the battery bulging out is pissing me off.
i did stock 3mark again and got 10457 and 3011cpu.
also i dont think oc'in your 4850 will do much. as mine at 550/900 wont go over 70degrees while my old dell studio xps would go to 70degrees under no load(3670).
My ati 4850 goes 86C without Overclock :S i do suggest running furmark, thats the only test that truly uses GPU.
I know what ya mean about the battery, but what ya expect with this machineplus 2 hours 30 mins+ on battery saver is a bonus, i didnt expect it to last that long at all.
Fallouts running great on ultra + 2xAA i could runn in 4, prehaps 8 but i dont think its needed -
can you try 3dmark06 please?
mine seems to sort of jump every so often on gpu tests. the fps jumping and comes back down and it makes the screen jitter, is that normal or does that happen to yours? -
Hmm ive noticed this when the screen goes over 60 fps (as thats screen frame limit), im currently downloading, my con (like all) is farely slow in UK
, will let ya know soon, but i cannot recall any jumping on the GPU test.
well my nxt door neighbour has 20mb
i dont know, something the fps goes high then low and this screen the screen jump/jitter a bit. -
Hmm i get stable frame rates but it is jumpy, never had this before so its there end not ours, so dont worry about it.
With stock all,
i fixed the jumpies, i just reinstalled it.
i get 10621 3dmark and 3035 when OC'ed
played prototype, no OC, mostly 30fps on max settings and 2xAA -
Ahh nice man, did you get a chance to run ozone?? that would make me much more confident in overclocking 4850.
Fallout 3 really looks great.
My HDD is running hotter then normal :/ still green but ive never seen it at 38C before.
Its sat on 36 now though. -
im more worried about the gpu getting to a maax of 70 degrees underr load. gpu's are made to go up to 80-85degrees under load easy(all my old laptops did) and no gpu i have had goes over 55-60degrees under load. but this q9000 goes to 70degrees under load.
its either the cooling is bad, thermal compund is crap, or the cpu is made to go to that temp.
i think it may just usually go to that temperature as its a quad using 45W instead of the usual 25W so it produces more heat. plus yours seems to be around that temp too. my cpu's max at 67-70degrees between the 4.
also, either the 4850 is a really fast and cool running gpu or this laptop has good cooling powers.
wats acpi, it went tp 72degrees -
Both your temps are fine, and i see your point, alot of the time GPU isnt full in use.
I get 66C temps mostly under load, but i had it got to 70 or so today also.
Hdd is now fluctuating between 35-57
GPU is sitting at 72 when gaming, 86 in furmark (which is perfectly fine for me)
The thermal specs for CPU are 100C max
GPU 90C then it begins to downclock
HDD 60C then its dangerous
And thats pretty much it, will have to try OC the ati, but i think i need to upgrade to 9.5 first, your sure its better then 9.4?? Ive heard reports of it crashing...alot.
Im currently looking for updated matrix and intel chipset drivers.
Realtek upgrade, my speakers were fuzzy today! really annoyed me. I have been running sound at 25% since the day i get it, and occasionally turn it up to 50% and now its fussing near enough at 25%?? Or is the vibration causing something to rattle quite badly. Or its output is pushing too much base out of the tweeters and thats whats causing it. I need to find a way to separate subs to subs and speakers to trebble.
RAM usage upon start up is 22% after i've optimised.
Ok managed to up the crackling by setting to quadratic speakers (strangely, even though these are stereo)
Eq to none,rock and powerfull does good. -
wats ACPI in hwmonitor???
it went to 70degrees.
whats yours go to? -
the speakers suck tbh, the sound is poor and low compared to a 15.4" macbook pro.
how did you get ram to 22%? -
I love the sound quality, beats all the tiny speakers ive ever had, and the base comes out when set up right.
Havent heard much, but i know that the mac speakers, but i definately enjoy advents. -
which setting are you speakers on?
Quadratic, crunching seems to after a while or its the song, i dont know. :/ prehaps a loose wire? Or the audio drivers i guess but i havent been able to get hold of recent ones.
Powerful eq is very good.
Im at 100% vol with this song and no crunching which is a relief.
Hmm eq does effect it though, but 100% normally does make things crunch.
Will try run them down a bit.
I think its because its trying to push too much base out of the small speakers and not leaving it to the sub. (treble only works great on 100%) -
hmm cannot find 9.5 drivers for vista 32 :S
Any ideas? -
W7 ones work with vista?
no w7 is backward compatible, i dont think its both ways.
why would you want to install w7 drivers? -
I thought you had 9.5 on vista?? LOL
Have you tried this avivo technology? Apparently video recoding is excellent and fast. -
i do have 9.5 on vista.
whats avivo?
also does your acpi thrm get up to 70degrees in hwmonitor while the cpu is under load? -
Yeah acpi eventually gets there but its tough.
Avivo is the video encoder i think for ati, but theres a converter i think which uses GPU instead of CPU (i think this would go alot faster) -
hello lads.
you two been active since my last post.
good to see u got your laptop back cat.
who was it who said the speakers were crap?
plus only stero works unless you connect the ports to the side or hdmi.
dont belive me click the speaker icons under test.
and set it to 192k not 42k as yes that would sound bad
quad temps are indeed a nightmare (now you know why there arnt a lot of laptops with them). i think this laptop keeps keep really well. play for hours on high performance and hotish but no more than a dual core would be.
cat 9.5 drivers arnt they from that german site? i installed mine from there. may have been an old link.
anyone done the msi bios load yet?
check this link out as i know you lads wants it -
Hehe yeah man, about time, the GPU is slightly hotter in furmark which is annoing (but its stock stuff so i will definately replace)
Owais doesnt think much of the speakers but i like them alot.
I have no experience with anything over 2.1 speakers hehe, did you know we can simlultaneously run two speaker feeds in two separate speakers? I never realised this.
I like quad temps hehe, (My t2400 in my sony hits 75C lol) thermal specification is 100CMax temp for core 3 was 70C but thats quite rare, that needs repasting too hehe.
I cant seem to get to get other drivers to work, i think 9.5 detected the display driver as the same, they are both 8.56?
I would look into WD Scorpio hard drivers (blue and black) there are 5400rpm and 7200rpm models which run with noise supression technology and superb cooling. -
the laptop stopped playing dvds and blu rays after 3 days.
the case might be built by msi but the insides were assembled by advent, makes a different when you got crazy people with no knowledge of laptops making them.
im just gonna go for a refund even though iv been offered another.
the laptop is fast but i dont need it for games. the cpu/acpi getss really hot, i dont like the speakers, i dont like the scren coming from a studio xps which im going to buy again and its got next to no support. i cant have those things. -
owais i dont think from what ive read your using the laptop right.
did u read the part i posted about checking the sound settings?
its hot, u having me on...
put it on balanced or powersave, as it sound like thats what would suit you best. i only put it on high playing games.
impression im get from your posts is when i max the beast it gets hot so im going to get a lower spec one so it dont get hot? well turn the beast down a bit.
also perhaps consider the real msi model as its come down in price AND has 1080p. model gt725-810uk i think. anyway its the quad core one.
when you do get the dell one can you post your test speed comparisons as that would be interesting.
let us know how you get on. -
Cat can you enhance
"I have no experience with anything over 2.1 speakers hehe, did you know we can simlultaneously run two speaker feeds in two separate speakers? I never realised this."
do u mean the 3.5 inch jack on the side?
yes speakers in laptop are brill. most reviewers say there some of best they have heard. especially the sub. but need the tweeks i mentioned in earlier post.
i have demonstrated the laptop to people showing blu-ray movies and they are wow thats ace quality inc sound and its not even full 1080p.
i have a dedicated cinema setup £20-25k ish using the 1st 1080p dlp projector so i know ok sound when i hear it...
i would bore you with specs but i think u read thats not your area of expertiese. -
9.5 worked for me
did you read a previous post i did about how to do it as the german post put a lot of extra layers at the front that you didnt need to do.
also there is 9.6 now which gives a fair bit of game boost but waiting for someone to modify the inf files to make it work.
will look arround to see what i can find.
if you want some help in trying to get 9.5 working let me know......
happy to help. -
iv had both laptops and the dell is better built.
the dell has better screen by miles and a better speakers.
it weighs less, has a longer battery life and 16:9 for movies.
its got a ssd if i want which makes it run faster and turn on quicker as if i dont play games, i dont need a q9000.
plus its getting a 4670 mobility which i good if i need it.
its got good support and lots of people have one so if i get any problems, they are easy to sort. plus inhome support and 24/7 tech support is great.
by july 1st, they will be doing a windows 7 upgrade program aswell and that plus a 128gb ssd and all other bonuses is just way better then anything the advent offers.
ps; get some harmon kardon sound stick's if you want to hear sound. been out 5 years and they beat speakers more then 5 times their price range. -
Hmm strange the support was always there when i needed them.
Apparently Blueray has problems on majority of laptops because of different formats (from what i hear)
ACPI is great temps concidering there is a 30C margin of heat (and you can also modify the nb settings yourself.)
Realtek has an option which allows you to set the amount of speaker feeds, there are 2 speaker outs built onto the laptop, and the built in system, so you could run 3 feeds simletaneous (i think)
I think prehaps you have speaker probs ( i have a dell and it sound is terrible, tis a business lappy tho, but my entertainment sony sounds even worse hehe)
I still think SSD's are quite useless at the mo, and 128gb would take me 2 days of raw video editing to fill, which is poor.
The parts are by MSI, advent dont build laptops, just resell other peoples, in this case, colour and screen is different.
Its a shame your experiences aren't so good with the machine owais, i really do enjoy it. -
Good thing about laptops is you can pretty much get one that fits your needs if you have the budget.
the msi/advent fits gaming desktop replacement at 50% off dell equivilent plus if you want it as a full blown media center hooked up to a pucker cinema kit it can do that as well.
every laptop has (like a house) some compromise and if it dosent out way the benifits then it has to go. for this msi model is its screen res. for me after using it for couple of months wouldnt want to go any higher except perhaps in some games.
one final note on screen, reviews all said it needed tweeking in the ati colour etc to make it even better as the shipped default isnt perfect
Cat did you read my other two posts they were directed at you.
i did find a link at modified msi inf for 9.6 but for win 7
ps i think i found out for the stutter i was getting in riddick (wow this laptop is mean) under ati cct option powerplay i had it set to max batery when plugged in. what amazes me is the game was on max everything (except decals and aa) 1 cpu and it still played and looked awesome. -
Hehe yeah, i did a video mini review (gna finalise for youtube soon) of the performance in low power and ati in power saving - was on deadspace maxed, fallout maxed, gears maxed, no laaaag! )
And yeah dont worry datus im reading hehe, ati are so annoying with there drivers ! They dont put them in the US site lol, just w7 :/ i just hoped a bit more for vista support, but sadly my wish wont come true.
You will be happy to know that i contacted pcworld!
[email protected]
Dear Mr S********,
Thank you for your email dated 10th June 2009.
It is permissible to open any memory or hard drive covers on a laptop, in order to upgrade components. Any further disassembly of the product would void the warranty.
Thank you for contacting PC World
Yours sincerely,
Scott Howley
PC World Customer Services
We've been given quite a nice response there.
I want to reinstall 9.4, i had them with w7 and the frame rate really went stable, and apparently there are some huge gains in 9.6
It looks like the main drivers are still 8.6? Just catalyst is 9.5, or am i wrong? -
the dell is better for my needs as its got a better screen, better speaker(imo), lighter, 16:9 better for movies, has a SSD which i wont fill etc.
also, i just cant bring myself to use the super weird keyboard layout on the advent, i am typeing and pressing the wrong buttons somehow and it also somehow deletes what i type when i push something. it makes typeing hard. -
Hmmm true, its strange you can either love the keyboard or hate it, i type faster then any other keyboard on my advent hehe, ive only just gotten it back.
I think that you may have faulty speakers though, i haven't heard much better sound quality anywhere other than the toshiba k's.
Would be cool if lg p310's were out in the UK hehe, thats a nice 13 inch machine
16:9 res is terrible ratio tho, hate it regardless if it takes the black off the outsides in films. -
haha, looks like ati got you too.
you would think if a driver is 9.5 etc it would say so but no.
go to ati website and look at readme notes of 9.6
it will say driver 8.62
so do you want some help on 9.5 (basically better and easier than the german guide).
in mean time still waiting for someone to explain what they have to do to modifiy in the inf to make it work so i can do it or at least post it.
owais like i posted, if your not in love with the features of the msi/advent then dont spend your hard earned money on it. keyboard and screen are its minor drawbacks but if they are your main requirements then yes they wont be minor they will be major.
for me and cat they pale into insignificance because of the other features it does superbly which are OUR main requiements.
yep kb is a pain due to the little keys mid bottom but the keboard itself is superb quality.
For me the best thing would be a utility that disables certain keys just incase i hit one by mistake so it would do nothing. maybe a keyboard remap. -
I think thats been discussed, swapping the Ctrl and FN keys around mainly, if you have the time datus, going over the 9.5 would be great (IM STILL USING STOCK DRIVERS LOL)
Last time i tried to update vista drivers i got errors because of some unsupported error hehe.
Thanks for your time man, i appreciate it.
Cata -
Dam i spent a while typing what to do but i guess i messed up
i am currently writing it again.
be about 15 mins from this post -
ok using this link
1st download the inf and drivers.
ok uninstall.
Do option 2
then do normal add remove programs and remove the ati install.
Load up the web site again.
Now install
Do steps 1-6 (skipping download)
Do - alternative CCC install:
thats it should now look like this
View attachment 35246
let me know how you get on. -
Hey Datus, 9.5 is no longer available?
I can only see 9.6? I didnt think the INF was modded correctly yet. -
no worries.
tip for you as i had trouble finding this in the past.
at the bottom of the ati web page there is a link saying previous versions.
to save time here is the link target. -
Ok thanks datus, attempting now
Sorry for DP
Install was sucessful9.5 and catalyst installed!
Cheers Datus + Shiny rep for you sir. -
not sure why they made it as complicated as they did.
i guess it may have been all the re-trys they did to make it work messed up their ati install.
anyways nice to see you got there in the end and at least others can follow.
trying to fix someone else's pc atm, funny enough it looks like its an ati issue but its unrelated.
if i find anything else i will post it here.
i did manage to install newer versions of the system controler manager which i think i got off the msi website, also installed newer sound drivers from realtek. make sure you only install the hd one.
picture below is for people who want to know what i meant by default sound config.
Hehe, strangely sound wont run properly in prototype at that bit rate, no idea why.
i have found two english web sites that mod ati inf files but alas they havent done 9.6 yet.
can you post the diferance in benchmark the 9.5 gives to original?
also did you just use the free version of 3dmark06? -
Yeah, with stock res etc, altho im having issues with shader model 3 or something now, will post a comparison, but i think the difference is rather huge
, performance is shining so brightly with 9.5
i finaly download 3dmark and got these results
Score 10264 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score 3958
SM 3.0 Score 4825
CPU Score 2999
im also going to buy overlord 2 tomorrow and will let you know what thats like. -
Nice man, i tried overdrive on max clocks and it wont run games or 3dmark, i may have a working card but not a very good one, when it comes to shader model 3 anyway, sucks to be honest.
you need it to auto overclock rather than move the dial to max.
however ive left it at default as i dont have anything the BEAST cant play.
overlord 2 on max everything is simply divine.
played it 5 hours or so straight never a pause or a hickup......
and the laptop didnt melt...
i think you can rip a blu-ray, download a file and play max games all at the same time and im sure its saying is that all ya got lad......
this (and the msi) is one of them secret laptops that only those in the know, know about..........and have big grins on their faces. -
Hehe yeah, i game in low power profile while running several transfers (to ipod/network/demo downloads) and so on without any problem at all, im just worried that if my card cant handle them clocks (like everyone elses can) that it may have a reduced lifetime.
I also accidently scratched my mouse pad :/ so im thinking about finding some really thin material with a weak adhesive on the bottom and then putting some pattern over the top of it, or some strange abstract pictures.
GT725 with Quad core, the Advent 6555?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by platypusbob, Feb 18, 2009.