So only the WSXGA+ screens are being held up? I thought that both were. Thanks for clearing that up.
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
However the first WXGA shipment fell short of filling all of the pre-orders, but a much larger shipment will be arriving next week. -
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
**** it!! I got the high res version.. So what dates did you get donald for an ETA for that one
i just feel that this laptop will break on me in 1-2 years
it looks like my old laptop and kinda feel that the plastic will break with some crack line on the surface
He doesn't have it, he's not sure which one to buy yet.
Ohhh alright. Don't scare me!
It looks okay to me... and resellers have said it is very solid. -
Someone broke into my car and nabbed my IFL90 while I was moving.
I really loved that laptop!
Well it's here...arrived at my department's office late this afternoon! I am currently in the process of installing XP and Ubuntu right now. The bad thing is that I'm unbelievably tired but I hope to play with it a bit before I pass out. So far so good!
Uhm, like I said, I guess I am the guinea pig so ask away. -
@ v1k1ng1001,
How does the keyboard on the laptop feel? Is the numpad good?
The wifi? How is the build quality of the laptop, does it feel cheap or well built? -
The MS-1651 has this huge vent on the side. I'd like to fire up TF2 and see how it compares to my Compal IFL90 which would sometimes become very hot while gaming and the GPU would drop the framerates to compensate. -
Thanks for providing those who are waiting for their 1651's to come in with some early information. -
If you have time... a review or a first impression on everything
this will be my biggest investment for a laptop.. -
Viking, if you have time (and the desire), run a benchmark like 3dMark06 and give us your specs so that we can have some numbers to mull over while we're waiting for another 3 weeks on ours with the WSXGA screens. Thanks.
Got any more information that you can give us today, viking?
let him sleep or work alright
and if possible, could we please have some hwmonitor temps (idle/web browsing and after gaming)
Anything? Has anyone else received their 1651 yet?
what happend to viking
Oh, I'm having problems installing the XP drivers for VGA, wireless and bluetooth. I sent an email to tech support and I'm waiting to hear back from them.
In Ubuntu everything is functioning except sound (to be expected) and wireless (it finds the intel card but no drivers are available). The wireless has me a bit worried because normally Ubuntu installs the Intel drivers without any hassle.
The keyboard feels a little cramped but I guess that is because I've lost an inch and half from what I've been using. I'll get used to it eventually. The left shift button is kind of a pain in the butt but I'll eventually catch on to that as well.
So far, so good. I just need to hear back from PNB about the drivers situation because the cd they sent me isn't working for the aforementioned devices. After that I can fire it up and provide more feedback. -
Oh man that sucks about the ubuntu wireless. One of the things I wanted to do with the laptop was use ubuntu... Please post any updates you have with it, and how you get it to work
[email protected] Company Representative
Last we checked the same happened here for ubuntu, there are no drivers available for sound or wireless. Did you check the intel site to see if they yet posted the linux wireless drivers?
For the sound you may find the linux driver here:
EDIT: Just checked the MSI site, they posted the XP drivers. They were not up a few days ago, you can find them here: -
To my knowledge, Intel does not officially support linux drivers for its WiFi cards, and the iwlwifi modules were reverse-engineered. I might be wrong. In any case, you may have to compile the latest unstable release of iwlwifi, which has support for iwl5000. -
Any news from resellers?
Has anyone else received their WXGA screen 1651 yet?
Information is always welcome. -
I'm loading up some TF2 right now so hopefully I can play after work tomorrow. -
If you have time, can you let us know later how it went? How temps were? How it felt?
As someone who has his eye strongly on the MSI 1651 barebones, I would be very interested a few thing.
1) Build Quality
2) Noise (idle and when gaming)
3) Heat (does it get too hot?)
4) Stability (does it randomly crash, etc...)
Enjoy your purchase! -
after some TF2, an update on how warm it runs would really be appreciated.
Enjoy your new rig -
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
Was anyone else just asked to contact Xotic? I can't call them right now so I'm wondering what it's about.
What/who told you to contact them
hopefully it's not another delay. If it is, I may cancel my order. It's really getting old, and extremely annoying -
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
Sorry guys, it was something to do with my specific order. Sorry to worry everyone. It's taken care of.
Back to the waiting... -
Praying that the "estimated date" is on target. Though I'm not sure how long it will even take after that. Do the screens arrive at MSI and then ship to reseller? Or do the screens go directly to the reseller to build everything out?
Anyone have a reasonable estimate on how long things will move along if the screens do get in tomorrow? -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Ask your reseller...they are the only ones that can tell you specifics about your order.
Reseller's can no longer make product announcements at NBR...see the new rules at
"# Not allowed to make unsolicited recommendations or post in the "What Notebook Should I Buy" section of the forum.
# Not allowed to comment on the quality / reliability of other companies or products
# May provide clarifications in the forum in response to questions asked by members.
# Are highly encouraged to help in trouble-shooting of problems
# Are forbidden from posting any links back to their respective websites for any reason.
# The posting of product images within the forum are not allowed, including both attachments and hosted images
# Product announcements are not allowed" -
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
It seems that Xotic didn't charge my credit card when I originally ordered (on Aug 6th). The Canadian dollar has fallen against the US dollar since then. This is really quite irritating.
I wonder if this model is worth all the hassle? I'm very tempted to cancel my order as well. This is really annoying.
I have good things to report. I fired up TF2 and played for a few maps this afternoon. Compared to my IFL90, the 1651 runs cooler, quieter and performs much better.
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
Thats good to know. What settings were you able to play TF2 on? Thanks.
hey don,
quick question.
If i order this today with the WSXGA screen...
will I have it at my doorstep before the 20th? cause thats when i'm heading back to school and i want this laptop but i can't buy it if it's not going to arrive before then.
Thank you! -
Have you been able to run any benchmark programs, 3DMark, etc? If so, could you post the results? -
... now XoticPC's ETA says 9/10
I don't know what this means, but its not either of the dates we received in our update - 9/5 and 9/12.
Does this mean the WXGA screens will be delayed AGAIN to 9/10 -
MSI MS-1651 Montevina BTO Notebook Barebone
Discussion in 'MSI' started by masterbw, Jun 30, 2008.