I mean to ask both to keep this thread on-topic and to politely ask that the discussion be taken elsewhere, perhaps even to another thread where anyone interested can follow along. I am not proposing censorship - starting another thread seems to be perfectly reasonable, and a courtesy to those subscribed or interested in this specific thread.
joluke likes this.
@DARCODER The Prema BIOS stopped being publicly available due to an unethical reseller who was charging fees for it without permission from Prema. So Prema chose to make the BIOS only available to trusted partners under set restrictions and fair price markup for additional support requirements, and not for the BIOS itself. This was done to control availability, and prevent same-said unethical reseller from profiting further.
While this does make it difficult for some end users to benefit from Prema's work, it's not impossible to acquire the BIOS from Prema if you ask him, or by contacting a Prema Partner. (I don't know if Prema Partners are permitted to supply BIOS w/o system purchase)
If you feel this is unfair to you, you are welcome to follow up any recourse you can muster in your local country, assuming Prema lives in your country. If he does not, you are SOL. Or you can contact Clevo Legal, file your best *****-fest complaint, and maybe they will enforce a Cease & Desist on Prema, and thus prevent anyone in the future from benefiting from his Prema mods ever again. Or, you will be informed that Prema is working under their consent and has not violated any agreement, at which point you can sit & spin in frustration.
All of this just to satisfy your inner intellectual property lawyer fetish, and because you cannot download a BIOS upon your immediate desire. #FirstWorldIssues
Or perhaps you can convince Apple Computers Inc. to buy Clevo, and then force all Clevos to use a totally new BIOS and obsolete any Prema development, and force us onto Mac OSX. -
"Apple Clevo is proud to present you the NEW P870Mac! Same desktop hardware, but in a form factor only one fifth of its former size and weight!*"
*Fire extinguisher included with each purchase -
Have you ever considered that we have the Partner, because Clevo and their major importer worldwide specifically asked them to handle warranties for systems with customized firmware internally? Partner had meetings with Clevo just to come to this arrangement.
This applies not only to PremaMod but to any reseller using custom firmware with their systems like e.g. Eurocon (Svet) or ObsidianPC (in-house).
What Clevo and importer not want is have their systems being bricked or damaged through other vendors or random firmware found on the net and flashed without the permission of the reseller they bought the system from.
Whatever I do I am between a rock and a hard place and people complain, maybe it's time to move on...
Last edited: Mar 28, 2019 -
Resellers deal with their own warranty leading to the Prema Partner program,
Locked BIOS.
Hope that clears it up for good why "freely available for all" was off the table for all the modded bioses. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If you wanted any kind of official support that is the only option really. The prema bios will push things beyond spec and there will be a higher failure rate when that is being done.
jaybee83 likes this. -
When I tried both this BIOS and the other one (that thread was labelled for 'Cannon Lake', but I think that was an error), I could only ever get to a black screen at boot. I followed the instructions precisely. However, I have never flashed the EC. Origin PC never issued any form of firmware update for this machine, and I'm unsupported due to being the second owner of the unit (6700K, 4K 15", 6 GB GTX1060 P750DM2G). With that in mind :
- How tightly coupled are the EC and the BIOS? If I were to flash the EC, is the corresponding BIOS update the very next step I must take? Given this, is there a particular recommendation of EC/BIOS I should use.
- Given my problematic attempt with the BIOS upgrades, which I recovered from using a hardware unit, I'm anxious about the EC update going wrong (recovery would look to be extremely challenging). What is the level of risk, generally speaking?
The machine currently appears to be fully unlocked - I can change multipliers, voltages etc. in the current Origin PC 1.05 BIOS without issue.Last edited: Mar 28, 2019 -
Hello, I have a P870KM, I installed the this 9900K BIOS and the system was working fine with 9900K CPU, then I used throttlestop to test under volt value and it was stable at -130mv. So, I went to the BIOS and set the under volt value, however after the restart, the system keeps rebooting with initial loud fan noise, the restarts again after about one minute. I tried resetting the BIOS by taking out the CMOS battery, but still the same restart issue. I have the SkyPro SPI programmer ready, but from looking at the chip, I believe it is a GD25B64CSIGR, but SkyPro doesn't have that for Manufacture GIGADEVICE. Does anyone know what should I select for the SPI flash? Also, will flashing the BIOS again clears the settings? Thanks for your help.
Mapl likes this.
I did not find this bios very stable and reliable.
So please be aware of the risks involved.
@crazyhippo I have some tips for you. I had the same problem.
Let it restart for a while and leave it alone. Maybe it is searching for the right settings.
Change a ramstick so it thinks it has to search for new settings.
I did not use my laptop for a week and suddenly it just could boot.
Maybe all power has to be fully drawn (from cmos and battery) -
@Johnksss It is the bios in this thread, To locate the BIOS chip, I disassembled the laptop and found it under the palm rest, it is labeled as U12 on the motherboard, the number on the chip is AH1639 25B64CSIG. I searched around the forum and found someone has a different chip: MC25L6473F ( http://forum.notebookreview.com/thr...-lga1151-laptops.821694/page-24#post-10822768), I am not able to find GD25B64CSIGR in the SkyPro software, so I selected MC25L6473F and I am able to read the chip's content, but I am not sure can I flash it as MC25L6473F. Thanks for your help.
@Mapl Thanks for the suggestion. I have the SkyPro SPI programmer ready for this, so I want to fix it soon instead of waiting. -
- -
bennyg likes this.
jaybee83, Arrrrbol, joluke and 1 other person like this.
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Coffee lake refresh Bioses have been added for mostly all laptops. Laptops that can only run 8th and 9th gen CPU’s can now fully support 6th and 7th gen CPU’s too. Check your laptop name and find the bios in the link above!
@dsanke and @DaMafiaGamer does this update changes anything else than support for older CPU gens? If its not than i guess that there is no need for upgrade - if someone is not planning cpu switch?
Ofc thank you for all ur work and dedication. You are making this community worthy staying and supportingDaMafiaGamer likes this. -
and for W65xKL N650DU and N95xKP6, they will support 16 threads.(previous are 12 threads.)Last edited: Apr 9, 2019cj_miranda23, DaMafiaGamer, TheDantee and 3 others like this. -
@dsanke For last bios P7xxDMx_RTX old card (1060,1070 ) support ?
if you found cpu core voltage offset doesn't work, you should set core/ia and ring voltage offset together.
DaMafiaGamer and joluke like this. -
Hello All! I have installed this bios mod on my p870km-g with i7 9700k. I also flashed the p870tm EC and everything went fine. I have lost g-sync on my gtx 1070 and am looking to get it back. I flashed the vbios w/gsync 86.04.2a.00.29 n17e g2 g, then flashed the bios, and then flashed the ec. Previously i had a b173qtn01.0 installed and noticed g-sync was lost after the bios install. I installed the b173han03.1 thinking it would bring gsync back and to also get away from the b173qtn01.0 banding problem. Ive tried flashing back my backup vbios but i still have no gsync option . Any ideas on how i can get it back?
and i recommend p870km ec 1.05.02 for it have looser current limit. -
the reason i give up p870tm 1.07.13 because its fn+d function doesn't work. -
Wierd problem, dos flash cannot read file, and efi flash says it cant find the file.
@RebelStar i had same problem with g-sync. But with installation of 144hz screen(switch from 75hz) g-sync was back immediately without any future modding. -
Update: I got my gsync option back. I ended up flashing the first p870km.bin, the one that was posted before the updated one.
Rahego likes this.
so it would be best to stick with old BIOS instead of getting update one i guess
RebelStar likes this. -
Using a B173HAN03.1 here on my P775DM3-G with a 8700k and a 1080 with g-sync (nvidia 1080 must support g-sync itself so make sure you flash the correct vBios on it) and g-sync is working normally
BTW I'm working on the latest bios mod that dsanke did. flashed the latest 1.07.22 with RTX support that @dsanke did with revision 0 for the 9900k (this said BIOS wasn't yet released to public even though @dsanke contacted OP). In all the revisions of the BIOS g-sync has been working flawlesslyLast edited: Apr 14, 2019 -
Hello. I'm new here on this forum and i'm glad to be here. I'm using mod bios on my P870DM-G for 8 and 9 generation of CPU's with SLI Nvidia GTX 970m, and i would like to get the most new release of this mod bios if it's possible. Regards -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
@ DaMafiaGamer
Hi there. i have flashed the new mod bios on P870DM-G today but i have some trouble with him. wi-fi module is not present in device manager but bluetooth is present and working fine (intel dual band 8260 and i have one more intel 8265). because of this i was forced to reflash previous version of bios, and now everything is working like supose to. I have selected from archive P870DM.rom file. It's something wrong with my laptop or mod bios is not 100% ready?
Somebody have the same problem ?
Official Coffee Lake Refresh Thread/BIOS for ALL Clevo Laptops - RTX CARDS NOW SUPPORTED
Discussion in 'Sager and Clevo' started by DaMafiaGamer, Oct 25, 2018.