I`m not sure if you`re on the note with the tips,but raising the back of the laptop will decrease temps ... because it allows for better airflow.
Thre RU is an amazing machine, and honestly, any GPU it has should never go above 75C with it`s cooling system...
Now, CPU temps rise much faster than GPU temps, and honestly, above 80C for the CPU I would worry...
here is bios ver. 1.00.12aSL recieved from sager tech support.
http://www.sendspace.com/file/5xc9k9 -
Any idea what is different from 1.00.11 official clevo flavour?
I'm afraid I don't know what is different.
I do know that for linux though the DSDT is buggy. I'm working on checking my fixes for that as we speak. -
I have to yell for anyone to hear me through the mic in game. I tested it in windows and it was the same. Maybe I should reinstall the audio drivers or find dif drivers. I slype a decent amount and people might get angry if I'm yelling at the top of my lungs in my student union.
have you enabled mic boost in the realtek control panel?
It has been some time since I last passed here, so this question might have popped up before without me seeing it: what is the best vid-card currently available for the M570RU (original version)? And where can I get one
Thanks guys! -
Geforce 9800M GTX, you can get one from any clevo reseller
I would like to know if is possible to attach a M570RU-U rear plate on a M570RU and ,if yes, where will the additional fan be fixed? (from where it can get powered)...
I never heard of a third fan actually being installed.
But the special attachment should come as an upgrade. XoticPc did this. Contact them and they`ll help you out.
www.xoticpc.com -
isn't there a third fan?? it's only a grid?
Silly realtek -
I have been out of the loop, but as far as I recall, a third fan was never really required. -
Hey guyz!
Any idea whether Core2Extreme X9000 is still available??
As in are there websites still selling this proccy? i was thinking of upgrading! -
OMG! Thanks!!
I didn't know where to look for em!
btw i thought their prices will fall due to the new intel releases! but still uberly expensive imo! -
Yea, the prices will stay the same since not a lot of laptops can take higher ranking CPUs, so they still are wanted.
I would love to get an x9000, but the price is just too much for me.
On another note, I might do a slight overclock of my GTS. There's a few games that can almost run the settings I want. I think I could get them with the right drivers and a mild overclock. -
What is the response time on the LCD's used for these things? The LCD is my only problem with this thing. I get a little bit of ghosting.
16 ms as far as I know on the older generation LCDs.
I was kinda hoping for 8ms, but that`s like asking for it -
I'm guessing their still using the older gen then?
I like the screen otherwise. I don't much care for LCD's, but this one is ok. -
I'm looking for a TV card, mini PCIe, and a remote for my Rock Xtreme 770.
Any ideas for me?
I'm loathed to ask Rock for it, as I don't care for the attitude of their customer service.
Thanks... -
Hello, i'm having a problem with my 1.3 megapixel integrated webcam, it used to work perfectly until one day (like two months ago), now it doesn't displays any image under the BisonCam utility (nor any software like msn messenger).
I do have the webcam on (confirmed with Fn+F10), and also the device manager says that everything is working good. Also, when I open the BisonCam utility it doesn't shows any error message, like if everything was ok, but the screen just remains white/black. I tried reinstalling the latest drivers but it hasn't worked (6.64.704.3).
Any ideas what could it be? This is getting frustrating because i've tried lots of things.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. -
Added a link to the m57ru cleaning guide
Hi guys i have been folowing these threads,It has probably been asked before,but us guys who bought this model of laptop,is the 8800m gtx or the 9800m gt the only cards we can update.I am hoping that the 280m gtx will fit with only a bios update.This would keep this system some what up to date
I don´t think you can use 280M, even 9800M GTX is not supported, unless you can mod the BIOS. Clevo will not make a BIOS for 98GTX so 280M would also impossible. Already tried that.
Clevo is unlikely to provide BIOSes for the new gfx cards cause that way you have to buy an m570TU...
Oh great,i suppose i knew that just needed someone to tell me that,.What sort of time frame or shelf life do u think we have with our configs as our rigs are a year old tech?As i like to play my games with all the eye candy.Is another year or 2 possible?I would like to think with a good overclock on the gpu it would help
Seeing as I recently purchased mine, I hope a least a couple of years before it won't handle the latest and greatest !
Even though, after only 8 days, my gpu failed and had to send to Sager for repair, I'm very happy with with this notebook !
But after reading about the gpu's we won't be able to upgrade to, why does Sager advertise, "User Upgradable" , if you can't upgrade it ! -
Well since i have had this laptop it has played everything maxed out excecpt for crysis and stalker clear skys,Judging from my old laptops gpu in the m1710 the go 7900 gtx that still plays most games with eye candy but i have to oc the card quite a bit.So i think i will be ok for another year maybe 2,the 9800m gtx dosnt seem to be that much more powerfull,but it would be nice to be able to upgrade with the times as u so rightly say about sagers advert(user ugradable)But who knows maybe i might be able to throw in a 280m gtx or ati 4870 only time will tell
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Is it Sager that advertises "User upgradable" or is it Xoticpc?
It was proven that the 8800m GTX did not require a mobo upgrade from the previous version to be fully functional in the m570ru (Although Sager advertised as such). Is that same for the 9xxx series of GPUs also?
Sounds like it is 'upgradable to a point'; a lot of us started with the 8600 since it was cheap, and later went to 8800m gtx .. a very big difference. I also went from the 2.4ghz t7700 to 2.8 ghz x9000 (BIOS canb overclock to 3.2ghz), among other upgrades. (Done myself, simple stuff, takes only minutes.)
So they definately are user upgradable, but you have to watch these here forums..
.. and I guess they don't want yo upgrading 'forever' (ie: more than say 2 years past mobo's launch date)..
A shame. I'd buy the 280m too
jeff -
The M57xRU can take any card up to 9800M GT/GTS (ie NOT the 9800M GTX) with just a bios update.
Out of Curiosity, how old is the m57r/tu design?
And what is the age of the D90xc?
I wonder when clevo will trully update the m57ru, it needs a 2nd harddrive... -
Tis a shame we won't get the BIOS update for the 280m .. who knows about their economics, but were it like cars.. a lot of money in the aftermarket; I'd keep buying cards and upgrades if I could, but I'm certainly not going to buy a new laptop to do it.. this machine is 'good enough' for a couple more years, but I would upgrade it bit by bit. Their loss ... but who knows if its a net gain for them in the end?
I just wish they'd provide updates when its a software thing, and offer send-in upgrades for minor hardware things. Holding back on the 280m sounds purely artificial, which is really against the whole reason we buy these machines.
Still, I'm happy with the upgrades I've done to my beast.
jeff -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Real update will be released shortly as reported by Gophn much earlier.
18.4" GTX 280M with SLi option in a Mobile platform. -
Wait, are you talking about a real update to the m57ru? Or the m980 ?
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
The latter.
Exactly what do you want updated in the M57? -
Dual HDDs are required.
Donald - to add to that question of your's, I'd like to see:
1st and foremost a better keyboard and/or keyboard mounting solution. I cover this in my review.
2. Mouse clickers both need improvement, feeling "wobbly" when pressed.
They also could be larger in terms of height, 1/3rd to 1/2 larger would be great.
3. Media player type controls on the keyboard if it couldn't be integrated into a separate hardware item. Relocate the media controls and volume to somewhere off the function keys, perhaps clustered on the numeric pad.
4. Space the directional keys a bit further from other keys.
At least myself and another person both end up hitting 0 or right ctrl often while trying to reach the left or right directionals.
5. Larger, but slower rpm fan for the fan that is under the backspace key. This would solve most of your complaints about the noise. Since the issue of keyboard flex is related to this, and moving to a larger fan would increase said flex, I suggest using a mesh or grill type of design to the keyboard tray in that particular area.
6. Some one figure out how to move the wireless card into better airflow or continue the venting along the front edge of the laptop so more airflow is allowed across the wireless card and left of center components.
7. MMX 3 (I think that may be correct) type graphics card slots for future system upgradability.
8. Some time down the road, possibly a i7 CPU option once they've dropped significantly in cost.
9. Have the power adapter tip be a proper 90 degree connector, or just a straight plug. As is the connector is slightly at an angle.
10. Furnish a full copy of the included Bluetooth software with the system, not a trialware edition. Full copies I know were provided with the 9262, so why are 5797 owners getting the short end of the stick?
11. This would completely require a system redesign I know, but if we're making a wish list might as well go large.
Make the side firing speakers front firing or in some way directed toward the user. This would solve just about all of the sound quality issues normally found in this class size.
12. Offer the systems with matte screens, and without the fingerprint reader. The fingerprint reader is a kit option (it shows as such in the service manual) for the consumer it's a waste of money to buy something we don't want in the first place.
I think that's about it. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Great input...thank you!
You are correct in that most of these items would require a newly designed laptop, but I have passed your list on. They do appreciate your input -
Heh with that alone, I wish I could transfer my 5797 purchase to your company. Having someone that is open to constructive criticism, and then actually act on it - is very rare these days.
Wish some of those fixes, particularly the keyboard related ones, were in my unit now. I'm heavily considering returning my 5797 and just getting a desktop+low end laptop for the same cost. Don't have much time to make a choice though.
*sigh* -
Hi, Here my 3dmark score :
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Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Vedya, Jan 10, 2008.