on notebookcheck they say the 260m performance is somewhat higher than the 9800m gtx. they also say the 280m gtx has performance between the desktop 9800 gt and 9800 gtx.
Could be true, but would have to wait for actual benches to tell.
It has higher clocks then the hd4850 however less transistors and pipelines.
I think they should perform close (is it cuda core?) -
i wud say 4850 would be close to the 260m. the 4850 vs 280m ive seen fps 75 vs 98 low settings far cry, 45 vs 62 on high settings. call of duty 4 68 vs 75 high settings. so by that information thats around a 30% difference.
I still think the sager is going to be 1200+ -
Someone has volted up and set the clocks to desktop settings on there gt 725 (hd4850) , i think the oced HD v the 280m will be very good. =)
I wonder how hes able to sustain the heat though.
These are testers pics (In the 725 forum with crazy OC clocks xD)
The core clock is nice
but look how crazy the memory speed is man. And he hasnt reported artifacting. -
Here is a GPU-z screenshot for those who are interested
Also i would like to stick XP on this laptop, anyone know where i can easily find all the drivers i may need for the 4850 gfx card?[/QUOTE]
For the Advent 6555 there is a directory on the hard disk (assuming you have VISTA installed), you must make visible system files, I think it was under C:/applications/oem or something like that. DO THIS BEFORE TRASHING YOUR VISTA INSTALL. If I do get any more driver info I will post it here.
REMEMBER unless in the BIOS (del when you start up) in the advanced tab you disable AHCI then windows XP install fails with an error like
STOP 0x0000007B(0xF78DA63C,0x0000034,0X x0000000,0x0000000 error message if I booted with Windows XP. I resolved the issue by the following actions
See this forum for more details (where I got the hint from);
I also had a merged XP SP3 DVD in the end (you need to own an XP SP1 or SP2 CD and have activation codes etc. for this to work), dont know if I needed it but should you decide you do need it, look here ;
http://www.howtohaven.com/system/slipstream-xp-service-pack-3.shtml -
i cant find any, anywhere
There either made to order or discontinued from what i understand, prehaps look into MSI GT725-210UK? Or GT725-212US.
so is it a good laptop, anyone whos go it?
and are the drivers etc same as msi gt725?
few questions tho.
is the screen nice? idm the 1400x900 rse, i like a big res. my FW with 1920x1080 was too small.
how big is the HDD and what speed is it? 5400rpm or 7200rpm?
good for games?
does it have a 9 cell battery? -
EDIT: Not if you're in Glasgow or something. I'm in London here. haha -
ok its 9 cell, and 5400rpm 250gb.
is it worth buying one for £899 as its not owned by many people and its discontinued after 1 month of being out.
plus its only a 250gb 5400rpm HDD which sucks and i would like to replace. -
It's 5400rpm.
Taken from:
Yeah 899 Is great price.
So hows everyone finding there Advents then, any known issue's?
Ive had none, no problems, anything like that.
The only thing that has happened is i think the speakers crunched but im pretty sure that was because of the equaliser i had in realtec HD control (Nifty tools in there)
Also i've noticed its a finger magnet alright however cleaning is no problem at all.
The mousepad either has a layer of greese over or its actually starting to wear, i dont really want to go buying an alcohol solution to clear it off just incase it wears through to another layed (My old Sony's mousepad was dreadful after alot of use, it went from white to brown to hole hehe).
Gaming performance!
Ive played Mirrors Edge, Bioshock, Call Of Duty 5 (Eagerly awaiting 4 - Modern warfare 2) Unreal 3, Star Trek Legacy, And EVE Online (With 24 Times Anti Aliasing forced!) Frame rate of 50 with that on which i just think, WOW incredible.
Ive also noticed no problem with single core game performance, The Ram, the 4th GB of ram which is added to Dedicated GPU Stack for RAM is really good, so its being utilised.
I dont mind 32bit at all.
Thats all i can really think of really, Mind you i am thinking of putting Intel's turbo memory in if i can (There should be a PCI Slot remaining for a TV Tuner so prehaps i can get some turbo memory for that)
Last thing actually, i've really been blown away by ATI, this being my first card, ive had fluency throughout all my games, No crashes at all, and no support issues, i am also using the stock 8.56 drivers, HURAAAAAY for ATI!
Temparatures still remain around 86C in furmark and cores always in region of about 68C if being fully utilised.
Feedback people, How's your advent! -
Hi if anyone is struggling to get hold of one; I finally received mine (long story) and did end up with two being sent to me (even longer story - similar experience to someone else here).
I paid £999 each and one has not been used at all so is totally brand new.
I am in London, live near Clapham Common and work near Westminster.
Contact me if you want it if not I will try to return via the Currys/PC World fiasco that I bought them through.
Which was an utter, total nightmare I might ad - and it took nearly 3 weeks to resolve!!!!
Happy now though.
Scott -
Sorry, another quick post.
Do owners reccommend upgrading the RAM if so to what?
I do not plan to change the operating system.
And I am not going to mess around with the drivers either - I've been there before with ATI and in my experience, I will take stability over the last 5% of theoretical performance. -
Ram is already at the maximum, it doesn't support more.
Only thing you can do is get A 64Bit OS
Or try using a memory stick for page filing, i think that sounds quite good -
I still absolutly love this laptop. I buggered around with different operating systems, but eventually i just restored from the stock DVD's.
One thing i have found out, the 32bit cd key works on 64bit. so if you can some how get your hands on a 64bit home premium, apparently the cd key will work.
The speed is unbelievable, even on battery i dont get to see the welcome screen, it goes straight to desktop and plays all the sounds at the same time! (great show off peice)
My only real massive gripe with this laptop is the speakers. Brilliant bass responce, and the sound is cracking, but on some videos (especially youtube) there is a noticable case rattle. ive tried many different things (squeezing the case where it buzzes, flicking it, screaming at it etc). Oh well.
Gaming seems to get better and better on it, only thing that has annoyed me gaming wise is that i can play crysis on full, i can play gta 4 on nearly full (everything on high, highest res, textures med), but i cant play nwn2 on full (textures fine, but shadows kill it!) i think its mainly down to poor programming on their behalf.
Crackin laptop though, i wonder if anyone has done the msi bios on this yet though? -
Yeah that would be nice, and now there are releases of the quad core 725, we may find overclocking come to us soon
Which would be another +
I haven't noticed any of this case rattle, what i have noticed is the majority of youtube sound is crap quality hehe, and thus i haven't been using it really.
Im really happy with the performance on the HD4850 along with the lower frequency quad core, its apserlutely blowing everything i throw at it away.
As for NW2, it could just be down for support for ATI? prehaps, they may favour other cards but im not too sure.
My only problem is that my speaker is emmitting a high frequency sound when it isnt used, (more specifically the subwoofer). -
This is one hell of a long thread.... Cataclysm recommended the MSI gt725 to me in another thread. I was impressed with the specs, especially the inclusion of quad core for the price. However loking at it im not a big fan of the keyboard layout nor the red around edges. Can anybody tell me the main differences - advantages/disadvantages - in brief between the msi and the advent.... or if there is anything similar worth me looking at? Sorry if this has already been done... Its a lot of pages to trawl through if ive missed something...
Also if you had to choose, would you go for the ATI graphic card or nvidia? -
gpt, the Advent has a lower res screen, no over/underclock button and different color scheme.
Im happy with the choice i made to go for ATI over NVIDIA, problem is i dont think the Advent is available anymore, unless there are some left in your local, the keyboard is quite easy to get used to i must sat but i think the gt725 red is a standard with MSI these days, not sure there are other colour schemes hehe.
The advent is a great piece of kit though, look around GPT you may find one -
And thats for the info
Also ati or nvidia? i know theyve been at war a while now... whos winning at the moment?
Also are there any alternative or similar product at the moment? -
Well its basically a war between the 627 and the 725 (Nvidia 627, ATI 725)
I think the Ati beats the 9800 gs in the 627 but also the 9800 GTX in some notebooks, as i said though, i dont think there sold anymore -
Also how come the 6555 is no longer availabe?
Im coming to the table quite late here arent i -
Yeah hehe, i believe it was an early release to see the popularity before releasing the proper MSI model
(The advent is the MSI model mind you) just with less features -
You can see the list of GPU comparisons here: http://www.notebookcheck.net/Comparison-of-Graphic-Cards.130.0.html
Will some1 please tell me how to go from stock driver to 9.3cat atleast? or 9.4? i downloaded the file on page 45 . do I have to unzip the rar file before I replace it? im so confuse.. will some1 pelase explain how to do it, ill really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
There are some guides on how to do this in the forums somewhere. Don't have a link, you can try searching for them.
Look for specifically for a person called Tester, he has many tutorials.
Remember me asking about the msi gt725? and the advent 655?
Went into my local pc world today and walked right past an advent 655couldnt believe it. i asked if they had any more in the back. The guy checked his computer before realising it was the last 6555 in the entire region. Turns out they had missed one i the back and it went on display about 2 weeks ago. And as it was on clearance... i just picked up my quad core advent 6555 with my stunning radeon card and 4gb of ram etc etc etc for £899.
I am so chuffed right now!!!!!
Now im combing the thread for graphics drivers etc. -
Apserlutely fantastic man! Its the best laptop i've actually had and it comes close to pc performance within its price region (and it will fluently run crisis maxed out
But 1 more, and for 899, fantastic buy!
Get up to date, this things a power house, i would also reccomend looking at the vista tweek guide, this thing is an animal when fully tweaked! -
The application timeout to shutdown, cut it by 75% and shutdowns will become almost instant, and scan for other monitors, disable it for pretty much instant start up, run reg cleaners, disk defrags, all sorts hehe.
Its a platform you dont have delay on -
Good tips on the start up n shut down. Disk defrags are pretty straight forward enough... How about drivers? I want to get that bench mark score as high as humanly possible... Anything in particular I need there and any instructions on how to do it?
well tester just released 9.5 cata beta's in the 725 forums, give them a shot, his benchmarks went even HIGHER, hmm windows updates etc etc lol, thats it really, is SP2 out soon for vista?
Sorry to ask... and im sure its been done elsewhere... but how do i do these things? Im not new to computers, i generally know my way around. But i dont know how to do these things...
Also... is there a in depth guide on how to install these drivers? I saw a brief 4 points on what your supposed to do... but it didnt say exactly how you edit the file to recognise the ati 4850...
Im sure there must be guides somewhere... but i cant seem to find them :s -
i think if you look up the user named tester, there are instructions in his sig
Thanks to Les and his personal testers for these tweaks
"Here are the ones i've found to have a great gain in startup/shutdown + performance boost."
1. Disable TMM
This tweak is responsible for about a 3-5 second delay and blank screen flash when you start Vista. It searches for external monitors but is unnecessary.
If you are not using an external monitor, or don't switch back and forth always then turn TMM off. This is responsible for a 3-5 second pause and blank flash you get when turning your computer on.
Here's how to fix that annoying black flicker on boot:
Go start/control panel/administrative options/task scheduler.
On the left-hand side, click "Task Scheduler Local" (you should already be there, but just in case).
Expand "Task Scheduler Library," then "Microsoft," then "Windows," then click "MobilePC."
Up top, you'll see a task called "TMM." Click it, and on the right-hand side, click "Disable."
You're done!
Start time reduced and blank flash gone!!!!
"The one below works very well but do take note that changes to the registry can damage your computer! (Do backups etc etc)"
3. Cut Shut Down Time In Half!!
I need to precede this with a warning that we are going to advance ourselves a bit here by moving into editing our registry. It means that its absolutely necessary to follow the exact steps as a wrong entry or deletion my cause a reinstall of Vista at worst.
Before we start, by default, there is a 20 second delay in shutdown of Vista, a process that vista has set in order to allow software to shutdown correctly. You can adjust this to a much shorter time, thus significantly reducing the total time it takes to shutdown your computer.
Ready? Ok lets go..
1. Press the Start Orb (bottom left and then go into the Run command (remember Windows key + R).
2. Type 'Regedit' (without the quotes) and hit enter.
3. As the Registry File is so large, Im going to ask you to go top right and maximize this to full screen...and follow me.
4. Click the little triangle to the left of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ SYSTEM/ CurrentControlSet/ Control.
5. Click on the "Control" Folder. Select "WaitToKillServiceTimeout" Right click on it and select Modify. The default value is 20000. Setting it to a lower 4 digit value, say 5000
6. Simply exit when done.
The 20000 signifies a 20 second delay wheres 5000 signifies a 5 second delay. I cut 20 seconds off my shutdown time by changing this as it suggests so don't try and figure out exact time reduction by numbers...just play with it bit by bit.
You may want to remain at the 5000 mark as Vista does need time to shut software down. If this is not enough, come back and increase the size.
Disable UAC and VISTA Indexing helps.
Also checking some advanced HDD options can have a nice gain.
10. Turn on Write Caching for Better SATA Disk Performance!!!!
This tweak speeds up the performance of your hard disk by enabling write caching. There is a danger to this, if you have no backup power supply, as a loss of power would result in loss of any information within the cache at the time of the outage. So.... make sure to continually backup your files in data programs such as Word, Excel, and so on...
To enable write caching:
1. Press Vista Orb/Computer/right click on 'C'/Properties;
2. Click on Hardware and double click on your hard drive;
3. Go to Policies and check 'Enable Write caching on the Disk'
4. You can go one step further by checking 'Enable Advanced performance' but pay attention to the underlying warning.
This option isn't available to all. Newer systems are automatically set to run in AHCI mode through the BIOS and utilize a program called the 'Intel Matrix Storage Manager'. Together, these already enably higher performance of your system and prevent you from 'Enhancing Write Caching' on your own. You may be able to check it off but when you exit and return, its unchecked again. Don't panic!!! Thats just the way it presently works.
I would also add, Run an antivirus every week/month, CCleaner or Auslogics Registry Defragger and shutdown any unneccery processes during start up.
You will notice a nice difference in this tutorial, even on an old battered vista pc -
Thanks Cataclysm
Nice and easy instructions... followed without a hitch
Im just looking into improving my graphics drivers now -
Hehe no problem man, lemme know how the graphics update goes because i may advance on from stock drivers.
Yes thanks from me too Cataclysm will try them out later
They are very efficient
You will notice a difference.
So guys, anyone try out the tweaks?
Ive put windows 7 on it 64bit client 7100 and it works like a charm, i do have a graphics ccc problem though but i am working to fix.
this threads quite dead now hehe. -
does the turbo button work on this?
This doesnt come with turbo button functions, it can be overclocked via set fsb.
as i hear advents arnt too good and there support isnt too good either.
plus , unlike the msi, you cant oc the cpu either :/
Also, what res is the screen as is it good, as thats one of the main buying points.
is it 64bit or 32bit?
sldo o you get a vista disc or can you make recovery discs?
GT725 with Quad core, the Advent 6555?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by platypusbob, Feb 18, 2009.