My Novabook Fuzion v2 is on it's way as well, wee, can't wait, if all goes well I will have it within 20 hours.
My Nexus from Kobalt arrived the other day.
Temps are looking good for the HDD when i first installed Far Cry 2 and played it for about 20 mins the HDD went up to 61 and then to 62 when i started playing it later on after installing the Intel Matrix device thing that was meant to redice HDD temps. However i played i was playing it solid for about 2 and a half hours last night with max settings and native res of 1680 x 1050 without any problems. The HDD seemed to level itself off at 46 degrees celsius. Again this morning i played it for another 2 hours and the HDD remained at 46 so all is good on the western digital front.
It pisses and laughs on Bioshock. Its not even funny how well the machine runs it especially taking into account that i am using stock drivers.
Im not sure how to install drivers so can someone help me out?
I have the 9800M GTS and im not sure how to go about installing the new driver as well as deleting the old ones. I also think i have to copy an INF file but im not sure what that is or how to do it. Any advice? -
Anyone tried putting the laptop on a bed and seeing how high the hard drive temperature would go?
Mine went to 61 C after two hours. Will never be doing that again, but I just wanted to see the highest the hard drive could go. -
my hard drive has now officially reached 62 degrees. This is the third time it has hit the 60 mark. It reached 62 after the Orthos Stress Test.
Mines only reached those kinda temps when either moving lots of stuff without a cooling pad or when doing a virus scan / defrag. Other than that it stays between 48-54 usually, with a cooling pad.
the only time mine gets that high is when im doing a defrag as the fan never really kicks in. gaming is normally 54-56
just finished crysis and now started crysis warhead so been playing for the last 5 hours and still at a steady 54.
stopped the game to rest my eyes a bit and come on here for a while and its now gone upto 57c
i still think the Nexus is the dogs dangley bits as in micky's sig -
Its a great laptop i just need to sort it out with new drivers and the undervolt and then buy a notebook cooler and then i'll be comfortable with it. Its at 57 now just after installing Crysis. Do any of yous know what my HDD is rated at? Its the Western Digital one. It would make me a lot more comfortable if it was rated at 65 rather than 55. Thanks
hi micky
what ive read so far the western digitals are ok upto 64c and dangerous when they hit 65 and above.
ive just finished crysis at last. if youve never played it before there are quite a few bugs that will confuse you. it also struggles some times with split second freezes but its still playable.
if you get stuck anywhere just holler. ive started a crysis thread on the kobalt forum if you do get stuck.
crysis warhead here i come.......... -
Hey is it just me, or does the power brick emit a high pitched, low volume wail? Found this when notebook was off and was trying to sleep, it goes away when i unplug it from the notebook though. Just wondering if anyone else has heard this with their bricks.
hey guys,
is anyone's cpu running unusally high? i have AVG virus protection (yes i know its a resource hog), msn messenger, and internet explorer running, and both cores run at about 50-75% each, and when i run any game they both are at 99-100%, is anyone else having this problem?
i think it must just be AVG, but i dont remember my cores going under so much stress.
-octagoncow -
msn on the other hand sucks power and on my old comp both cores run at 100% so thats why im not loading it on my nexus at all. -
thats the first time ive heard of a power brick with no moveable parts making any sort of noise.
I didnt' think so either, I thought it was something on the notebook making the sounds until I put my ear to the brick. I don't think its much to worry about, but if I'm wrong....
ring xoticpc tomorrow and ask them. better be safe than sorry.
i have a 5400 and i get 45-48 idle and 51-52 load, rarely it gets up to about 55 after extended periods of load or a hot day. my main vent is taped over.
I'm no engineer, so I don't know why notebook airflow is more like desktops, where the idea was to have a linear flow from front to back with all the components in the path of the airflow...
@ MrDJ, I'm not so concerned, but yeah, better safe than sorry
My hdd seems to be acting up, it idles around 53-55. It idled cooler before i did a clean install, like around 47-50 or so; and now I've maxed at 64, it never got that high before. I have a Hitachi 320gb 5k dive, any ideas? -
It's not forcing the fan, it's silent and the flow is minimal, unless I am playing crysis, and then the flow increases massively (it's obviously not having trouble sucking air in) but the fan is still relatively quiet. And the hdd can actually get cooler when I'm playing a game because if the GPU heats up and the fan starts goin, the hdd gets a lot of air flow without actually being under heavy stress. I monitored my temps with and without it and with the fan being covered the hdd temp goes down while the others remain the same or increase negligibly. And anyways, I'd rather have my cpu a degree or two hotter to keep my HDD out of the danger zone. The CPU and GPU do not get anywhere near their danger zones at all.
I highly suggest it, monitor your temps carefully and your fan noise level if that bothers you. If it doesn't help or hurts, just take the tape off. -
Hi I getting serious lags on 9800 GTS and P8600 with 7200rpm HD while playing crysis on Vista 32, and referring to one user(recommended) Warhead settings( ) he's able to get good FPS on 1440x900 Enthusiast settings and for me (while having settings set to 1280x900 Gamer mode) game is not smooth at all (mainly when on the move and looking around) and especially when there's lots of explosions. I've got 179.13 laptop video 2 go with modded inf from -DXS?(dont know the threat number) anyway, 3dmark06 scored around 8400 :/ . What do u think is it cause I have P8600 and not T9300(2,5ghz) ? I also have 3gb of ram and 7200RPM Hard drive which makes noise when not loading do u think that might be the case ? I noticed that while playing Warhead that HD LED is non stop . Is it normal that it HD needs to load so much to the game? Oh and normal Crysis is working slow as well :/ Tried different drivers (with unistal drivers restart install new ones - no clean removal) putted drivers from a cd that was sent by mycizmo (clevo). Can someone please help me
edited: / I just installed Splinter Cell Double agent and minimum requirements program says that diver version is no good and directx is no good screen here >
Any1 suggestions of drivers or possible solution ? -
Petrov. -
I was on Intel's site last night, and found that there's an Intel Matrix Storage Manager update, version, released on the 23rd of October.
Our last update was -
Hi again. Finally received my sweet novabook fuzion. And boy is it looking fine, everything is good except a few things, mostly vista related i think. Hope i can get some help here.
My 4gb turbomemory is unconfigured, and nothing happens when i click the icon in the systemtray.. weird, i can change "display" settings between %free, %full etc. What to do?
There is a very low clicking noise all the time, sounds a bit like a hd processing sound, i don't know if that's it or what to do about it, doesn't annoy much though. I have installed the matrix thingy.
I've tried to run HWMonitor, but vista shuts it down saying it's not working, allthough it does seem to work as i can read the temps before it shuts down. I run 64 bit vista.
What other updates do i need? Bios? Anything? -
hi Lapatata and congrats.
im also getting the slight clicking sound and you do get used to it after a while.
hard drive is running fine so not going to look into it further as its not a problem.
someone else will have to help you out with the other things.
enjoy your new beast. -
Well, i fixed the turbomemory issue. Turns out the software for using the bit wasn't installed. So now it's fine. I'm not quite sure on the uses of it yet. What's good to pin etc.? Do one have to chose between readyboost or readydrive? Or is it possible to split it up so i can boost the windows boot up as well? So far I've pinned Firefox, Adobe Reader, the sidebar :s and some other thing I've allready forgot.
I've encountered a new issue, though it can be related to drivers as i haven't checked if they're all up to date. Didn't someone post a link to an app or something that would check all your drivers etc. if they are up to date?
Anyway, the issue is again, vista related, I'm completely new to vista, so maybe it's a small fix. Everytime the popup where i have to allow programs to access my computer pops up and the screens darkens(pretty annoying that you have to do this btw.) the screen turns off and on like when you change resolution, this is very annoying and i can't imagine it being healthy for the screen either. Anyone got the same issue? -
Oh, i seem to remember some people having trouble with the trackpad not turning off when attaching an usb mouse. You can disable the trackpad by pressing Fn+F1
as you are new to vista it might be safer to leave it on for now until you get used to it.
when you say the screen turns off is it totally off are is there still some image visible. if its totally black then it could be your brightness has been turned down a bit too much. -
Please turn UAC off. Sooner than later.
Ye, I turned the UAC off, ridiculous "feature". But found no fix for the turning off of the screen. As said, it acted like when you chance res, a fast off/on flicker, no picture, not very slick mr. Vista...
I haven't got any HDD issues as many others seem to have. I've got a seagate 7200.3 320 gb hdd, it's nice, running below 40 degress C idle. It's at 56 now, after I've been downloading to the harddrive for more than an hour.
CPU is below 40, GPU is just above. Satisfying.
The whinning noise still annoys me though, but it comes and goes. I will probably only notice it when I'm at home and alone with my comp, which is not the majority of the time. And I will probably be using headphones most of the time anyway, or watching a movie :d.
Any tips on removing stickerglue? There's an ugly early 90's style sticker saying SRS WOW on the right hand side, where processor and gpu stickers usually are. I REALLY wanna remove this, as it's ruining my sweet baby's mojo.
Thanks for the replys btw, it's really appreciated. -
Worked like a charm
It's beautiful :d
Running it with 1 less gb of RAM (I have 4), the 9800m GTS (vs my 9800m GT), and the lower processor would definitely give you those sort of speeds.
You may want to consider overclocking your GPU?
Also one thing to note: My shadows are mainstream, which boosts my FPS by about 7 personally. It's a very good setting to drop if you're not picky about shadows, letting you raise other things (things like textures on enthusiast only impact my FPS by 1) -
@bydus, I don't think you can play well at those settings, I mostly think it's the cpu holding you down, you have 3mb cache while most us have 6mb. The ram probably doesn't have as much of an effect, 3gb of ram should be enough IMO.
I have my settings cranked way up; enthusiast for everything, shadows on mainstream, motion blur off, 1680x1050 res and get 30-40 fps as long as there's no snow. Snow kills fps a ton, and I always readjust settings for those parts, so if it's one of those levels you're dealing with, just bump the settings down and you're set.
You might also want to try the 180.4 drivers, I got them for farcry2, but it disappointed me so I came back to crysis and bam! much better performance. One more thing you could do is to set the game in dx9 mode, I don't see much of a visual difference, but it gives a big fps boost. Just put "-DX9" without quotes behind the target location in the shortcut properties
[ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis WARHEAD\Bin32\Crysis.exe" -DX9 ]
take out the [ ] and that's how mine looks, hope this helps -
Whoaa, thanks for that bit of info there insane. I'm running this at the same settings and FPS as you now. Great stuff.
And yeah, I agree. As revolutionary as far cry seemed to be... is it just me or does aiming get seriously sluggish at around 30-25 fps? I'm mean alright, Crysis will lag to 25 fps at certain times, but never will my aiming feel as if it's responding half a second after I move.
edit: Just got around to finishing Warhead... man that was a good game.
< gets tasered > "I'M BRITISH, YA MUPPET" < punch >
I love Psycho XD. -
Congratulations with your laptop Lapata
Did you get it with the 1920x1200 res? -
Why thankyou, yes. It's with the 1920x1200 res. I like it (ofcourse i would), but sometimes i have to increase text size on webpages. If you change to a lower res, the sharpness isn't great. I come from a 1024x800 screen, so the change is massive, but I'm getting used to it. Anything you want to ask?
Thanks for your suggestions for my problem with crysis running extremly slow, turns out stupid Vista power saver plan was set to balanced :/ Now it works really nice.
Can someone aim me to some guide how to overclock 9800GTS and what frequencies should I put it on to be safe. (my GPU doesnt go above 80C)
Also anyway to undervlolt/overclock CPU?? I've got 2,4 P8600, was wondering if theres a way to speed it up ?
My m860tu ordered from mycizmo(don't buy it there please whoever is considering) and it came without any logo whatsoever, any place I could get a cool sticker (custom design? for m860tu back panel).
I found this guy has Uma turman lasered to his back panel but here ordered it from kobalt computers (just 45euro for lasered picture). Any place where I could have it done?
Anyone experiencing low frequency noise coming from m860tu ? This thing is annoying to my ears!! Its starts when I start browsing (firefox) but doesn't seem to appear when no programs lunched, but everything else - yes. Thanks! -
LOL!! GUY? That person is me and I'm all girl.
EDIT: I don't have any kind of low frequency noise coming from mine. Only mild fan noise when the fans kick in, but that's pretty normal. And even that can be silenced with the silent mode function. -
So the low frequency noise is from the fans? I've wonder what that was. Its slightly annoying to people with super hearing, me, I can't hear it unless I take it off then put it back on. I hope its not the fans and a bios update can take care of it.
no names mentioned but i was having a chat with a reseller about the high pitched noise. they said it had been mentioned to them that "it could be" to do with our hearing. ive also noticed after reading quite a lot of posts that the majority of the people noticing the whining noise are of the younger generation and not an old fogey (im ot really that old) like me.
i also talked to an ENT specialist for some advice.
so i wonder if theres anything actually in this. upto the age of around 20ish your ears are more prone to picking up higher pitched noises.
so what do you all think about that.
lets see what everyones age groups are.
upto 14 = 1
15-20 = 2
21-25 = 3
26-30 = 4
31-40 = 5
41-50 = 6
50+ = 7
im a 6 (shhh! dont tell anyone) -
Ups sorry Cat
well I'm group 3 and was looking into pics with m860tu bottom cover off and it doesn't seem to be hard drive but its definitely coming from rand hand side part of a laptop precisely under "End" button.
So any1 tried overclocking CPU and GPU ? -
Oh my god, Bydus... I wish you hadn't have told me that now because I put my ear to the END button area and I can HEAR it!!! It's so loud when you put your ear there. I never noticed it before... and now that I know what I am listening for, I can hear it faintly when sitting upright with my ears nowhere near the keys.
MILCS? If you're surfing this thread... my high pitched whining disappears when I turn on bluetooth also.
How odd. It kind of stops and starts... like... "EEEE EEEE EEEE EEEE EEEE EEEE!!!"
I don't really plan on using my laptop (or any laptop) with my head lying on the keys, but it is a little worrying because it doesn't sound like a healthy noise at all, does it?
P.S. I'm group 4. -
Told u it was there! Well sorry anyway. So I just ran fps in Crysis Warhead and I get about 24FPS average and 14 FPS when stuff blows up at 1280x900 with everything maxed up except shadows and postprocessing
(( I've got 178.13 drivers, any idea what it might be?? It pisses me off how do you ppl get such good fps on 1400x900 or ever 1680x1050 ?
They make vinyl stickers for laptops that you can put whatever onto and put them wherever you like; some notebooks even have custom stickers that go all over the inside as well. I'd look into that. -
I'm telling you bydus, try the 180.4 drivers form laptopvideo2go, i see the most performance increase with those. Also try to reduce background processes, helps free up cpu power. Switch to dx9 mode, that is the real kicker, it gave me like 15 more fps.
Group 2high pitched noises coming from my notebook come up very infrequently, like every 3 hours or so and only last about 3 minutes then go away.
**OFFICIAL M860TU/ETU Owners Lounge**
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by steveninspokane, Aug 14, 2008.