apparently his 1070 was hitting the usual Nvidia limit of 83 celcius. After the repaste and running Heaven benchmark on Ultra preset for 15 minutes, it dropped to 71 celcius. I think that the initial paste of IC7 from the reseller was applied badly. This was just my experience with my country's reseller. But i did notice that the fans were missing a portion of their curve. When temps got to about 65 celcius, the two GPU fans went full bore. Wasnt actually that loud, i would think my P150SM was louder. Setting a custom fan profile in the control panel also did not help. Just my experience with it.
HardCore88 likes this.
For anyone who wants less lead time buy from a seller that forwards order off to Sager... CLU is probably not done at sager thus lead time because sager will ship ups ground to whoever you order from for extras thus extending time if its sager branded. If its clevo barebones rebadge then different story...
Sent from my ZTE A2017U -
When using MSHYBRID, system process is normal. If switched to DISCRETE via clevo's control center, boot up with external display detached, system process is normal, but once I plug in the DP port, ACPI.sys starts to occupy 10~18% of CPU usage. Detach again, problem is still there
But if you manually switch MSHYBRID to DISCRETE in BIOS, i.e. install Intel and NV drivers and reboot into BIOS with MSHYBRID enabled, switch to DISCRETE and reboot normally, the Intel and NV drivers will crashed and be removed by the system. If you reinstall the NV driver, IIRC, there will be no ACPI.sys issue.
Also, problems I noticed so far are all related with external display.
- The one you mentioned.
- In MSHYBRID mode, If you select "Second Screen Only" via Win+P, the entries for Intel graphics setting will be gone in you right click menu on desktop. Windows on external display will be lag, e.g. try right click on desktop after open Chrome. The lagging can be solved (somewhat) by installing Intel Graphics driver with version 4424
- Some time unable to wake up the sleeping/hibernating system with "Second Screen Only".
- [Edit] In MSHYBRID mode, on external display, maximize a video, e.g. youtube, will result in a black screen. Notice some website player will have their progress bar displayed some will not. Tested Chrome 53, IE 11, Edge. Some native players will also have this issue. Potplayer works fine.
These issues basically make this NB unusable if you have a second screen, DO NOT BUY THIS MODEL UNLESS CLEVO FIXS THESE ISSUESLast edited: Sep 7, 2016capthook12 and Garridovic like this. -
Its a first bios prior to full availability its gonna get ironed out...hopefully sager gets back to me today proper instead of a let me check with info on it. Also note some things can be from w10 anniv if you have that it breaks so..sooo sooooo many things!
As Long as its sw bugs its good...hw would be worrisome.
Sent from my ZTE A2017Ubaytotheapple likes this. -
Just just requested a cancellation with LPC Digital after mulling it over a little. The wait times seem pretty bad from what I've been reading and honestly, even though the thermals and aesthetics on the clevo are better, the ASUS GL502vs that I've been using gets the job done. I was thinking about giving up on the Clevo side of things until I found a place called AVADirect that does quickship for P650RS models. Has anyone had any experience with them? I'm hesitant to click the checkout button because there are a lot of unknowns. I called and they confirmed that their units are in stock and they usually ship in 5-7 business days. Still don't know anything about customer service, or quality control though.
Hi guys, looking to buy a 1060/1070 laptop in EU, preferably 1070 but I'm still not sure if that 400€ (450 USD) difference is really worth for playing at 1080p. I'll get Clevo from Obsidian in Portugal, since prices and customer service looks awesome.
It seems to be the best performance/price brand when comparing to others like MSI. After reading most of the topic I haven't really found bad reviews or comment about these models, only these ones about external display problems, which I don't like to read before buying! Anyways, I summarise some questions I have.
- First and maybe most stupid one, are all clevos from all manufacturers exactly the same? (the base thing, not RAM, HDDs...)
- Should I go for a 1070 or just a 1060 is enough for 1080p? Looks like there's a big gap in performance between them
- The only differences I seem to find between P67x vs P65x are, besides screen size, slightly better cooling and aluminium back cover. Is there anything else I should know?
- Does it have backlight keyboard in all models?
- How about screen bleeding vs other brands?
- Any other flaws/problems in these new Pascal models?
I haven't found the answers in the topic, or it wasn't clear for me, sorry if it's already somewhere!
Thank you! -
Second~ do you have gaming desktop? I went 1060 because i had 980ti sli rig and didnt need to spend the extra just think how long you want to keep it and if a desktop is in your future (my 2c).
Third~ P670RP6 RS and P650RS share same cooling setup the only odd man out is P650RP6 that has nothing connecting the three fans together to leverage overall heat.
Four~ Yes they all do however some will be solitary color some will be rgb depending on seller you pick.
Fifth~ its same as others honestly. It falls on quality of display used in end and these lg are decent.
Sixth~ comparing it to RG or issues are mostly resolved with repastes and every new gpu gen launch creates a ruckus about temps... Undervolt....repaste...and you will be happy. Rest is same under hood basically...
Sent from my ZTE A2017ULast edited: Sep 7, 2016SirSaltsAlot likes this. -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
- The chassis are all the same, but each brand/shop will assemble according to their own rules, which mods, thermal compounds, bios customization, even vbios customization, quality control steps, etc etc. This might not sound like much, but trust me, as someone who worked for other shops/brands, the level of commitment each brand/shop puts in their products makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE.
-The 1060 seems to be perfect for current games @ 1080p, but if you want something more "future proof" the 1070 is a nice little beast if you ask me!
-P67 / P65 are the same in mostly everything, here´s the main differences you should know about:
-17" Version will Have a subwoofer
-P650RP6-G exclusively uses a unique BIOS and XFI Driver probably because it is the only version without the SABRE DAC
-P670RP6 / P650RS / P670RS share same bios and DO have the SABRE DAC
-RS versions are more thick, bigger bottom cover.
-RS version have a full plastic bottom cover
-RP6 version is thinner and the bottom cover is some type of aluminium stuff -> i wish i knew the exact name of this stuff
-All models share the same keyboard, currently we only offer the WHITE backlit one, will offer RGB as soon as we get them.
-Screen Bleeding is present but in my honest opinion is not much, and not worse than most current brands who offer the same type of screen
-For a complete list of stuff to consider (fixes, how to, problems) keep an eye in our website forum - the section "Help I need Help" will have a list of things you should know.
For now they seem rock solid units with good temperatures.
I would say future BIOS versions will improve some aspects, like fan profile, GPU mode switching, and other small stuff.
Hope this helps.Garridovic likes this. -
Also, remember that the panel has a 60hz refresh rate, so if you are the type of gamer who likes to play games like Overwatch, LoL, WoW, Diablo 3 etc. games that are not that demanding to the GPU vs. AAA games, definitely go for 1060. Only you can choose the best option because you yourself know of what gamer you are. IIRC, the difference between 1070 and 1060 is like +~$250, so it's certainly not cheap, but for a lot of people it is probably worth investing for "future proofing". If there was a 120hz option, I would go for 1070 without hassle, but 60hz panel leads me to 1060. I'd rather spend that money difference on a good nvme SSD. -
Wow thanks for such a fast and detailed response!!! Most of my doubts are clear now!
As for the 1060/1070, I guess I'll still have to think about it. I have no desktop since I travel a lot (and I won't have one), so this laptop needs to do everything for me. I'm just considering if those 400€ are worth the performance gain, I've read tons of reviews but I'm still deciding if I really need those few more fps. Being FHD and 60Hz probably a 1060 will work perfectly fine, even if I need to get down to ultra/30fps in a couple of years it's tottaly fine for me (I'd much rather get quality over fps). The question is, do you think the 1060 wil be able to hold at 1060/30fps in a couple of years? (I know it's hard to predict)
My last laptop hold everyhting on ultra for 3-4years at least 30fps, it's now that i replace it because last games don't even get 20fps, but it was a x70/x80, don't remember exactly
John: the RP6/RS difference regarding the alumium bottom cover confuse me, I thought it was the RS version the one with the metallic stuff (not that I really care about that detail, but good to know beforehand).
How are the differences in cooling between RS and RP6 versions like? Like, are we talking about 3-4ºC difference with a same setup, or more about 10-15ºC? I prefer thinner laptops that I can carry around, but not at the cost of getting a little furnace!
Thank you so much!! -
baytotheapple Notebook Consultant
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P651RP6-G user here, still not sure about G-Sync working.
I mean i've got no tearing with G-Sync & V-Sync on and an FPS lock at 58, but as soon as I turn the V-Sync forced off in NV control panel the tearing is back (even after reboot).
So it looks like i'm running on JUST V-Sync...
Also undervolting at -75mV and the CPU doesn't go above 60C while playing BF1 for an hour! Also quieter this way. I use the Overclock fan profile (it's the least noisy for me).
Tried -100mV but it gives an error the next time I start the Intel Utility (no crashes, but the error is there so I think it isn't stable).
GPU doesn't go above 68C while playing BF1. -
Sent from my ZTE A2017Uace_bandage likes this. -
It's always better to get as much performance as you can in a system that won't be possible to upgrade further on than to end up with a notebook that won't fulfill your needs in a year or so. Because at that time you're going to have to buy a new system and that will cost you way more than the 1070.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalkrelobe likes this. -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
You should not even worry with temperatures on both units, they perform very good to cool any of the graphic options.
The RP is thinner and cooler (it´s a 1060). -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
capthook12 and ace_bandage like this. -
Hello everybody! I was initially going to purchase the MSI GS43VR that was obviously before i found this amazing forum and the topic about the Clevo laptops. I have to admit that I have never heard about this brand before, which is honestly a shame considering how good these laptops truly are. I want to say a big thank you to anybody who already got their machine for sharing thoughts and also reviewing the product itself. As I already said that at first I was thinking about getting the above mentioned MSI laptop but I quickly figured out that these things are getting hot and loud which is kind of the trade you have to make in order to get a machine that is so thin but considering I dont necessarily need such a light laptop since I am not travelling with it on a daily basis I am now even considering the 17 inch model of Clevo but I am not quite sure about it as of now
Does anybody know the difference between the P650RS-G and the P651RS-G as well as P670RS-G and P671RS-G? I know that the latter ones have a 17inch display whereas the former ones are 15inch displays - my seller is offering any of the listed models and I am kinda confused which one to pick -
Sent from my SM-G935T using TapatalkMichael Z likes this. -
- I like the chrome accents too so now for me its only about the P650RS-G and the P670RS-G, thanks a lot!
*** Official Clevo P65xRS(-G), P65xRP6(-G) / Sager NP8153(-S), NP8152(-S) Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HardCore88, Aug 18, 2016.