thx mate. but i formatted & reinstalled T.T
just made a stupid mistake...reinstalling again now.
deleted the recovery drive n boot(system) drive. those took around 10g.
i cannot remember where, but i did see somewhere that q9000 is a nice oc cpu...we'll c.
microsoft Silverlight...never know what it does n never tried.
Anyways... (not sure if i mentioned this before but) I'm really amazed as to how quiet this laptop runs during normal operation. Haven't really subjected to any severe CPU or gfx-intensive tasks yet, but during "normal" activity... surfing, running a movie, etc. I can't hear a sound out of the machine, neither the HD nor the fans. -
Anyone try linux with their machine yet? Once I'm done with what I'm doing, I think I'll fire up my Ubuntu LiveCD... great way to check whether all the bits and bobs work without having to install anything.
im about to try hackingtosh'ing this bad boy, but i have some how managed to use nearly 100gb already? this restricts my partitioning ability :/ (i like space
now there is a problem. when I play music and turn the volume up, some high-frequency noises appears, come from the speakers. anyone has the same problem?
like a slight rattle/distortion?
i have that... -
yes. because of not good speakers quality? i don't know how to fix it. it really disturb me
I think its when the frequency is either to high or to low, try ajust the bass, i recon it could be the Sub underneath.
yea. i have the sound problem 2. when nothing works in pc, theres a 'bi' sound from right front of laptop.
I can't figure it out. sometimes it seems work fine. I didn't heard 'bi' sound while noting works in pc until now
so thats my own problem... i reinstalled the audio driver but doesnt solve the prob as well. ill reinstall all drivers 2 have a look.
Hmm, if the advent has a built in microphone, mute in, sometimes it can cause alittle distortion, try play with equalisers prehaps, try disable bluetooth and some of the wireless eq to see if its interference of a sort.
anyone knows how to get 64 bit drivers if I want to install 64 bit Vista?
My advent finally arrived, its gota really nice big keyboard, its very very fast compaired to my usual, quiet as hell and the sound is awesome, i love everything about it, the screen is vibrant, and im suprised how much thinner it is then i would have expected
Max -
thx cata. i dont know y but seems its getting better now. n' u can change ur signiture now, haha.
if anyone formated his c:\ n looking 4 driver, can just search msi gt725's. its the same. -
Haha! yeah, finally can change the sig, as my old laptop gets crushed by this beast! its fantastic.
I think the depth of the sound is also fantastic, i haven't noticed any problems with it yet. -
nice one cata
is it official that they are discontinuing it or just rumors?
gotta get one quick
they have like 4 at my pcworld now i just gotta find some funding lol -
i guess the 'bi' sound prob is because i installed vista U while the original havnt this prob. but i already formatted the hidden recovery disk.
congratulation urs is perfect cata, haha, really love this baby.
hi,fresh, i guess thats rumor from me. coz when i get my baby from guildford, the guy in pcw told me there wont be any 6555. and i know they even sold the sample. really unusual if its not discontinuing isnt it. -
fresh prince u say they got four at your pcworld? i tried ringing them up must of got through to a main call centre not local store, said discontinued and none left. i may have to go down my store and beg, lol.
Anyone tried playing Bioshock on their 6555?
The program freezes on me if I try to make any changes in the graphics settings, and has to be killed via the Windows task manager.
If I don't touch the graphics settings and instead directly start a new game, then it freezes about a minute into the opening sequence, after the guy swims up to the water surface. (at about 1:30 in the following video: -
Danrop, you need to update the 4850 drivers. I had the exact same problem when running bioshock on the stock drivers. (it froze prettymuch around the time you get into the bathysphere). Im on version 9.2 now, and runs absolutely fine..
Avatar 76 has a really good guide, and a link to a rapidshare modded inf. you can use, i think its on here somewhere, and also in the comments on the hexus gt725 review. -
Well just a little update for all those rumours about it being discontinued.
It is back in stock at Currys and pcworld for home delivery. -
also.. seems like the same problem.. but mine was dying at about 3.20 in that video... It was also bombing out in some other games aswell though (wic and l4d), seems like a common problem with some ati cards though, it would give an error message "the graphics driver atimdag stopped responding".
however, since ive updated the drivers, no problems -
update ur video driver 2 9.2, but its not stayable. my suggestion is 8.12. maybe best for now.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys, I'll check out the updated drivers in the evening.
with regards to the home delivery avaliable at pc world that has none gone. Also pixmania do not even have the laptop on there site anymore.
I think the reason its now being discontinued is because of the new GT 725-210 UK really, i think the 6555 was just a test to see the popularity and probably to see how fast it went, From what i see though, the demand on the 6555 was dam high for it to sell out this soon to be honest.
Advent is definately the 1722 chasis, its listed on the main booklet, so MSI im definately comfortable with.
As for bioshock, it runs fluently on full settings on my 6555 and the graphics are amazing, ive played far cry 2, l4d, stlegacy and bio shock pretty maxed and im stunned by having such great graphics (moving on from the 7600go that is xD)
Im using the stock drivers so 8.12 i believe, the only thing that doesnt work really is temperature status, which i would like to be honest, so i can really check the temparatures of all components when gaming.
No keyboard flex, im already use to the keys (quite strange really as its alot bigger then my vaio's aswell as some of the smaller buttons) Screen is strange, if you stand to the side or above it its quite dark, but you sit down infront of it, its got a really nice powerfull coloured screen.
The performance in general is really nice, no jam ups, 6 second or so windows load up, shame all the ram cant be utilised in windows vista 32bit, may concider upgrading but for now it will do.
Trained the battery up asap, LOL @ the graphics power demand, i played first stage left for dead, ran down some stairs and corridor taking my time to kill zombies and my battery sank 25% in about 5 minutes, but you know, battery aint really for gaming so thats fine, did about 1 hour 30mins of pure browsing, installing + transfering files over my network.
I am very very impressed, i would stick to stock drivers for now until proper 4850 mobility drivers arrise from ATI themselves, although the modded has shown quite a heavy improvement in crysis. -
cataclysm, did you make any other changes to your graphical configuration or system setup that might make a difference, seeing as how some of us can run some games with the stock gfx drivers while others can't?
I dont know why but circulating in my head at present is the number from a driver that i recently have seen, is there an ati 8.54 control centre out? Im not currently at home but i will check and report back in 2 hours round about (travelling)
Not using overdrive, I WAS however running all tests in battery mode, it may be stupid but try unplug and run, i will be shocked if this is true.
I havent tweaked any settings, just set ATI control to advanced and had a peek through all the sections, thats it. -
I have just been to pcworld as i ordered one earlier but not recieved it yet. I asked about this model and it's availability and were told that they are now only made to order and not discontinued.
Ajm, did they give u a date when it will b delivered? I rung up pcworld this morning and managed to order one. He said it was last one. I still haven't got an email saying it has been sent thou so I presume it's out of stock.
cata, the stock driver is 8.52. tonight i will install vista 64
Hmm, i think someone mentioned they were 8.12 before wax? not enterly sure though, but i haven't noticed any drop out of games, tonight i will be pushing the advent hard though, and will keep you all informed, dont want to upgrade to the 9.2 drivers as i think there a bit tempremental right now.
Max -
Thanks max, will do that.
Edit : Cheers max, the tool does the job fine, will report temparatures, details and games along the next few hours. -
Call Of Duty 5 World At War
First Mission Full
Max Detail settings (EXTRA)
AA Set To 2 (However it ran so smoothly it should be able to eat 4 for breakfast)
GPU Max Temparature 71C
CPU Max 70C
Hard Drive Max 35C
Very impressive and even with the fans working, its still quiet, Next game Bioshock.
Played The First Few Chapters
Max Detail (Max on slider bar)
All settings except force lighting.
AA Max (Running crazily, but UT always was smooth with the engines)
GPU Max Temparature 69C
CPU 63C Max Temparature
Hard Drive Max 35C
Not a spike of lag in site, Off to shops and letting the temparatures settle a bit. -
Its funny how they let u order it in the shop but can't on there site. I wudnt b suprised if mine doesn't show up.
has anyone managed to run crysis at anywhere near decent settings yet?.... its absolutely killing my 6555....
I dont have crysis blakers but it should work nicely, far cry 2 run on max AA2 with a couple of frame skips until i activated vert sinc, now it runs fine, will
try and get hold of it.
I am now getting that strange sound from the sub, its high and annoying alright, you can flick the sub and it temporarily goes away, you can also press the wireless/bluetooth button temporarily and it stops on press, i think its interference to be honest, but it would be strange.
Ive also noticed the noise is running in sync with the hardisk read light, very strange. -
sounds odd, I havent had any problems with the sound on mine, hoping ive managed to dodge that particular bullet.
also, i havent tried far cry2 yet, but if you can run that on max, i should be able to get crysis to run on half decent settings, at the moment im averaging between minimum and mainstream.. hmm, maybe the driver update went tats up.
i guess all of us are hoping msi come up with some ok support for the 725... sooner rather than later -
Just found this... (dna 9.2 drivers with 4850 support)... could be worth a look: -
Heh yeah, i will atempt to get the Cry demo now mind you, im sure it has multicore support doesn't it? ive seen cry run on the 725 P9500 fine to be honest, maybe try catalyst stock overdrive
My sound problem dissapeared when i plugged it in mains, as i was using battery, might be somthing to do with the hardware saving power. -
I can run Crysis with the stock Drivers on pretty much everything Very High with 2XAA and it runs smooth!
I can't remember exactly what settings I have at what but next time I'm on I'll let you know, but yeah most things are on very high! -
Hmm agreed, haven't found anything the 6555 cant handle to be honest, noticed any performance drops blakers?
guys u can find drivers here
im still trying 2 figure out where the fxxkin sound come havent test any game yet. -
wesk its from the sub mate, you can play music and it will stop, make sure its on mains and turn bluetooth off, just run in wifi prehaps? other then that try run your battery down a bit.
ah...sorry 4 i didnt read the post carefully. but...what is sub? dont laugh at me. not really familar with the hardware name in eng...ill try to turn off both bt & wireless. thx mate.
GT725 with Quad core, the Advent 6555?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by platypusbob, Feb 18, 2009.