Hi most,
Thanks for your reply mate. So you too have to manually set max fans for heavy load? This isn't ideal for me, since my computer work often deals with sudden loads and I sometimes forget to toggle the max fans. I don't really mind the extra noise when loaded, but I do mind if the fans don't do their job properly.
It would be ideal to have a custom fan profile / control that goes up to maximum fan speed. Preferably with smoother increments.
I've tried playing around with the power limits and some slight undervolting but they don't affect the fan's behaviour on this model. It seems entirely temperature based.
I don't know if I'm regretting getting Clevo. This slightly older model also seems hard to get parts for now (P370EM heatsinks). However coming from an old i7 740QM it's certainly an upgrade.
radio_silence and most like this.
Yes, I too have to manually (Fn+1) set the fans to 100%. Not ideal for me either and I really don't understand why it has to be that way. I guess it should be possible to make some sort of custom profile via the Control Center application, but don't know how. It can't be done in the application itself (at least not the version I'm running), it has to be in the registry I guess, but that's above my skills. Could just see the 80% limit in the registry somewhere.
I agree that fan behavoiur seems entirely temperature based. Not sure if the 80% limit has been modified in one of Prema's updated BIOS's. Anyone knows??
Btw. sorry about my temps, they were not correct. I mostly play iRacing so the temps in the previous post were based on that. Yesterday I tried running Civilization VI for some hours and CPU maxed out 94C and one GPU at 87C. Not that great then...Shadow-Tek and radio_silence like this. -
Yes, 384.94 is the one I'm running now. Don't know if you can use me as benchmark though. Over the last couple of years I have regularly updated my drivers but I have never had major BSoD problems. Apparently I have been lucky. My problems are with the CPU always running boiling hot when gaming...
Just a quick one guys, not by my laptop right now. Is it possible to disable hyperthreading in the BIOS on the P37xSM-A?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Not on the standard bios, no.
OK thanks Meaker. But I will be able to if I flash Prema's?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Gents, some questions regarding BIOS flash. My BIOS version is 1.03.11 and EC firmware is 1.03.09. I flashed them almost two years ago, got the files from my retailer XNB. I have two 980M with VBIOS dating back to 2014.
As far as I remember Prema modded the VBIOS for the 980M.
- Should I just leave it alone and not mess with flashing the VBIOS or does anybody have good experiences with the modded VBIOS?
- Does anybody know where to get the modded VBIOS now Prema has closed down his site? Should I contact Prema directly?
- Does anybody know of a good instruction for flashing the VBIOS on this machine?
- Everything runs fine as it is, but I would like to be able to disable hyperthreading (and in general play around with more options than the stock BIOS allows). That’s why I want to flash. Should I just leave it alone and not mess with flashing?
- Does anybody know where to get the files now Prema has closed down his site? Should I contact Prema directly?
- The guide I would use is this: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/clevo-bios-older-models-released-in-after-2014.790474/ Should be allright even though some years old right?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The custom firmware is good if you want to overclock.
I have a client with an older P377SM-A with GTX 880. Their Windows 7 OS crashed and they want to take this opportunity to update the system. This is the first CLEVO I've worked on and it appears all firmware are initial 2013 releases. I found this site while hunting for the latest BIOS and discovered the Prema Mod Bios.
- Where can I download the Prema Mod Bios for this system? (The Prema Mod site appears to be under construction)
- If I plan to use the Prema Mod, should I update the official BIOS/EC to the latest version or leave as is?
- What about GPU BIOS?
- Where can I download the Prema Mod Bios for this system? (The Prema Mod site appears to be under construction)
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
For a client who just wants to run it and forget it then they don't need it. Repaste, clean out the heatsink, put the latest official firmware on it and they should be good to go.
Vbios modding again is advanced, most people wont use the features. -
This user is actually interested in the additional capabilities. And I'm familiar with flashing custom roms, but haven't worked with a CLEVO before. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Just be aware that unlocking those features does allow you to thoroughly break the device. -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Just FYI as I got the Prema BIOS from my reseller. It comes with the correct matching EC and is totally awesome if you want to tinker. All the options I am used to seeing on a professional desktop board. BUT, as mentioned a 'brick' is easy if you do not know what you are doing. AND I found the thermals on this machine are borderline at stock. I tried a prema VBIOS and although it made my Sli more stable, overheating happened far before the overclock gave errors. I now run a moderate CPU O/C on my machine and use on-screen monitoring during gaming.
I have done all the usual repastes and use a cooling pad but I find that if a game does not support Sli then a single card gets much hotter, I stop gaming at 85c GPU (usually after about an hour) just because I do not feel comfortable above that temp.
IIRC, there is a mod for the bottom of the case to improve airflow but you'll need to hunt that down. I wanted to keep my warranty so modding the case was not an option. Good call as I did have a 980m die and had to send the machine in for repair!
Good luck. -
Eurocom Support Company Representative
Here are some pics of GTX 1070 installed. We use 82x105mm standard MXM3 size card that fits into any MXM 3.0b slot. Just need to modify VGA heatsink for card to fit inside. Also you need to use eDP LCD panel.
Attached Files:
most likes this. -
Eurocom Support Company Representative
Here is our LCD Upgrade Chart for these that would like to upgrade their P377SMx laptops to eDP LCD panels that work with our GTX 1060 and GTX 1070 standard size MXM3 82x105mm cards.
Attached Files:
So wait are you saying us X8E owners can upgrade the GPU's past 980?? I have 2 980s now.. but want to upgrade.. I don't need the laptop screen updated as Ive never used it.. (got a 120 h screen) Only use my 50' TV hdmi screen.
Edit.. 980's seem to cost more on site I visited.. am I missing something?Last edited: Dec 17, 2017 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I would contact them regarding your options
Eurocom Support Company Representative
Yes you can upgrade your X8E to GTX 10 series. Just check our online upgrade configurator or contact our upgrade Team.
Hello everyone, the Nvidia 388.59 drivers work great with this laptop.. just FYI
MickyD1234 likes this. -
Gents! (and ladies ofc. if anyone)
I have just gone desktop, so my 3-year old P375SM-A has had to hand over the title as primary gaming machine.
I don’t like the thought of selling it (I have also kept my old Dell XPS 1520 and Clevo/Deviltech X7200…yes I know it’s stupid...) but I’m considering selling one of my 980m GPU’s. Need a little cash.
Just wondering if it’s worth the hassle. There’s a few available on Ebay, but do you think there would be interested buyers if I price it considerably lower than a new 980m, but not as a give-away ofc?
Any opinions are welcome! -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The members market is a good guide to judge interest.
most likes this. -
I have a CLEVO P377SM-A.
If I want to remove the ODD to put an HDD there, where can I buy something to cover the space where the ODD tray was? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You can get a 12.7mm caddy to hold the drive and convert the ODD to a HDD connector as they are physically different.
anyone doing 1070 sli?
I have bought an ACER Predator XB272 (27", 1080p, 240Hz, G-SYNC, ULMB).
When connecting it to my laptop's (CLEVO P377SM-A, GeForce GTX 980M, Windows 10) Thunderbolt port, using an Accell's VESA certified MiniDisplayPort to DisplayPort cable, it doesn't work at all ("no signal"). It works on HDMI tho.
I have also tested the monitor on a desktop computer (GeForce GTX 660, Windows 7) using the cable that comes with the monitor (DisplayPort to DisplayPort) and it works (capped at 200Hz, probably limited by the quality of the cable).
Any ideas on how to use this monitor via the Thunderbolt like if I were using a MiniDisplayPort? I thought Thunderbolt was compatible with MiniDisplayPort, why it does not work at all? -
No idea why it doesn’t work. It should. I have had an ASUS MG278Q 27" 144Hz running without problems over the Thunderbolt/miniDisplayPort of my P375SM-A, 980M SLI, Win 10. Obviously it could be a faulty cable, other than that no idea. Maybe somebody else have an idea? -
The Accell is the first one that I try that is VESA certified, so I tought the other ones failed coz they weren't VESA certified, but this doesn't work either.
Since it works on a desktop computer with DP, looks like the Thunderbolt port of my CLEVO doesn't work, sheeeit. -
@Prema : Do you have the service manual for Clevo P377SM-A ?
or else does anyone else have it? I'm unable to find it online.
Thanks for any help
Cheers -
nbr2019 likes this.
Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk -
Hi does anyone know where I can find the premamod bios download for Clevo Sager NP9377 SM - A ? I can't seem to find it anywhere for the life of me. Thank you.
View the black sticker under the laptop, you have the model there. In case you have doubts, post a photo of said sticker and we'll help you out -
now that I have the correct BIOS Zip file, can you help me with the exact steps to update my bios? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
That link shows the firmware having readme files attached to guide you through.
connoisseuroftech Notebook Enthusiast
Hey everyone, Been a while since I posted
I apparently like this particular model laptop more than I should ....I now have 2 of these.
1 is a Sager with the dual 980's and a 120hz screen.
The 2nd one I just bought is a "Xidax", also dual 980's with a 60hz screen.
My question for all of you is this....Where can I find a 3d EDP cable 50pin?? I can get a 120hz screen to swap out the 60hz one, but it won't work without that cable. I would even be willing to give someone the 60hz screen for just the cable lol.
Is the "Xidax" bios drastically different than the Sager bios?
I have also heard that Eurocom has 1080m video cards (MXM's) that can let you upgrade from 980m's to 1080m's? Anyone heard of that? or has anyone done it? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Speak to your reseller but the cables are getting rarer. Upgrades require the eDP cable.
joluke likes this. -
I knocked over my 377 and lost my 980m video.
I reseated the card, removed broken plastic chassis shards, and it returned to normal.
Over time, it no longer recognized the card unless I rebooted several times.
Intermittent problem.
Finally, it never recognized my 980m permanently.
Do you think I should pursue mobo replacement before the video card?
A phone/computer repair service wants $50 to test the card but I am concerned they just want to declare it dead and try to sell me a replacement.
Am I being irrational about that?
It is a work machine so I will not leave it with them, just give them the card to test. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It needed to be looked at the moment the card was not recognised, it could have been overheating due to the heatsink not being put back properly which may have caused further damage. It needs a proper look at and I would recommend sending it to your reseller and using your backup machine for work just now.
Xikar likes this. -
That’s how the 377 got dropped!
I have no way of knowing if dropping my machine damaged the mobo card seat or the card...or both.
Found a replacement mobo in the marketplace.
I think I’m going to install the replacement, re-try the 980, declare it dead if it fails, then find an economical lower end replacement video card to install. As a work machine, I do light CAD work, so nothing fancy is required.
Life would be good if it the old 980 lives tho!!!
*** Official Clevo P37xSM-A/Sager NP9377 owner's lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Ethrem, May 22, 2014.