Increase the power limits.
Got my 8700k cpu today so hopefully @John@OBSIDIAN-PC will be able to assist me with the BIOS flashing part and vBios and isolation of the cpu pins. Will post a few benchmarks here once i get my laptop running on the 8700k out of curiosity
clevo-extreme Company Representative
Fastest Customizable Gaming Notebooks & Mobile Workstations | CLEVO System Integrator -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
Sent from my Mi Note 2 using Tapatalkjoluke likes this. -
Last edited: Mar 16, 2019jaybee83 and clevo-extreme like this. -
Any specific reason on why the BIOS has the ME also?
The BIOS on the P775DM3-G is 5MB (the backup) while the modified bios is 8MB and extracting the BIOS from the bin file it stays at 6Mb without ME.
Any specifics why? Is it safe to flash the 8Mb modded bios on my P775DM3-G even though it is 5Mb (the dump is 5Mb).
Thanks -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
Nice addition with the 144hz screen and the GTX1080... all ready
Going out today! Have fun
And i hope you enjoyed meeting usPapusan, bennyg, joluke and 1 other person like this. -
Here goes my feedback on meeting @John@OBSIDIAN-PC and his store in person. Went there with my girlfriend and he is totally a guy that is down to earth. Very nice guy with LOADS of knowledge and a true friend. He did help me with my laptop in less than 2 days.
Isolating the pins on the CPU is a f*cking pain in the ass since the pins are half a square milimiter and cutting the tape to fit... Jesus that was even worse.
Anyway we did isolate the pins on the CPU and flashing the BIOS and GPU was kinda easy thing to do (with John's knowledge of course). Just use a clamp to pin the BIOS and flash it and the gpu can be flashed on nvflash on windows with OP's tools, nothing fancy.
So @John@OBSIDIAN-PC took his own free time to dedicate it to my laptop and test everything properly and in less than 2 days I got it all flashed like you would expect and we GOT POST with the 8700k.
Im a very happy customer for OBSIDIAN and totally recommend it to everyone in case you need a trust worthy store. As a customer I'm happy I did buy JOHN LCD of 144Hz for my laptop and my next laptop will be from him for sure. When I needed support for a BIOS/EC flash that went wrong John promptly helped me and o couldn't be happier with his way of being and professionalism with the whole process.
So tomorrow I will receive my P775DM3-G with the 8700k and will post a few benchmarks as soon as I get my hands on it.
For you @John@OBSIDIAN-PC my words are a big big thank you for being such a true human being and a great professional. Keep it up buddyjclausius, Papusan, jaybee83 and 1 other person like this. -
Absolutely necessary in my opinion to tame the hotter and hungrier CPUs compared to the "automatic" profile which ramps up the CPU fan so slowly that it's sufferring thermal throttle before the fan even reaches half speed.
The only gripe I have with it is that it doesn't support my older EM series Clevos!yrekabakery, TheDantee and joluke like this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi Max 2 (Oxygen) using Tapatalk -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
Oh.... wait.... i think i know someone with a P170SM, maybe it´s the same?
Gonna check it later today! -
Even for your own P775DM3-G -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Here it is guys:
now to test it with games and some benchmarks
@John@OBSIDIAN-PC has such a kind heart that he even modified the BIOS for his own background on boot (which i love to be honest) and so i could continue using his software too!
We need more people like him so i can keep my faith in human kind!
Thank you a lot John! You are AWESOME! -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
Have fun and enjoy my tools too
Sent from my Mi Note 2 using Tapatalk -
Thanks a bunch for this
Got G-sync working on your 144Hz LCD again ehehAttached Files:
this one:
taken from the OP (Open Post)
i didn't went for the 9900k since the temperatures can go a lot higher than the 8700k and in games the performance difference is minimaljaybee83 likes this. -
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
Strangely enough I often see in some game tests the 9900K falling slightly behind the 9700K and 8700K at the same clocks. It seems Hyper-Threading actually hurts the 9900K in some games.
joluke likes this. -
gamers have been disabling HT since the pre-haswell days to get higher fps in certain games. cant beat the 9900k in productivity and efficiency though!
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi Max 2 (Oxygen) using Tapatalkjoluke likes this. -
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
jaybee83 likes this. -
After a day and half playing with it here goes a little feedback:
I did buy the LCD from Obsidian-PC: AUO B173HAN03.1 (144hz LCD with g-sync).
The LCD with the latest drivers wasn't detecting that it had g-sync with the 6700k and the 1.06.12 BIOS from Clevo (g-sync wasn't working at all, didnt matter how many drivers i tried).
With the OP's BIOS, g-sync is working with said LCD at 144Hz and its a total beauty so i made 2 upgrades in one lol.
anyway here go some benchmarks i made so far:
CPU-Z validation:
Cinebench r20:
3DMark Time Spy:
Firestrike Extreme:
Let me know if you want another benchmark being done
All tests were done with the following settings in Throttlestop: -
Well now I rebooted it and the computer doesn't start at all for some reason. Power button gets light and Powers off right away. Tried to reset CMOS and nothing. On monday I'm headed to obsidian to reflash the BIOS because I don't have a spi programmer
- -
Yeah I did try that and the power blinks, and turns off after 2 seconds. I contacted @John@OBSIDIAN-PC and on monday I'll get to the store to reflash the BIOS. might as well buy a spi programmer and learn how to flash it on my own next time lol
The thing goes like: press power, button of power lights up, keyboard too and goes off after 3 or 4 seconds. CMOS reset doesn't work and fn+d+power neither and fn+b+power (bios blind flash/recovery) doesnt work either
Yeah, something ain't correct.
Only mine ran into a black screen boot loop.
I tried the same things but nothing seemed to work.
After leaving it alone for a couple of days I suddenly could make it start.
Another tip is to let the boot loop run for a while to let it find the right bios settings but you dont experience this so....joluke likes this. -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
I actually have 4 x P775DM3-G with GTX 1080 in stock for spares lol.
Guess it's time for me to build something like this for myself.
We kinda went with your instructions but I rather do my own BIOS and I'm not 100% happy with the pin isolation.
So don't worry it's always fixable, we will sort that. And in the meanwhile I'll do one for myself, slowly,
Quick test, put the 6700K back. Report
Edit: ok you already know what you did... You flashed something you shouldn't muahahaha
Come to Papa again... Come running to my hairy harms lol
I'll be here waiting on MondayTheDantee, clevo-extreme, jaybee83 and 2 others like this. -
@John@OBSIDIAN-PC are planning to mod your own bios for z170 and z270 with support for 8th and 9th gen? Pin mode is in fact pain in ass. Also whole procedure with programmator is not piece of cake.
I and i guess lots of clevo owners would be very interested in such product
Hoping for the best! -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
I can make guides and sell parts, even occasionally help forum members.
We can receive units to do the upgrades too, that's it.
BIOS as always been a sensitive thing for everyone, for modders, stores, brands etc.
Also I run a shop and everything I do might come back to bit my brand in the ass.
That's why I now have a "personal website" link in my signature, whatever I post in the personal website, guides and downloads will never be something users can take for granted as an "OBSIDIAN-PC" product.
We have a serious problem at the moment, we get our mail and chat flooded with requests for support (including BIOS stuff) from non-clients.
Sent from my Mi Note 2 using TapatalkGrandesBollas and joluke like this. -
People can't have nice things and if you want a BIOS from @John@OBSIDIAN-PC.. Buy a computer from him.. That's what I'll do as appreciation for his work!GrandesBollas likes this. -
GrandesBollas Notebook Evangelist
That's why you do your homework first; research the hardware. Understand the differences between the system integrators. Bare bones is just that. The BIOS is one of the most important elements of the hardware. It is for that reason I will gravitate towards the EVGA and ASUS desktop motherboards over the MSI.
DaMafiaGamer likes this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
I believe people can have nice things but with boundaries in place and I think it should always be this way, you shouldn't have to pay for an unlocked bios. But that's just my opinion
This is one of the main reasons I upload all my modifications here, not for the fame but so it can help others lol. -
@ joluke and as we are aware - that is why prema is not not available for everyone. And in my opinion it's fine. That's why i also called it "product".
Buying whole new machine just because available BIOS is not plug and play - that is just ridiculous. As we all know - this machines are not ice creams. They cost lots and can brake. People here lives all around world. Justifying everything because of software is silly. Most of peps will take something close to em. That is why making software for clevo machines around world is great in business perspective.
@John@OBSIDIAN-PC anyway, it was just a though from customer point of view. I guess you know better as guy on the other side.
joluke likes this. -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
BUT it's hard to separate myself from my brand, that's the only reason.
Whatever I do can damage my brand/company, it's really not a pride thing, it's not a money thing, it's the people that work with or for me that I care, my brand IS them. And I need to make good decisions for them, I already made too many bad ones.
I'm a sucker and an awful business man I hate it to the gut, that's why business decisions are made mostly by my partner who does most of managing.
I just like to create stuff, code stuff, design stuff, build PCs whatever. BUT i need to learn the lesson, I can't use company hours to code free stuff, I can't give away free stuff, I can't have my staff do support for non-clients.
Releasing BIOS like you did is fine when you are doing a community service AS IS on your own terms and name. NOT when you are here representing a company where you need to think about your team first.
I will always try to do and release stuff that reaches the most amount of people, but with a decent amount of planning and thinking.
Sent from my Mi Note 2 using Tapatalkbennyg, joluke and DaMafiaGamer like this. -
John@OBSIDIAN-PC Company Representative
You can't have a serious company depending on the income from that. We keep doing it because we sell the laptops and we believe it makes our product better along with the BIOS and assembly techniques and testing.
We never expected people to buy our laptops because of the software, we expect people to come to us because of everything extra we do, we try to go to the extreme in everything and software is just one part of it.
In resume whatever "extra" stuff I do, I'm just saying I would need to be 100% sure it would not take company time and it would not be linked to the company. I Probably should already have a non company representative account so I can post on my behalf... That's probably the way to go when I think about it.
Sent from my Mi Note 2 using Tapatalkjoluke, GrandesBollas, bennyg and 1 other person like this. -
I'm still kind of sad that I'm stuck with ancient firmware because the vendor won't support secondary owners, and the BIOS files provided kindly by dsanke leave my machine stuck on a black screen. From asking around, it looks like Origin never issued a firmware update of any kind after shipping the machines. So I remain 'stuck' with a 6700K in my P750DM2G, until the machine eventually stops working.
I wish I could understand whether I'm doing something wrong, though. I'm unclear on what might be lost (if anything) by trying to apply the stock Clevo BIOS to this machine, as well. -
I agreed with you and your point of view. That's why i always share my work or credit my research if i was helped with approbation. I even recently share how to mod a bios for all p870 and near future clevo still using Ami bios.
I discuss with Dsanke who explain me how to edit the bios to make available the rtx without the need to .inf driver mod but the problem we still don't know how prema did to make it work in a bios update file. I can't test because i dont have rtx right know.
I always share my work but more i share the tutorial how to do everything from ourself for self education and proudness because i totally don't care about my name credited or not even if my research stolen or not. I didnt continue to buy alienware systems because of their lock policies and not freedom upgrade. I see clevo is going to the same road so maybe this p870 will be my last clevo because even if i understand their need of ingrow business, they forgot other brands are still good and comparable with locked policies. And mostly the clevo buyers are modder or overclocker. Before i wasnt asking myself if i could upgrade gpu or display or extra mod, now at each new clevo less and less are plug&play upgradeable.
Then about the bios mod section, i totally agree of sharing knowledge but even if i totally respect Prema great work, i don't agree about is method of beeing able to have his bios work. His activity seem illegal, for example he mod the clevo bios freeshare work. To have his mod, the major way is to buy to a sellor list where this is unfair competition compared to others companies. Because if we ask the majority of people, even myself, i would prefer buying a prema bios clevo, than clevo locked bios. Then to access his bios, you have to buy from a prema reseller list, you cant receive it just by asking or downloading for free, at least from a majority. So he mod, even taking a lot of time but the access of his work is restricted, the easy way to have it is to buy a clevo to his partner list, so it's like assuming we pay his work and company make profit of his work and name. So again at least in europe is not legal. But who cares about legality on this forum...the eyes are closed and free sharing work in a forum is dying slowly. Hopefully there are still some good members who share their discovering and this make me stay on this forum to thanks them to enjoy more our clevo, help by members knowledges. Free knowledges for education purpose.Rahego likes this. -
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clevo-extreme Company Representative
Fastest Customizable Gaming Notebooks & Mobile Workstations | CLEVO System Integrator -
Official Coffee Lake Refresh Thread/BIOS for ALL Clevo Laptops - RTX CARDS NOW SUPPORTED
Discussion in 'Sager and Clevo' started by DaMafiaGamer, Oct 25, 2018.