I'll try this if I end up reinstalling from scratch again at any point. I do know that the issue didn't set in immediately with my fresh install even after I fully updated it. It set in roughly 4 days after the most recent update had been installed.
I don't have a lot of things installed. Just 7-Zip, Comodo Firewall, Cyberlink (included), Everything, Google Chrome, Macrium Reflect, OpenVPN, pCloud, Plex Media Server, Fences, Start10, Steam (+ a few games), Sticky Password, and TeamViewer. If there is a conflict with one of my programs, it is likely related to either Comodo Firewall. I will test when I have more time to work with my computer.
I had only one service related to Creative running. I killed that, closed out the SoundBlaster processes (taskkill /im SBXFIMB3.exe /f) and relaunched the program, only to be greeted by the same issue.
I've been into the bios. I'm running PremaMod bios. Most options except for boot order are set to default, and my system is set to UEFI with Secure Boot. I haven't changed any options in a long time in there.
Both the "Switch To" and "Retry" buttons cause the message to go away for a split second before coming back. The "Switch To" button sometimes pops open the start menu.
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
I'd turn off secure boot as it does cause issues if a driver is not signed correctly but I doubt this is related to your problem.
Yes to killing the firewall as well as stopping any Teamviewer startup processes. Good luck -
Hello, I'm new here I just discovered this forum while trying to find a detailed full teardown for my p375sm. Randomly the screen will turn off and on and I believe it's a cable issue but I don't know what all I need to do to get to the chassis side of the cable. If you tilt the chassis it will cause it to flicker off and on and windows sees it as a screen disconnect reconnect, also slightly opening and closing the lid does the same. Sorry to interrupt the current flow of the forum but I've been searching for a few months to find a guide other than the clevo service manual while just dealing with the screen issue.
MickyD1234 likes this.
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Sent from my LG-H918 using Tapatalk -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
I got a new UHDTV and with my previous HDTV I could only access media player on the PC and I was able to 'cast' vids to the TV. Good enough, If I direct connected it (Miniport to HDMI) I could play games in 720p but it supported 1080. When I used that lag and motion was terrible at only 24hz. Useless for gaming so I only used the tv for watching streaming.
Now I've got a super duper 4K, Dolby Vision/HDR TV so I thought I'd revisit it. First thing was it showed up as a projector connection - I'd done nothing yet so I tried it and voila, a great picture AND no lag in my games. The res seems to follow the primary screen so I'm seeing it at 1080. I can't tell the Hz it's using but a clue is that when I'm playing an older game that is v-synced to stop it running away at many hundreds of FPS it slows when connected to the TV. Watching the steam OSD for FPS, the game runs at 120 FPS (same as panel Hz). If I connect the TV via miracast the FPS drops to 60, so it seem to be 60hz. Either way it looks great for a 49" screen.
Now I start to tune and mess with a wired connection. When I try to use the wireless connection later the TV either appeared but failed to connect, or it never showed.
I reset the TV to factory first - it has a great wizard taking you through setting it all up.
No joy. After a ton of messing I found a bunch of virtual adapters showing up in device manager. Two of them were disabled. The minute I enabled them the wireless connection to TV started to work. More PC messing later it stopped working again. The point I had reached in the previous post.
Now, it was obviously related to the network config on the lappy but those disabled adapters were now gone. Many attempts to add and remove the TV failed, eventually it vanished altogether.
The only problem I found was that the wireless adapter had no IP V6 address. Much messing with that and trying some IP V6 options I have no idea about (I am very knowledgeable with V4) and the TV suddenly appeared and connects. That was last night and I am using it right now so fingers crossed!
Oh yeah, I also found my airplane mode driver had failed to load during the investigations and I have not seen that before. Deleted it and the driver files but a reinstall still stopped it so I turned it off. -
dellienware owner Notebook Evangelist
Any updated bios for my 980m?
Guys, a question. I'm the happy owner of a P375SM-A with a i7-4910 and 2 x 980M. I'm considering getting an Oculus Rift but worry a bit about the performance of the 980m's. My specs meet the recommended requirements all other places than the GPU's, which seem to meet the minimum requirements, but I don't want to scale down on details etc.
Does anyone have experience with this laptop and Oculus Rift?
Thx in advance for any comments. -
I also would like to know the answer to this question, I am in the market for either Vive or Oculus....but I haven't heard of read about anyone with the specs of this laptop (mines in my comment) playing VR
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The 980M was never certified as it fell just under the recommended desktop 970 performance level. The experience will be very similar though really.
Hi guys had a look around but cannot find a definitive answer
I have this model with 1 gtx 880m, I am considering adding a second for sli and can only seem to find ALIENWARE cards, can these work out of the box plug and play or does the vbios need flashing?
Thanks in advance -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Selling the 880M and getting a 980M or even one of the 1060s floating around would be a better investment.
Ok so sane question really, if it's an alienware/Dell 980 1060 etc. Is there an issue
Also added to that is the stupid renaming of the mobile cards almost making them impossible to find the gtx 1060m as they are now just called 1060
Any ideas, I'm in the UK
Cheers -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Use MXM when searching to pick them out. I believe it should work with either an MSI/Alienware card from what I remember but it was a while back
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Papusan likes this. -
Ok so have bought this, feels like bargain of the century for just £270
"sell clevo gtx 1060 mxm3.0b
removed from my P775DM3-G
fully working.
as i know this card is only work on P751DM2 / P775DM2 / P775DM3 / P870DM2/ P870DM3
other clevo notebook need to modify graphics card. if you don't how to modify. don't buy it.
already unlocked TDP.
can get the same performance like desktop 1060"
but anyway, is this going to be plug and play? If not please would anyone be kind enough to write a quick guide, I am up to speed with flashing etc. So not so much baby steps, cheers -
Ok so the seller cancelled my order and for good reason! I thank you for all your help but please ensure that any help is accurate in future, ESPECIALLY from a comapny rep like meaker!
SO the seller tells me that there are variants of this 1060 card and all come with issues for this model of laptop
the gtx 980m on the OLD Clevo laptop is this design http://imgur.com/Ko3dOBI
the NEW clevo GTX 1060 is a wider MXM (MXM type-C?) slot see here http://www.chip.pl/blobimgs/2016/08/original/xhUDsgXbecwDYrbd79DO.jpeg
and finally there is an MSI 1060 variant of this card that IS the same as the OLD MXM slot however I am told it needs and additional power supply from the motherboard that I am told this model laptop does not have??? see here http://img.alicdn.com/bao/uploaded/i1/6000000000406/TB2LQlPlZtnpuFjSZFvXXbcTpXa_!!0-fleamarket.jpg -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes I am fully aware, nothing is EVER that simple with MXM. I expected you to come back asking over just going ahead and ordering without checking lol.
There are some 1060s of the right shape and not needing a power plug, there are a couple of threads talking about this around the forum. -
Short question which might not have a short answer...is it possible to add a GPU thats better than the 980 in this laptop? As in from the 10XX series.
As I understand @meaker above there should be some 1060's that would fit? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes there are standard form factor 1060 cards but it's not worth it over your current cards.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The 980M will run VR, it's just not "certified", a bit of tweaking can help a lot too (especially vram clocks).
dellienware owner Notebook Evangelist
My question is if Iracing doesn't do sli would a 1060 be worth the money spent in improved fps? -
iRacing with 2 x 980m work really really well as long as it's with a normal screen. I run a 2K 144Hz screen over the DisplayPort and have everything almost maxed out with no problems and a lot of FPS. I would even say that 2 x 980m for iRacing is close to perfect -
dellienware owner Notebook Evangelist
I run triples on a single 980m to an asus vg248 and acer xr341ck, only able to crack 40fps before the glare off of the skippy visor is almost solid white and the fps goes up, as the quality goes down. any suggestions other than using one screen ?
4.3 on all 4 cores stable
Thanks Prema! Couple bucks coming your way
I'm wondering if NV will stick with that for future cards or if not... Maybe we'll get access to the 11 series. That would be a treat! -
But apart from the power connector isn't there some problems with the form factor? I'm no expert, but guess @Meaker knows.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The 1080 also uses GDDR5x which requires different ram spacing beyond the width of a standard card.
Hmmm it's difficult I guess, think you have already been around the possible solutions. You could go for an extra 980m. You would gain some FPS, but not sure how much. From what I have heard iRacing is not the best SLI optimized game. A guess (only a guess, I have no data or anything supporting it) would be about 25% FPS increase.
Other option is a 1060, if you can find one that fits. Again, only hearsay, but it seems that 2 x 980 SLI and 1060 is about on par in performance. But might be a better solution because you avoid the depency on SLI optimization.
Lastly, maybe 2 x 1060 SLI?? If that's even possible in this machine? And you can find 2 cards. And guess the price would be rather crazyLast edited: Jun 1, 2017 -
dellienware owner Notebook Evangelist
Last edited: Jun 12, 2017most likes this. -
I have no confirmed link sorry, have just heard in here that there might exist versions that fit this laptop.
Maybe this one would fit? https://store.alezka.com/en/laptop-gpus/9-nvidia-gtx-1060-6gb-mxm-msi.html.
Or http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MSI-NVIDI...867222?hash=item28233c9ed6:g:VyoAAOSwx2dYEtm9
Or https://www.aliexpress.com/item/FOR...2809675187.html?spm=2114.40010708.4.11.sMLQ99
Just to be clear - I have no idea if these will fit, but the form factor looks ok. Maybe @Meaker has a link or can weigh in?Last edited: Jun 16, 2017 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
They would all physically fit by the looks of things. As for compatibility ask the seller and see if you can set it up where if it does not work you can send it back.
most likes this. -
dellienware owner Notebook Evangelist
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
They would not share that kind of info to the public. If they get a chip that's interesting then maybe.
Hi guys, what are the latest Nvidia drivers you are using with this laptop? 375.95 are the last ones Ive tried (and still use) that don't cause issues or blue screens of death.. I have duel 980s.. Ones I have tried that cause BSD are:
By BSD I mean they will work for a bit, sometimes a few days but now and then (some more then others) will eventually cause a BSD. Using the program "Blue screen view" it always shows its the Nvidia driver causing it. What are the latest versions you guys have found that are good?
Thanks yet again for any replies!! -
No by my laptop now, but just did a fresh win 10 install a week ago and downloaded the newest drivers - running with no problems. I have dual 980m's too.
I had to stop using windows 10 and start using windows 7 because SLI was causing so many problems....good luck
What kind of problems where you having? I did go back to win 7 earlier because I had problems with massive fps drops for a couple of secs maybe once every hour. Couldnt find the reason, so went back to win 7. Now I'm trying win 10 again.
I guess I should mention I use Win 7 x64 pro. I have no intentions of ever moving to windows 10. So what version are win 7 users using? (Though I appreciate the response most)
Hi all,
I've recently bought a new (to me) P370SM-A. I've just fitted it with the i7 4940MX CPU from a busted Dell Precision, and am just wondering if anyone else has this issue, in that the CPU fan only seems to max out at 80% on automatic in CCC, even when the max core temp continues to climb towards 100c. This is certainly noticeable under heavy loads such as compressing 7-Zips, causing the cores to throttle.
I'm pretty certain it never goes above ~80% because there is a noticeable increase in fan speed when manually setting the speed to maximum. Also the GPU fans don't speed up until the 880M's reach throttling temperatures.
Is this normal behaviour with the latest firmware (1.03.10)?
If it matters, besides the overheating I'm stable on 382.53 for the 800M series on Windows 10 build 1703. Older driver versions caused issues with the screen waking up on this build.
Cheers -
Went back to Win 7, as Win 10 still cause small problems for me. Previously I have been running Win 7 x64 Home Premium, now I'm on x64 Ultimate. With both versions of Win 7 I have been running latest Nvidia drivers and I have had no problems so far. Rock stable. Not sure that's much help to you though -
I have made exact same observation as you. I'm a noob but managed to take a look in the registry under the Hotkey application wich led me to the same conclusion as you, only 80% on automatic fan. This has led to me having the CPU hit just below the 100C limit and the GPU's the 88C limit, a.k.a. throttling. I have repasted with Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut and with manually setting the fans to 100% the CPU stays below 85C and the GPU's around 80C. Don't know if any Prema BIOS updates have solved this, I'm running stock BIOS.
However, I have made one adjustment, I replaced the CPU heatsink with the one from and older P370EM (it has one extra heat pipe going over to one of the GPU's). Theoretically it should give a little better cooling of the CPU and a little worse of that GPU. Haven't made any precise comparisons, so don't really know the exact effect though...
*** Official Clevo P37xSM-A/Sager NP9377 owner's lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Ethrem, May 22, 2014.