Okay so i noticed most of u guys getting the wireless bigfoot killer network card N-1202 rather than N-1103,
any issues with the 1103 or its just the lack of bluetooth ? i went for the most expensive thinking its the top notch , have 1 missed something ?
i play mostly world of warcraft.
i did my sager np9370 order with powernotebook last week , i read that some mobo
have BT in them by default , is that true ? if not , can it be provided by the reseller ? in my case powernotebooks.
note : am asking because in my current system sager np7280 ( clevo x7200 ) also got it from powernotebooks had centrino 6300 w/bt
and i use a razer orochi mouse with it , i ordered a razer naga epic for my new pc but am not sure its gonna be the one ill be using as i might
reroll to my orochi and i need BT in my system.
As for the wireless card... I chose the 1202 because I have to have BT functionality. The 1103 however is, technically, a "better" card because it offers 3-stream support whereas the 1202 is only 2-stream. Though, if you don't also have a 3-stream router/AP, it's a moot point.
I joked about the 1203 presently not existing for that very reason, because presumably that would be the card with both 3-stream support and BT functionality, although they might just skip that and look towards 802.11AC functionality I hear. -
Hey guys, just bought new USB 3.0 External drive Seagate Expansion Desktop 2TB, it contains Seagate Barracuda ST2000DM001 7200 rpm drive with 64MB cache... and started to copy some files on it. But when i looked at speed, it was around 15-18MB/s regardless what file i have been transferring...
So i run some bench and end up with this:
Which is quite decent...
So i run another bench for my internal drive from which i have been trasnferring files, its actually a mirror of two Seagate Momentus ST9750420AS 750GB 7200 RPM 16MB Cache..here its:
What the hell is wrong about those read speeds? Sequential should be over 100MB/s and 512k 30MB/s+... Raid 1 should keep read speed same or even speed it up a bit, so what the hell?? S.M.A.R.T. reports nothing... -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Can you format it and re-create the mirror? Maybe test it by itself?
Just deleted raid volume and tested each drives individually..
So no problem with disks itself...
Im gonna move everything to external drive, format disks and create new raid with different allocation size unit, hope it will work out good, that read speed in raid is ridicoulous...
EDIT: current speed as transferring 423GB to external drive is ~90MB/s, thats more like it... -
Just finished initializing new raid array, speeds are now almost as same as were on single drives, but still, read speed should be better, so im not still fully satisfied
There is bench after i enabled write-back caching which should speed things up, while in my situation it only makes writes speeds worse
So again, what the hell? Any thoughts why it keeps same read speeds? From what i have googled i should be getting 20-50% increase at least in sequential read... -
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
Raid 1? Generally raid 1 is a tad slower because its mirroring. Put them in raid 0 and run tests.
Check both Intel RST and Windows (Start-Run-diskmgmt.msc- Rt-Clk Disk X w/ RAID1-Properties-Policies) for write caching, and disable it. You don't want write caching enabled with software RAID.
But you can leave it on for standalone drives, like your Crucial mSATA System Drive. But don't turn off write cache buffer flushing on your standalone Crucials. -
I will keep write-back caching disabled, as it only slowed writes speed a bit...
Neverthess, im keeping it as it is. Now im having same speeds as on single drives, so i just have to live without faster read speeds... -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Now... should I check my e-mail 100 times today waiting for bank wire info, or should I check it 100 times tomorrow? Hehe
Also, I added in the "SAGERFREESHIP" bit to the comment section but it of course didn't automatically deduct the normal $28 shipping from my doing so. Will I need to deduct that from the final amount manually, or will the final receipt reflect the amount that needs to be wired? -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
If you can PM or email me your order information I can take a look further into the freeshipping discount, but we do apply that manually as we manually process all of our orders for accuracy so it's not completely unimaginable that it wasn't put on there right away. -
Thanks for all your help Derek!
Now I know who to pester if I have any more questions once I receive it
On a side note, I was dying of laughter once I found out I had actually cost myself $.18 by adding the free shipping. I could have bought a stick of gum with that! Haha.
Anywho, thanks again for all your help. Looking forward to stalking its location after it's shipped ^_^
And thank Courtney for me for promptly getting me that wire info. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Ordered my Sager NP9370 finally
-i7 3630qm
-gtx 680m
-750gb 7500rpm hdd
-8gb ram
-blu-ray player
-bigfoot networks killer 1202
Pretty excited. long needed upgrade from a AMD n930 and a HD 5650. Expecting a major boost in fps. Especially once i OC it -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
So, since not much on it that I can find on the net, how does the 670m in SLI preform? to get this laptop set up the way I can afford, plus the stuff I need, I can't upgrade video card but have strong dislike for AMD for past issues...
Will be getting a pretty beastly version of this lappy in the next couple of months. Has anyone had any temp issues with their systems yet? For my peace of mind... what are acceptable temp during gaming.
Hello everyone!
I got my P370em yesterday and it's awsome.
But today when i turned it on (on battery only), the battery icon was showing this:
(this is not an image from my laptop.. this one i found in the internet. however this is the same as i get. i'm not with the laptop now)
I installed Win 7 Pro 64
have this ever happened to anyone of you?
Any tip/suggestion?
Regards -
1. Mis-aligned battery contacts. The "solution" to that would be simply removing the battery and placing it back in, assuming it's not some grave manufacturing error. You also might want to look and see if there are any obstructions in the battery bay or if there are any obstructions on the contacts (rogue lint can do amazing things).
2. The battery is loosely seated. All you need to do there is see whether or not the battery is loose in any direction by attempting to slide it side-to-side while it's seated, or seeing if it's drooping when the laptop is sitting on a table. Another way to test that is to turn the laptop upside down and then power up the computer. If that solves it, you know that the battery is sort of "drooping" and not making good contact.
3. Try "cleaning" the power from the laptop. To do that just pop the battery out, hold down the power button for at least 15 seconds, and then put the battery back in and power up the computer.
Lastly, I'm not sure if there's a "battery calibration" option for this laptop anywhere in the bios, but that would be about the last thing I can think of on a basic level that you could try to remedy this. If none of that works, chances are you've got a bad battery. Worst case scenario, the contacts on the laptop got damaged somehow and/or were defective from the factory. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
But with these cards the is a massive gap in between the 680m/7970m and 1 step down for some reason. Its like comparing a desktop gtx 690 to a 680. As a nvidia fan personally i would say go with a 7970m over the 670's sli because of the major difference and than a second card a year from now will be reasonable <= 400 and that will keep you future proof with for games to come for alot longer than 670's. But it is a tough decision -
well... i'm not sure why that appeared.. the fact is that when i got back home yesterday, I drained the battery, pulled it off. Put it back in again and I haven't seen that battery icon warning again... so i'm not sure if the battery is good or not...
I guess i'll have to wait and monitor it the next couple of days.
NOW!!! Other thing I would like to ask you guys!
I live in Portugal but i'll move to the UK in a few weeks. I noticed that the power-brick is actually... a brick, massive and heavy, so to make traveling easier for me I was wondering in buying a new one to keep it in the UK, and the other one in Portugal...
I'm not sure but I think that the power-brick is 300watts. although I only have a single gpu
My sistem is:
1x 7970m
killer 1202
120 ssd + 500 hhd
So, would I still have to buy the 300W power-brick or would there be any other solution for me? other power-brick model? ebay? -
Regarding drivers...
Do drivers from Clevo's website work on Sager laptops and vice versa?
Trying to go ahead and prepare my Win 7 install disk and I noticed that Clevo has a few drivers that are more up-to-date.
Just wanted to be certain before I went and injected useless drivers into the install image. -
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
Guess I'm pulling the trigger today. Anyone have experience with express build option? Does it really cut build times. What the typical build time without paying the $49 bucks?
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Think I will just drop the msata ssd boot drive and get the 680m, always add that later and well faster bootup is not as important as faster card, and definatly not tell the wife that I am going overbudge a hundred bucks
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
Ok and with 1-4 days.. After lunch.... Ugh...
Anyone with a thought? -
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
I would think you need the 300watt adapter, plus it has a proprietary plug.
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes, MXM graphics cards are a pain to source, can be very expensive to upgrade and are much harder than slotting in a little SSD.
With the SSD you have a wide selection of options that can be purchased in more conventional places. -
Welp... almost Friday. Hella hoping my laptop ships tomorrow (seeing as it takes a full week for me to get packages from Cali)
ASUS RT-N66U and Diablo 3 arrived today. IC Diamond been here for a while. Razer Mamba got here a few days ago. I'm rreeeaaaddaaaayyy.
Just got done setting the router up so that I can... refresh my e-mail to check for a shipment notice even faster -
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
Did you pay or express build or do the normal?
Standard. Seemed to me "rush" builds are for people who get XPC services, which I didn't get any of.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Hi guys, is 120hz really 120hz? I mean, even though you're not using 3D? I'm new to this but I think I'm getting the idea. I really hate screen tearing and I want to play without turning vsync on.
I have not read the whole thread. If someone will link me to the answer, I'd gladly appreciate it. Thank you for you and this helpful thread. -
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
ORDERED! Now the not so fun part of waiting!
16gb ram 4x4 modules
Win 7 home 64bit
2 x 680m
m4 crucial msata as OS drive
2 x 750gb raid 0
Bigfoot 1202 wireless/BT
IC diamond
2 year warranty
Blue Ray burner
Rush build because I am impatient.
Standard matt finish screen
Should be a nice addition to my recent desktop build for playing at work, couch and traveling. I wanted a system to get as close as I could to the performance of my desktop. -
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
Dont get to play much at work, but sometimes on friday afternoon I have to stay in the office for emergencies. So I could have 3-5 hours of play time. -
Larry@LPC-Digital Company Representative
I do not have a link, however this screen is and stays at 120hz no matter what you are doing.
This even though 3D is not enabled. ... -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
WHY is it the weekend? I need 1 more day for shipping. why does jebus hate me. oh well mondays not bad.. But a week for building and shipping. cant complain very fast times.
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
Phase 2 baby.
hopefully my extra fifty bucks for rush order will git'r'dun early next week
long weekend ahead
*** Official Clevo P370EM / Sager NP9370 Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by HTWingNut, Aug 28, 2012.