Stock 92W power limit in custom BIOS limits the 9900k to ~4ghz (~4.25ghz with undervolt) under full non avx load. If you don't care about that extra ~20% performance at equivalent power under 100% load from the extra 2 cores, the LM-delid 6 core will be a few C cooler, and with OC, will hit the same ~5ghz speeds under low thread load, and thus will perform very similar in games.
To get stock all core 4.7 turbo out of the 9900K you will need to mod the cooling to handle a sustained 130W. Its far from plug and play, be prepared to tinker with the settings.
Someone can explain me why i cant boot freedos on USB ( Dos made with rufus ) to update EC. restart, F7, usb selected and nothing happen. i dont understand
I'll run it at stock speeds and undervolting to maintain lower temps if possible.Last edited: Feb 8, 2019 -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
DARCODER likes this. -
SRY for my English beaucuse im frenchjoluke likes this. -
i m running 9700k into a p870kmg and gsync working with me alsoLast edited: Feb 8, 2019 -
So i got a little problem, i succeed to instal last EC, then i instal cc2.0 i wanted to overclock my ram to xmp1 ( like i was using with my 7700k to run ram at 3000mhz) but at reboot balckscreen. I tried removing cmos but still black screen. Is my ram dead or this xmp profile is still saved?
it work back.. but 3000mgh oc like it was with 7700k no possible, very weirdLast edited: Feb 8, 2019 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Try using slot 1 and 4 together.
it's ok it worked^^, i did it from bios. i guess i wasn't waiting 10sec to initialize...
i also delid my 9700k with grizzly conductaunaut ( it was pain to remove intel **** thermal..was removing with cutter ) now idle 38 instead of 52.jaybee83 likes this. -
If it would be delid only - i might think about it. 9700k is still cooler than 7700k delided but if it can be even cooler. Why not try?
For me 39C idle with -125 uV. With 100% load it reaches 90C at full fan speed on 4.7ghz for all cores.
Could you share ur results at 100% load and same cloak speeds?Alex Etrel likes this. -
I'd only advocate a 9900K for developers/video editors and others that would greatly benefit from more cores. Even when limited at 4.5 - 4.6 Ghz all turbo, the 9th gen CPU will beat an AMD equivalent in multicore workloads, and if you tinker enough in dsanke's awesome feature-filled BIOS, you can hit 5.0Ghz easily for up to 4 cores with undervolting making mixed workloads very feasible without setting on fire (I could never hit 4-core 5.0 Ghz on my 7700K delidded, but a 9900K can? RNG is not fun). Need to compile code while baking lighting in whatever render or engine you're working on? Easy. Switching gears to when it's idling, staring at a webpage, or visual studio, the CPU only draws around 8-12 watts so can be very power efficient (though this applies to the 8700K as well).
But for the average gamers here, an 8700K will be more than enough for your needs. A 9900K would be a good future upgrade to look forward to once the price drops a good hundred bucks or so. Which if the past Intel CPUs are any indication, won't be for a good 3-5 years. Hell, the 6700K on the used market only started to drop down to being 100 bucks under the original price (around 200-250), and it's a 3-4 year old CPU. The overvaluation of intel CPUs really hearkens to how strong the Intel Mind share is (6700K is worth more than a 1700X & 1800X right now, only the 3770K is matching the 1st gen Ryzen's price), but I digress. Get the 8700K, it'll last you for a good while. And then 3 years later, maybe us software devs will stop being lazy and start making games and apps that don't use only a sinlge to handful of cores, so that having more cores for gaming makes sense and then you could get a 9900K cheaply (or somewhat cheaply around 300-400 maybe?) and that boost will get you through the next three or so years.Last edited: Feb 15, 2019Dr. AMK, TheDantee, joluke and 1 other person like this. -
New vs Old
firestrike stock
PS. I think that CPU score might be a bit off. Physics score should be at least 20kLast edited: Feb 18, 2019jaybee83 and DaMafiaGamer like this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Images are down, I’m trying to recover them. I’ll be using imgur from now on as pasteboard doesn’t seem to be that reliable.
Also, does anyone know what happened to @danishblunt lol. -
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso
FTW_260 likes this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
I guess it was bound to happen, his opinions greatly differed to others in an ‘extreme’ way sometimes but I didn’t think he would get banned.
I guess it’s for the better.FTW_260 likes this. -
CPU reach 76 bcse of cinebench, while gaming or bench max 65.
Mapl, Dr. AMK and DaMafiaGamer like this. -
poprostujakub Notebook Consultant
Hi @dsanke
I have a question about my GTX1070 - is it possible to add proper GOP to MSI vBIOS? I used your tool to check GOP version and it says that I have to update GOP, but all vBIOSes you prepared are for Clevo cards.
I pulled vBIOS from my card using "backup_vbios.bat" tool you provided, but it has 273kB instead of 253kB for Clevo card. -
Can anyone please help me with amazon links of which flasher is the best? I've seen so many and dunno which one comes with best clips to flash the BIOS and GPU?
Or if isn't allowed to post here, can anyone be kind enough to send me a PM with the said links? I'd appreciate it
Thanks in advancecj_miranda23 likes this. -
DaMafiaGamer likes this.
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Flashing Bioses/Vbioses and removing bios password locks are easy, the software is easy to use too.
Edit: don’t forget it’s updated regularly too. -
Will this bios enable me to use a 7700k in an NP9870 or is it strictly a coffee lake update?
clevo-extreme Company Representative
Most of Sager Models is only rebranded CLEVO machines.
Fastest Customizable Gaming Notebooks & Mobile Workstations | CLEVO System IntegratorFTW_260 likes this. -
I see the skypro bios flasher is recommended. Does anyone have a model number for which one is the one that has the pomona clip on it?
cj_miranda23 Notebook Evangelist
9700k undervolted to -100mv 4.Ghz, Copper IHS delid myself without glue for more pressure, paste with conductonaut and kryonaut.
Mod Heatsink with watercooling but i didnt test it even if i have the material. Very great temp. this mod heatsink give better result than stock heatsink.
These temp was for a little pubg game session.
bennyg, jclausius and DaMafiaGamer like this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
not that im badmouthing @darcoders 's efforts, he did all the right steps! just that with those kinda mods he can easily take that cpu waaaay further clockswise.
Sent from my Xiaomi Mi Max 2 (Oxygen) using TapatalkDaMafiaGamer likes this. -
And i didnt upload the right picture. Arf i will do a better and right tomorrow.DaMafiaGamer and jaybee83 like this. -
My little setup 9700k at 4.7ghz but only -45mv, cpu is near 47*c while playing for 1h.
jaybee83 likes this. -
Is it plug and play for KM?
How much temp difference do you see vs the stock one?
I`m still considering using TM heatsink one but maybe this is a better option (no case/heatsink mod required). -
You have to cut the barebone so the fixing cooling part system can go out. With a dremel job is done in 30s.
Then i fix with my screws so big more compression.
The heatsink is very thick:
Meaning in short time is exellent and idle is perfect fan turn 0rpm at 40 for long period. Gaming will increase with time you will reach 74. This can be explain by thickness and because inside the circuit near the core obviously it is empty zone for the water to circule so we loose transfer speed.
BUT with watercooling activated, depending what kind of watercooling system also.., with mine little homemade, idle is 34 with fan at 0, and gaming with fan max speed is max 48. If i remember it was average of 45.
All this data is at 4.6Ghz stable at -110mv and iccMax 145a for 130w.
Stock HS with -100mv unstable 4.6 i had 62-66 while gaming. Idle was 49-50.
I baught from taobao right, the sellor speek english if needed to ask. I will ask him a special for rtx if i see upgrade can be easy and if i understand how to integrade rtx id into nvdgpudxe bios to avoid .inf mod driver -
Purchased the 8700k for my P775DM3-G! Any benchmarks that anyone wants to see when i get it? bought 3DMark so if anyone is curious about it let me know and i'll test it as soon as i receive my machine from Obsidian-PC (John will help me flash the BIOS and vBios)
jaybee83 likes this. - likes this. -
Hi folks what can be done about Power Limit and Current Limit throttling?
Official Coffee Lake Refresh Thread/BIOS for ALL Clevo Laptops - RTX CARDS NOW SUPPORTED
Discussion in 'Sager and Clevo' started by DaMafiaGamer, Oct 25, 2018.