Do you mean the lid or something else?
Any links (picture/specs) on the GT628 would be very nice.
But if it does come with a 160M it would be a potentially very good upgrade over the 9800M GS.
Smaller (55nm), run cooler, and faster.
Hopefully it will fix some issues with the GT627 (keyboard flex-touchpad), if those two things can be straightened out the extra wait will be worth it.
If it's only a couple of more months I cold wait (maybe???)
To mjfrozenchips.
Congrats on your new GT725!![]()
Does the GT725 have any of the issues the GT627 have?
Just wondering if has the keyboard flex, and how is the touchpad?
It's 50/50 on what MSI laptop I ultimately want to buy,
I just love the performance of the GT725 but I also like the size of the GT627.
I hv GT725 and it has touchpad and palmrest problem.
Getting glossy. -
That is dissapointing to hear.
Any problems with keyboard flex? -
Nah, nt at all.
Keyboard flex isn't really a problem as it bothers some and not others. It's more of a preference thing and there IS a manual fix available here on NBR which really doesn't void warranty nor is complicated to accomplish.
The touchpad thing is a genuine problem though since I suppose it's one thing that most people dislike >.> -
Hey bro, for the keyboard flex, not a damm flex bro. Iono bout the touch pad i hardly use it. I even just turn it off. I always use my razer mambawireless/wired 5600dpi mouse. Best mouse ever created. Did you see my screenshot of my 9.4cat without overclocks? Freaking almost 10k. Im vry happy with that score man. I dont even need to overclock cpu/gpu. All i need is a laptop cooler just bcause. But i dont even need a cooler really. But yea itxwould be nice to have a cooler.
Got this email from them today. Looks like a summer release, hoping for no more delays!
We haven’t finalize the spec for the US market yet. It may available late June.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Best Regards,
Tom Ho
Reseller Support Specialist -
Wow, almost 2 more months...
OK, and the wait begins..... -
Wow amazing. Asus K series should be out in a few weeks and the GT628 in 2 months.
oldmankdude, do you know (or him, Tom Ho) if they will release it in Canada?
Seb -
Nope don't know him, just emailed asked about a possible release date for the GT628 (I'm assuming he's talking about the US).
They seem to be very open to answering any type of question however, so you could use the "contact us" link on their site to get your answer. -
So what was the answer to the possible release date?
Any news would be great! -
It was late June like I mentioned before
Also, any speculation regarding if this delay may be due to the graphics card being replaced in favor of the to-be-released-relatively-soon GT 240M or G210M (40nm)? I know I read a news article a while ago about how a may-june release was the target...
Probably just wishful thinking though! -
Is it worth waiting for over the GT 627-218US? -
Ok so now, the GT627-216US is 1275$ CND and the Asus G50VT-x6 is 1399$ CND. Should I wait another month?
Another reason to wait one more month is that after June 26th (if MSI participates in MS's program) the upgrade to Win7 will be free.
Hi Justin,
We may have 2 models of GT628; one with Intel Q90/nVGTS160M 1GB and other one with Intel P86/nVGTS160M 1GB
These items may available around early or mid of Aug.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Best Regards,
Tom Ho -
Cool but too late for me...
Man this thing keeps getting pushed back... beginning to wonder if its ever going to come out!
That's Duke Nukem forever!
I'm glad I lost patience and bought the gt627. I was fearing the gt628 wouldve come out just 2 weeks after buying my 627, but now, I'm feeling more secure. -
Damn, I was looking forward to ordering one for college but August is way too late. Crossing fingers for the Asus K51ab now...
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
From what I can gather and some E-mails to GenTechPC, it seems like the ASUS K51 AB will NOT be released for US sales.
And still no word on the MSI 628. -
Hi, i just wanted to know, is that a Backlit Keyboard featured on this laptop? It seems as it is but i see no one talking about this. So, can anyone confirm it? -
I don't think it's a backlit keyboard. Here's another picture:
That's an older keyboard model. I'm sure they will use the new design for the retail version. -
im starting to get really turned off by this notebook. i have a 1st gen
macbook pro right now 2ghz core duo with ati x1600 mobile...that i paid 3k cdn for when it came out.
i wanna sell that and get a killer 15inch gaming notebook but the speakers on this look like garbage...that keyboard and trackpad looks like . the screen is whatever, not widescreen....meh and now i gotta wait until august...but this mbp is basically ed i wanna get new notebook in june -
Speakers on pretty much all notebooks suck anyways. And the screen is widescreen...
It's the same(if not 80% the same) chassis as the GT627 so it's no big surprise as to what the GT628 is. It's basically what I call "GT627 v.2"
Same ___ different GPU
the gt725 speakers are great
have depth and some small base if equalised right, thats perfect for on the go music in my oppinion, and some guy managed to stick 2 more speakers in the 627
Lets hope the 628, has none of the 627 faults (touch wear, flex, screen crack occasionally).
This looks like a solid model though -
is the keyboard gonna be backlit??
So I was hoping I could pick this up before college, but I head out August 19th
What should I do?! -
Well if it's not a problem, get the GT627 or other notebooks. There are plenty of options to choose from and the options will only get more varied with the coming of summer.
Honestly unless they really change something to the chassis(ex: fixing keyboard flex or touchpad issues) or interior design(thermal management or something), this is basically a GT627 with a die shrunk GPU(i.e. a die shrunk 9800M GTS) on it and a black speaker grill...
You can overclock and flash the 9800M GS in the GT627 to 9800M GTS power anyways. -
I guess I should be more patient, just don't want to be screwed over when they release the GT628 a couple of weeks after whatever I get.
bumping in hopes of new information.
If it comes down to the wire I'm pretty sure I'll just go with the GT627. The improvements on the GT628 would be nice but I shouldn't kill myself over it. If I really wanted to wait until the last minute to order a laptop for college when would that be? 2 months before hand? A month or 2 weeks? -
I'd say 3 weeks to a month if you're ordering online. That way you have time to receive it, check it and fix problems if there are any.
I haven't found any new info though sorry -
Now the 218US is sold out and the 217CA also
xoticpc is still showing they have 218s. -
Rob over at RK Computers just filled me in on some details saying the MS-1651 is being updated as the GT628 and will be available in JULY:
[email protected] Company Representative
1 more month to wait. I own the GT627 now, and I supposed that the BIOS of GT628's graphic card can be flashed on mines.
Any keyboard flex on this model? -
Does the barebones MS-1651 have the turbo button as well?
I emailed MSI customer service, and they said that the GT628 won't be available 'til about mid September now, and prices aren't set...
Well let's just hope the barebones isn't affected by the (further) delay...
Msi Gt628 Delayed
Discussion in 'MSI' started by mjfrozenchips, Apr 2, 2009.