Group 2, and yes I can hear the high pitched noises quiet well, and constantly (unless bluetooth is on)
I rarely hear it, but that's likely because my laptop's next to a 24inch desktop monitor that makes a way louder higher pitched noise :/
Technically, yeah, women and younger people (<25) should be able to hear it better. -
Group 3, the high pitch noise is constant but I do not take it on. It does not bug me. Only when I put it on silent mode and then back on to normal I hear it.
Group 4. Every Core 2 Duo laptop I've owned has the whine. They said, "Oh! It will be fixed by the time Montevina chips come out." Yeah...
Fortunately, simply turning on Bluetooth solves it for me. -
Just out of curiosity, how long does Clevo take before making major revisions to their notebooks? I'm not just talking about a hardware refresh, I mean a new design - slimmer, lighter, cooler, etc.
Well, the M8665TU is coming out in a couple months lol. It has design changes, but we don't know how extensive they are yet. I know the lid has been revamped, and I expect the HDD cooling design to be improved.
Oh wow that's pretty soon. I hope they make them smaller.
what! an m8665tu? Should I wait on buying.....grrr...I hate this question!
anyways, has anyone been carrying around their m860tu on a daily basis? Does anyone commute with their m860tu? If so, how have you found carrying it around? Anyone thinking it might be a bit bigger/heavier than you initially thought it was when you received it? Thanks in advance for any replies! -
Don't expect netbook weight, but it's definitely not as heavy as a 17".
For a 15", it's on the heavier side, but still manageable.
edit: also, the m865 is just a redesign, so take a look at which one you like better asthetically, and get that one. -
I was expecting my 8660 to be heavier, but when I got it, I found that 7 pounds don't feel so heavy in a decent backpack. I did, however come from a ultra lightweight 14 inch notebook, so the chassis did seem huge at first; but after spending a lot of time with this notebook i just see the 14 inch as smaller, not the 15 inch as bigger. I hope that wasn't too confusing but it's simply all in perspective, it's heavy if you're used to something light, it's large if you're used to something small.
Group 2. Generally don't hear it. Sometimes, when I click on an internet link, it starts whinning like hell. I click on another link and it stops...
Maybe, its my backpack...( Here's some scenarios:
- My friend decided to meet one of her friend somewhere, then they didn't know where they wanted to eat :/ After around an hour or so walking around, I can tell you the laptop was starting to feel heavy with the few books inside the backpack.
- Walking around the school: no big deal there, its not that heavy for a short amount of time (< 30 min.). Its not light but its not a pain either.
- In class: I can tell you I whished it was a bit slimmer when I'm pulling it out of my backpack. Thicker than most 15'' but still slimmer than 17''
- Outdoor: just don't think about using it outdoor, I can barely see a thing on the screen. In fact, I see more dust than the LCD
- Quick use: the size and the boot time just discourages me when I want to go check a webpage or type a memo. I prefer to rely on my N82
When I received it, the laptop was indeed thick but I expected that for the power it packs, and compared to 17'' laptop, this thing is slim and sleek. -
The theory about age probably right, the younger you are the higher pitched sound you can hear. The supposed human hearing goes up to 20,000 Hz (i think around your teens but don't quote me on that!) but as you get older this falls, you may remember doing an experiment in school where they make high pitched sounds will a piece of equipment gradually making it higher and higher until no one can hear it. The teachers are always the first to stop hearing it because they are older.
I'm not too sure if they're used in the US but outside a few stores in the UK they have "mosquitoes" which emit high pitched sounds to drive away unruly teenages from shops, leaving the majority of customers (adults who cannot hear the sound) to shop unthreatened by said teens.
Hope this helps, if it can...?
DK -
I've seen ringtones with the same effect though, they became popular in my senior year of highschool, since most teachers can't hear them. -
I tell you... it's there and it's very obvious. I am just like you Cat... EEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEE EEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Like it's talking to me!!!
But, it does go away with the bluetooth or in high performance mode. I would rather not have to resort to this solution though, as I can't find a way to have bluetooth on as a default and I always have to go and switch it on myself.
I'm group 4 and I have to say... I think that, unless your earing has been completely damaged by crazy nights and non-stoping raves... and in fact, you are deaf...... you will be able to hear it.
So, it might be the case that some people don't know what they are looking for or, they are lucky enough not to have the high pitched noise.
Me... it just kills my head completely. -
oh well, thats my raving days over.
ok,i must admit in the 80s i used to sit in the scoop of my 18" sub bass bins.
they were only rated at 2500watts rms (i did have 8 of them) so i cant see that being the problem with me
ive actually seen them make someones ears bleed so i must have good hearing (passed tence). -
So the M860TU is some sort of "mosquito" device to drive away teens from this laptop so they don't spend their whole day on it?
That was actually what i wanted to know.
I would say i got pretty good eyes my self and ctrl+mwheel is easy.
How good is the LCD in the m860tu? its not grainy or anything?
and could you possible upload a picture of it if its not too much to ask?
By the way im danish as well -
nope,still cant hear it even in silent mode with my head stuck to the keyboard.
Bear in mind... you won't listen to it if you have your power mode setting to High performance.
This noise is characteristic of low power modes from the CPU when it spedsteps itself down to less energy consuming states.
im hopefully going friday but as im sutch a nice guy ill find out what busses travel in that direction for you -
Hey Milcs... I've only once dropped it down to an economical power setting (the lowest one, whatever it's called). I've always had it on High Performance setting, and the noise was noticed on that setting... I think. I can't be hundred percent sure on that though, as I might have been in Silent Mode on the High Performance power setting.
I only hear it when the notebook is plugged in, and it's always in performance mode when plugged in.
I don't hear my notebook, but I did hear my power brick for the first time. It sounded like air escaping a balloon with water covering where the air is escaping...sry for the bad analogy...but that’s what comes to mind. However it’s so faint that the fan covers up most of it. I fall into group 2 by the way.
For those who have the WUXGA screen, how do you like it?
Does anyone know the stats for it? I'm interested in average brightness, contrast ratio, % of color gamut covered, etc.
The one thing holding me back from the m860tu right now is the WSXGA+ screen, which has been described as rather dim (and, indeed, the measurements over at Notebookcheck seem to confirm that).
Would it be possible, by any means, to replace the LCD with another 15.4" laptop screen purchased elsewhere? Would there be something physically preventing this, such as proprietary connectors, BIOS support, etc? If not, I'd love to get my hands on a top notch 15.4" lcd and make myself the perfect Frakenlaptop. -
the teenage repellant are slowly being removed from outside uk stores as (wait for it) ............. it breaches their human rights. -
There arn't any in my area, so being a teenager myself i havn't had to endure one. However i also havn't felt the need to hang around shops intimidating people like some seem too....? Playing a game like crysis is far more fun
And tbh it may breach they're human rights but you could argue the neusance that they cause to the majority of the population is a greater breach and therefore the lesser evil is to make the chavs pay -
Group 2. the whining noise is there all the time and only reduces when im in silent mode. It disappears when i am gamming (only the latest games) which can considerably load the laptop
It remains the same when my wireless/bluetooth is turned on/off.
Finally i wrote to pnb people (my reseller) and they say its probably the fan making that noise. -
On a completely different note how to update the dispaly drivers. I have the 178 v of the nvidia drivers setup and currently the native drivers are installed on my comp. when i try to update it says incompatible hardware when i double click the setup and when i try to update through device manager it says the latest drivers are already installed!
Is updating ot 180.2v driver any good (i have farcry 2)?? -
racoon, you need to get a modded inf to get the drivers to install, it's pretty easy but someone else would have to tell you how becaus I'm in class typing on my phone right now
The 180.x drivers give me a big performance increase in all the new games, I highly recommend them. -
Is the viewing angle really as bad as in this thread?:
Thanks -
just order my NP8660 on Halloween XD,
can anyone tell me how long the battery last without using the 9800GT card?
TY -
atleast thats wht i read in the reviews -
My screen seems fine, Chimeray. But then, I don't have anything to compare it to. It definitely doesn't look like the one in those pictures though! -
Can someone please guide us through every click involved in updating your drivers. I'm not incompitant on a computer but i'm just completely paranoid that il do something wrong, get a bluescreen and have to lose everything on my computer. -
hey guys,
does anyone know how to make it so when i change the volume, it dosent kick me out of WoW or any other game? its not a big deal, but i like to listen to itunes normally while playing a game, and i have some really quiet songs, and some obnoxiously loud songs -
First, go to laptopvideo2go, download your preferred driver, and the modded inf that's next to it. Extract the driver, then move the inf to the folder, overwriting the inf that's there.
Okay, here's how the pros do it:
1. Download Driver Cleaner Pro
2. Open Start Menu -> Right-click 'Computer' -> select Properties -> select Device Manager
3. Double-click Display adapter, Right-click the pop down (will be either 9800M GT or G92-600) -> select Uninstall -> Restart Computer
4. Tap F8 during boot -> Safe Mode
5. In Windows, run Driver Cleaner Pro, select only nvidia display (not chipset!), clean -> Restart computer
6. Restart, again into safe mode
7. Right-click Computer -> Properties -> Device Manager -> Display adapters -> Update -> Brows my Computer -> Let me pick -> Have Disk -> Browse -> Driver folder -> double-click inf -> Next to install -> Install anyway
8. Restart normally into Windows
9. Enjoy -
sorry racoon, I forgot to post instructions when I got home that day
, Kevin_Jack covered how to update; but read this if you want to know more about the inf.
Did anybody here get Nero 7 Essentials bundled with their laptop? I was wondering if it is worth me installing this, or if there is already a program that does just the same integrated within Windows Vista? Just wondering if I should bother installing Nero 7 or using some other program for burning stuff onto CD-R/DVD...
you can get a good Nero alternative for free.
Ashampoo Burning Studio 6 (for free): -
thanks very much Kevin helped me out a lot. Now to update my drivers.
cheers man -
I have been gone for a while. Why did they change it from the 9800gt to the gts?
Discontinued product?
**OFFICIAL M860TU/ETU Owners Lounge**
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by steveninspokane, Aug 14, 2008.