It's a signal processing app, shapes the audio to fit the sound characteristics of the laptop, so yes theoretically you'd want it.
But, an audio purist wouldn't want it in the sound chain, and it isn't when you use headphones, to keep the audio pristine.
Plus it's another load on the CPU, so if you can do without it you save some resources.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
this thread is already 11 pages long and the laptop build hasn't even started yet
Speaking of the build, it's gonna start on Monday, this waiting game is painful!hmscott likes this. -
But, you probably all ready got that all hooked up with HID -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
I will also login to my system via TeamViewer once they build it to verify everything is in orderPapusan likes this. -
hmscott likes this.
Laptop CPU's don't have a "can" over the die, so the edge of the paste when the heatsink compresses against it can ooze over and the edge of the paste can get exposed to air.
Desktop CPU's have a deformable "can" that when compressed, I believe the can "bends" and the edge of the heatsink / CPU exposed to the air might be very small - or even just bent down to the metal edge of the can touching the heatsink - with no paste showing.
I learned this trick a long time ago, leaving an unpasted edge around the CPU can so when you compress the paste/can none of the paste will ooze out and be exposed to air - so it doesn't get a chance to dry out.
I've still got desktop CPU's running on AS5 and NT-H1 after 10+ years running at the same temps
That's why I recommend keeping the Asus / MSI paste that seems to seal itself against the air exposure - setting with a hard rubbery outside skin.
All the enthusiast pastes seem to oxidize and dry out, MX4 is "the worst", ICD I guess could be put on so thick - oozing out under the heatsink - such that it could also dry out.
It's a tough call when used to doing our own desktop CPU paste to "not" re-paste a laptop CPU (bare without a can), but restraint has proven to me it's usually the best move.
Now, if you plan to unlock the BIOS, and push the power way past the original design range of the cooling system, you probably want to get all the advantage you can get by re-pasting, but that means you are going to need to repaste on a regular basis from now on, as the paste oxidizes / dries out, and temps go up.
For any "normal" owner / gamer, I wouldn't re-paste. Undervolt the CPU first, that should be enough. Elevate the rear higher than the front for convection cooling, and if the temps aren't good, return it for another one - it's rare to get a truly bad paste job with MSI / Asus.Last edited: Jan 21, 2017Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
what about IC diamond?hmscott likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
hmscott likes this. -
Maybe someone that has done a GT73VR re-paste can enlighten us as to the finer points -
As easy as a clevo. Though the other side of RAM needs the bottom half of chassis to be removed and the motherboard flipped.Spartan@HIDevolution and hmscott like this. -
I also bought my MSI GT80S from Hidevolution they have the most friendly staff especially Ted K. and Donald S, highly recommended and that Bitcoin payment option is practically sweet for Bitcoin users.
Spartan@HIDevolution and hmscott like this. -
@Phoenix - I am quite curious how you'll feel about it after you receive it - exactly how it feels ex-factory. I was curious if someone who doesn't want to bother with complexity would feel better with something like this.
Since you don't really render videos or do heavy CPU work - you should only have lots of fun either way!hmscott and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
One thing I've wanted to try, is to use a ring of some sealant around the edge of a laptop CPU to corral the enthusiast paste in a protected area where air won't reach it.
The sealant would need to solidify into a rubbery form, and not melt or deform under <100c long term temperatures.
IDK if it would be applied on the top of the die, or around the edge after seating, or both.
That might give laptop CPU's great temps with the enthusiast paste, with the long term viability we are used to on desktop CPU's. -
You can buy a tube of cheap mx4 and use it to make a seal around the diehmscott likes this. -
I'm thinking some specific RTV might work. That stuff harden's nicely, then stays in place - but is resilient to shock and movement. While still being easy to peel and clean off when you want to remove it.
Haven't a specific choice but I've used the "white stuff" for hot spots, and the "clear stuff" for other potting in low heat areas to seal it against the elements.
Oh, well, I am hoping someone that intends to repaste a laptop CPU might get interested and figure it out for the rest of us -
Maybe the barrier could simply be 2 applications of the same paste on the top of the die area, leaving an air/space gap between the outer paste ring, and an inner paste area that wouldn't dry out.
Even if the outside ring of paste dried out the inner one would stay "wet".
It's tough to do it well, and still cover enough of the die for thermal contact, leaving that gap between the rings wouldn't touch and so total thermal contact would decrease, but maybe over time the center not drying out would be worth it.
That's also not considering "icing" the edges of the CPU / heatsink mating area to seal the mating area from air. To do that correctly might require engineering a physical gap / access to apply that "icing" seal. -
Could always try.
Or maybe even the horrendous ICD to seal the edges.bloodhawk, hmscott and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
@Phoenix I would let HID test with Liquid ultra also. Maybe the heatsink have good fit on die. If so... The absolute best choice for you!!
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Then on the tape around the die, create a wall ieth silicon sealant / glue. And put the heatsink on.
Once it cures remove the tape on the heatsink end. And we have a perfect wall -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
I'm happy with it . im happy with the temps too . never went over 50c on gpu and 70c on CPU but that was on the physix section of the run .
on games on auto my GPU is 70c and CPU is 65c on 125mz core and 225mem @4.1ghz clock on CPU . i have now set a custom curve and see how it goes . love this keybaord on this machine i have to say . -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
What thermal paste are you using for the CPU/GPU
Also, can you do me a favor please and post your BIOS overclocking settings? I am interested to see what voltage and power limits you put
Reason I ask is because this is new to me, on the Clevo P870DM3 we increase the power limits very high as it's safe since the system will only pull what it needs, we put 160000
I wanna know what figures are on your system since it's overclocked to 4.1 GHz
PS: On HIDevolution's site, the max RAM speed they put for this laptop is 2666 MHz but a user here said 2800 MHz works, what do you thinkhmscott likes this. -
Here you only have 1 page of overclocking, increase the PL1/PL2 and increase the ICC of the CPU.
With svet it's almost identical to what you get on a Prema modded clevo (at least, that's what I see on the GT72S)hmscott and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
The keyboard on the 17.3" MSI machines is superb. It's part of the reason I went from Clevos to the GT70, a few years ago, and I've been with MSI ever since.
The GT73's is the best feeling board yet.jaug1337, Spartan@HIDevolution and hmscott like this. -
Everything is still standard in bios I haven't had time to have a proper play as all the overclock is done by dragon Center and all sliders on full for bench only , I.e cpu max slider is 4.2ghz and GPU 200/350 in game I put it down to 4.1ghz and 125/200 to just to run in .this brings heat in mafia 3 at 75c for cpu also goes for GPU I only use 125 clock and 200 mem on slider . But you can if you want skip dragon Center and use xTU for cpu and afterburner for GPU .
I have not took the panel off yet to repaste so it is stock paste and thus so far I'm actually happy as being only tested 1 game proper for 2 hours Mafia 3 is poorly optimised and brings my main rig to its knees so getting 75c on cpu and 75c with that mid overclock with GPU it's not to shabby and cpu is at 4.1ghz ( not full slider ) and GPU with said 125/200 with custom fan curve and I do have it on a laptop cooling pad with fan off due to it making it get hotter for some reason but being on the Targus cooling pad does improve heat circulation .
My first impressions of the machine is that I'm glad I spent the extra £500 for the 7820 and GTX1080 from the 1070 6RE that I had to return and this 7RF is also up to date with drivers and can't say the same about the 6RE with outdated August video drivers which is strange .
Your going to really enjoy this machine it's so well built and with all the problems I had with the 6RE these machines all be it BGA cpu is amazing
As it does look like in benchmarks that the 7820HK gives more than 1000 points over the 6820HK in firesteike .
In a couple of weeks I will put a review up and won't be bias as I'm the owner .
Not sure about ram mine comes with 2x16gb Kingston and can't see which ram it is as it looks like it's under the keyboard and not on the underside of the panel so upgrading to 64gb will take some work as cpuz is not giving me any clear indications what ram it is only to say it's Kingston with an Msi product number that google can't find .
Ps hope this makes sense as I've still got man flu and feel like poo and now it's 9.15 am in uk on a Sunday and left with 3 screaming kids grrrrr .. head is splitting and using my phone which don't help .Last edited: Jan 22, 2017Spartan@HIDevolution, Papusan and hmscott like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
hmscott likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution likes this.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
also the screen on the GT83 is meh, no 120hz / 5 mswin32asmguy likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Finally, the order has moved to: Pre-Production (Gathering parts)
Looking foward to seeing results was thinking of purchasing this model as well. I love the MSI keyboard but I play a game that has me spamming the 5 key a lot and for whatever reason on every keyboard layout known to man the #5 is directly the middle of R-T but for some reason on these MSI Steel Series it's shifted to the right quite a bit over the T and it feels like quite the reach I couldn't get use too lol.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Papusan likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Papusan likes this. -
Georgel and Spartan@HIDevolution like this.
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
what about the GPUs? I am not sure if the MSI laptops have tape surrounding the GPU to protect LCU from spilling onto the motherboardPapusan likes this. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Should still be fine to put LCU on the GPUs, and just apply it carefully. Shouldn't be an issue, I would think. Plus I would think that would get caught in testing if there was an issue.
Papusan likes this. -
syscrusher Notebook Evangelist
You could just let them keep the system on their bench, and get yourself a Surface Pro to use as a remote graphical terminal. It would make repair service really fast. Good luck with that VR gaming, though.Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
also, please tell me that specs that you are ordering and what RAM and what thermal paste you went with most importantly
PS: you are my new HIDevolution/MSI Gaming team friend nowsyscrusher likes this. -
syscrusher Notebook Evangelist
I wish the GT73VR was just a couple of centimeters smaller in width and depth. It would make a difference in fitting it into a bag that will squeeze under an airline seat. Stupid consideration, I know, but unfortunately a fact of life for me. I *think* I could get the GT73VR under a seat, but I'm not absolutely sure. The GS73VR will go easily -- but at the cost of performance. Existing GTX1060 version of that won't meet my specs anyway, but a GTX1070 just might.
I had a Razer Blade Pro 2016 in my hands for 11 days, and absolutely loved everything about it, until the SSD failed and I had to RMA it. Performance wasn't bleeding edge, but met my requirements easily, and keyboard and screen were wonderful. That machine is still officially on my short list, but I'm nervous about the number of people having newly-released-model glitches. If I do reorder it, I'll get it from HIDevolution for their better support.
The HIDevolution part of that is pretty much a done deal, the MSI part....still uncertain, but likely.
syscrusher Notebook Evangelist
hmscott likes this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
here is my little review of it: HIDevolution can get it for you if you wish
This is the one I got:
It is very durable, the handles are sturdy despite the heavy weight of the laptop with the charger, it doesn't feel like the handles are going to break if you hold it from only one of them. I have walked in light rain as well while having the backpack on and the laptop wasn't wet so that's another plus point.
Speaking of storage, you can store your entire room in there (not literally) but you have so many pockets / sections it's super roomy and convenient.
PS: It costs an arm and a leg but hey, it's the best out there and this beast deserves nothing but the best. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
We will also try Liquid Ultra if the heatsink makes good contact with the CPU because Mr. @Papusan said once you put liquid metal, you don't need to worry about repasting since it lasts very long -
syscrusher Notebook Evangelist
Some of the under-seat spaces are really cramped, and on commuter flights it's common to have the airline deny you anything onboard that's bigger than a briefcase. They jetway-check larger carry-ons at the departure point, then you stand in line while they bring it to you as you leave the aircraft. It's more secure than a full check-through, but it typically delays you getting from aircraft to terminal by about 10 minutes.
Airline travel is a curse unless you can afford first class.
BTW, I looked at the Everki bags in a store last weekend, and I totally agree with you that they're of superb quality. My current backpack was bought from the gift shop of Via Rail Canada and has served me very well for 3 years, but it's too small for the GT73.Spartan@HIDevolution likes this. -
MSI notebook order thread: post your orders here
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Jan 19, 2017.