Ya I haven't found anything in either of the Dragon Gaming Center programs or the SCM, and used the Fn + F7 keys as well.
Can you do me a favor and give SSE a go? I am really curious to see how it works out for you since you now have a GT70 2QE (as reported by BIOS) as well.
Also test the brightness differences between KLM and SSE. SSE was signifcantly brighter for me. I set both color profiles in KLM and SSE to test. First go KLM, and then close that program and open SSE and set the same profile again and you should see the keyboard brighten up. I think I read SSE directs more voltage to the keyboard.
Maybe that SHIFT functionality depends on some EC features that our models have disabled. All it does is limit GPU and CPU power states, just like the old GX660 did with its Turbo button (for those that still remember it) in which it enabled the Nvidia P0 GPU state (max clocks and enabled OC for the GPU).
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes try an advanced restart in windows 8 if that is what you are using.
. Well let's start:
1) My current laptop is a MSI GT70 2PE. I will have it with a 980M in January (is in Tech. Support right now). I want to buy a secondary PSU of 230W, but the laptop have the NOS 180W limitation. Are you saying that there is a BIOS update that allows me to unlock this limitation?
2) What is the difference between SSE and KLM? I really have this not clear. Should I worry about this?
3) Would I've to change my BIOS or vBIOS when I get my laptop back? Would be fine to make my BIOS to recognize my laptop as a 2QE? What would I gain with this? -
Your system is with "NOS" . With NOS = 180 watts + battery.. EVen if you use a 240 watts ac adapter you nb (haswell) only will use 180 watts plus the battery and that's it.. If you have a nb with ivy bridge proc, then you can get an ac adapter more than 180 watts. like mine.Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
felix3650 likes this. -
2) SSE is SteelSeries' peripheral managing software. Since there's a collaboration between MSI and SteelSeries regarding keyboards for notebooks and mices, recent versions of the software got support for newer MSI notebook models. MSI customizes the software to its own needs (just like it did with KLM, heavily customized and limited version of SSE).
3) If MSI's tech support is installing the 980m for you than you don't have to worry about nothing (no BIOS or EC updates). Your model already supports MSI's latest utilities so nothing will change. It was previous models (Haswell ones) that gained support for SSE as upgrading to a newer GPU changed the SKU reported by the BIOS too, thus allowing SSE to run.
It does remove the power limit imposed on both the GPU and CPU but the higher current draw does pose an overheating risk for the power mosfet circuit board (if you go too high with the OC limit ofcourse).
http://www.msi.com/support/nb/GT60-2QD-Dominator.html#down-utility&Win8.1 64
This is directly from the 2QD support pageTxordi likes this. -
Hi guys! well the only way to get in my machine BIOS is taking out ALL the drives, even the blue-ray unit, whell thats a start! Can any1 of gentech superheroes help me to get the files for my ms-1763? Bios and EC plz! i wanna try to reflash them to see if them work normal again, i have the BIOS E1763IG6.70Y AND EC: 1763EG61 V5.14
need those plz plz plz plz
thx for your time!
everythingsablur Notebook Evangelist
Well, i can say the MSI 980m vBIOS on a clevo card gonna work on the whiteboook ms-1763 with a bios update, i just installed a clevo 970m (updated with msi vBIOS) on a msi branded gt70 and with BIOS update the card works perfect (without the bios update after install the nvidia driver just got a black screen with the mouse cursor, same happens to my machine with 980mclevo with msi vbios), i guess the whitebooks doent have a good support like the brandeds, so gonna be the fix for these machines install a msi bios? a couple of users did it, i dont care about have to use a moded inf but allways gonna be better have a solution to not have to
also i fixed my bios is working fine again, what i did? remove all drives (msata raidx3+ssd backup+blueray rom) unplug the bios batery for 3 mins, turn on the machine without the drives and voila! hope can help to some1
everythingsablur likes this. -
Talon, which version of Dragon Gaming Center you are using?
So I've got my 980m installed on my GT60 2OD and ive tried using Windows nv flash but it doesn't detect an nvidia adapter and on the device manager it says that its a basic display adapter. My bios is e16f4ims. 70t and ec is 16f4ems1 ver 5.16 how do I go about this?
everythingsablur Notebook Evangelist
Now to detect our card you can flash inside WiNdows and use so shi g like GPUZ or afterburner to make sure dedicated card is being used.
Or try and flash in dos using external display so dedicated card is again used. -
I see things are coming along for everyone here
I just installed another 2TB HDD in place of the BD-ROM with a ODD caddy.
4TB of space for all my project files (tons of simulation and statistical data). For now done with upgrades. Next comes the GPU (have to wait till January though)
everythingsablur likes this. -
Ive got into the nvflash but it's saying the same thing.
No Nvidia display adapters found.
What do I do here?
http://i61.tinypic.com/2yubxi9.jpgLast edited: Dec 18, 2014 -
Download Nvflash for windows 5.190. Run cmd as admin. Change directory to nvflash folder. Make sure you have the dedicated card active (Orange light on power button) and then open nvflash in cmd prompt and it will work.
Enfluence likes this. -
Okay I've done that with the command nvflash -6 romname and it flashed it ok. restarted and it still said basic display adaptor in gpu-z. I installed the nvidia drivers and restarted and now on bootup its just a black screen going to a slighty lighter screen and repeating. What should i do now? lol
Okay solved it myself
I remembered Mr Talon himself saying he had to update his bios after he got the black screen and that worked
worked for me too.
980M registering in GPU-Z! I'll test games tomorrow I've tired myself out! lolTalon, felix3650 and everythingsablur like this. -
Also if you happened to take any photos of your mod I'm sore other users would appreciate it. The more photos everyone can provide the better. I'm sure future upgrades will appreciate any and all info to help make it easier for them.
Also can you update your system EC to latest version and then download and install steel series engine from gt60 2qe download page. I'm curious if it will also work for you. -
Can post your notebook model and spec? thanks -
Hey guys, checking back in as I finally received my 970m and worked on getting it installed today. Upon booting my laptop I immediately noticed an issue as my screen was in very low resolution with 16 but color. . I decided to reformat and start clean as I was planning on doing that anyways. Same problem.
I eventually got a nvidia driver installed which fixed the resolution issue and color issue but the card is not detected in the system (though it is clearly being used).
Additionally, when I look in service manager my Intel integrated graphics has an error that says it could not allocate resources (error 12).
I need to get some sleep now so I don't have any more time to mess with it tonight. My first thought is to update motherboard bios... but I wanted to post here before I went to bed in case anyone might have done suggestions. Thanks! (Sorry if there is lots of typos. Did this in my phone) -
Update your motherboard bios to the latest version this will most likely fix the Intel graphics issue. Which exact model of laptop do you have?
Thank you so much guys!! Really appreciate your help. I'll follow this forum and give some results when I get my laptop back
See you
felix3650 likes this. -
Just in case anyone get's a hold of a modded GTX980M MSI bios
<- wanna have wanna have wanna have wanna have wanna have
Because of ... Christmas...
That card is amazing out of the box but just thinking about the FireStrike Grafics-Score of about 12000 I assume to be possible with a modded bios...
As I already said to the OP: Thank you everyone for this great thread - it helped me A LOT during my upgrade !felix3650 likes this. -
Unfortunately I probably won't have any time to mess with it today / tonight but I will definitely update the bios and let you guys know the result!
Thanks =) -
GT60 2QD is its new title now lol. Still trying to play games on it atm but so many updates after reformatting! Having to update to windows 8.1 atm and it's just getting stuck at 82% :/
Enjoy your "new" beast -
Regarding modded vBios - I made some progress:
1. The maxwell II bios tweaker v1.36 is able to open the gtx980m bios (yay)
2. We might need a modded nvflash to flash a modded bios as nvidia added a certificate/signature check
(Both can easily be found togerher with google - just look for maxwell bios tweaker)
However the tool ist not self explaining and there is so much one could change that I'm currently still stuck at trying to find out what to change...
But with so many great minds in here we might be able to find out?
Later today or tomorrow my frist step will be to find out where that +135Mhz limit for oc via afterburner is coming from and to upp that...
Next step would be to find tdp and increase by 10-20%.
And last step is - upp the voltage by 0.05 or so... -
I updated and installed the latest beta Nvidia driver from 344.80 to 347.09 for my clevo 970m (thanks to J95 for giving me the "NVMIi" file for MSI) it works flawlessly.. I just noticed something when using afterburner and nvidia inspector, It won't overclock. In afterburner, even if I change the slider and apply the frequency, it reverts to 0. in Nvidia inspector, the sliders is gray'ed out..
View attachment 118889
View attachment 118890
Can someone please help me with this one? Before with 344.80 afterburner works but with this beta driver 347.09 it's not working.. Did I miss something when updating? thanks...
my nb is an MSI GT 16F3 - Ivy Bridge
If you become successful with that Maxwell bios tweaker, please make a guide and post the file here.. Thanks -
What I can say right now is: I was able to flash the modified bios - however I must have done something wrong because any 3D application crashed the NV-driver.
However I was able to flash the original bios back again and everything is working again... So the good news is - a modded bios doesn't really brick the card as it seems... -
Can you give me the link with johnkiss' thread? thanks -
http://forum.notebookreview.com/alienware-18-m18x/767540-nvidia-347-09-beta-3.html#post9867815 -
Seems like I'm having other things to bother than vbios tuining...
When I boot my machine with an external monitor connected the intel graphics driver is crashing. As a result the laptop display is not detected and I can't use it.
Furthermore after about 5 minutes the fan kicks in at (almost) full speed and stays there.
When I boot without the external monitor and connect it later the system still switches to the external monitor - however I can activate the internal and the intdel hd graphics driver doesn't stop.
The fan does still kick in at almost full speed.
I checked temps of CPU and GPU (nvidia) and I can't find a reason for this.
I'm thinking about flashing my machine to a newer MSI bios.
Right now I have 1763EM71 / E1763IM7.50B.
Any idea what the matching MSI Bios would be ?
Next issue is: I CAN'T disable secure boot - can someone help me how to flash anyways using winflash (I can't find it ...) -
I finally had the chance to update my nb bios just now, and unfortunately I didn't have any luck. I'm only seeing one device in the device manager and it is the HD 4000 with this error message:
"This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use. (Code 12)
If you want to use this device, you will need to disable one of the other devices on this system."
I am wondering if it would be safe to use some newer bios on my NB... I used the bios found here: MSI Global - Computer, Laptop, Notebook, Desktop, Motherboard, Graphics and more which are over a year and a half old, but that is the model of my NB.
I looked for other GT70 bios on their site and only saw ones like this: MSI Global - Computer, Laptop, Notebook, Desktop, Motherboard, Graphics and more which all have 4th gen intel cpu (I have intel 3610).
The other thing I was considering doing was pulling out he 970m and reformatting again, to see if I can get the intel HD graphics working first... and then adding them 970m...
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The HD should work by itself with the GPU pulled. DONT flash the 4th gen bios onto your system unless you want to use it as a door stop
It's either the system bios or vbios that needs to be changed.
You're right dude!! reverting to 344.80 solved my Afterburner and inspector issues!!! cool!!!
One thing I've noticed. 347.09 graphics are much sharper thoughLast edited: Dec 21, 2014Keith likes this. -
Ok - since I'm not only looking for help myself but also want to help others - this is what I found out so far:
The problem I'm experiencing (intel driver crashing when monitor connected to hdmi at boot, fan spinning up suddenly and violently also GPU and CPU temps are low (und just the fan issue if I connect post boot)) seems to be gone once I connect using good old VGA analog cable ?!
Still no luck finding the right MSI bios to flash and the right tools as Medion has locked the option to flash in uefi and also locked to secure boot (can't disable). I COULD however flash in windows or in dos as I do have a legacy option to boot.
My current Bios (as described previously) is E1763IM7.50B - any idea what MSI bios I could use and how to flash ? -
If so, I'm thinking i should pull the video card, and then install everything get windows up and running and then pop in the video card and hopefully it will detect it without screwing with the HD 4000 graphics.
Or, if you have unlocked bios, do you think I will need unlocked bios? -
Mine got an unlock bios and doesn't have any issues when going into windows.. And our generation likes the clevo bios not the msi ones... Funny isn't it? lol -
Alright I will message Svet for an unlocked bios I guess then? Thanks for all the help guys =) Hoping to get this finished up before the holiday season is over -- I use my laptop for gaming at my 2nd job =D
EDIT: So much for that, it says the Svet has chosen not to receive private messages hehe, so I guess I can't message him =(
Edit 2: Judging by https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=170312.0 it looks like he has already created the exact one that I need -- I wonder how to get a hold of him / how much I could donate to get it off him..Last edited: Dec 21, 2014 -
If he ask's more then that's the time you increase your donation to him. so there you go.. oh and post here the unlock bios version you're asking from him..
If you would like to ask some question's, feel free to hit me and I'll do the favor to you too lol
Now my nb feels like an x-box or PS4 with lots of steroids in it. I don't use afterburner yet and it's on default frequency and the fps is so fast (ultra mode) for games I play like Tombraider, Castlevania 2, Injustice Gods among us, Crysis 2, BF3 etc... I think I may have to upgrade my 3610qm to an extreme one probably by next year when price of proc goes down or if there's a sale soon. So there you go bud. I hope i gave you some information and I'm not letting you drool on how beastly the gpu is for our nb
But wait... my bios can read windows 7 or windows 8 and up if i want to change OS. that's why you ask him if he can unlock also the boot options for your nb.Last edited: Dec 22, 2014 -
The Official MSI GT60/70 970m/980m Upgrade Thread
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Talon, Nov 10, 2014.