This guy was the ultimate m15x fanboy. If he can say this about the notebook, and isn't getting paid a million dollars, beleive him. Heath, I'm sure that battery life issue will be rectified during the life of this laptop. Whos to say that Clevo does not start making higher capacity batteries or even allowing us to put one in the optical drive area?![]()
He have some good temps (~40) so that's normal he's happy
I'm just waiting on a few more battery life reports before deciding. I've almost decided to get it. I'm in Canada so I was planning to get it at the end of the year when I go visit relatives in Cali, so by that time all the bugs will probably be worked out of the system. The Asus M50VM and HP dv5t will do Crysis okay, but the M860TU will run Crysis great on high, and I'm kinda spoilt by my desktop.
Get it from Eurocom, it seems problem-free. The initial battery reports are: around 2 hours I think.
You can't leave this year, we are having elections -
up to 2 hours (even 2.5hours) if you run it at Silent Mode and undervolt.
I'm gonna order mine today, after I get back from work.
Can't wait to have that beauty here. -
SplinteredVision Notebook Consultant
hey Heathkidd, what kind of hd do you have (rpms/capacity) ?
Hi everyone, I just feel like sharing my Sager NP8660 idle temps, just because some people are still going crazy about the hdd temps and what not (or at least from the last few posts). laptop has: 320 gb hdd 7200rpm, 4gb ddr3 memory, T9600 2.8GHz processor.
So the screen shot with the 33C-36C cpu temp, 42C gpu temp, and 43C hdd temp is my laptop on my zalman nc1000 running on full blast. The other screen shot is my laptop just sitting on my notebook cooler with it off.
Oh yeah about the keyboard popping off, I had the same problem, the corner where the ESC, F1, and F2 keys are it, it kept popping off no matter how many times I pushed it back down. But i fixed the problem after calling tech support(though for another issue), all I had to do was push it down enough until this black (I don't know what to call it...a tab?) thing goes over the keyboard to keep it in place without popping out over and over. If you shine some light above the F6 key and Del key you can see the tab as well. My other problem was the high frequency sound which sounds like its coming from the right speaker like when I play music or a game that doesn't have constant sound coming out the beeping goes away, and no the music is not drowning out the beeping noise, it's quite noticeable at least for me. Plus when I plugged in my earphones I can hear it the high frequency sound as well. And for some weird reason when i started clicking through folders there was like a variety of those high frequency beepings felt like I was playing a piano with all the different notes. I guess this problem isn't too bad as some people can't even hear high frequency noises plus I think I'm getting used to it now lol.
*EDIT* I forgot to mention that neither PNB tech support and that of Sager had a real answer to the beeping problem, but I'm expecting an email this week about the problem after Sager talks with Clevo about it.
I guess that's it or at least all I can think of at 2:30 am. And sorry if I'm repeating what someone else said or something, I haven't really caught up on the forum after I got my laptop (only skimmed the last 4 pgs before I typed this). Hmm...last words...the right palm rest does run warm like everyone says but it doesn't bother me, and it's an awesome laptop(I hope this post helps)
Thank you for sharing your temps
Naturally, yeah, but I was just posting so people could get an idea.
I helped my step brother buy a 860TU a few weeks ago, got it all set up last week and today he told me his HDD (200 gig, 7200rpm Toshiba) idles around 59C . I'm not sure what to tell him =\ -
Compared to other users, its normal that Toshiba hard drives are at that temperature. Maybe he should try changing the hard drive...
So I covered up my main fan grille. Harddrive peaked at 51'C after playing TF2 for two hours. Not the most hdd intensive application but in any case, I'm happy.
I ordered a spec similar to this last week, cept went for the 2.53GHZ 25W CPU and just have mostly discounted the heat issues, especially the palmrest stuff as the price of having a high end gaming laptop.
My current box, M57U, Hypersonic variety (just too darn big, had to go 15" for travel reasons) also has a pretty decent amount of heat on the palmrest, but I got used to it pretty fast. I am hoping that my order takes them awhile to process (government order, so lots of processing on both ends) just to get the kinds out of this as the system itself looks very promising, but i do hope i get your temps -
Max I hit was 69'C before covering up thought I posted that in the survey.
Rest of the temperatures don't seem to have changed and yes the palm rest area is not as hot as it was previously.
Having said all that, I had the bottom cover off while I was taping up the grille and I decided to poke around. For me the NB chipset was the hottest, or second hottest, component in the chassis other than the thing to the left. GPU I'm guesssing.
But maybe when the harddrive hits 69'C it'll feel hotter to the touch than the NB sink, I never got a chance to feel. -
Has anyone gotten Linux running on this guy? I've been trying to get Ubuntu up and running but it keeps crashing on me w/ the Live CD.
This may sound kind of petty but does anyone know of an external harddrive enclosure that matches the finish of the laptop that is e-SATA? I ask because i stumbled across this one which, while you may not be able to tell from those pictures, is a brushed aluminum black finish that matches this notebook perfectly! problem is, its usb 2.0 only!
Have been running defrag for about 20 minutes. HDD at 51'C, as in 5'C above idle.
As opposed to like 20'C. -
This may be a silly question. Where is my bluetooth software located?
Anyone else noticed how dark the webcam is?
Where are the settings to increase the brightness and adjust video settings?
MY software is called bisoncam.. not sure if its the sae for the 8660. (I have a eurocom)
Thanks guys. -
And now one more complaint.. my keyboard keeps missing keys while I'm typing. I don't hit the keys extra light or anything. I heard omeone else mention this problem. Anyone got a fix?
For instance, "And" missed a d and "someone" missed an s in the previous sentence. That's how often its happening.
Should I try resetting the keyboard? is that difficult? -
Yeah this is happening to me too. But I find that if I really punch every single key hard then I don't miss anything. I'm used to typing quite lightly because it's quieter and I imagine better for the keyboard. But I'm scared to reseat the keyboard.
I still haven't removed any of the protective plastic covering.
Take that, claw-handed typing wrist stains on the restpad. -
I've been trying to hit the keys harder too, hopefully there is some other fix.
Complaint number 3:God **** control panel won't open correctly! I think I've screwed something up with all my downloads. Gah. -
Well, I solved my bluetooth mystery. Hit Fn+F12 to turn it on, and it will initialize and be ready for use. Bluetooth Devices will not appear in the Control Panel until you turn it on for the first time.
Holy crap how did you work that out?
There isn't even a logo on F12..... -
Didn't notice this was a problem. I would have mentioned the FN+F12 thing myself. First thing I did when I got the system was to try out all the FN abilities, even if the keyboard didn't list them.
On the subject of missed keys, I had the same problem but it seems to have been solved since I disabled a lot of unneccessary services in vista using the BlackViper tutorial. Furthermore, my MX revolution mouse has stopped stuttering (become unresponsive for short periods of time) under heavy cpu load since. It was a problem I had in XP as well, but I prefer an optimized vista to XP anyday now.
Have a look at the guide. -
Gavin, thanks for the temp info and for finding a solution. Too bad I can't give you rep again.
But it would be nice if someone else tried the same fix to independently confirm your findings. It's not that hard to do!
Hopefully Clevo will introduce a slight redesign in a few months with the intake fan vent covered and with little slots in the HDD area. I'm planning to get it when I go to the States around Christmas, unless someone else comes up with a small powerful notebook. -
SplinteredVision Notebook Consultant
I have a question about the turbo memory...whats the major difference between 2gb and 4gb? Is is just a difference in speed? Mainly I'm wondering if the 4gb is worth an extra 40 dollars.
hey gavin, would you be able to post some pics of your vent 'mod'?
I'm so excited at the moment, after months of hard work and MONTHS of research, reading reviews , reading horror stories and after so much time lurking around and googling for informantion.
I finally have the cash and all the info I needed, and orderd my M860TU, my first laptop aswell
Specs I've orderd:
Intel Core 2 Duo P9500 (2,53GHz, 1066Mhz, 6Mb) PO
4GB DDR3 1066MHz
250GB SATA harde schijf 5400RPM
2 year cary in garantie
And extra No dead pixel option
I placed my order with the dutch reseller XXODD, a bit expensive..but here's the good part the dealer is 5 MINUTES WALKING DISTANCE! from my house ( also ive been into the show room and felt/tested the laptops and ofc liked what i saw) so thats definantly a + if problems occur and saves money on shipping ^^
Total ammount, 1752 euro
Now the wait begins..gosh what to do -
To be honest, I was kinda hoping that my BT module wasn't installed, so I'd have an excuse to send it back for a faster processor. -
The P8600 doesn't meet your needs or you simply want a faster processor?
STILL haven't gotten mine yet...:-( -
1752 Euros = 2 556.6936 U.S. dollars
Those Europeens with their ~19% of taxes and their expensive products. At least, resellers other than Sager shouldn't have HDD problems.
It's purely an e-peen situation. I definitely don't need a P9500, and I'm not sending my notebook back unless something goes wrong with it. It would just help me sleep at night. But once we're able to overclock the Montevina, I'll be more than satisfied.
I walked by the dealer and It computer is ready.. like ~3 hours after it was orderd its ready *gasp*..but it seems my P9500 cpu wasent in stock for today,so I'll have it by tomorrow.
Wow, if it wasen't for it being out of stock I would have been typing on my new lappy right now
I had a lil talk with the guy that is assembling my laptop, and basically it came down to if something was wrong like high hdd temps or what not, i could just simply walk by and get a replacement, that really put smile on my face -
Same specs for €1670,-+shipping =€1682,-
Minus happiness? Phooey.
+ I read alot of bad reviews about Frieslandcomputers and I doubt they could supply me my laptop faster then xxodd/RVcomputers -
You can always drive there if needed.
I don't mind the bad-reviews, I'm gonna order there anyway. I asked them a few questions and I got a quick response. (And if It's really necessary then I'd go there.) Oh well, I'm just a saving as much money as I can person because I'm on a tight budget.
Anyways have fun with your new awesome laptop, I bet it's worth every cent. -
So uh... I was tinkering with SetFSB and testing each PLL. As I got towards the end of the list something weird happened. I didn't get a PLL ID error and it showed all my clocks but they were all wrong. And then I noticed that the CPU was being read as 2800MHz. It kept fluctuating between 27xx and 28xx. So I opened up CPUz and lo and behold, I had a 2.8GHz CPU.
It's a P9500. And then it crashed. Sort of. It took a long time to crash. And according to CPU-z it would still downclock with usage so it would drop to about 1.7GHz and when I started moving the mouse it would go back up to 2.8GHz. -
Gavin, on the M860TU owners thread, the 91ºC of the CPU... is it real??? -
Meaning the M860TU does seem to be overclockable. But not really in a controllable or stable fashion.
This is the M860TU owners thread. If you're talking about a screen dump I posted somewhere with HWMon reporting 91'C on the CPU then that was doctored. I photoshopped it.
Yes it's real. I have a recorded 104'C peak on one of my cores showing now in HWMon but I'm not sure when that was from. Probably yesterday.
****... That's really freaking hot. How is it possible? At that temperature the CPU should simply shutdown your laptop. :| Aren't you... worried with that? That's unheard of so far...
**OFFICIAL M860TU/ETU Owners Lounge**
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by steveninspokane, Aug 14, 2008.