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    Razer CEO covering up cheap/poor design of Razer notebooks

    Discussion in 'Razer' started by Mobius 1, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. LunaP

    LunaP Dame Ningen

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    Please humor me with details on how you came to that thought process, because last I checked Razer doesn't create workstation laptops, and people's needs don't include dysfunctional hardware failures and a 30-40% decline on performance due to design issues.

    However if you're trying to convey that someone "thinks" that it fits their needs for 1-2k more than a unit that does the same thing , then you're referring to

    "1) Technically illiterate, bought either for e-peen, or didn't know any better"

    Because last I checked "Bee's knees" isn't a term you can use with a

    your option doesn't exist sadly. Not with Razer anyways, unless you're supporting #1 in which case you have the same mentality of the CEO/Corporation for Razer at which there's no reason to respond at all.

    If not then it's safe to assume Option 2)
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017
  2. bradleyjb

    bradleyjb Notebook Consultant

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    Not sure why you cant believe that someone technically literate couldn't or wouldn't want one - please humor me and explain that. And my Razer Blade was $2K - I'm doubtful I could find something for 1-2K less that does the same thing.

    But to humor you through my process - as you can see, I have a DM3 that I don't want to carry around. I also have a desktop that I've built that I can game on as well. I have no desire to use the boring Dell/HP flavor of the year that my company gives out, complete with 4-8GB RAM and i-3. Once they decided to lock them down with security features and remove admin access, I decided to get my own laptop. I've had an Alienware 14X, then a Dell XPS13. The Alienware was fine, though the 555M aged quickly. I thought the Dell would be good and manage the occasional game (ran South Park great!) but was really too underpowered, and I found myself taking my M18X on trips with me, which I didnt really want to. 2 years ago I picked up a Razer Blade 970M because it fit the bill - extremely portable, good for gaming when I need it to be. Last year I considered a Clevo with a 1070, but didnt like the form factor and went back to the Pascal Blade. The only other laptop that was reasonably close was the MSI GS43VR and quite frankly, I didnt like that massive Dragon on the lid, and reviews questioned the build quality. Coming from Alienware, having a solid chassis is high on my list.

    Regarding the RBP - I considered getting one (for no real reason other than it looked like interesting tech - I dont need another laptop but like checking things out), but quite frankly was dissuaded by the large number of issues and the 1 year warranty.
  3. LunaP

    LunaP Dame Ningen

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    I'm not sure if that was a joke or not but you basically answered the question... However in the event you are actually asking the answer is that they're "technically illiterate" Because that is what I stated as one of the reasons as to WHY someone would buy it. Are you even reading the responses prior to responding? It helps, though if you are and still serious then option 2 is definitely the winner here. Proper conversations/debates require some form of intelligence to work.

    Correct but you could definitely find something cheaper that performs better, with less issues.

    Not enough information here to state whether or not you only googled for a few hours or not. However given your first question asked, I'll let @D2 Ultima expand on the last part so he can break it down to an easier understanding.
  4. bradleyjb

    bradleyjb Notebook Consultant

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    No joke, just a question. That's not really an answer by saying what I wrote doesn't exist or because it doesnt conform to your definition. But if that's what you believe, ok. I have a different viewpoint - I believe myself to be technically literate (more than just slightly), and I wanted one. I also don't believe myself to be unique in that at all based on some of the posts I've seen by owners on various sites. But if by actually *buying* one that makes someone "technically illiterate" by your definition, then there wont be much to discuss or understand further on that and we can agree to disagree.

    Edit: BTW, If by technically literate, you mean like an Electrical Engineer, than I agree that I am not. If you mean "knows his way around a laptop/desktop computer and can dismantle one, and put it back together" then I think I qualify.

    Not sure what you mean by this? Googled what? About other 14 inch laptops with 1060s? You're right - I didnt spend a huge amount of time on this because I had the 2015 Blade, so was going to have to be something really compelling for me to switch.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2017
  5. LunaP

    LunaP Dame Ningen

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    Again you didn't read what I said, so at this point I'm putting you at option 2) being aware but not wanting to discuss it. That or you're trolling, because I refuse to believe you lack the intelligence to understand a simple sentence.

    Impossible if you don't even know what you're agreeing to disagree on, if you can't comprehend the fact that someone can buy something without knowing anything about it then the the conversation itself can't continue. You keep changing up words and definitions instead of reading what was put out, so clearly something else is up.

    Good day to you kind sir and may common sense find its way back to you.
  6. bradleyjb

    bradleyjb Notebook Consultant

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    So either I'm trolling (I've never done that), not intelligent (I dont think so), misunderstood (I'm human) or your intent isnt exactly clear (also a possibility). I'm not trying to be difficult, just discussing. No need for insults or degrading this thread right?
    alaskajoel and Makyura like this.
  7. mva5580

    mva5580 Notebook Geek

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    This thread is going nowhere well and at some point is probably just going to be closed.

    The initial research/information is appreciated and people should take that information and be allowed to make their own personal decision on what they choose to do or not do with it.

    You're not Mother Teresa if you never buy a Razer product again, and you're not Hitler if you pre-order the new Blade that was announced today. It would be nice if people would be allowed to do what they feel is best/worth it for their own life and not be treated so severely one way or the other.
  8. Mobius 1

    Mobius 1 Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Kinda questionable if you would still buy a blade system after all this.

    Each to their own anyways.
  9. mva5580

    mva5580 Notebook Geek

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    If you're gonna start with "kinda questionable," then don't end with "to each their own." A tad contradictory.

    You've presented your information man. Let people decide whatever they decide.
    thp777 likes this.
  10. Beemo

    Beemo BGA is totally TSK TSK!

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    Like I said in my previous post, @minliantan, @Razer, @RazerCS, @Razerfanboys and people who patronize eRazer products are far beyond help. :rolleyes:
  11. bloodhawk

    bloodhawk Derailer of threads.

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    They are actually advertising their Blade Pro and the Stealth + Core combo , as workstation replacements for 3D Professionals.
    All I can say is - WAT?
    LunaP, _deadbydawn_, iunlock and 2 others like this.
  12. iunlock

    iunlock 7980XE @ 5.4GHz

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    Haha this is getting comical. Great read. It was quite entertaining I might add.

    There are just some things that simply don't make any sense, whether people have their own opinions of it or not.

    (Rhetorical question of course) - Who puts a petty 6700HQ in a $4000 laptop and calls it a workstation? Like seriously....

    To pay for one is even worse. Let alone with the cat out of the bag with all the truth behind the rubbish components used.

    Just incredible....
    _deadbydawn_ and don_svetlio like this.
  13. don_svetlio

    don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.

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    This summarizes it pretty nicely
    LunaP, CedricFP, TheChang and 7 others like this.
  14. CSHawkeye81

    CSHawkeye81 Notebook Deity

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    Wow after reading this while having my coffee it made me glad that I ended up not keeping that Razer 14 and getting the Alienware 13R3. I knew there were some issues when I burned my finger touching the power adapter after playing the Division for an hour.
    don_svetlio and Beemo like this.
  15. don_svetlio

    don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.

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    I think the guys over at Razer haven't figured out that you can't cheat Physics - if you cram 165W worth of 80% efficiency PSU itno small brick that produces 35W of heat and can't dissipate it properly due to being passive then you end up with with a surface that, after an hour, you can start following the recipe for an omlet with.
    hmscott, ThePerfectStorm and Beemo like this.
  16. _deadbydawn_

    _deadbydawn_ Notebook Evangelist

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    i feel like this is the new trend anyways, like a ton of hardware companys call any sh1t-box they put out there "desktop replacement" or "workstation". and the not-so-tech-knowy people are all like "godmode activated" (more like buymode ;-) ) thinking they get a gold-sh1tting machine for their money, ending up with something that 1. is clearly nothing near a d.r. and 2. if they really DO pack a better kind of cpu in there, the thermal/cooling-situation and overly exaggerated volts the manufacturers pump into those chips to guarantee stability, needs such a bad cpu-undervolt (which a non-tech-knowy is super pleased and fit to do) before you can even edit a damn textfile without roasting the table the device is resting on xD haha
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
    Mr. Fox, hmscott and don_svetlio like this.
  17. ThePerfectStorm

    ThePerfectStorm Notebook Deity

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    @Mobius 1 and @D2 Ultima - great job guys, well done in calling them out on it.

    @Papusan and anyone else reading the MSI GT73VR owners lounge know about my disdain for Razer, and I totally agree with what has been said in this thread - their products really are crap. @iunlock nailed it when he asked the question of who would put a 6700HQ in a US $4k+ laptop and call it a workstation - the answer is no one with a brain, or a bunch of con artists.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    D2 Ultima and iunlock like this.
  18. Mobius 1

    Mobius 1 Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    It really is poor value when every other gaming laptop that cost less can be bought with an HK cpu to increase the lifespan (more CPU power).

    They also sell their own eGPU 'razer core' which will be bottlenecked by slow CPU in the future.
    ThePerfectStorm likes this.
  19. ThePerfectStorm

    ThePerfectStorm Notebook Deity

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    Yeah, there really isn't a reason to buy it - people want a light 1080 laptop - ASUS G701, people willing to deal with a bit more weight - MSI GT73VR and, of course, for people like @Mr. Fox and @Papusan and all other BGA haters, the P870.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    _deadbydawn_ likes this.
  20. Mobius 1

    Mobius 1 Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    The 17R4 isn't actually that heavy compared to the Blade Pro 2016, and comes with better cooling and higher TDP GTX1080.
    iunlock and ThePerfectStorm like this.
  21. ThePerfectStorm

    ThePerfectStorm Notebook Deity

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    The Razer Core is not of much use when it can only be used with stuff that is already CPU-limited (Stealth, Blade and Blade Pro). Most useful to prolong the life of non-razer laptops that can be made to support it.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  22. don_svetlio

    don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.

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    Additionally, if people want to obsess over thinness - Aorus x7v6 - 2mm thicker, no throttling, better CPU, still loud. If they repaste it - it can probably sustain a slight overclock.

    Don't tell people running an i7 7500U with a 1060 that they are bottlenecked - the rage is unfathomable.
    ThePerfectStorm likes this.
  23. ThePerfectStorm

    ThePerfectStorm Notebook Deity

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    But dat CPU heatsink fail. @Papusan

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  24. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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    Both fail. Both have a useless heatsink design. And both imitate Apple. They should merge or one of them should have been acquired. Junk is JUNK!!
  25. Mobius 1

    Mobius 1 Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Can be fixed with a small revision to the CPU thermal pad (the newer models come with this fix applied from the factory), the heatsink is fine otherwise.
  26. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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    Yes, but not all buyers fix the problem themselves. Hence... DON'T BUY. And an even a better advice. Don't use money on BGA.
    AW13R3 reviewed on
  27. Mobius 1

    Mobius 1 Notebook Nobel Laureate

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  28. thp777

    thp777 Notebook Enthusiast

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    you shouldn't have to do that with such an expensive machine
    according to you
  29. Mobius 1

    Mobius 1 Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    I really don't think we should, but reality is less than ideal.

    The new Alienwares are phenomenal machines though after you've fixed them.
  30. Galm

    Galm "Stand By, We're Analyzing The Situation!"

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    The full blade is not cpu limited with the core. It's just you won't get enough of an improvement to make it ecomonically worth it imo from a 1060. I suppose a 1080 is a nice jump but that's like a grand. (Also the Pro can't use it lol)
    ThePerfectStorm likes this.
  31. Lauski

    Lauski Notebook Consultant

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    To begin, let's get some things straight. I agree with a lot of your points and would be suspicious of many of the same things that you are -- but at the end of the day, this really isn't a slam dunk. Forums are great for feeling validated when a couple dozen people have the same issue and you can figure out a fix, but I think they're bad for an impression they can provide of what the overall actually failure rate of something is.

    On the repairs issue -- how many laptops did he say he'd made the repair on? 10? How many people are in this thread? 25? How many unique people have you seen post on Amazon, NewEgg, FB, Twitter, etc. who has an issue? Are we talking about a couple hundred yet? Now, how many have they sold world wide since their release in... 2013? Millions? (I don't know). How many came back defective? Has the rate gone down over the RB Iterations? How about compared to other OEMS?

    Point is, we don't know the answer to these questions -- and unless you're working with full, actual facts (not alternative ones like we're starting to enjoy here in America) then we don't really know anything.

    Non-debatable and I agree here. If they didn't have the ability to dissipate the thermals, then it should have a been a GTX1070. I've been thinking for years laptops reach too damn far... but it must be what people are voting for with their wallets! I keep swearing every laptop would be perfect if it just put the next "step down" in it -- 1050Ti in a Razer Blade 14 anyone?

    I think the only thing this clearly shows is that he definitely saw your post. Look, you don't know their numbers, or their failure rates and you're pushing an issue into the limelight on their social media, which is damaging to them. Of course he removed you. I don't think it clearly shows they are afraid of "truth" coming out. It's only truth insofar as you and some people here believe it to be.

    Where Razer has seriously dropped the ball however is with their farmed-out, disconnected, poor customer support. If they still did things like they had before they dropped their SanFran team years back-- we might have no problems here. Listening to your customers, fixing their issues, or at least telling them you're trying is key to a well-run and respected business.

    Myself and that poster were discussing on NBR and trying to figure out how to get his machine back to decent temperatures after his repaste went south. The truth is, that thread began as one with a much more aggressive title... something like... "FIX THAT HORRIBLE PASTE INSIDE RAZER LAPTOPS!" (Which usually is the first thing people think who have only ever used products that you are supposed to thinly apply. Many pastes have to be applied more liberally and then it presses out.)

    Now, when it got to Razer Insider and the CEO responded, I recall being impressed actually at how respectful he was -- not ridiculing of the OP. In fact, I think the OP got the same impression, changed his thread title, and even deleted some of the harsh language out of a mutually-found respect. The CEO walked the line he needed to advise future would-be re-pasters not jump in as quickly as you might on... well... every other laptop we've ever worked on... which gets to...

    I'm with you here again, but I don't know about terrible. Direct pipe contact is I think they had the right idea. Some of the best performing air-cooled stuff I've bought has that nice direct contact. Look what happens, if you polish the pipes so they can ACTUALLY make correct contact:

    I mean, wow. Looks like we have a winner on design! Especially if we can get a system with polishing + cool labratory liquid ultra -- that I'd like to see. I do still have doubts since they like to blow hot air into the display instead of via an unhindered vent. Having it get deflected like this causes the chassis and surrounding table/bottom of laptop/etc. to heat up more than it should though... which kind of circles back to your original point and maybe the key to the frustration in the thread here...

    People want a product like this, and they are so close to being able to make it... so why not do it right? And if you mess up... why not admit it, do something about it... and make it better? Who knows. I hope this response finds you well and gives you some food for thought.
    hfm and Makyura like this.
  32. LunaP

    LunaP Dame Ningen

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    Razer Engineering team (most likely Bing) - "We Underestimated science AHHHH heat rises!"
    Management - "How2sell then.."
    Product team - "Label it Extreme edition"
    _deadbydawn_ and don_svetlio like this.
  33. TheChang

    TheChang Notebook Guru

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    @Mobius Thanks for making the effort sharing this with the forum. Unlike others that have no contribution than only try to shut you up or counter you with wordsmithing.

    Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
    D2 Ultima, Mobius 1, LunaP and 2 others like this.
  34. ijozic

    ijozic Notebook Deity

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    Well, it's a relatively thin and small-ish laptop for a 7700HQ and a 1060 in the first place, so expecting it not to throttle in a full CPU+GPU stress test is rather optimistic. There's always a compromise to be made in mobile computing and a weaker CPU and GPU options can be configured for those who plan to run such tests.

    For me it's important that it doesn't throttle in realistic usecases, like games. The temperatures are high there, but if you check the noise report, it says 36 dBA load average which is like super low for the average load noise values in their reviews so I presume Alienware went too conservative with the fan noise reduction via a BIOS update resulting in increased temperatures. It will probably get tweaked further later on.

    I for one like what I see there as I'd use it with external graphics connected most of the times where only the CPU would be active.

    My main concern would be the heatsink lottery as they did a review of the 15" one a few days ago and that one had a misaligned heatsink presumably as the core temp difference was rather high.

    Also, the configurations and prices in Europe are pretty bad (e.g. i7-7700HQ only comes in the combination with the OLED screen as far as I can tell which bumps the price unnecessarily).
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
  35. D2 Ultima

    D2 Ultima Livestreaming Master

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    It's not a failure rate problem. It's a "this is designed to fail" problem. You can make the arguement that "it isn't really designed to fail, it's just not designed to last or not designed for certain usage conditions" etc, but that boils down to the same thing. It's not designed to last someone through the ages, and it could have been easily prevented with a few CENTS more cost per unit made (in all cases; the mosfet issue, the design issue of Kepler's vBIOS chips, AND the overheating M.2 slot in the RBP).

    This is a logical fallacy arguement. The majority of people who have equipment don't report on it. You're assuming that everybody who has had this issue has gotten it fixed, knows what the problem is, and has reported it. This is not nearly true. It will never be even close to being true. The facts, however, are that the ones fixing pointed out what the problem is, and what the fixes are, and that it is a cost-cutting cop-out. One which they attempted to silence when asked for comment about it (not being insulted, or having harsh language used, but being asked for comments with the video about the issues posted). That, is damage control. Damage control is only performed when some sort of screw up happens. If those things were false, they could literally have replied and said "no, we've changed this and that and we have services now in place for this and that in case users encounter issues, etc". But they did not, because they do not, and don't want that public place to see it. This is why the posts were not only deleted, but @Mobius 1 BANNED from the page. You don't ban somebody accidentally after deleting four questioning posts without malice in them and then say you had any other reason other than "I don't want people to see this because we have no answer for your questions that will let us save face".

    I can't agree. The notebooks' designs are at fault too. Heavily at fault. Their support just makes it that much worse, especially for the non-extendable warranties and the ridiculous price premium.

    I remember what he said. There were articles about it. He laughed and said it was because they use "special" thermal paste that is better than the rest of the industry, and that using "normal" pastes like IC Diamond weren't going to cut it. And basically that he learned his lesson, don't try to improve on what they've done. As for the OP, he was literally attacked by every single Razer cultist and made fun of. He deleted his harsh posts toward them and toned down his statements, because he decided that being harsh was getting nowhere. He mentioned much later that he DID fix the issue, and realized why his repastes were not working well (needing a kind of paste designed not for flat surfaces like ICD, but for bare heatpipe contact), not "well our paste is best" like they said.

    The CEO could have simply said "traditional pastes don't work for our cooling design, you shouldn't try to change what we did" and it would have gotten across so significantly better that it'd have been respect-worthy, even. But that really wasn't what happened. Lies, marketing or otherwise, especially from a CEO, are always bad. Especially in this context.

    And this leads me into the next point...

    Direct heatpipe contact is *NOT* best. Not for such thermally dense scenarios like a mobile GPU or bare CPU die. The best would be a vapor chamber, which as you will notice the RBP does use... because it's NECESSARY for that 1080N (TDP crippled as it may be) to use it. They should be using it for their slimmer models in the first place... and if engineered well, they could use Liquid Ultra thermal paste too. It might ACTUALLY get their laptops into something resembling a product that can at least hold stock under simultaneous load. But nah, their "premium" product would cost too much to make then.

    And as we've said earlier, having to do aftermarket work on a heatsink is terrible. You don't need to do it for ASUS, you don't need to do it for MSI, you may or may not need to do it for Clevo depending on if you get a good one (and cannot do it if you have their P870DM3 grid heatsink as it's a vapor chamber contact point as well) but even with a bad one it could be replaced with a working model entirely so the design isn't really the issue, and you don't need to (except for this current generation) do it for AW. In fact I refuse to recommend the AW models this gen because you need to bend the heatsink for proper contact as well as adjusting thermal pads etc... which means I will never recommend Razer if that is required as a standard.

    Even with Clevo who generally needs thermal pad adjustments (which I do dislike that is necessary for best cooling, but I digress) can have machines sold with said thermal pad arrangements done already, like from @Donald@HIDevolution or @John@OBSIDIAN-PC (who also delid those Kaby Lake desktop chips and apply CLU for free).
    This is the final nail in the coffin. I'm going to be bloody honest with you. If they added even 0.1" and 0.3 pounds (I'm being GENEROUS; it could require less) to the thing, added vapour chambers to all their models, used better paste like liquid metal and engineered the heatsinks so the contact is good enough that it never runs out, maybe add a second and third M.2 slot, add quality of life features like ability to turn off trackpad, etc, un-solder the RAM and support better RAM on the mobo, fix their mosfet and cooling subsystem issues? Then it would be a respectable small machine. I would still not consider it a good primary machine for myself or anybody that wants real performance or overclockability, but I wouldn't be tumbling head over heels to make sure people don't waste their money if they mention they want a razer.

    When they want to make a good laptop, we'll talk. This goes for ANY device and ANY company. If you're making bad products I'll recommend alternatives that are better for similar prices if available. If you're making bad products and overpricing them, and silencing people where you have reach to do so if they ask you for comment about these issues? Welllll then. That's an entirely different story. And it returns me to my original conclusion: I feel nobody should ever buy a product from such a company.

    Note what I am saying? "If they improve" is key. If they actually try to make a good product. Not what they've been doing here. I'm extremely fair... but that means that the worse a person or company is, the more harsh I am. It's their fault, not mine. I have no feelings or brand loyalty. I deal with everything as-is, logically.
  36. ThePerfectStorm

    ThePerfectStorm Notebook Deity

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    Absolutely agree with you here @D2 Ultima - Razer are so focused on getting their laptops thin and light that they compromise on the most critical aspect of notebook longevity - thermals. If people still buy their crap after having this knowledge, well, they are screwing themselves over.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    Papusan and don_svetlio like this.
  37. Lauski

    Lauski Notebook Consultant

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    On the MOSFETs: didn't the guy in the video say it had a 2-3% or 2-3 degree C better tolerance? Not sure how much of a difference that would make. Yes and yes on both other points.

    On the logical argument: I never ran off and said the inverse is true. I said we don't know is all. We don't have the data. Razer does. And if we make our points known in a way that doesn't get us banned, then I think we start to have a chance with advocates like you and Mobius who are willing to try to make a change.

    Support Team: No yeah, I am with you there are faults with the design. Not just the feedback and support. I mean, the rest of my post goes on and you see several comments pertaining to things we know should be better. It'd be a great start to get improvements and suggestions in to start a proper conversation though is all I meant.

    On the CEO & Paste Choice: Yeah I know the frustration from that notion. It was frustrating to me too. We have seen these pastes tested again and again and know with the right design they really do amazing things. Though, please note, I even left doubt at the end that due to their design... heat being "removed" from the CPU/GPU may just heat the laptop up all the same since they vent into the screen.

    Vapor Chambers: You are correct here. I have not even considered the RBP nor any laptop with a newer cooling system like this. At least not in my price point. Let's say even that they could cram it into the same format... well, would that up the price? Be a fun decision to get to make as a consumer if you could choose.

    On Silencing You Guys: I know. And I know it sucks. My hope is that we can be heard in a way that doesn't cause him alarm to where that happens again. But you know, I still give you guys credit-- give you the nod, because he's aware now if he wasn't. Maybe he'll take the time even to see what the deal is, a chance to make the product better. I guess I just hate to see it have to come this for any consumer with any company.

    And gotcha on your closing point too. Agree.
  38. Galm

    Galm "Stand By, We're Analyzing The Situation!"

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    Btw Razer is not selling millions of units. They don't make the big lists. I also see pretty much every brand including Clevo more often than Blades.

    Pretty much only Apple can sell a high volume of 2000+ dollar machines.
    Papusan and don_svetlio like this.
  39. D2 Ultima

    D2 Ultima Livestreaming Master

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    Don't know, I would have to watch over the video. I saw it weeks ago if I remember right; haven't re-watched it to hear exactly what was said about them.

    I didn't say you did, but what I inferred you said is that it's a weak point since our sample size is so small, and you wanted to know of other reports. I was saying that it's impossible to get a full look at all the data, so disregarding it doesn't make sense. It's not a freak accident, and the cause was determined, so it should be safe to assume that it's a constant thing.

    The thing is, their price is ALREADY high enough to include all those quality of life improvements. In fact, a vapour chamber would be the single most expensive upgrade for the smaller units, and the design of it probably would be a hefty (once-off) chunk of the price. They are selling $1900 for what I could get for $1455 in another notebook (though 15")... with a better screen, better cooling, more I/O, unsoldered RAM, etc. In fact, the RAM itself is better because it's 2400MHz and not 2133MHz as they're selling. If I wanted to spend $1900 on the same $1455 machine, I could get an upgrade from W10 home no recov media to W10 Pro with a USB key, an extra 1TB 7200RPM HDD, an upgrade from a 256GB NVMe drive to a 512GB one, an upgrade to a 120Hz panel, an upgrade to 32GB of 2400MHz RAM, and a less problematic wifi card. I mean... they could add another one or two M.2 slots, socket the RAM, design and toss in a vapour chamber, adjust the cooling subsystem, change the mosfets and VRMs on the system entirely and STILL not spend an extra $440 USD per unit.

    There's really no contest.

    This is the whole point, actually. It's that they saw it and manually decided "silence, hide, get out of visibility". They didn't decide "talk about it, investigate, take responsibility". It's not that the CEO didn't know. He APPROVED it. CEOs don't just have a company screwing up their products behind their backs without knowing anything.
    Papusan and don_svetlio like this.
  40. Lauski

    Lauski Notebook Consultant

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    We're good then here. I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't trying to just flip it around on you. We don't know what we don't know. Although @Galm sounds like he's familiar with units they move, so the percent of defective could be higher than I initially thought.

    Yes... I still have my Clevo too, big fan. This remains one of the biggest mysteries to me of Razer. The price. Apples to apples it's almost nuts. The only data point I can add is that their price used to be really insane and I think it lines up after they closed that California office to some extent, moved things overseas... the price did drop. Probably around the 2014/2015 model if I remember right... maybe their markup is just really high. Who knows what influence their investors have for expectations.

    I know... and that's what I want too... that's why I keep talking about missing proper support, feedback team, etc. to get our concerns heard. Did you honestly expect "talk about, investigate, take responsibility" when Mobius splashed these points as the first post on whatever social media it was that Min-Liang was announcing something?

    Please, read this twice, most important: I don't agree with how you guys did it, but I'm on your side, and I hope you bring about a change on the short-comings of the machines.
  41. D2 Ultima

    D2 Ultima Livestreaming Master

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    Most gaming notebooks move in the hundreds or thousands of units, rarely millions. If you're considering TOTAL laptop sales? Millions easily happen. But this is worldwide total including many throwaway-priced notebooks like $500 or less. Parents buying for kids and wanting to be cheap but get something, people looking for a cheap work unit, people just not having much money, etc. All sorts of reasons!

    No no, you seem to misunderstand. He made a post stating how people laugh when they "innovate" (excuse me, retching) and make new things that "change the market". On that post, 50+ comments down, @Mobius 1 made a post asking about an issue that plagues their laptops. Then, some time later, (many more comments down the line) he made a SECOND post asking about other issues (that were mentioned in the video, and I believe he linked the video). I replied to it, adding on the BSOD from 2016 RBP issue due to bad cooling on the second NVMe drive they want to RAID for people. We got no responses, so the next time he made a post, mobius posted a question about those things again. As he said he was first; it was not lost in a sea of comments. He wanted a comment on those issues we brought up. The response was to ban him, and delete all previous comments made by him (and the one I made in relation to his). We did not witch hunt, or attack him. There really isn't much proof unfortunately because I didn't think to screenshot our questions, however we did not go in saying "you suck!" or "wtf is this?" or anything even close to that. You'd simply have to take my word on that.

    And I'll go so far as to say that you would not ever see a change in the machines because of this. There's too many people who don't care. You want change to happen? People need to use their wallets to say "you can't do this, I'm not buying it". This means reviewers need to do it. Look at how many cover-ups there are. Notebookcheck's Razer Blade late 2016 review doesn't even have thermal/stress testing. They do this on notebooks in the class of the XPS 13, even. Someone said that they stopped doing it because another review lacked it, however the GT73 Kaby Lake refresh had it, so it means they clearly didn't stop. They simply didn't do it, because they would have to tell people that the machine doesn't do what it says it does, and thus can't rate it high. Until people actually start talking about and pushing these things, nothing will change.
    Lauski likes this.
  42. Lauski

    Lauski Notebook Consultant

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    +1. Thank you for explaining the full situation. It really helps and you know, I think this thread is better for that.
    D2 Ultima likes this.
  43. bloodhawk

    bloodhawk Derailer of threads.

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    To add to this, a perfect example of the reviewers being skewed or bought out - Dave2D . His RBP video didn't even mention benchmark scores, let alone comparisons with other similarly specced laptops.

    And same with 90% of other reviews out there.
    D2 Ultima likes this.
  44. Mobius 1

    Mobius 1 Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    I'm talking with an independent supplier if LHz can get a returned Blade 2016 SKL/1060 for review.
  45. Eason

    Eason Notebook Virtuoso

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    it's always mystified me how people say Dave2D is the best video reviewer out there. He has good production, but the content often completely misses the most important points. MobileTechReview I think is the best, though not perfect.
    D2 Ultima and bloodhawk like this.
  46. bloodhawk

    bloodhawk Derailer of threads.

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    Yeah Lisa is pretty good for general consumer reviews. And most of the reviews that I watched of theirs are pretty good.
  47. Galm

    Galm "Stand By, We're Analyzing The Situation!"

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    The big boys like MSI would move that much even. I highly doubt Razer sells more than a few hundred thousand and I would hazard a guess closer to one. They got a big boost from being in the MS Store I would guess, but they are still far far too expensive. Even when my friend was at rich kid college working IT he only saw a handful. (Windows dominant school too)

    Not sure where the Stealth figures in, but I kinda give that one a pass. It's pretty good for what it's supposed to do (not be under full load) and is well priced compared to Dell offerings. Still I've only seen two in the wild.
  48. D2 Ultima

    D2 Ultima Livestreaming Master

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    Nah, I still don't think millions each year for gaming lines even from MSI or ASUS. Hundreds of thousands is where I would stop at. Gaming laptops are too niche to sell millions a year.

    There is something to be said about "premium" machines though. They always sell less than garden variety, but then they should actually be premium.

    Sent from my OnePlus 1 using a coconut
  49. Galm

    Galm "Stand By, We're Analyzing The Situation!"

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    No I was implying only the big boys would move hundreds of thousands meaning Razer is less sorry.
    D2 Ultima likes this.
  50. D2 Ultima

    D2 Ultima Livestreaming Master

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    Oh my bad lol

    Sent from my OnePlus 1 using a coconut
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