I've been using the latest drivers from laptop2go and I feel the official drivers are better.
I've heard that disabling Bluetooth can help with the high pitched noise. How exactly can you do that in Vista? I've tried hunting around in the control panel but with no success.
Fn+F12. There's no little drawing on the key because, I think, the bluetooth is optional on this laptop.
if you havnt got bluetooth hit it with a very large hammer and hopefully the noise will also stop. -
Just ordered, waiting on it, should come by New Years WOOTWOOT raise the rooooooof. Lol
Good News: My M860TU is back, and everything is running well.
Not So Good: They wiped my hard drive.
Oh well, I'm just glad to have my precious back. -
Muh specs R
15.4" WUXGA
T9600 2.8ghz
800M GTS 512MB
4gb DDR3 1066MHz
2X Blue-Ray Read/8X DVDRW
320GB 7200RPM
Vista Ultimate 64-Bit
i also got the cooler, i hope its the zalman.
Waiting game sucks =/ -
Straightshooterr Notebook Consultant
ordered mine yesterday, i want that crap this week haha, luckly goin to az in the mean time, so hopefully itll be here when i get home
I managed to break one of the stupid keyboard tabs after fiddling with the two central (F6/F9) tabs (I guess I pressed it inwards too much). I did manage to fix it so it works (no tab but keyboard lies flat), and I recommend everyone do this to their M860TU keyboard if they have loose tabs (or hell if you get a new M860TU and want to prevent loose tabs - i.e. level out the area under the top of the keyboard so all tabs have even pressure on them):
Press the tabs in gently and lift up the keyboard. You'll see 3 raised fabric strips near the top edge, on the bottom panel. Use 2 pieces of electrical tape cut to small strips and place them on top of each other right under the F6 and F9 tabs (so 2x2 strips of electrical tape, just on the metal base part, right under the tabs). Reassemble keyboard and lift tabs up so the keyboard clicks under all tabs fully. The two strips of electrical tape will make the same raised edge as the other fabric strips and will keep the keyboard in place.
If you manage to break a tab (>.> oops), remove the 3 keys around said tab (with the keyboard in place - the keys pop off gently and the actual mechanism that holds keys in place seems sturdy and well made) and cut a upside down U shaped piece of electrical tape that fits around the key that's under the broken tab. I pressed that all around the key, making sure the actual white plastic key mechanism wasn't obscured and pressed it onto the keyboard, up around the case lip, over the broken tab and over the top of the keyboard case area. I used glossy electrical tape and t's virtually indistinguishable from the surrounding keyboard area.
So yeah, be gentle with the tabs. On the other hand, even broken tabs are repairable and this doesn't seem to be something that is major or needs to be sent into the manufacturer for repairs (imo, unless you plan on reselling the machine or something). On the other other hand this is the only issue I've had with the machine (that was not software related - stupid starforce games). -
Got confirmation that my order is in the mail so I'm making my first official post here
Very excited about this.
- CPU P9500 2.53GHz Core2 Duo
- 2048MB DDR3
- DVD+/-RW, Bluetooth, WiFi 4965AGN
- GeForce 9800M GTS, 512MB DDR3
- 250GB Seagate 7200rpm S-ATA HD
- TFT 1680x1050
Ordered it from a local Swedish outfit called GGS Data (aint allowed to post any links yet)
A rather ugly web site but they have wonderful customer support.
My current (and first ever) laptop is an Zepto 6515WD bought back in 2005 so I'm expecting quite the jump in performance.
Might post some impressions once I've got it up an running properly. -
Would be nice to have some benchmarks
I'm a novice when it comes to benchmarking computers, especially laptops, but will definitely give it a shot. The tech-nerd in me is already jumping with joy about diving into the details
Just some 3dmark06 and 3dmark vantage would be OK. Would be nice to hear what you think about this laptop
I will have some pics of my benchmarks later tonight once the wife is asleep.
Here's just a couple pics of the first 2 tests I ran
The second time I ran 3dmark 06 I scored 9771 too lazy for pics though. -
Cool, what's your config? I'll post some impressions and benchmark soon as well. Just need some time to install everything and play around with the thing. Right now I'm kept busy by work.
I ran an initial 3DMark06 yesterday and got slightly above 9000. It's with stock drivers right out of the box basically. Im sure there are ways to improve that a little. -
everything's stock except Dox's 180.84.1 video drivers
should I use different ones?
temps look decent though eh?
is there a better monitoring program that will show my SSD temps? -
I think I am gonna instal the new Nvidia drivers and give them a try.....then overclock and try again
Anyone know why HWmonitor doesn't show my SSD temps? -
Does anyone know the part no for a US keyboard for the M860TU .. I have tried to get hold of Asian service department but they don't reply to my emails
I think it's the same as a few Clevo models
Joe -
Hey all,
After getting alot of usefull info from Notebookreview I've decided to help you guys out a bit. Here's a short 'manual' on how to get the native Sata AHCI to work under Windows XP (ICH9 Chipset) when you've allready installed Windows XP with Sata-emulation.
- This means in the BIOS the OS option is NOT set to VISTA!
- OR Vista is selected but with IDE enabled.
This is XP running with Sata-emulation: (notice IDE ATA/ATAPI tree)
Running native sata under XP means you can use the extra options like NCQ (when your HD supports it ofc) Native Command Queuing
I've gathered most info from this forum or the MSFN forum and tweaked the registry file myself so it works with the ICH9-M chipset.
1. Download Intel Matrix Storage Manager
2. Start "iata86enu.exe" with the added command line "/a", so run "iata86enu.exe /a"
This will extract the files from this package to the folder
"C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel Matrix Storage Manager".
Keep the file "iata86enu.exe" (and remember where you put it).
You will have to use it again!
3. Browse to the folder "C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel Matrix Storage Manager\winall\Driver" or
"C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel Matrix Storage Manager\winall\Driver64" (depending on your XP version)
and copy the file "IaStor.sys" to the folder "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers". Overwrite when needed.
4. Copy/Paste the following code in notepad and save it as "AHCI.reg"
Code:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\pci#ven_8086&dev_2929&cc_0106] "Service"="iaStor" "ClassGUID"="{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\iaStor] "Type"=dword:00000001 "Start"=dword:00000000 "Group"="SCSI miniport" "ErrorControl"=dword:00000001 "ImagePath"="system32\\drivers\\iaStor.sys" "tag"=dword:00000019 "DisplayName"="Intel AHCI Controller" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\iaStor\Parameters] "queuePriorityEnable"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\iaStor\Enum] "0"="PCI\\VEN_8086&DEV_2929&SUBSYS_08601558&REV_03\\3&11583659&0&FA" "Count"=dword:00000001 "NextInstance"=dword:00000001
5. Run "AHCI.reg" to import the info into the Windows Registry.
6. Now shut down windows and your pc.
7. Now turn your pc back on and get into the BIOS. If you forget this and the following part, Windows XP won't start!
8. In the BIOS set the OS to "Vista" with "AHCI" enabled and "Robson" disabled.
9. Now save the new BIOS settings and restart the pc and let it load Windows XP.
10. New hardware will be detected and installed, restart the pc.
11. Now re-run the file "iata86enu.exe" and follow the installation steps.
12. Done!
This is XP running with Native Sata: (notice IDE ATA/ATAPI tree)
(Thanks to NotebookReview and MSFN forums)
(I cannot be held responsible for any problems, at your own risk, yada yada yada...)
scourge19, have you tried any real life benchmarking with your system? How long does it take to encode and burn a divx movie to playable DVD on it?
Sorry deathwinger I haven't as of yet I will sure try by tonight
So I tried the new Nvidia drivers and they worked close to the same as Dox 180.84 v1.1 at least as far as 3dmark 06 is concerned (down about 80 points). But in games Dox seems to look a bit better.
However I would love to software OC so I'd like to give the nvidia drivers another chance.
The new Nvidia drivers are supposed to be overclockable through ntune are they not?
When I tried to open Ntune or the performance control panel all I got was a blue screen and reboot ..... any ideas as to why?
Should I clean all video drivers and go straight to the new nvidia or clean then stock drivers off my disc from erocom then the new nvidia driver?
Is it something to do with the Inf file going from dox to nvida?
Or can I software OC with Dox 180.84 v1.1?
Any input would be appreciated? -
+1 owner
finally came 4 the states...
now i'll be installing os, etc.
1 dead pixel... but what a heck... still it's a great rig -
After being dissapointed by the loud fan of my M860tu (somuch in fact, that I was considering selling it and getting a notebook with a Nvidia 9600/9650), I decided to do everything I could to cool down my laptop to a point the fans don't have to run at full speed anymore. I also wanted to achieve this by NOT using any external solutions like laptop cooling pads, because I also want it to be quiet when I'm not at home.
First thing I did was undervolt my CPU, I have the Intel Core 2 Duo P9500 (2,53GHz, 1066Mhz, 6Mb) PO version and was able to undervolt the max multiplier to 0.9500v! The next thing I did was undervolt my GPU (9800m GTS) using NiBiTor and changing the "extra setting" from 1.11v to 0.9v.
The last thing I did was putting Artic Silver 5 on my GPU/CPU, because XXodd (my Clevo version) didn't use AS5 (I verified).
I have to say I'm happy with the results, right now I'm playing WOW with the GPU reaching a max of 60 degrees Celsius (played 6 hours yesterday) and the fan NEVER kicks into high gear. 3DMark2001SE still gives me 34000 points. -
Does "total silence" so important to you? I'm just wondering because I've seen plenty of people (Not around me though) obsessed with such thing. In my place, you hardly can be in a non sound existance environment (The place is hot, fan is at max all the time except air-coned places). So its kind of like used to it.
"total silence" isn't, but I wanted to reach a loudness level that's acceptable to me. It somehow irritates the hell out of me when I hear a loud fan pretty much all the time. I wish it didn't bother me, but it does, so I had to do something about it.
Has anyone heard anything or figured a solution for the cpu whining?
Anyone who has undervolted....has that helped? -
I have the latest BIOS update here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?tt4tnjwdnjm but I'm not sure if it fixes the whinning noise. Try contacting Eurocom and tell them about your problem (CPU whinning) and they should give you the update. If you're lucky, they will take the responsability if something goes wrong, since Sager doesn't so I don't want to try for now :/
My Sager NP8660 was delivered last Tuesday and I finally got some time over the weekend to fire it up.
Here are the specs:
15.4" WSXGA+ (1680 x 1050) Glossy LCD
nVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS w/512MB GDDR3
Intel® Core2 Duo P9500 2.53GHz Processor
4GB (2 SODIMMS) DDR3/1066 Dual Channel Memory
320GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive (16MB Cache Buffer)
Combo Dual Layer DVD +/-R/RW CD-R/RW Drive w/Softwares
Windows Vista Premium - 64-Bit
So far, so good. It runs very smoothly. I am pleased.
The only quirky thing I noticed was that the DVD drive opens constantly. It opens almost any time I shift the computer or pick it up. Very twitchy that thing... -
3dmark06 9335 score ok 4 my config?
also this "guy" is making many people jealous... hUmAns... -
Reccomendations on software to OC just the CPU?
Or is setfsb the only option?
what drivers are you using? -
nvidia 179.28
haven't done any OCs -
So you guys recommend using driver version 179.28?
About the CPU whining, I think undervolting did help, as I haven't noticed it anymore.
Then again, I've also added Artic Silver 5 and also undervolted my GPU, so any of these changes might have solved it. -
I find the difference between Nvidia 179.28 and Doxs 180.84 to be slightly in favor of dox's but I can use Ntune with Nvidia's drivers and OC
I have thermal paste on my CPU and GPU but have yet to find the time to undervolt. Hopefully I will get to that soon.....I don't have a problem with heat but a bit of extra battery life could go a long way. Seems like this chip just eats it up. -
Hi, I got a beeping problem during startup on my m860. I have Dox`s optimised driver 180.84.1 (his own update from the 180.84). The beeping is veery high. There is no stop in the beeping until I shut it down( it goes beep-beep-beep-beep-beep). It starts beeping after the first loading screen, you know, with the blue little loading bar.
EDIT: just found out it only beeps when all my usb-ports and HDMI are plugged in. When I removed all of them (havent tried anything else) it didnt start beeping. This beeping has never happend before. What can cause this? The only thing changed the past few days is the Dox driver. Can that be the problem? -
May be the CPU whinning. For my part, I prefer NVIDIA drivers: got some 3dmark vantage gain over Laptopvideo2go drivers (check updated review).
hey guys i got my NP8660 yesterday again and good to have it back again but i'm still while using it seeing that the hDD temp are spiking around 55-58 should i worry about it, its luke warm but i'll be getting a cooler a bit later but still then what can i do to keep it a bit cold maybe around 50 or so
thanks guys -
load a game and that will speed up the fan and see if it brings it down. 65c is when it gets critical and cause dammage so at the moment you are in range.
is 8833 3DMarks (06) acceptable for the GTS? I have the p8400 and 2gigs RAM. As well, howcome there's no sound in 3DMark06? would be a lot cooler if it did
That score seems about right for that CPU. Yeah there's no sound in 06.
Hi Nat, merry Christmas.
ive never owned or used a cooling mat so i wouldnt knoweven without mine only touches the 60-61 mark if im doing a defrag otherwise its a steady 48-54c
**OFFICIAL M860TU/ETU Owners Lounge**
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by steveninspokane, Aug 14, 2008.