I'd love to try testing fingerprint reader but, my laptop didn't have one to do so with. Tried the tp in that port hoping it'd work but lol it didn't.
Just going to have to buy another and pray it works it seems.
On another note, got my 980m and it's working like crap as well. Wants to keep throttling with the laptop thinking it can't get enough power with pwr being listed as the throttle reason in gpuz. Meanwhile it's plugged in to the PSU from my p375sm which was 300 something watts. I'm guessing there are bios settings relating to power limits I need to adjust.
The only thing that seems to be working great is the 8700k I dropped in. That thing overclocked like a charm
Lucky Luck
ARCELI Skypro High-Speed USB SPI Programmer Better Than EZP2010 EZP2013 Supports 24Cxx 25Cxx 93Cxx 25Lxx EEPROM 25 Flash Bios WIN7 WIN8 Vista https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FN4KX35/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_e1fsEbQ5J65YS -
that iam using no desoldering . . . for p751dm first gen but DDR4 not DDR3 edition
https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B07R...2H02KGBPGRT&psc=1&refRID=3SRFRK0E02H02KGBPGRT -
You need for Recovery Stock Clevo bios for your p870dm2 . . . right SPI Programmer Software . . . a other Computer and maybe thats FixIt
MAybe try put a Stock p870dm bi0s on your USB-Flash-Stick and try Recover .
theangelofspace15 likes this. -
You need Programmer . . .
You have Flashed over a Stock Bios . . . You mod your Bios self or used 0ne from thread here ? -
Will you Post me Private the Commands they you use to flash so i will show if i see an frong Command that you maybe Enter . . .
Anybody here who got N95TP6,and put 64gb ram inside???I want to buy 64gb ram and i dont know if is gonne work,i know officaly is only 32gb but the chip z370 support 128gb?!
Last edited: Feb 18, 2020Donald@Paladin44 likes this.
I think i will risk and buy 2x32gb and see if work!!!
DaMafiaGamer, electrosoft, Donald@Paladin44 and 1 other person like this. -
But will that be the modded for 9th gen cpu?
Anyone know where the Bios is in a p870dm2?
Which one is the bios? P870dm2
Found this one underneath of keypad. Is this the bios?
OkLast edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2020 -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
joluke likes this. -
Hi so I was able to flash the bios. Put a 9900k covered the 2 pins. Pc boot and see the cpu. I downclocked to 4ghz and activated just 4 cores so I can see how thermal works. But after 1-2 minutes I get a black screen, then It turns off. I opened hwmonotor to see if it was getting hot but the temperatures never when above 50c
Plz anything that can help me. Laptop is been down for 1 week already.
also, what cooler do you recommend.? Air and I can even try any water solution, i dont move it anywhere .Last edited: Feb 20, 2020 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Check your vrm heatsink pad contact is ok.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
4 years is fone for pads if they look intact.
theangelofspace15 likes this. -
Almost 2 weeks without laptop at this point i think I will just part out the laptop.
Do i still need to cover my cpu pins if im going to stay on my same coffee lake cpu? n95tp6 here.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Pm if you want to buy any parts. Im dine trying with this. Selling my gtx 1080 mxm for $550
Want to share with all of you that I finally changed my P870DM-G (originally i7 6700K / GTX 980) for second hand (but almost perfect) as new Clevo P870DM2 (i7 6700K / GTX 1080).
Well after a few issues my new (almost new) Phoenix II is moded with the absolutely perfect DSanke Bios.
ALL IS WORKING....and I mean ALL...every original Clevo Software as well my owns from work to gaming...I did running Stress Test and lot of benchmarks with not even a single dissapointment. I did a lot of softwares test by trial and error using from P870DM-G to P870TMs
The Bios I used was for P870DMx (not the RTX one at least for now), I followed all the instructions step by step...from VBios to Bios itself.
Actually with the i7 8700K and coming by mail the i7 9700K....I do not tend to buy the i9 because is to much cost for a too litle gain (my point of view)....I dream with the RTX 2080 and I will buy soon as I can (or find one).
As thing going on this Phoenix will serve at least for two more yearsDonald@Paladin44 and joluke like this. -
1 Core 4.7
2 Cores 4.6
3 Cores 4.5
4 Cores 4.4
5 Cores 4.4
6 Cores 4.3
I know this are Stock Speed Clocks but dont want (yet) to force anything (because i'm so happy now rsrsrs)joluke likes this. -
GPU/CPU Benchmark even a simple test I use to compare results...serve to have a general idea.
Attached Files:
joluke likes this. -
Krumrick2 likes this.
Guys anyone has issues with the USB c ports on the P775DM3-G with modded BIOS 1.07.26? They get power but can't identify a single USB device connected to them. Does the 1.07.27 have such issue mitigated!?
Enviado do meu ASUS_I001DC através do Tapatalk -
If you know any other please share the link...Thanks in advance! -
Download from: https://code.obsidian-pc.com/clevo-software/
Please remember that a single person is maintaining them so updates should take a while to appear (that person is @John@OBSIDIAN-PC). And some of those tools need a license purchase which is cheap to be acquired
BTW you have a thread for them here: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/clevo-drivers-update-utility-by-obsidian-pc.801464/
Enviado do meu ASUS_I001DC através do TapatalkKrumrick2 likes this.
Official Coffee Lake Refresh Thread/BIOS for ALL Clevo Laptops - RTX CARDS NOW SUPPORTED
Discussion in 'Sager and Clevo' started by DaMafiaGamer, Oct 25, 2018.