let me fix it in 3 days.
edit:fixed, already sent to @DaMafiaGamer and let him update.
@dsanke No problem. Take your time.
@DaMafiaGamer Hi there. Sorry for rush, but can you update archive with new fixed BIOS for P870DM-G? Regards
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
The BIOS has been updated, the wifi should now work. Power limits have also been optimised on all bioses
You two are the best .DaMafiaGamer likes this. -
Hello dear,
i'm actually on a P775TM1-G with 1080 G-sync
I did the update pretty easily, and now issue a huge problem, i cannot longer play any game, my fps goes literraly down with exactly the same settings, i tried to reinstall the nvidia drivers, looking for any setting in bios, but nothing change. Help
EDIT : after multiple try of something, I found that the updated FW for the 1080 Gsync in the package who throttle down the GPU, in full game the temp stay at 50°C (90° on original FW)
I now gonna try the Bios update keeping the original x3000009 instead of 3000000ALast edited: Apr 17, 2019 -
Hello @DaMafiaGamer and @dsanke, could it be possible to have it with IME disabled? thanks
Last edited: Apr 18, 2019 -
the bios of the P775DM3 RTX has also been modified ?
Thanks -
Hello all,
Anyone else flashed P7xxDMx bios? If so, how it works in your machines?
I got P751DM2-G (with 8086k) updated with both vBIOS and BIOS, and my 1080 got back it's G-sync and driver installed by itself, many thanks to @dsanke and @DaMafiaGamer!!
Audio driver from microsoft works fine but SBX is lost.
Another bug is that after some time HDD LED gets stuck always ON, it works again after sleep-wake or a restart and gets stuck again.
Does anyone know how can I get EC firmware from P751TM? How does it work in P751DM2?
I have some issues with mine for long time (goes to sleep if charger disconnected, wakes if lid is open though in power settings it's set to no action required), want to fix it. -
Got a P775DM3-G and all works well with RTX BIOS (P775XDMX_RTX.rom). Don't care about the HDD led since i never look at it and only use SSD's so it's pointless if it blinks or not. I got g-sync working too in this BIOS with this the AUO B173HAN03.1 LCD Panel (144hz and g-sync work flawlessly). Got a 8700k though and a 1080 tooMr. Fox likes this. -
You mean that if a bad firmware is flashed recovering the original one will not help? From what I know, the super IO controllers flash by themselves when there is a EC flash on the board, so recovery should work.
Unfortunately I got my P751DM2 second hand and it came from pcspecialist UK there I found no support available.
I don't know where to get the latest version of EC since I couldn't find it anywhere.
What is the latest version of EC firmwares for P751DM2-G? -
you can download it here!
Latest from Clevo is this one: http://repo.palkeo.com/clevo-mirror/P7xxDM23G/P7xxDMx_2nd_EC10601.zip
Be careful not to flash the one for the P775DM3-G by mistake in the futureIllusiveMan likes this. -
Do you or does anyone happen to know if I need to flash anything for moving from a GTX 1080 to an RTX2080 in a P870tm1-g ? I have the latest bios from the vendor that allows for the 9900k and I have already gotten the heatsink ready for the 2080. Lol just needing to know if this first attempt is definitely going to be a failure or do I need to flash with one listed at the beginning? -
No idea my friend! We'll have to wait until someone knows
kfxsti likes this. -
Has the AC PSU bug been modified?
Prostar Computer Company Representative
grats @kfxsti
Pd.: anyone could tell me somethig about dissabling IME? -
kfxsti likes this.
No worries -
I would like to ask some help here. I try to fix the first step, and flash the right GOP version vbios to my 1070. The current vbios is on the card: 86.04.2A.00.27.
This is the screen after GOP check: UEFI Version : 0x30002 (Apr 1 2016 @ 20605201 )
When I try to flash the GTX_1070_86.04.2A.00.26_N17E-G2 vbios, I receive the following message: WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible PCI Device ID's
What should i do? thx!
btw: how do I know if I have gsync or non gsync card?
WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible PCI Device ID's
match the PCI Device ID of the adapter.
Adapter PCI Device ID: 1BE1
Firmware image PCI Device ID: 1BA1
WARNING: Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.0000)
does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID (1558.0876).
NOTE: Exception caught.
Nothing changed
PS: I have not clue which card I have - SLI or NOT, GSYNC or notLast edited: Apr 29, 2019 -
You're trying to flash a non gsync 1BA1 vbios onto a gsync 1BE1 card
Nvflash isn't letting you do it. Use a gsync vbios -
ps: thank God, nvflash does not let me do that -
If you're going to flash custom BIOS/vBIOS I'd have a programmer as backup for recovery (and a 2nd computer to connect it to, even if its a $50 5 year old clunker). Given the cost of say a CH341A and SOP8 150mil adapter is <$20 on ebay/aliexpress/amazon it's highly advisable. You can flash chips directly to get around nvflash blocks (which is how you flash modded vBIOS with higher power limits, see the pascal tdp tweaker tool thread) so while you can brick hardware by flashing incompatible firmware, you can also recover from a brick by flashing a known good firmware backup, which could have helped a few people in this thread who had issues that turned out to be the BIOS being partly overwritten upon post-flash shutdownjoluke likes this. -
I have flashed the gsync version, now GOP check says: UEFI Version : 0x3000A (Aug 21 2017 @ 22712147 )
it is ok? not less than 0x30006 as said in thread -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If it all works I would say you are good
Thx a lot! I have managed to update the BIOS + EC from USB without programmer. At the moment I do not have my i7 8700, I am using with my 6700k, I cannot wait testing it
So far looks great!
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
joluke likes this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Well technically a good sample of the 8700k can do 5ghz.
I got a question about EC for P775TM1-G
Which one should I use? All those was uploaded same day but nothing say what the difference
2nd 10702
Is the 2nd a rollback to a previous better version than the higher ones?
I actually flashed the 10710 (because it seems to be the highest number) and flashed the dsanke Bios but I issue thermal throttling of my GFX car because fans are not speeding up in game.
I need to use Obsidian Fan control to control fan by temp instead of EC Automatic
Also my 1080 go straight to 90ºC even with fan at full speed and still at this temp, I did a repaste, nothing changes, what can I do to optimize my gfx card? TDP Mobile Tweak ?
It seems the EC and 1080 issues are a linked togheter? Finally my fans always run a full speed due to security limit in Obsidian Fan Control
And lastly, I issue my Realtek audio don’t work properly : with Realtek drivers coming from obsidian update tool, I can’t control the volume with the master slider of windows, it just mute at 0 but any other value feedback a full volume.
I tried to remove this driver and let windows install his own, but the audio service won’t respond said the troubleshooting assistant. And there actually no sound outputting from the computer.
Thanks for your future inputs about my issues ^^Last edited: May 10, 2019 -
Latest EC according to Clevo is: 1. Update P7xxTM1(G) EC Version 1.07.16
You can get it here: https://mega.nz/#!2IJE2AKS!85VAlbMEDX8CO-PwwDAQGCj2pXKBQ9PxG17aDP01D8c
I did get the EC directly from Clevo, not the mirror!
and as you can see they don't post changelogs in their e-channel:
http://prntscr.com/nn1p56 -
Really Thanks !
Sadly i have no access to the Echannel since I am not Vendor and I don't know can I get acces to it ..
Do you have an idea about my other issues?
Thanks so much -
Guys, my "km1 to tm1 mod" was successful, this 870 is a crazy good machine. I have put 8700 nonk+1070 inside, it is barely reaches 60degree!!! amazing.
I am considering to do the same with a evoc macihne, it is also km1, with premabios. Do I need to do the same process? I am considering to put a 9900KF inside, I have found a good chip. Do I keep the premaec or replace with offical ec and dsanke bios? I have contacted prema if he makes his for this evoc system, we'll see.
ps: could someone give me a link / manual how the screen can be replace? (cable replace not needed just the screen)Last edited: May 26, 2019 -
The hardware upgrade is basically only for the heatsink... The km1 can use the 9900k with the bios flash in this thread.
(An 8700 would have run just fine on the stock heatsink undervolted and a decent paste job I reckon)
http://forum.notebookreview.com/thr...p870dm-g-from-fhd-to-4k-picture-guide.787821/joluke likes this. -
My questions are the following:
- should I leave prema EC on or put TM1 official EC om?
- TM1 heatsink requires mod - what I have just learnt - Can someone give me a link how to do it?
- with the km1 heatsink I highly doubt that 9900k could be ok with normal temps, any experiences here? (I have seen dafamaffiagamer thread with 870dm)
Thx in advance!
ps: yes, 8700 nonK with -80mV undervolt + eliminate core AD DC to 5 runs around 1,09V with amazing good temps - all cores @ 4,3Ghz (stock)Last edited: May 26, 2019 -
I see a lot of developments on your side, which resulted is massive update for this BIOS. I can see them here -> http://tieba.baidu.com/p/5946737367?pn=14 but can`t download either instructions or the BIOSes itself from obvious reasons (geolocked outside from China mainland). Could you share it here too please?
We still don`t have clear step by step instructions regarding what to do to avoid black screen after USB flash (unlpug battery? AC power? when?), I think it`s quite important for newcomers. I saw them mentioned in this thread somewhere.
Also, step by step instructions for TM conversion would be nice, in what flash order (BIOS or EC? which EC, 1st or 2nd?), EC files are missing from OP, etc.dsanke likes this. -
Could someone help why i cannot boot from usb dos? I have managed to upgrade km1 to tm1 bios but for tm1 ec i cannot boot from usbi made usb with rufus, i have used it some weeks ago it worked perdectly. I tried another usb stick, same
Thx -
google is your friend
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi Max 2 (Oxygen) using Tapatalkjoluke likes this. -
what happens when it doesnt work? be more specific.
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi Max 2 (Oxygen) using Tapatalk -
Ok, so I went ahead and flashed this BIOS for my P870KM1-G.
I don`t have SPI programmer, so it was a little gamble here. Few months ago I flashed dsanke BIOS mod (previous 8th gen version) with my P870DM from EFI USB and ended with black screen. Had to buy SkyPro programmer, take DM apart and revive it with direct to the chip flashing. So this time I tried to deduce what to do, to aviod black screen by cutting of power after successful flash (as mentioned here and there by dsanke and others).
So yeah, it works. No black screen. You only need USB pendrive, you don`t have to stress about programmer, here is what to do, step by step (modified instructions from @DaMafiaGamer OP, bolded entries are added):
0) Open your laptop and take out its battery
1) Plug in your charger, enter the BIOS, change 2 values .
a) Setup->Boot->UEFI Settings->UEFI Boot->Enabled
b) Setup->Security->Secure Boot->Disabled (If you can not find this then you don't need to change it)
2) Unplug all your drives including any SSD's and HDD's
3) Put the EFI folder into your FAT32 formatted USB Flash Disk, now put the bios file into the EFI->Boot folder and boot your laptop through the USB.
4) Wait for startup.nsh to execute, and then type "meset", press enter.
5) Your laptop will auto reboot and the fan will run at high speed, THIS IS NORMAL, boot to the USB Flash Disk again.
6) Wait for startup.nsh to execute, and then type "fpt -d backup.bin", press enter to backup your bios.
7) Now type "fpt -f BIOS.bin -rewrite -y", press enter to flash new the cannon lake bios .
8) Wait for flash to finish (you will see color text "(...) successful (...)" info printed on screen by fpt). DO NOT type "fpt -greset" and press enter now. Just unplug power cord, without battery it will hard shut off computer. Then insert battery again, plug in charger and turn computer on.
9) You should successfully have the bios firmware updated, skip the below process and go to the pin mod section!
Happy flashing guys.TheLuddite, electrosoft, joluke and 1 other person like this.
Official Coffee Lake Refresh Thread/BIOS for ALL Clevo Laptops - RTX CARDS NOW SUPPORTED
Discussion in 'Sager and Clevo' started by DaMafiaGamer, Oct 25, 2018.