I believe large size turbo memory would come really handy, because it would give you result similar to SSD when loading applications and starting up without actually getting SSD, and still have your slower cheaper hard drive on your system.
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
Does anyone know if Eurocom uses that Artic silver thermal compound? I'm guessing they use some kind of compound in the heat sinks?
I have no idea what that means, 'heat sinks' so it would be nice if someone could explain it. -
The compound is the paste that goes between the processor (or gpu) and the heat sink's connecting surface and hence helps in heat transfer between the surfaces.
The better the compound, the better the transfer and the cpu might actually remain a lil cooler. -
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
Basically you want to eliminate the air between the contacting surfaces of your processor and the the heat sink that help to conduct heat from your processor to the heat sink. Then the heat sink release heat to its surrounding air, and the heat got moved out of the laptop through convection (flow of air).
The compound Artic Silver, will help to fill in and eliminate the air between the contacting surfaces of the processor and the heat sink, and give a better conduction of heat between the two surfaces, because air itself is a great insulator and prevent the conduction of heat. With better conduction of heat, the temperature of the processor decreases. -
steveninspokane John 14:6 - Only ONE Way!
Does Sager add the Artic Silver?
I know Xoticpc does which means Sager does. Its the 2nd "option" when you go to customize your laptop. There is no other choice besides Arctic Silver though.
Just don't use to much thermal paste, because then it will turn into a thermal blanket (ie thermal insulator).
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Sager uses Arctic Silver 5 on most of its models.
Steven...look at your Order Confirmation. -
Are the rest of the 8660s ordered on July 15th shipping today?
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
^Not all of them can ship it two days.
All pre orders should be filled this week.
obviously your first priority is managing your business, but howz the review coming along... can't wait for it
yeah,where is the review you promised?
to be fair lots of u guys seem to be general hardware noobs... i wouldn't recommend redoing your laptops with arctic silver.. its quite a deadly compound when used incorrectly.. which i have done with it countless times and i consider my self well versed in hardware.
for example it conducts if some gets stuck under the chip.. and can kill hardware instantly and easly ..
ive killed a number of desktop GPUs and CPUs with it when i demand the highest thermal performance. Dont do the same to a brand new notebook regardless if its even running at 90-100c just chill out and trust your builder does a good job.. if not u will get warranty lol -
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
I probably won't mess with the arctic silver until I need to upgrade my CPU or GPU in like three years. I agree that it can turn out deadly to the CPU or GPU, if I do it wrong the first time.
Though I believe someone above already mentioned how to do it correctly that is to apply as little amount of arctic silver as possible to prevent forming an insulation layer. I believe the right way of doing this is to have as much metal surfaces between the CPU and the heat sink touching each other, as apply a tiny bit of arctic silver to fill in any air that may exist between the touching metals. Since metals is better conductors than arctic silver, and arctic silver is better conductor than air. -
I'll add Arctic Silver 5 if necessary, since it's worked miracles for my G1S.
But as long as it's below the downclocking temperature I wouldn't worry about the temperature. -
hmm lol...
for those who don't know, AS5 is no longer the best Arctic Silver product. The MX-2 is the best:
Review: http://aphnetworks.com/reviews/arctic_cooling_mx_2
Also it is 100% non-conductive, so no worries.
Although it is probably more difficult to find -
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
How many trails have they done to compare the as5 and mx2? How do we know it is not just a one time thing? We also know that the way you applying those compound to CPU makes a significant difference.
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
A detailed review takes time..
I only bought the Arctic Silver 5 since it was cheaper, more available on eBay, and had more reviews at the time. -
i bought the mx-2 . that is going all over my m860tu components when it comes
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
Good luck
Can we get your first impressions on this laptop?
yeah man this anticipation bites. maybe there are issues and they're not clueing us in... stress test crysis. doesn't take long i'm sure you can do it on lunch or something. where there's a will there's a way.
I ordered my M860TU today through Lynnbay's Customer Service phoneline. I called to see if there was anyway to receive it before my vacation this Friday, and he told me that if I order it with the one business day assembly (+$60) by 3 p.m. PST, he'd give me a free shipping upgrade which will get it to me by Thursday. Of course I agreed to it, so I'll have my M860 on Thursday
steveninspokane John 14:6 - Only ONE Way!
wow!, I orderd my 8660 on july 25th, and I'll recieve mine this thursday also.
Lynnbay is fast. -
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
now I wish I can get it too on Thursday but I highly doubt it...
I want mine today... And now. Silly WUXGA screens.
steveninspokane John 14:6 - Only ONE Way!
I did.
I'm just wondering how lynnbay is able to properly test their units after slapping them together so blazing fast. -
I mailed with Frieslandcomputers today and they told me (I got a reply after just 5 minutes!) I'm receiving mine thursday
Can't wait
can some one post the links to 3dmarks scores and first impression of sager np8660 plss!
I am dying to read one -
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
Paladin or Justin already posted the scores ...
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
Forgot where but it is about 9100 for 3dmark6.
so whats the overview of the prilimnary review?
Is it looking good or bad?
I am pretty much worried about the temps at the moment.
Any good news here? And how r the noise levels? -
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
Post #48 I posted 3D Mark 06 scores.
I had made a few comments on the noise and heat earlier in this thread.(initial thoughts just after a couple hours of use)
Hey Justin get back to work!
I haven't received my shipping email yet!
Although I`m sure that if someone games at 1920x1200, it will get hotter than that... -
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
I think they stopped answering emails about shippings, because they probably getting flooded with hundreds emails of the same question...
mebe this doesnt matter to some of u vampires >< but... i was just at a semi vacation, and tried to use my laptop outside on a bright day in the shade under some trees and wow the glossy screen is terrible. hardly can see the screen due to the fact it nearly became a mirror
Yeah, that's common on glossy screens. Unless it's featured in a laptop's advertising, don't assume it's good to go outdoors.
You can try your luck in the shade, or with the screen tilted down to avoid some of the glare. -
w00t! Thank goodness for matte WUXGA.
you can also buy covers that will sort-of change it to matte that you can stick on when youre outside.
well i figure most of the laptops usage is going to be indoors where it wont matter but still, so bad outdoors
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
I thought I was having a matte screen, then I checked my order again looks like I will be having a glossy screen ...
youdontneedtoknow Notebook Evangelist
**OFFICIAL M860TU/ETU Owners Lounge**
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by steveninspokane, Aug 14, 2008.