Neither am I, I told you guys Roswell '47 is real!
"Honesh-h-h-t, of-f-fisher, thaa plan- >hic< plan-et jushht jumped out of nowheresh >hic<"
Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2015 -
I received my D901C yesterday. After the installation of the latest drivers it seems like my Vista 64bit see that I have a SLI.
However it's seems like only one 8800 is used. I looked for the nVidia Control Panel (to activate the SLI) but I didn't find it.. I'm sure I will find the solution but maybe someone can help me to save my time.
Thanks ! -
One card = 84°C
The other = 45°C
Maybe I should look at the BIOS, but as Windows told me about SLI, I thought it was ok. -
thats very high for that other card... even if you are only using one... reinstall the drivers for each card one by one.... theres a guide in the gaming section i believe about how to install SLI drivers. You have to do one, restart, then do the other, but not at the same time.
Ok I find the solution to activate the SLI.
I hadn't any problem with installing the drivers.
But after the install I need to start nvcuid.exe (not sure of the exact name) in the windows\system32 directory. In this application you can activate the SLI (radiobox).
With my notebook cooler at a higher fans speed I didn't go over 75°C after 2 hours of UT3. -
The_Observer 9262 is the best:)
No one is interested to get the game keys on D901C for volume control?
I have seen many "wishes" for this thing. -
Does the D901C include E-Sata or Fingerprint reader? Is there a newer model that does? Like a D901D (I just made that up but I hope you get what I mean - a revision for 2008 that has more features while still keeping the old)???
No E-Sata or fingerprint reader yet. For that you need to look to the 5796.
That's why I have found my way here to the D901C corner. I want a notebook with:
A. WUXGA (1920x1200) 17inch
B. HIGH END VIDEO CARD as per Mobile Graphics Info Page
such as
Nvidia GeForce 8800M-GTS
Nvidia GeForce 9800M-GTS
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3870
Nvidia GeForce 8800M-GTX
Nvidia GeForce 9800M-GT
C. Numberpad on keyboard.
D. Capacity for 2 Hard disks
See my thread here for my notebook needs... -
The X305 might be your choice, or the upcoming gateway p-fx then...
Toshiba has some 17" Laptops with dual hard drives....
I have been using a 1gig thumb drive that has a built in finger print reader. Not only does the finger print reader lock the thumb drive but it can also be used to log into windows and websites that require passwords (such as yahoo or hotmail etc.) As for's useful on my desktop for a drive that nevers goes anywhere because you have to use an external power source for it, but for my lappy, I prefer using just a USB cable for power and data transfer. I mean it's nice to have it there, especially if you plan to move alot of data, I just don't like it for mobile reasons.
quick question will the first post be update?
hi my fellow NP9262 owners a review on our lappies but with the q9450 and 9800GT Sli for the Kobalt Comanche. -
yeah.. why isn't the front page updated... *pokes Wu Jen* hey!! add us in!!
First review I have seen that dont like it. And they forgot it's a desktop replacement, it never did mention that. The point of view seemed to be one sided, oh well.
Wish they would post a Video on youtube
so others get a better view
of the Quad Core laptops -
Well am official now. mine came today and it is just AWESOME!!!!!!
its not has heavy I was thinking it was going to be but the power BRICK, Well its a BRICK...LOL... were are the hot keys for the fans?? -
yes that review was very one sided. im sure neil@kobalt computers would have said something about it too
Hey everyone new Sager 9262 owner and I love it! I have a couple questions to ask.
How do you disable the touchpad? (I'm using a regular mouse and don't need it on, what I think is the touchpad device doesn't show disable)
Anyone suggest a keyboard gel wrist pad or something of the sort? (Gotten use to the keyboard layout but could use some wrist support) -
not sure about a keyboard gel pad. -
gratz twEEker and Badday17 !!
this is what i copied from another person last time, and it proved to be useful in a notepad doccument in my computer.. anytime i need it, its there.. yep, so here it is.. just thought that sharing this might benefit some of those who don't already know the keys
The bindings for the Fn key are:
Fn + 1 = Max Fans/Low Fans (automatic)
Fn + F1 = Disable/Enable track pad (on by default)
Fn + F2 = Turns off the LCD display (tap the Fn key to turn it back on)
Fn + F3 = Mutes sound
Fn + F4 = Suspend laptop
Fn + F5 = Decrease volume
Fn + F6 = Increase volume
Fn + F7 = Swap to external display (such as HDTV or external monitor; press this binding again to swap back to laptop display)
Fn + F8 = LCD brightness decrease
Fn + F9 = LCD brightness increase
Fn + F10 = Enable/Disable webcam (off by default)
Fn + F11 = Disable/Enable Wi-fi (enabled by default; right side green LED is the indicator for the wi-fi)
Fn + F12 = Enable/Disable the integrated Bluetooth receiver (off by default; when enabled the right side green LED will glow with an orange hue)
Fn + Left Arrow = Home
Fn + Right Arrow = End
Fn + Up Arrow = Page Up
Fn + Down Arrow = Page Down
Fn + ~ = Play/Pause media player -
Thanks leonyeo1001 for all the binds, go figure it was simple to disable the touchpad. Now I know why there isn't a disable tab for the device. -
@ashveratu and leonyeo1001
Thanks for the help guys, I knew about FN+1 but it was not working, but I was able to get it working after uninstalling the APkey and doing a clean and then reinstalling it and now my temps are normal GPU1&2 48-60 CPU 46-58 HD1&2 28-40, the lower temps are my idle temps and the high temps were 3hrs of DMC4 and some COD4.....ThanKs agin..... -
Anyone seen a download site for the new Bios? I would like to install a Q9650 when they are "better" priced.... Hven't found anyone posting the newest Bios as yet...
Thank you Leonyeo for the awesome Fn key list. It will be very helpful when my np9262 arrives. I ordered it yesterday. Hopefully it'll come in soon. =D
& post on Youtube when u get ur laptop
also wanted to know
is the ram upgradeble to 8g ram ?
Is urs a Quad core laptop -
A video wont tell more then the reviews & pics. Here is mine so you can see how big it is
Trance -
Is urs a Eurocom D901C PHANTOM-X
cos of the colour black i see
(cos others have a real ugly grey)
lyours ooks nice & yes stll would want too see a Video on youtube
wonder who else makes it in Metalic jet black colourLast edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
Mine is a standard Clevo (unbranded). The reason you see it all black is becouse the angle of the photo, otherwise you would see the gray:
A video review would not add nothing. Anyway search on, I'm sure you will find some videos.
Trance -
Here it is the a review on youtube on the first model. Still the same chassis: -
I even check Clevo's site...all they have are drivers. There was note at the bottom of the driver download page about the Bios, but no links to download it, go figure. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Since flashing the BIOS by someone who is unfamiliar with how to do it could fry the laptop, neither Clevo no Sager posts them for download.
The best thing to do is email your reseller with your serial number, and a description of what you want to fix with the latest BIOS and ask them to email it to you.
There is no need to have the "latest" BIOS unless there is something specific in it that you want to fix or update. "Don't fix it if it ain't broke" -
"Don't fix it if it aint broke", I love that saying. If only my dad would listen to it....
I wish more people who have bought
Clevo but from diff company post some pics
would make a heck of a diff for us to buy
but i still prefer my Laptop in FULL jet Black -
Here are some of my favorite custom paint:
Trance -
@paladin44. I'll try the Email route. Already phoned Ty at Sager Computers [they did the M/B upgrade]. He had no idea what I was talking about... I didn't get the impression that the Sager Sales Staff stays on top of things as far as the D901C goes...
I'm not tying to be cute here, just clear - Engineering training forces me...
I plan on installing a Q9650 CPU, so it will be "broke" without the Bios update right?
S/N of the Laptop, the number printed on a tag on the bottom of the Laptop? Doesn't that change somehow when the M/B gets swapped? Do I need numbers off the Laptop as it posts [which would reflect current the M/B and bios]? Hope not, as the numbers flash pretty darn fast.... -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
If it is a Sager the serial number will be on a sticker on the bottom of the laptop, and will also be on your invoice. It will not appear as you POST.
The serial number does not change when you change your motherboard because everything is tracked off of your original serial number.
Did you buy it directly from Sager? If so, you need to keep dealing with them, but if you bought it from a reseller then go to them for help. -
@paladin44, Thanks. Purchased from Targa Computers, but the M/B update and 8800 GTX installation was direct from Sager. Sager handled as a Sager Laptop, as the S/N is from there series.
Thanks for the information about the S/N to use. -
I put in a Q9650 with the 4-16-08 BIOS, and though the BIOS doesn't recognize what the chip is, it does run it at 3.0 ghz quad core. In vista it just shows up as "3.0 Ghz" since the model string is missing from the BIOS.
But Sager says they will have a newer BIOS soon. But I'm just saying you don't have to wait to upgrade if you find a good deal on a Q9650.Attached Files:
D901C / Sager 9260/9262 / Pro-Star 9191 Owners Thread
Discussion in 'Sager/Clevo Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Wu Jen, Jun 26, 2007.