Ya you can tell i need IS on my handheld haha
Now if I had my dads EOS 1ds Mark II I could take some pictures! (guess I would just use the 16-35mm wide angle lense)
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
I need to meet your friends! haha
I pay for all my own toys -
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
Which is why I have not tried to obtain the 4870's for my M17x yet haha, no job this semester. Is also why i have not tried to sell my GTX 275 SLI from my desktop for 2x 5870's yet (they are so cheap I cannot believe it!)
I would be very satisfied with your m17x scook haha
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
I am satisfied, does not mean I can't be tempted by the newest and shiniest!
That is true, I'm pretty jealous of the m17x and I'm pretty sure I would have bought it if I had the money, xD.
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
Well I had an OCZ whitebook, same as the M17, and sold it to buy this. Having an income during the summer is dangerous haha
all that money just going into the bank.....summers are good for my toys -
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
I disagree, that is fancy
Nice setup! -
At the very least, it is way better than my s**ky setup.
pham1295, I like your white PS3.Man, I just wished my fat PS3 is white instead of black.
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
I am tempted to try rotating my 2 monitors and linking them together into one big virtual monitor, but that bezzle down the middle is keeping me from it - guess I will HAVE to get a 3rd monitor...lol (jk)
I am considering a good monitor stand though that can take 2x 24" monitors well. Any recommendations? -
Crappy phone pic. My room covered in paper
FYI, the desk is covered with post-it notes just below the keyboard, it's not dirt or anything stupid.My 8510p is also under the paper. Maybe I should tidy my desk before I take one of these pics next time.
That's usually a very good thing.
Heh, thanks.
Had AutoCAD up the the big screen, peeking at NBR (auto reload) occasionally on the right.
Nice Pham!
Figured I might as well post up my college dorm now.
The first four pictures show my setup:
I've got an original ASUS G2S-A1, Logitech MX518 mouse, HP C3180 printer, and the rest is there for you to see.
The last one is...my roommate's side of the room.
By December, I hope to get a 37" TV in here and the special edition CODMW2 XBOX360.Attached Files:
Jayayess1190 Waiting on Intel Cannonlake
Hello all, I'm new to these forums. I've been scanning through both threads and love quite a bit of what I seen.
First off, I seen in one of the pics (long time ago) that someone was using a Northgate 102 keyboard. I used to have one of those (bought it at a garage sale cheap) and later found out that people pay more than $100.00 on eBay for it. I'd rather have the cash than the keyboard, so I sold it to someone who needed it more than I did. It sounds like that people are a fan of those because they're virtually indistructable, probably much like the old IBM ones are (mechanical).
I haven't got time right now to post my desks (yes, desks) here at home right now, but since finding this thread, at work today I snapped some pictures. (Cellphone camera, but it'll do). I've got some old ones to compare with for some of the pictures. When I get the time to clean my desks a little, I'll gather some pictures to show off on here.
As with the amount of computers I own, I think I take the cake. I guess I have more quantity than the amount of processing power in just one machine. My fastest machine is only a P4 HT 3.0GHz. I'm happy with what I have, for now.
I spend about an hour or so (at least) in the server closet at work per day. Where I work, my job title doesn't describe me as a tech full-time, but in my spare time from my full-time work I do computer maintenance. I don't technically have a desk with a computer to sit at, so I sit in the sort-of uncomfortable server closet to do my work. Be it website work, computer repairs, Word/Excel stuff, etc.
If this room were up to me, a lot would be changed. I would invest in some sort of a rack setup so that this would all fit together better. I don't agree with the one rackmount server sitting on that huge angle. When I started working there, the other tech guy (I'm kinda the secondary tech guy) told me that the server kept blowing out hard drives. I was like "and you wonder why". It's still like that to this day.
I'm trying to fix things with their network switches / patch panel so it's better to work with. I've helped tie up some of the cables so there's not so much slack going onto the floor, and I've only started the other week (again, on my spare time) to start finding out where each cable goes. Eventually, I want to use the Comcast cable ties with writeable surfaces instead of masking tape. I've got about 1/2 of the wires figured out.
Onto the pics:
2 old beige Dells in back...retired systems that still work. Laptop on top of them...co-worker's laptop I'm doing maintenace on. Silver/black case to the slight right of that...their 16-channel DVR for their cameras. Laptop in the center...my own personal machine (since I don't have a computer desk with a computer there). Beige desktop machine beneath LCD...their voicemail (which is an antique 486 with special software).
Very bottom shelf, it's holding their slanted rack-mounted server (a big no-no), a tower server, and a hard drive unit. I believe the big white box mounted to the wall (next to the tower server) is their modem for their internet. Oh, and that's my chair, that uncomfortable stool thing.
3 battery backups...the big black boxes on the wall is for their networked telephone system...Amp on the top (very high) is for their P/A system. On the slim shelf, in the back, they got an iPrism (web filter), Sonicwall firewall, 4-port KVM switch, some little box for on-hold for their phones, and another small little box for their P/A system.
A couple of their network switches and patch panel. (Complete mess of wires). Showing the 3 stages of when I took pictures since I started working there (this is not all in one day, this is over the course of several months, such as you can tell the CRT we had in there is long gone [died on us] and an LCD took its' place). First, a huge mess. Second, I wrapped up some of the slack so it's not all over the floor. Third, I'm starting on finding out where each goes. (You can probably tell which stage is which just by the pictures). Most of the network requires access almost all the time (a lot of data entry over the network to the servers in there) so it's hard to unplug and plug in to sort this out during the day. I'm not an expert with networking, but what I'm doing is just a lot of common sense.
Sorry for writing so much.I probably wouldn't quote this if I were you, it's very long.
Again, I'll eventually get my personal stuff up on here.
- Mike. -
Ive seen some white ps3 on ebay. Almost of them are from China or HongKong throught. My friend got one, it comes with realy weird power connector. -
MSBKID, WOW. That's a post made with love, hahaha.
CalebSchmerge Woof NBR Reviewer
Shot of my computers in my dorm room. 3 in there. Lots of toys. Sorry about the horrible angle.
Attached Files:
@ CalebSchmerge
nice man, hopefully in 2 yrs when i go to college i can have a setup like that.
but anyways, i notice you got the z cinema speakers, im interested in them i was wondering what do you think of them? -
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
My pics I gave a few pages back were all in my dorm as well (this the bad angle on my desk lol - small room and not wide angle)
CalebSchmerge Woof NBR Reviewer
Well I reconfigured my work setup due to not having enough room on my main desk. Wish I could post my home setup, but its non-existent yet again. Sorry about the image quality and failure panoramic, but I am not a photographer and all I have is my treo.
Attached Files:
The lava lamp in the middle would rive me nuts and the fan as well.
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
Here's my new dorm setup
HP Desktop 6980, Dell Latitude E6400, Samsung Syncmaster 204b, and HP TC4200.
Picked up the Syncmaster for free at a garage saleAttached Files:
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
nice on the screen!
that is alot of water near the computers. -
thxs for reply, it will help me choose the rite speakers. -
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
[/QUOTE]Lol, I only use the spring-powered one when I have something really important to do. It's just about the most obnoxious alarm clock I could find - short of something that flies or makes you solve a puzzle.[/QUOTE]
lol my alarm clock used to fly and it did make me get up till the batteries wore down now it can lift off the table. i cant be bothered to change the battereies as it means i dont have to get out of bed hahaha! -
im starting to hate it. -
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
a little spartan haha
but we all started somewhere -
I better tidy my desk this weekend and get a better pic.
Show us your computer room 2!
Discussion in 'Notebook Cosmetic Modifications and Custom Builds' started by lupin..the..3rd, Jul 6, 2007.