im on it thanks
Here is the System Control Manager v2.208.1231.003. Download, run setup as administrator (right click on file) and restart laptop. -
I did play Assassins Creed and Far Cry 2 on maxed out settings with no issues at all
i´m afraid this could be an issue on all EX625. Hope it can be fixed with a driver update. -
I´m running Windows Vista Home Premium 32Bits. The one the laptop came with
it says the setup has detected no version of UFS Suite is installed. This is an update that requires a previous version of the application to be installed
I downlaoded and installed finger protector suite QL and my fingerprint sensor works perfectly.
before, do you have AIM 1chaotic? lol my screen name is jeffp898 if you wanna IM me to save forum space
im sending you a PM for gtalk
nvm it wouldnt let me says i dont have privlages -
you have to change your settings in user control to receive pms. I can't send you one either.
ill just post it then remove it real quick lol i hope you message me soon so i can edit the post and remove my email, ill wait for your message on gchat.. removed
download26, it seems we have the exact same problem... I just can't believe I'm the first one to mention this on an internet forum! It's got a bloody good graphics card (for the price) so I would assume people have tried playing games like GTA IV, Crysis and Oblivion for more than a couple of minutes! LOL.
1chaoticadult, I'd appreciate it if you could try to run oblivion since I haven't tried running the games on 64-bit it will be interesting to see if it plays. Also... i hate to ask this, but if you had time could you possibly try running the demo of The Last Remnant? Since that one gave me the error more frequently than the other games.
And just so you know, I was using the drivers that came with the Laptop, they're the ones on the disc and on the drivers page for this laptop on the MSI website. Since it's a laptop card it seems ATI hasn't updated the drivers since those were released so they're also the most current. I also was using the Catalyst version that was on the driver CD and I did try updating to the latest Catalyst but it made no difference.
This is the error I would get upon reboot-
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Files that help describe the problem (some files may no longer be available)
View a temporary copy of these files
Warning: If a virus or other security threat caused the problem, opening a copy of the files could harm your computer.
Extra information about the problem
BCCode: 100000ea
BCP1: 87F5B2D8
BCP2: 00000000
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 00000000
OS Version: 6_0_6001
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1
A quick Google of the error message revealed that it's a problem with the hardware communicating with the Drivers... Vista tells you to update the drivers... which of course are the most up to date.
MSI tech told me to send the Laptop to them because they didn't know whats wrong, told me it's an internal hardware error, but another EX625 user spoke to MSI tech support about it and they told them that the laptop has known issues with "Crysis", it's clear to me that it has issues with more than just Crysis and this could possibly be the reason they've suddenly stopped selling this laptop worldwide.
I could be jumping to conclusions (which I hope I am since i absolutely love the laptop otherwise), and that's the reason I need feedback from other 625 users. Is it a problem for a few of us or is it EVERY EX625? In which case I should have tried to return it to Newegg rather than have MSI 'look at it'. Since if it is a global problem then i'm sure MSI won't fix it... ~sigh~.
These are the current list of games (that I've compiled from me, download26, and another person on another forum) that have the same BSOD game crashing error-
Oblivion, GTA IV, X-Men Origins, Crysis (full game and demo), The Last Remnant (Full game and demo), and NFS: Carbon.
So if anyone has any of those games could you please try playing them for at least an hour and post back letting us know if it happens to you? Or if you get the error already on any of those or a game I haven't listed then please sign up and post here (I sure people lurk these forums, as did I until now). -
Could it be that the graphics card or other component overheats when playing certain games? i was playing assassins creed and saw the temps of the cpu going as high as 86 Celcius. HD 4670 will go to around 75 C.
Although i doubt that NFS carbon heats up more than far cry 2 o assassins creed all maxed out and those played fine for a long time and nothing happened.
i hope its nothing worng hardware related, but software/driver. Coz i bought my laptop from newegg but i´m currently living on Costa Rica, hahaha, so it would be kind of difficult to return the laptop. Sigh!
Also, i find kind of strange that this is some hardware problem if this demanding games play fine, while other, like NFS carbon have problems -
Yeah, at first I thought it could be because of over heating but now I'm absolutely positive it's not a heating issue.
The guy on the other forum (MSI user forums) has told me that an MSI tech support person he spoke too said that even he had a problem with playing Crysis on his EX625! so that makes it now 4 people, including myself, who gets this same error.
And what worries me is the compatibility of games we haven't tried and ones not released. I mean I freaking LOVE the laptop and it plays games like assassins creed, far cry 2 all maxed out, but if even then we can't play other games we want to, it's like we're getting only a portion of what we paid for.
Anyway, i've been doing some digging around and found a very popular website which releases modified Radeon drivers so they work with Mobility cards... If I hadn't already sent mine off then I would give some ago... Anyway, this is the webpage if you were interestted-
Although I don't know if any support the Mobility HD4670, I don't see why they wouldn't, since there are newer drivers out already for the regular desktop 4670. - = DNA ATi Display Drivers. You have to go through hoops to install on Vista 64-bit but should be able to install fine on Vista 32-bit. Give those drivers a try and see if you still get the issues. I think its related to the drivers, not hardware although I won't be sure until I try Oblivion on Vista 64-bit.
Yeah, I really wish i waited an extra day before sending my laptop off so I could try these other drivers...
When I was looking online before, I never found anything about these modified drivers so they work on Mobility cards. But JUST after I send it off...! LOL
download26, if you do decide to try these other drivers, don't forget to completely uninstall and 'clean' the ones you have been by using driver cleaner or something -
Just out of interest, 1Chaotic, have you played anything on the laptop? if so what did you run? I take it you never got any issues of course.
Alright, I'd appreciate that. Now I just hope other people with this laptop come here so they tell us their experience.
I've owned the laptop now for about a month and also purchased it on Newegg. The only thing I did when I got the laptop was to get rid of the second partition to create one large one and to change the laptop performance options to turn off the vista eye candy and resource hogging crud (along with the vista widgets), for maximum gaming pleasure.
Hope you resolve your issues, because it really is a smokin gaming laptop for the price I paid. Even the HDMI output rocks along with media center and a nice large flat panel TV. Streaming netflix vids is also a blast. I have not had any issues, so far.
Now I'm going to knock on wood and hope I don't begin to encounter any issues and begin eating my words. Good luck and keep us posted of your results, in case we encounter similar issues. -
Thanks for your input.
I have played Supreme Commander on max settings (with unit limit set at 250, I am going to try 500 tomorrow) without a slow down, which is quite a feat considering its recommendations are a 3.0 ghz processor. I have played Battlefield 2 all on max, both in multiplayer and single player without a hitch. I also played NBA 08 and Sim City 4 on all max settings (No slow down when I loaded up a previously saved game I played on my desktop and the city was full to the max). I have yet to play Civ IV ( I have the Warlords expansion). Over all a good experience in gaming and multimedia. I ran Itunes and Windows Media player simultaniously each taking their turn ripping cds ( I use Itunes for my Ipod touch and Windows Media player [lossless] for my computer) and tried playing submarine titans (an older game) at the same time, again no hitch. It did however slow down majorly when I tried running Itunes (downloading and syncing), Windows Media Player (Ripping), and Dvdvideosoft (converting video files).
Did you used the ATI Display Drivers on the driver disk? Nice another success story. I hope I'm another one.
The drivers are already installed if thats what you mean.
I also did some undervolting and brought the heat from 73 and 77 to 63 and 69 (averaged about 62 and 68).
@ For those who already have the laptop,
RM Cpu clock thing indicates average use of 1.71 ghz on one of the cores. I turned off gadgets, but what else would hog it. Did I do the undervolting right, I brought the voltages down to 6.0x 1.0000 and 7x 1.0250. -
well I'm glad to hear at least one person was able to play Oblivion. I do need to stress though that only SOME games have the problem. I could play Call of Duty IV and Lost planet for hours on highest settings and not have a single issue.
I do now remember that I was playing Oblivion with a whole bunch of mods... I'm not sure if that affects whether or not you would get the error, i'm almost positive I got the error before I installed all the mods though...
Anyone willing to try the Demo of Crisis or the Last Remnant for an hour? ^^; The games arn't ~that~ bad to kill some time on... and help see if you get the error -
Alright, Just so you know, it definitely wasn't a 'conflicting mod' issue or anything like that. I just thought maybe the 'enhanced graphics' mods I was using might have caused the error (which is, like I said before, the same error we get on GTA IV, NFS, and The Last Remnant') because it's pushing the hardware more.
Also, other than when I would crash, the game would play BEAUTIFULLY! I loved oblivion on the 360 and it seems so much better on the computer! The game crashing would mostly happen while talking to people. Also the game would NEVER crash if you left it idle, you HAVE to be moving/talking to someone, which is weird.
But now I think about it... I'm pretty sure I did have problems at first before I tried the mods... At that time Oblivion was the only game I was attempting to play and I thought it was over heating issues so I payed little attention to it and moved to a better location... then I tried the mods, and this BSOD issue happened, which i'm guessing is the same problem I had when playing with a clean install, thinking it was overheating!
I'm rambling on now... But the point is... I had the error, I think, with no mods running. I did have Shivering Isles installed aswell though, and the game was updated newest version. But I doubt that would make a differance.
Good like trying it out, looking forward to your response. -
For a short while (10 minutes tops), I saw it back in stock in newegg. In the time that it took me to freak out and add it to the cart, it was out of stock again.
:[ -
aww, theres still that tpi site available.
Not sure about these reports of crashing -
I've had this laptop almost the full month now. I've played long hours of WoW, L4D, Warcraft 3, and Dawn of War. I never crash/freeze on any of these and they play great.
I tested a little bit on fallout 3, but i didn't play it long hours.
No problems here. best laptop purchase ever. -
Thanks for the reply alphster, good to know your not having any problems with those games. but the problem only seems to be with a select few games... the ones i want to play!
Hey vaant what is the name of the enhanced graphics mod you used for Oblivion?
i can confirm the BSOD in Crysis demo after playing for extended periods of time. Im on Windows 7 64 bit with 9.6 ATI drivers. I pray to god it is a driver issue and not a hardware one.
Dam, but remember that 9.6 are ported desktop drivers, they are based on the same cores but in some cases may prove "unstable" -
The MSI EX625 Thread
Discussion in 'MSI' started by cloudbyday, Jun 18, 2009.